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Sounds like the Republicans to me....


T. W. said…
Hitler wrote his plan years in advance in Mein Kampf.

They didn’t want to know. They probably wanted it to happen.

Even if they never read the book or heard of it, a lot of people spoke out against the regime.

People who lived near the concentration camps & crematoriums spoke out.

Perhaps it was considered fake news...
Cordelia said…
A lie doesn't become the truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because it is accepted by the majority.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It always annoyed me that Hitler named his vile book, Mein Kampf. As it means My Struggle in German.

But in fact everyone in Europe struggled or died because of him.

It has always been a banned book.

And yet libraries are making it available again.

This disgusts me.

Especially when Right Wing ideals are on the rise.

Germany continually gets away with their 'we are so sweet and now do the right thing' Post War image.

But the facts dont support Germany's claimed position.

In Jan 2017, the BBC reported that Germany was seeing overwhelming sales of Mein Kampf.

85,000 German language copoes were sold.

And a French language edion was planned.

The elephant in the room question. Is....

Why the this book is even being published?

The background is ....after the Nazi defeat in 1945, the allied forces handed the copyright to the state of Bavaria.

In Germany, copyright lasts 70 years.

But while the Bavarian regional government held the copyright, reprinting/republishing the book was banned.


But the copyright expired in 2016.

So Publisher, Andreas Wirsching obtained legal advice and somehow got permissiin to publish the Mein Kampf book on a limited scale.

He was shocked that it sold out.

Even though it was very expensive ...released as a scholarly edition

How could Mein Kampf be considered a scholarly edition??

This is just an outrage to me.

And how dishonourable to those who died, fighting the Nazis.

That Germany should be permitted in Europe to reprint this disgusting dangerous book.

And. The effort to get Hitler's birth place house in Austria demolished has gone on for years too.

That house or rather building, should have been demolished during the German surrender in Austria. Or soon after.

After lots of local government politicking and the owner of that building has finally come to an agreement. The house Hitler grew up in, is to become an Austrian Police Station.

I cannot believe the Austrians have got away with allowing this house to stand. As it poses a never ending shrine to Neo Nazi Tourism.

Yes. Guys. Theres such a thing as Neo Nazi Tourism.

Thats the problem.

I find it very very suspicious. That both Mein Kampf and Hitler's birthplace have been permitted to continue to exist.

Despite Germany and most European countries claiming a sustained devotion to the legal obligation of eradicating all Nazi paraphernalia, military stuff...etc. The trading of it is actually illegal in Europe.

It has been since the World War 2.

No. The reprinting of Mein Kampf and the retaining of Hitlers birthplace speaks volumes to me.

That there are those in high places in Europe ensuring Nazi ideology continues.

Its obvious.
T. W. said…
I never read it. Rumor has it your name gets put on a list if you buy it or check it out of the library.

I think people need to read it.

1) So we can’t deny the past.

2) So we can learn from the past. Hopefully for the good.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That wouldn't surprise me
Chick'sOpinion said…
The New York Times ran an article this week. On one of the chemicals that the Nazis developed and used in WW2.

A dangerous chemical.

Its called Chloropyrifos. And they used it as a Nerve Gas.

And its been discovered that its still in use ...widely in the U.S

It's related to a range of health issues. Including cancer and Parkinson's disease.

Journalists have discovered its being sprayed across millions of acres of U.S farmland.

Despite the fact the U.S Environmental Protection Agency recommended it be banned a long time ago.

There are currently moves in the U.S Government to ban it in all states.

But unsurprisingly the chemical companies have lobbied to stop the ban.

And oddly U.S farmers have lobbied to stop the ban of them using Chloropyrifos.

Because they love it.

I used to have a warm feeling about all farmers.

I dont anymore.

Like my love of the show, Little House On The Praire. I had an inaccurate impression.

Especially when its children in rural areas that are at high risk to this chemical being sprayed.

But the reality is. Findings have discovered that even non rural children are being affected by this chemical.

But thankfully this chemical is banned in the European Union.

Its so dangerous, it can pass from mother to fetus.

Yup. Dangerous stuff.

And yet, the Trump administration did everything they could recently... to stop the banning of it.

Which is shocking.
T. W. said…
The pharmaceutical and chemical companies are some of the most powerful political lobbyists. And not just in America.


Why are people shocked?

Ask General Mills how and why they are still manufacturing and selling food that has proven to be contaminated with RoundUp Weed Killer, which contains a known human carcinogen.

Ask Monsanto how they were able to continue manufacturing and selling RoundUp Weed Killer even though people have known for years RoundUp causes cancer.

Ask them how they can still sell it even though they have lost millions of dollars in law suits. Those millions are pennies to them.

Ask them how they are putting organic farmers out of business.

Ask them how they are causing farmers in India to live in abject poverty.

Ask them why honeybees started dying after Monsanto got farmers to start using their genetically modified seeds.

Ask them why years ago people suffered allergic reactions after eating corn tortillas at Taco Bell. Then ask Monsanto why they released a statement saying the corn was never meant for human consumption. Ask them what they intended to do with the corn. By the way, Taco Bell “food” still makes people sick. I am one of them. Some of the worst itching ever.

Ask them why allergies have been on the rise ever since Monsanto put out their genetically modified seeds. People with no family history of allergies are suffering. The timing is suspicious.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I was hoping you would make these comments. Because your knowledge on these matters is strong.

And passionate.

And you are living proof of what happens when people when they get get multiple allergic reactions. To food they have f..cked with.

And shit they spraying thats affecting us.
And our kids.
T. W. said…

You are welcome. I hate evil. Evil must be exposed.

And you are right. I’ve got a lot of allergies and not just to food. I am limited in what I can eat. I’ve lost over 70 pounds in less than 1 year.

I’m very hungry and afraid to leave the home even with a mask on. The allergies have been that bad.

But even so, I have indoor allergies too. Only Jesus can help me. I need a miracle to happen and sustain me until the blessings fully manifest. I’m so hungry and tired.
Chick'sOpinion said…

When they wonder where all these new born babies are getting allergies. They don’t have to look far.

Chemicals in our food, air and water systems.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Erm mer gerrrd TW

If you are afraid to leave the house without a mask on.

Then you'd know what Michael Jackson's kids childhood was like.

Remember how he made them wear face masks everywhere. Outside. Cause of photographers.

That was shocking.

No wonder Paris Jackson is a bit of a basketcase.

The Jacksons will be dying to get their hands on her inheritance.

Probably already have.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

My mom HATES when I wear the mask and continues to make hurtful comments. Sometimes I tell people I’m in the Michael Jackson Fan Club. I have seriously thought about buying or making Michael Jackson stickers to put on the mask.

I feel sorry for Paris. CDAN claims someone in the Jackson Family abused her. I would not be surprised if the family mismanaged her funds for themselves.
Chick'sOpinion said…

It's predicted Paris Jackson grows up and goes to court with the Jackson's over her inheritance.

And wins.

But it won't be till she's nearer 40 apparently.

Hope she lives long enough.

Theyre probably hoping she doesn't.

Poor you.

Wearing a mask. Outside.

It's like you are allergic to the world.

But this where we have arrived at on earth.

So many poisons in everything. And we have allergies to them.

The only thing I'm mildly allegic to is pineapple.

I eat heaps of it. Fresh.

But as I cut off big slices and chew it.

It makes my cheeks itchy for a day.

I couldn't live in a world without pineapple.

I consider myself very lucky to not have these extreme allegies.

It limits you so much.

And it's so dangerous.

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