The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
This is funny to me for all the wrong reasons.
Dear Men and Lesbians of planet Earth:
Please leave whores alone. You buy cheap but you will pay double.
With love,
T. W.
My guess is Trump will say a lot of $hit. He is operating on the lower vibrations of Gemini and Leo and suffers from diarrhea of the mouth.
As a change in attitude has started ....against the U.S occupying in Iraq at the moment. The Iraqis are not happy with the behaviour of the U.S Military this weekend. They also pissed off generally with Iran.
But over the weekend, the U.S launched considerable airstrikes on Iranian backed Militia in Iraq...killing more than 24 of them.
They were direct reprisals for more than 30 Rockets, the Kataib Hezbollah launched against an Iraqi Military Base near KirKuk. That killed an American contractor, wounded Americans and 2 Iraqi Serviceman.
Seems fair enough.
The Problem is ...Iraq is caught in a general tug of War...between Iran and the U.S at the moment. And were beginning to favour the U.S.
Not now.
They feel the U.S overstepped their rights. In Iraq. By going full out crazy in those Air Strikes.
And why does the U.S have 5,200 Troops in Iraq anyway.
Well because it's an attempt to control Islamic State there. Which is a good thing.
But the Iraqis and the U.S also have the added problem there. Of this Iranian Ktaib Hezbollah. Bring prolific. There are 30,000 of these nuts.
And. The Ktaib Hezbollah Forces are highly organized. And efficient apparently. And seems they are modelled on Lebanon's Hezbollah.
They were created by that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps i mentioned before. A crackpot trigger happy armed forces. Who were also created by a dangerous Iranian bigoted Leader, old Ayatollah Khomeini.
We used to hear about him all the time back in the day. He is the Islamic nut who caused the Iranian revolution of 1979. And took the country back to the dark ages. Of Islam ruling the country.
So the mini skirts and Western dress for women and girls was banned immediately. And not showing their hair. Everyone had to appear to Muslim.
And. There was no reprieve in Iran, when leader, Ayatollah Khomeini died in 1989.
It remained strictly Islamist.