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Eton Educated, wtf...... aka SELFISH...


Anonymous said…

Louis said…
All i can say to the UK on this sad day is:

"Mind the gap"
Chick'sOpinion said…

I have to agree with you.

The European Union originally only included 6 member countries.

As it developed through the 90's....the focus was it's original benefits of trade, a common external tarrif. And more so in the 1990's.. freedom of movement between European countries without visas.

It was very popular among the young in the 1990's.

It was also a popular idea with some of the British because it would help eastern European countries. Who struggled after the war.
And trade benefits.

When I lived in London through the 1990' most young people then. I thought that 'freedom of movement ' was a well overdue freedom Europeans should have got anyway ...after WW2.

Because unfortunately, as so many European countries remained communist...or became Communist after WW2. They never got it. Freedom of Movement.

And like the UK...most Europeans needed a visa to go anywhere in Europe.

The toppling of Coummunist ruling governments in many European Countries in the early 1990's... paved the way. For the EU freedom of movement concept to come into reality.

There was an EU, as early as 1973. It was called the EEC or Common Market ...the early version of the EU.

Actually it went back further than that.
And it's important to understand it's history. To understand why the UK were, to some degree willing to originally enter into the Common Market. Or EU.

After WW2...In 1957, France, West Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg signed a Treaty in Rome..establishing the European Economic Community. The EEC.

Others couldn't join as they were Communist countries then.

The Treaty signed, was developed originally as a power sharing opponent against the phenomenal trade power of the U.S economy at the time.

And to reduce the 'isolated from eachother' trade laws in Europe.

It was also introduced to reduce the re-emergence of age old conflicts between Germany, France etc. And improving the economic climate.

Totally just to improve the European economic climate. And thereby reducing the possibility of War in Europe ever again.
Through integration

Through this interestingly, France proposed at this time. And got. An unusual partner.

They proposed that West Germany join France in what became the European Coal And Steel Company. Integrating their coal and steel companies.

This was actually done as a way of monitoring Germany's militarization.

As it wasn't long since WW2.

And there were still alot of fears. That Germany would re-build, recover and go to to war on Europe. Again.

This integrated partnership had to be supervised. So this is how a supervisory executive developed...a council, an executive authority, a council of Ministers, an advisory assembly and a court of Justice came into existence.

To settle disputes.

And this became the EEC...which then developed into the EU we know today.

But it's nothing like it is today.

And that's what alot of people in the UK are pissed off with.

And with the UK's membership of the EEC and the EU. They never intended or agreed to have to contribute so much to financially assist EU failing ecomomies.
Where corruption is uncontrollable.

Or be dictated to by the European Parliament continually on how they run domestic affairs.

I personally think the aim of The European Parliment, th EU.... eventually became an aim to rule completely over Europe.
Remove National Flags.
And end European countries as sovereign countries.
And rule them completely.

I may be wrong on that.
But it certainly looks like it is heading this way.

The EU has in effect become an old fashioned concept anyway.
Globalisation developed since the 1990's.
And just trading with each other. Is not gonna cut it..economically.

The UK have been trapped into just trading so much with European Countries.

Unfortunately I agree with Christian, that the UK will struggle for a while.

Everyone struggles after a divorce.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Another thing Aardvarks

The UK will struggle at first because they have been forcibly chained to an economic monolith. That larely excluded trading globally.

Welcome to the real world again UK.

Welcome back!

To what is actually the modern global world.

But lets hope guys that when the EU break up of the entire European Union happens. And it will.

That Germany don't start war mongering.

As Anonymous pointed out. Germany are not doing too well economically at the moment.

And those who can recall. Kmow that, thats what led Germany to invade European Countries.
Chick'sOpinion said…
For a long time. The UK has been singing the lyrics to that Queen song,

'I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self satisfied. I dont need you
God knows, God knows, I want to break free'

From the EU.

Well. The transition period and break free starts now. The transition period includes Europeans (EU citizens) who had the right to live and work in the UK and a right that gives UK citizens the right to do the same.

Will be phased out.

The law to continue to allow EU citizens, freedom of movement, at the end of the transition. Will have to be debated by the UK Parliment later this year. Before it's legislation.

It may not pass.

Other EU citizens will have to be approved for a Visa to remain in the UK long term.

The promise has been, that the UK plan to protect EU citizens. Who have been living in the UK for up to 5 years..there's 3.5 million of them.

But. Big but.
They must apply for a new legal status in order to prove these circumstances. To stay.
Not all will qualify. Because its based also on having a good law abiding character.

If proved to be genuine. And of good character. They can apply for settlement status in the UK.

The good news about alot of the UK government finally get the well overdue chance to control their borders. Again.

Not only that. They are getting an opportunity to boot out EU Citizens who are criminals.

And there's plenty of them in the UK.

The criminals who came. Often from poorer European EU countries. Who freely crossed the UK border. Unfortunately stayed.

Course they did.
The UK offered them such a better standard of living.

I refer to all the European organised crime barons and the 100's of petty or hard core criminals who work for them. Russians from the Russian Mafia.
That lot.

One psychic has predicted Boris Johnson goes on a purge campaign to get this Riff Raff out of the UK after Brexit.


It won't be hard now.

But the best thing about Btexit. And controlling the UK's borders.

Is keeping Terrorists out.

Far too many crept in among genuine refugees from Libya and Syria. Once they were settled anywhere in Europe. They were free to cross as many borders as they liked in Europe.

And unfortunately some of them got into the UK.
Quite easily.

Before Freedom Of Movement in the EU. This did not happen. All borders were controlled.

So these criminals or EU citizens who some have also have taken full advantage of the UK's welfare system.
Are in a pickle.

They exploited the UK as EU citizens much as they could. But will now find themselves failing the new EU Settlement Scheme.

And UK nationals living in Europe better come home to live. In my veiw.

Because after Brexit...if they want to bring their family members, children, spouses, partners grandparents who have EU membership.
They will only be allowed to do so until 29 March 2022.

After that, they need to apply for visas.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Love how the UK projected the message last night with lights, on the White cliffs of Dover

The message said...

'The UK has left the EU'

Love it.

Could they see it from the Netherlands or Denmark... across the Channel?

I hope so.
Chick'sOpinion said…
German cars, French cheese and Italian wines are first on Boris Johnson's hit list. For an introduction of Tarrifs if the EU fail to strike a trade deal with the UK by the end of the year.

I guess it gives them incentive. To rather than punish the UK for leaving.
Work with them.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Nigel Farage and Eton Rifle, Boris Johnson are doing star jumps of happiness.

Cause they know.... the lyrics of the UK's Nationalistic song, Rule Britannia lie at the heart of ordinary Britons.

The lyrics are specific..

'Rule Britannia
Britannia rules the waves

Britons never never, never shall be slaves'

Well they became slaves to the European Parliment.

And the best thing long term.

Is they got their freedom.

Even if it comes at a price.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And. The UK are now about to adopt our Australian Points Based immigration system.

We get critised as anything from totally unfair for this Immigration System.

But it means we get the people with the skills we need, the character we want and the money we need.

And. The right age group.
Oh and they have to have a huge amount of savings in money to apply.

We don't take criminals. Or broke people. Under any formal immigration circumstances.

Except, like everyone else... we take the refugees the U.N asks us to take. And re-settle.
But if their over 18 sons become criminals.
They're gone

Bye bye. Back to Sudan.

If you behave, act inconsistently with your allegiance to Australia.
Your Australian Citizenship is cancelled.

And among many things, you will no longer be eligible for Welfare or Australian Medicare.
Or an Australian passport.

We revoke migrant's citizenship and in many cases, Australian passports if they commit a crime.
We deport them as soon as possible.

Which is why we see alot of New Zealanders being deported.

Bye bye... have a nice life on the South Island.

Sorry but it's a fact... New Zealanders are often involved in serious crime here in Australia.

So, simply, migrants here are subject to the Allegiance To Australia Bill 2015.

If you are a Dual Citizen or foreign National.
This decides whether you stay.

And this law is perfect for getting rid of terrorists out of Australia.

Does it sound like a good system to adopt in the UK?

The merit based Points Immigration System?

I think so.

Because it's fair.

It's fair on the law abiding tax paying public.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous and Chicks opinion, don’t know where you get your ideas from, but not correct. Germany is not bankrupt. Time will tell now, the wheels are in motion.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 1.45

I never claimed Germany was banrupt.

But I sense you don't know much about what's been happening with the German economy.

It's a fact ...Germany narrowly avoided a recession in 2018.

Germany is currently going through alot of political instability

And politics there are becoming polarised. With Far Right AfD. And the the Green Party.

Also. Angela Merkel is about to leave Politics. And in a way she has been a stablizing figure for 2 decades. For Germany.

But aside from that, the German economy has been so bad lately. In 2018 they had to introduce stimulus measures. And raise public spending.

The German economy is struggling. Particularly in their car industry.

Many have lost their jobs in this industry. Due to the shift to electric technology.

A third of the auto industry have lost there jobs in Germany. Particularly Germans who work in car garages.

Their manufacturing industry has also stagnated.

They are hopeful however that this year. That Germany can recover.

Where do we get our ideas from? Well we read.


And they are not our ideas.

They are facts.
T. W. said…
I don’t know enough about this to comment.

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