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Tasha said…
When does he go to jail?
Anonymous said…
Good this fool got what he deserved. Pity he won't be removed. Still have the keys to the Whitehouse. Hopefully he will leave before the next election.
Chocmint33 said…
The orange clown is still gathering up his troops for a rally in Michigan.

Didn't Hitler have rallies? It's almost like Babyfart needs this kind of worship. Those poor misguided folks.

And I wonder if he is really benefitting them.

T. W. said…
Pray for Melania & Baron.
T. W. said…
I will say it.

Some seeds have done 2020 predictions.

1) Some are saying Trump will survive impeachment but he will resign next year.

2) Some are saying Trump will not only survive impeachment, he will be re-elected.

3) One person said Trump will be re-elected but will resign during his second term.

4) One person said if Trump values his life he should resign now or not run for re-election.

5) Several people have said Trump is CRAZY in every sense of the word & needs to be institutionalized. Christian has told us this many times.

6) One brave deer flat out said they don’t know how this will turn out because too many factors are at play behind the scenes.

7) No matter what happens, rasPutin is winning. But his “health” is another matter.
Anonymous said…
Can I get an amen!!!!!!! Christian you were absolutely 10000 percent right!
NR said…
It's done! :-D
Chick'sOpinion said…
Is this the beginning of the U.S being free of this nutter?
Cordelia said…
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Can you do a prediction on Putin.

You know, we shouldn't be surprised that Putin is mocking the impeachment vote on Trump.

He's pretending to mock it because he's furious.

About Trump maybe losing office.

Well Mockba can mock.

But it wont make a damn bit of difference.

And it just goes to prove, Putin is a sore loser.

Because he's pissed that his 'influence campaign' on the U.S 2016 Election and the benefits he drew from that.... are coming to an end.

Trump ...his scared puppet is slowly but surely being removed.

And perhaps Putin knows that the end of Trump may mean the end of him too.

Putin is just not popular in Russia as he once was.

The Russians are finally realising that Putin does not in effect care about Russia or Russians. All he cares about is power.

For himself.

His final term in office officially runs out in 2024.

But this power deluded ego freak has already indicated that he's gonna try and stay in power after this.

Which is apparently against the Russian Constitution.

So what does does totalitarian autocrat Putin do?

He poses the question that the part of the constitution that prevents him serving another term, be abolished.


Well I think Putin is in for a shock. Because I think that it's him thats gonna get abolished.

Long before 2024

Will the people take him out?

Will he be assisnated?

Or just be voted out?

And murdering political opponents just doesnt work for once.

Either way, I think he will be gone.
Chick'sOpinion said…
No one I think in the modern history of America has affected unity quite like this Trump.

And his presidency has proved. That there are many who would like to bring back extreme division. According to their own agenda.

The rats came out of their hiding places. And showed their faces.

The universe has clearly intervened I think, with this impeachment. To prevent any more of the division.

If it continued. Unfortunately it could have led to Civil War.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Tribal people and Fossil Fuel protesters. Who protested against the Dakota Access pipe in 2016 and years since... will be dancing in their lounge rooms about this impeachment.

This pipeline threatened water supplies and sacred lands. And that was/is the issue.
Of the many protests over the years.

And it went ahead.

For now.

The thing is, this is a good example of how Trump has pissed off so many groups of people.

And the fact is...the issue of the Dakota Access Pipeline is far from over.

As Trump's political opponents have pledged to shut the pipeline down. Even though it's been in operation for 2 years. Transporting crude oil.

To be fair, just like how John F Kennedy inherited the problem of the Vietnam war, when he came to office... Trump inherited the ongoing issue of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Though, it was at a bit of a standstill..because the previous administration had denied the permit for the pipeline to be built across the Missouri River.

The permit was denied because it is right near Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation.
And they were worried about crude oil seeping into the river.

But as soon as Trump came to power.. he approved the permit over the Missouri River.

And this is the kind of thing that has been a theme of his Presidency.

The Tribe themselves are still in court today. Fighting this.

And are currently having to work with the energy company on a Spill Plan Response. In case all this crude oil shit has a major leak in their area.

Hope it gets shut down.

Should have never gone ahead.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And the U.S... so called Nationalist Socialist Movement can start to slowly eat shit.

They are an active Neo Nazi Group in the U.S. One of the largest. And very dangerous.

They burned a Nazi Swastika one night after one of their demented rallys, in a place called Draketown in Georgia... in 2018.

They were photographed doing it.

What amazes me is how this Race Hate Group is even permitted to assemble, organise. And are not arrested for inciting racial hatred.

Well, possibly with a new government in the U.S coming in. Perhaps there will be an attempt to eradicate racial gate groups like them.

Trump's period in Office has really highlighted how many there actually are ...and how active.

And perhaps some new laws are coming. To silence them. And control them.

That would be a fantastic step forward. The U.S seems to me, a fantastic country. With so much potential.

Built on a foundation of migrants in many ways.
Seems so wrong that Race Hate Groups have been freely allowed to grow. Especially when they have adopted Nazi ideology.

Some of the members of these Neo Nazi Group's grandfathers and great grandfathers, fought Nazis in the second World War.

Do they not get that?

How disgusted their ancestors would be in their promotion of dangerous Nazi ideology.
Chick'sOpinion said…
If Trump needs a shoulder to cry on about impeachment.

He ought to give Pakistan's former Military dictator a ring.

His name is Pervez Musharraf

Although currently due to hang quite soon for Treason. He was also threatened with impeachment and had to resign in 2008.

So they'd have plenty to talk about. And plenty in common.

This Military dictator , Musharraf did some shocking things when in power.

And just like Trump wanted to... he declared a State Of get more power.

But Musharraf went further. He switched off Pakistan's TV. And detained Judges.

He also tortured political activists and had people he didnt like, put in military jails ...never to be seen again.

So quite personally. I dont care if they do hang him.

But it looks likely he will evade it. They have been trying to hang him for years.

But as he's a Military man. And the Pakistanis love all things military. He keeps getting support. To not hang.

I'd be very interested in Pakistani Prime Minister and former top International Cricketer, Imran Khan's opinion ....on this Pervez Musharraf.

Don't think though, dear Imran Khan will be inviting him over for a game of Cricket in the near future.

As Dear Imran Khan is rather different. To him

As Prime Minister, Imran Khan introduced anti-corruption laws into Pakistan. Overhauled the Police System. And insisted on a public apology for what Pakistan did to the Bangladeshi people in 1971.

So suffice to say, Imran Khan is not keen on military things.

And even plans to disengage Pakistan from the U.S led war on Terror. He hates Military operations.

Seems all that cricket made him different.
And plus...Imran Khan was one of the surprising best looking men of his generation.

He was cat nip to the ladies.

He probably wore his willy out. With all his girlfriends he had back then.

His marriage to the beautiful Jemima Goldsmith (Princess Diana's friend) was one of the weirdest pairings God ever created.

I wasn't one bit surprised it didn't last.
T. W. said…
I don’t blame her.

Nancy Pelosi Delays Handing Over Articles of Impeachment to Senate
T. W. said…
The posts are in the article. She knew better.

Pop singer Camila Cabello apologizes for racist posts; “deeply embarrassed” and “ashamed”
T. W. said…
Going live in less than 30 minutes.

Royal BLOOPERS! Duchess Kate SHAKES OFF William's Touch? Playing Card Divination
T. W. said…
1) Kate Middleton 'recoils' as Prince William touches her on A Berry Royal Christmas

2) Kate Middleton Gives Prince William The Cold Shoulder At Public Event Indicating There Is Trouble In Their Marriage (Video)

3) Prince William And Kate Middleton Marriage Troubles Surface Again At President Trump Dinners


“ Rose has been getting quite a lot of publicity due to rumors of her extramarital affair with William. The press has repeatedly tried to question Rose, but have so far been unsuccessful. The absence of Rose's wedding ring, her refusal to deny she has been having an affair with William, as well as Kate dropping her out of their circle for months and giving her frosty looks at the state dinner this month, is adding fuel to the fire regarding adultery claims.”

4) Prince Andrew Went To Christmas Lunch With The Royal Family Visibly Teary Eyed And Angry Due To Sex Scandal



Prince Andrew's nephew Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton also attended the Christmas lunch with problems of their own. The couple appeared to be pretending for the cameras, while adultery claims regarding William cheating with their neighbor in the country, who is his wife's close friend, Rose Hanbury, continue to take their toll on Kate.

The couple have been putting on a united front. However, the cracks are showing regarding their marriage being in trouble, due to William's behavior[.]

Even William and Kate's kids look very unhappy. Photographers snapped photos of the children as they rode into Buckingham Palace and they looked very sad. The tension in the family is very visible and children are not good at pretending when something is wrong.
T. W. said…
OUTRAGE: Twitter users lash out at ‘Harry Potter’ billionaire JK Rowling for saying biological sex is real


Famed author J.K. Rowling was dragged on for agreeing with a woman who was fired for saying men can't change into women.

Rowling, the first author to achieve a net worth of $1 billion, took sides with Maya Forstater, who lost her job last year for tweeting that a man can't be a woman.


Forstater tweeted in September 2018:

"What I am so surprised at is that smart people I admire, who ... champion human rights & womens rights are tying themselves in knots to avoid saying the truth that men cannot change into women (because that might hurt mens feelings."


The Harry Potter author returned to after a hiatus to double down her defense of Forstater.

"Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who'll have you. Live your best life in peace and security," the 54-year-old tweeted. "But force women out of their jobs for stating that [biological] sex is real?" she asked.
T. W. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…
Joseph Magi just did his live show. He says William is not cheating on Kate. The palace put a stop to this after the Rose Hanbury scandal.

Babydoll Archie is “dead.” Prepare for an announcement.

Charles will be Prince Regent.

William will be king UNLESS the Babydoll Archie scandal is mishandled.

Someone in the comments stated Kate does not like anyone touching her on the shoulder. The person said Kate recoils when her parents do this. All I’m gonna say is certain activities are generational. Draw your own conclusion.

Chocmint33 said…
Hi TW. Joseph Magi does tarot. Is his tarot a better tarot than the other readers?

T. W. said…

He reads playing cards. But you are right in a way because playing cards come from the Rider-Waite Tarot.

I think he could be better. I watch some of his videos for entertainment purposes only as I do not advocate card reading. Having said that, I cannot recall him being wrong.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Tarot by Janine is really good.

So is Kirsty Lewis Tarot

TW is right. That guy is not that experienced or profesional as a tarot reader.

But if TW has been following and he's improved accuracy. Then he must not be too bad.

I prefer tarot readers who are psychics as well.

Far better accuracy and way more info.
Jules said…
I would never describe Joesph Magi as an inexperienced reader, nor would I describe him as unprofessional. He designed the system he uses and you can buy his book to learn his method on amazon. His readings are VERY detailed. I follow tarot by Janine and she has gotten the same information that Joseph has.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah well. Ive seen him drop a card and not even bother to pick it up.

Any half-baked Tarot reader knows that's wrong for a start.

Anyway. I'm not interested in arguing/defending the strengths and weaknesses of internet Tarot readers.

I'm here to comment on Christian's predictions.

And the topics he raises.

People draw their own conclusions....with their own gut. On what Tarot readers ring true with them.

I'm fussy about Tarot readers.

Like I am about people who claim to be psychic
T. W. said…
Oh yeah.

I don’t read cards but I knew someone who did. That is mostly how I learned some things. If a card jumped out s/he would stop shuffling to read the card.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - I was just stating my thoughts, as you do. I was not arguing with you.

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