The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I take it either she will not stick to her care plan or she will gain some weight back as the band is loosened.
I just want her happy and healthy.
I feel bad for people who must take drastic weight loss measures. Lap band, gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass are serious.
I can’t remember if I saw this story on True Life or Intervention. A young man had lap band surgery. As you know, the surgeon has to periodically loosen the band. The man was warned that every time the band is loosened his hunger would be voracious. That was an understatement!
The young man had the band loosened and got hungry. He went to a Chinese buffet and ate food for several HOURS.
I got a good laugh. The restaurant owners looked at the man like they could not believe this.
My guess is the food passed through his body quickly and he was hungry after that.
Mariah Carey had either gastric sleeve or lap band surgery. She had the audacity to appear on Oprah Winfrey show & claim she lost the weight via diet and exercise. We all know she’s an alcoholic. Let me tell you. You get drunk faster if you have that kind of weight loss surgery.
I had also forgotten she dated Brett Ratner. I wonder if the #MeToo Movement took him down?
Here’s one of Christian’s predictions:
Dating ? Is that what it's called these days .
2) SOYlent Green is people!
3) Veterinarian says the Impossible Whopper 'will make men grow breasts because of soy proteins'
And anyway. There's far safer new alternatives coming.
Which will make lap band or Gastric Band surgery seem positively barbaric.
My friend had Lap band surgery. In 2013.
And she lost all the weight. I went to see her not long after all the weight loss.
And even though she wasn't supposed to be stuffing coconut cakes down her gob... at a rapid rate.
She still persisted.
Until i told her about a lady that had been in the UK news recently.
She'd been stuffing food, Post lap Band Surgery too.
But choked because of the quantity and texture of food. The food gets trapped apparently.
As this British lady was alone, she died. Family found her weeks later.
There can be nausea and vomiting as a side effect. With this surgery.
And many other things involved too.
Can Adele stay off the food? And the coconut cakes?
Hope so.
After they have this surgery. They get a fullness feeling after a tiny bit of food.
I certainly hope Adele manages the Post Operative part.
But she looks so different. It's almost like the real Adele no longer exists.
A long time ago.
Then what part did her weight problem play in her staying in a relationship.
That was disrespectful to her.
Just because she's famous and a millionaire... doesn't mean in my view, she didn't have a lack of confidence... because of her weight problem.
Did she stay in that bad relationship/marriage way too long? Cause she didn't have the confidence to get out?
Was this massive weight loss part of her recovery from that marriage?
If so. This is fantastic.
I'm looking forward to see how she dresses in future. With her style of glam.
That dress she's wearing in this pic, looks far too big for her new size.
On the other hand, only Congress has the right to declare war. But that didn’t stop George W. Bush...
2) George Lopez should prepare himself for a visitation from the FBI or Secret Service.
3) I do not know what the peaceful solution is but I hope it gets implemented quick.
Pelosi Moves to Limit Trump’s War Powers; Iran announces $80M bounty on Trump’s head
Pelosi and other Democrats criticized Trump for not informing Congress of his plans to kill Iranian general Qassem Soleimani with a drone air strike last week.
Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon that "legal notice is not required" for him to take action to protect the country.
Trump advised Congress - in a tweet - that he will "quickly & fully strike back, & perhaps in a disproportionate manner" if Iran attacks "any U.S. person or target."
Iran has vowed to take revenge on Trump and America for killing Soleimani. But Trump hit back, saying he has 52 targets in Iran that will go up in smoke if Americans are attacked.
The targets include military sites, oil fields, and even cultural and historic sites in Iran.
"They're allowed to kill our people. They're allowed to torture and maim our people. They're allowed to use roadside bombs and blow our people up, and we're not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn't work that way," Trump told reporters on Air Force One on Sunday.
In other news, Iran reportedly placed an $80 million bounty on Trump's head. Mexican comedian George Lopez offered to do the job for half that amount.
Lopez made the comment on an Instagram post shared by Chicano Worldstar, a news outlet that wrote about the bounty on Trump's head.
"We'll do it for half," Lopez wrote.
America may be gearing up for WWIII following Trump's drone strike, which killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, but Colin Kaepernick wants America to acknowledge it's on acts of terrorism against people of color.
"There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism," Kaepernick tweeted.
"America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world."
Michael Jackson's Estate is most likely bracing themselves after a new California new means that many of his accusers can sue him for sexual abuse.
According to Rolling Stone, the new law means that victims of childhood sexual abuse until the age of 40 (up from 26) to file civil lawsuits. The new law also extended the statute of limitations on a provision that stated victims could sue third-party entities tied to the alleged abuser that either knew, or should have known, that abuse was happening, or failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the abuse.
The new law came into effect on Jan. 1st.
Notice Epstein’s neck. Looks like wire was wrapped around it.
But the Conspiracy Theorists are the crazy ones.
Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy has revealed how he may have killed himself in his jail cell, as photos show nooses fashioned from orange bedsheets ... and the bloody neck wound from where he hanged himself ... but some experts think it could have been murder.
The photographs were obtained by "60 Minutes" and shown Sunday night during an interview about Epstein's apparent suicide and the conspiracy theories that have followed. Along with pics of the nooses and Epstein's neck and dead body, there's also a photo of a handwritten note found in his cell.
The note seemingly contains complaints Epstein jotted down about prison conditions, including "Kept me in a locked shower stall for 1 hr," "sent me burnt food" and "Giant bugs crawling over my hands. NO FUN!!"
There's also a photo of Epstein's prescription medicine bottles and other meds, like a bottle of Milk of Magnesia.
The conspiracy theories surrounding Epstein's death have been fueled in part by forensic expert Dr. Michael Baden, who claims evidence suggests he was strangled and murdered more so than suicidal hanging.
Baden points out during the interview that Epstein's neck suffered 3 fractures ... something he has never encountered in a suicide. He says 1 bone commonly breaks, 2 almost never happens, and 3 is unheard of.
Baden stops short of declaring Epstein was murdered ... but says he's waiting for all the evidence to come in.
But they know the 52 targets, Trump has in mind, of theirs, in Iran.
Will be attacked...the moment they retaliate.
As there are plenty of Americans currently in Iran and Iraq. Not including all the U.S Military serviceman.
I wonder if the Iranians are going to focus on murdering U.S civilians there instead.
Needless to say the U.S is trying to get American Civilians out of the region as soon as possible.
But is it fast enough?
The Iranians would be very unwise to murder Americans civilians in the region.
Or U.S Servicemen.
But Iran hasn't demonstrated much common sense in recent years. So anything could happen.
And from today, the U.S Military are starting with a withdrawal from Iran. Or at least plan to.
But...and here's the but..
so far there's no sign they are leaving next door, Iraq.
Is the U.S essentially occupying Iraq?
Well it could be interpreted that way. Especially by Iraqis
Its a key position. And the U.S have been there so long.
The Iraqi government have already made moves to ask the U.S Military to leave. And are busting the balls of the U.S Ambassador to Iraq right now. To get the U.S Military to leave.
Further, the European Union leaders now have a big problem on their hands.
They have all been spending a year. Trying to preserve the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal. That Trump pulled out of ages ago.
Claiming it wasn't fair. And never was fair.
(Technically it wasn't fair)
And since the killing of this General Soleimani. Iran announced that they will now take steps away from the 2015 Nuclear Accord entirely anyway.
Though didn't admit they are going to start Uranium Enrichment.
They probably are. they cannot be trusted.
And this is why Trump hates them.
This whole thing. Has also caused NATO to hold an emergency Meeting too.
This 26 country Alliance appears so far to take the position of wanting de-escalation of the conflict with Iran.
Trump hates NATO too by the way.
Because he believes it costs the U.S too much. As the U.S are paying way more than the other 25 nations who are in the alliance.
He's right on that one.
But right now...he needs NATO.
Not fight with them.
The last time NATO stepped in to defend the U.S a 26 country Armada. Was in the September 11 attacks. In 2001.
The fact that NATO are holding an emergency meeting says alot right now.
Thing is, the Iranians have a nuclear program.
But they dont have a war capability equal to the U.S.
And they know it.
It's a good thing i guess too.
That the first thing Trump did when he came to to Office was upgrade the U.S Military. Hugely.
He spent a fortune getting the U.S Military improved.
But had he been capable of ordinary diplomacy. Perhaps the U.S may never have needed it.
But being prepared is essential I guess anyway.
When you have China and Russia desiring world domination. And even working together to get it.
There's even a personal trainer in The Daily Mail today claiming that she is the one who kickstarted all Adele's weight loss.
Even going as far as to lie and say Adele definately didn't enjoy the Physical exercise.
Why not tell the truth?
It's just bizarre.
From my understanding not everyone who is overweight can qualify for Lap Band Surgery.
At least in Australia... you have to be really big.
And actually have a huge key weight. To get approved.
Otherwise the surgeon won't do it.
I doubt very much Adele needed a Personal fitness trainer after Lap Band Surgery.
My friend who had it, didn't need fitness...exercise, to lose all the weight after Lap Band Surgery.
The weight just fell off her. Without any effort.
I didn't know Mariah Carey dated this Brett Ratner 'rat' director.
Omg ive just been reading about him.
He's the Harvey Wynstein of Warner Brothers.
In fact he was so bad Warner Brothers had to get rid of him.
But unfortunately he's managed to get away with alot of his sexualised behaviour to women. In many ways.
He also refused to rehearse for the 2011 Academy Awards, he was producing.
Stating 'rehearsing is for fags'
Don't know if he's aware...but a huge amount of those employed in Hollywood...are gay.
So as well as being a sex pest. He's stupid as well.
No wonder Mariah Carey got rid of him.
What on Earth did Brett mean by that rehearsal comment?
As for Adele, maybe she got a trainer before she had the surgery? Here in America, people need to have psychological counseling and make good faith efforts to lose some weight before this type of surgery is done. There’s a show called my 600 pound life. You can see some of it on YouTube. It is worth watching.