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T. W. said…
Christian, it gets worse:

Trump lashes out at Time magazine for naming 16-year-old Greta Thunberg person of the year

(Trump has a point)


In a Thursday morning tweet, Trump called Time magazine's choice "ridiculous" and suggested Greta work on her "Anger Management" and make new friends her age.

"Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend," he wrote.

He added: "Chill Greta, Chill!"

Trump was referring to Greta's angry outbursts and her habit of speaking to adults in a disrespectful tone. According to her handlers, Greta is "autistic.”


Trump is the 2nd world leader to publicly spank the teenager this week.

Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro rebuked Greta after she criticized his country for not protecting indigenous Brazilians in the Amazon.

"It's impressive that the press is giving space to a brat like that," Bolsonaro said.
T. W. said…
It’s that time of year Friends! The Satanic Winter Solstice rituals are close at hand. May God protect us.

Never forget. Evil has been defeated. Do not give it your power.

Video -

Christopher Lee Describes the Power of Satanic Rituals in 1975 Video

In this rare interview, actor Christopher Lee discusses the power of black magic and satanic rituals, adding that there’s “nothing fictitious” about them. He also explains why there was a resurgence of interest in occultism at the time. His answer remains fully relevant today.
T. W. said…
Don’t take my word for things. Get it from the horse’s mouth.

FROM ARTICLE (source given further down)

To truly understand black magic, one must read the words of actual occultists, not “witchcraft is fun” bloggers. Eliphas Levi (the guy who drew Baphomet) wrote in his classic Dogmes et Rituels de la Haute Magie:

Black Magic is really only a graduated combination of sacrileges and murders designed for the permanent perversion of a human will and for the realization in a living man of the hideous phantom of the demon. It is therefore, properly speaking, the religion of the devil, the cultus of darkness, hatred of good carried to the height of paroxysm: it is the incarnation of death and the persistent creation of hell.

– Eliphas Levi, Dogmes et Rituels de la Haute Magie.

The other prominent occultist and 33rd degree Freemason Manly P. Hall explains the high price of black magic.

True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave.

The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification of personal desire. Its less complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil. A man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power, and down through the ages a mysterious process has been evolved which actually enables him to make this exchange.
– Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

To those who believe that this is all bunk, remember this: Some of the most powerful, intelligent and influential people in world history believed in this stuff and studied it extensively. So, as I like to say, the fact that you are not aware of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. (Not my words but I agree. Here is more from the same article):

Although it might the worst idea for a children’s book in world history, A Children’s Book of Demons exists. It is published, widely distributed and it is sold on Amazon, at Walmart and some of the largest book stores in the country.


A Children’s Book of Demons is basically a grimoire (a manual of witchcraft to invoke demons and the spirit of the dead) for children. It contains 72 demons that can be conjured by children for their personal benefit (which is the definition of black magic). Each demon is accompanied by a sigil (a symbol representing a demon imbued with occult power) and a “cute” drawing (that is replete with occult symbolism).


To summon these demons, children are encouraged to reproduce their sigils, which are very similar to actual sigils in the Goetia – the classic reference work for black magic.


“A Children’s Book of Demons” Teaches Children How to Summon Demons
T. W. said…
Epstein and Prince Andrew Accuser Posts Chilling Tweet: “I Am Not Suicidal”

One of the Tweets:

I am making it publicy known that in no way, shape or form am I sucidal. I have made this known to my therapist and GP- If something happens to me- in the sake of my family do not let this go away and help me to protect them. Too many evil people want to see me quiteted


Guiffre’s ominous tweet is highly reminiscent of the tweet posted by pedophile whistleblower Natasha Jaitt … a few months before her death.

In 2018, the Argentinian model accused a number of well-known public figures – including politicians, journalists, entertainers, and sports stars – of being involved in underage prostitution earlier on live TV. She is also believed to have implicated a close friend of Pope Francis in the alleged pedophile ring.

In April 2018, Jaitt posted on Tweeter a warning:

“WARNING: I am not going to commit suicide, I am not going to take too much cocaine and drown in a bath, or shoot myself. So if this happens, IT WASN’T ME. Save this tweet”

[The original Tweet is not in English. The link has a screenshot of the original.]
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you drawing a comparison...of the murder of Natasha Jaitt. A victim of child prostitution.

And the precarious safety of all these victims of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

I'd say they have had murdered a few of the victims already.

We don't know who they are ....because they never made it as far to a police station. To tell their story.

The rest of these brave girls who have gone to the Virginia Guiffre.

Are in danger. And the FBI know it.

But what are they doing to protect them?
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD how far in danger of being murdered Virginia Guiffre?

Epstein's victim. And brave soul.

We have alot of concerns for her.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So now Trump has decided to sign an excutive order to control the rise of anti-Semitism on U.S college campuses.

Well for a start. If he had have controlled White Nationalist groups in the U.S rather than court them. Perhaps he wouldn't be in this position.

Of having to threaten to stop Federal Funding to colleges. Who fail to demonstrate an attempt to stop anti semitism on campus.

Because this is what this executive order proposes.

Ironically he's using parts of The Civil Rights Act 1964 to utilise this order.

Whatevers decided... there is no doubt anti-semitism is on the rise.


And in the thick of the argument.
Theres the profoundly contraversial issue of Israel as a homeland for Jews.

Or is it occupying ?

Ive always felt they should bloody well share the region.

But no.

They prefer to fight over it. For 7 decades.

I grew up watching on TV, the annual violent macabre scenes theat have played out in Palastine and Israel.

And I'm very tired of the argument.

The world is tired of their argument.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Environmental cause needs a more capable leader now. Rather than Greta Thunberg.

Shes been good for drawing attention to the issue.

But they now need someone.

Who for a srat an adult.

And is not autistic.
Letty said…
Some world psychics have predicted that trump
Will get re-elected in 2020.
Some said that if this happens he will be
Assassinated the first year
Chick'sOpinion said…
And when Greta Thunberg's parents encouraged her to become an environmental activist.

Did they review the amount of environmental activists who have been murdered in the last 40 years.

Its an astounding anount.

In most countries.

The UK bumped off anti nuclear activists quite regularly.

Even politicians. Who were against the government's nuclear agenda.

Being rather old. Jeremy Corbyn would remember it well.
He actually has a long history of opposing nuclear energy.

But curiously, in the Copeland by-election in 2017 in the UK. Where the infamous Sellafield Nuclear power station Cumbria.

Labour lost.

Because Corbyn opposed tbe whole nuclear industry there. And everywhere else.

Oddly.. at the last minute in that by-election, Jeremy Corbyn backed down of his views slightly. And agreed to back a new Nuclear Station Moorside.

Bit wishy washy. And confused don't you think?

But the whole of the political spectrum in the UK. Have a rather bizarre vision for the energy industry.

For a start, both parties accept nuclear power as an inevitable power source.

Ummm. That is such an outdated approach.

Though i will say. Jeremy Corbyn is definately for Nuclear Disarmament. And is an activist in that field. Has been for decades.

Smart arse juvenile Greta could learn alot from Jeremy Corbyn.

But ya know...

She's person of the year.

And she knows everything.
T. W. said…

You are welcome. The best thing the other victims can do is make a public statement because they already have a target on the backs.
If they speak up & something happens to them we know who & why.
T. W. said…
The federal government should stop financially hurting HBCUs - Historically Black Colleges & Universities. Government policies are hurting us.
T. W. said…
Greta Thunberg needs to go to school and hang out with children her own age.
T. W. said…
Letty is right.

I noticed that the psychics who predicted Trump will be re-elected made their predictions before October.

Let’s see what happens.
T. W. said…
Morals, hygiene, and decency get you nowhere in this world:

Open Post: Lizzo and her thong are headed to Houston to dance for the Rockets

Lizzo is headed home to Houston to dance for the Rockets NBA team following the backlash she received for dancing inappropriately in a thong at a recent Lakers game.

The 31-year-old singer shocked NBA fans when she wore a black t-shirt with the back cut out exposing her abundant cheeks.


Despite the uproar, the Houston Rockets extended an invitation to Lizzo dance with their cheerleaders, the Clutch City Dancers.

On Dec. 11, the team tweeted: "@Lizzo, we like your moves! You have an open invite to come home to Houston and dance with @OfficialCCD on the court any time!"

Lizzo was born in Michigan and raised in Texas happily accepted the invitation, tweeting: "I'll be there with bells on my booty."
Chick'sOpinion said…
I rang the Greta Thunberg help line today. Because’ humanity is standing at a crossroads’. I talked it over.
But I kept reverting to the statement,

‘How dare you?


‘You’ve stolen my dreams’

‘With your empty words’

I hung up, when they invited me to the next Climate Summit.

Because ‘people are suffering, people are dying’

Ahh mahhh Garrrd.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Sorry Guys

But I just can’t take Greta Thunberg seriously.

I think she’s a twit.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And GretaThunberg needs to be reminded.

It’s her generation who are first to require air conditioning in all their classrooms
A TV of their own in their room
Get driven to school instead of walking
Spend all day on their devices
Demand an update on perfectly working devices... to be cool
And engage in mass consumerism of shit from shops

Nah sorry. I’m real tired of Milennials preaching to me about being eco and environmentally aware.

We used to sew holes in socks. Not throw them out and buy new ones.
Let me know if you ever see a millennial darn a pair of socks.

Someone needs to sew a sock in Greta’s demented mouth now!

Oh wait. When that happens. Her mother will bring out a book on her.

Boyan Slat, the Dutch inventor, who at 16 invented a the world’s first Ocean Plastic Cleanup System. Is the one who deserves Person Of The Year.

Not Greta Thunberg.
T. W. said…

It’s safe to rant here.

I agree with everything you said.

If I had said those things I would have some people knocking on my door. I would have been transported to an undisclosed location.

Because when I get very upset the filter comes off and the foot in mouth disease looks tame in comparison.

I do have some self control, lol!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I know. I went on a full rant about that Greta Thunberg yesty.

I thoroughly dislike her continuing to take a global leadership role in Environmental issues.

Mainly because it's a really critical issue.

And will go down and dissipate. With her leadership.

She doesnt have the skills to lead. From here on. And neither do her stupid 'entertainment ' parents.

The leadership needs to be transferred to someone normal, educated, talented and over 18.

Before the boat sails on this issue thats finally got the worlds attention.

My concern is... Greta Thunberg's parents are gonna try and hold the fame crown on this issue... for themselves for as long as possible.

To the detriment of the cause.

But for their own personal gain.

Which you mentioned previously.

The mother of Greta releasing her book on a key date.

That coincided with Greta doing something public.
T. W. said…
I’m sick of THEM too.

Never forget, THEY have no power of any kind.
Morgan said…
@Chick's Opinion / TW:
- Donald Trump is not a "white nationalist" and nor does he court such groups.

- Greta Thunberg and her parents are paid-off puppets of the ultra corrupt George Soros. Greta is very obviously a mentally abused child who is having her multiple mental disorders exploited. These people are sick, sick, sick bc there is no "cause" other than lining their own pockets.

- Her yacht uses more fossil fuel to sail across the Atlantic to climate conferences than flying does. It's all a stunt of proven lies and hypocrisy for which the Left is famed.

- In 2008, Al Gore told a German audience that “the entire North Polarized cap will disappear in 5 years.” By 2013. That didn't happen so grant greedy UN "scientists" got their heads together and switched the goalpost to 12 years.

- At least 2 UN climate execs are on public record admitting that their climate change agenda is really about replacing Capitalism with global socialism (welfare state); ie. the New World Order, as per Agendas 21 and 2030. The "science" doesn't add up bc it's a hoax. (And Australia is cooler now than in the 1800s. So much for "global warming".)
T. W. said…
Hi Morgan!

1) Trump does court white nationalists. He comes to them every time he comes to North Carolina. I live in North Carolina. I am not giving you second and third hand information. Trump will court anyone to get a vote. If you don’t believe me then there is a multitude of video and photographic evidence you can research.

2) We agree with you about Greta Thunberg. Greta and the sibling are being abused by their handlers, uh, I meant parents. Yes. A while back I provided a link to an article that discussed their link to George Soros & the occult elite. Mr E did very thorough research but YouTube pulled that particular video, saying it was harassment. I assure you it was not. YouTube made policy changes that came into effect December 10. Mr E’s channel is no longer there. I’m glad I downloaded the videos I could get. I really wish I had that Greta video.

3) Thank you for telling us about the yacht using a ton of fossil fuels. I had wondered about that. We know about the Yacht Girls & I truly hope the parents are not being pimps.

4) Anyone who takes Al Gore seriously deserves to be fooled. His family makes chemicals. He travels in a private jet. Need I say more?

5a) Yes, everything is about the New World Order. It’s already here. THEY are easing the masses in. Us Light Workers have a lot of work to do in the meantime because according to my Christian faith the New World Order situation has to play out.

5b) Yes, it’s very cold. Some people make the argument that global warming is causing the cold spells because g. w. is causing the shifts in weather patterns. Those of us who talk about weather manipulation are seen as insane conspiracy theorists. Okay then. I want the critics to explain how a hurricane stayed in one spot for 5 days.

5c) The earth was created to be “tropical.” All human and animal life survived in that environment. Tropical is not the right word but it is the closest to what I am describing. I also think every continent was once one large landmass. I don’t remember the Epic of Gilgamesh but I know the Great Flood story from Scripture. The fountains of the deep opened and released water. Think about the water cycle. All that water could flood the entire Earth.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree with some of your points.

But so disagree with you about Trump. And his courting of White Nationalist groups.

He may not always openly romance them. Because that would be far too polarising politically.

His courting of them is done very quietly and on the down low.

And as TW has proved. He even agrees to meet up with them when he's in North Carolina.

As I've said before. Even giving White Supremacists a seat at the table to discuss extremely dangerous.

The only seat they should be given. Is one in a prison cell. Or a nut house.

Because their goals and needs are actually anti-society.

OK, Trump may feel that they deserve an opinion like everyone else. That they are easier to manage if given an opportunity to be part of the conversation.

In that he is wrong.

We only have to look at recent history.

And the Nazi Party ...Germany is the 1930's and WW2.

They dont deserve to even be listened to.

they are insane. And very dangerous.

And always will be.

Because a vast majority of them live in a bizarre paranoia.

About non whites. And Jewish people.

Would you allow people with mental illness make decisions for your country.


Because they are not capable.

White Nationalists/Supremacists are extremists....nuts. Not capable of sensible decisions.

And should never be allowed power.


Its only the fact that Trump is uneducated and an elite that he doesn't fully understand how dangerous courting White Nationalists is. In politics.

And he doesn't care either.

Yeah he knows they are quite bat shit crazy.

But he is the one who decided to utiluze their vote.

Use them.

Its a dangerous strategy.

At any time in history.

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