The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I beg of a You. Please put a stop to all this insanity. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
And it won't surprise me if it happens.
So they'll probably go for the alternatives.
Cyber attacks against Western Targets. No doubt about that.
There is an old theory. That it was actally the Iranians behind the bombing of the American Pan Am Flight that crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.
And not the Libyans.
I wonder if this is not a theory. And a fact. And the U.S Government have known for years.
And Trump has learned about it.
In all of these recent events. The only concern for the U.S in regards to Iran right now, is the 'proxy groups' ...friends of Iran in other countries.
The proxy group's are loony radical muslim groups that this assassinated, General Soleiman headed up.
I'm referring to the Iranian General that the U.S just bumped off in a convoy of cars.
He was dangerous for many reasons. But one of the main ones was.... is how he headed up and led very well, these violent 'proxy groups'. Across Afghanistan, Lebanon and Yemen.
And Iran armed them too. Very well.
Yes. This little bastard General, was a troublemaker with a Capital T.
Added to that...these Proxy Groups were West-hating.
So for them to lose their direction through his death, is a very good thing.
The question now is. How else is Iran going to respond to this attack and assassination of one of their own?
Well alot of Journalists agree, that the Iranian government will immediately put pressure on Iraq. To throw the U.S Military based in Iraq OUT.
I feel this will happen.
And I have reasons.
Well, when the U.S assassinated that bastard General Soleimani, the other day.
They also unavoidably killed a top Iraqi General too.
And the Iraqis are pissed about that.
But before you view this killed Iraqi General as a victim.
Consider this.
In 1983, he participated in the bombing attacks on the American and French embassies in Kuwait.
The airport was also attacked as was a Petro-Chemical Plant
Did the U.S see his inclusion in the convoy of cars General Soleimani was in. As a great opportunity to bump him off too?
Wouldn't surprise me.
And why did the Iranians do these attacks in Kuwait back in 1983?
Because Kuwait, France and the U.S gave financial assistance to Iraq. When Iraq invaded Iran in 1980.
You see, the U.S has a long history of not getting along with Iran.
Lets look at Iran.
Iran, as I've mentioned before went backwards rather than evolved.
Their 1979 Revolution. Took them fully back to be being totally dominated and governed by Islamic Rule.
And that's why I think the U.S could possibly save Iran... their people. From that modern repression they are in.
It appears from the media that Iran have released, that the Iranian people are fully supportive of their Islamic goverment.
And are anti-West right now.
But looks can be deceiving.
Hmmm, will the U.S be able to save them?
Or Nuke them?
I think half British and half Malaysian actor Henry Golding, should be James Bond one day.
If you saw him. And heard him speak.
You would probably agree.
He's got it.
And is far better than old Daniel Craig. Who I say looks like an old plumber. Or local bricklayer.
How does he get away with it?
When there are far more better looking and younger actors around.
Daniel Craig
Go home and fix the plumbing. And build houses.
You look like a trades contractor.
I was channel surfing and saw Daniel Craig & some woman on the Golden Globe Awards. I thought to myself, “A man’s career in show business lasts significantly longer than a woman’s.”
Doesn’t matter if the female is trans or not. Men still rule the world. Don’t ever forget.
I only ever say Daniel Craig looks like a local plumber or bricklayer.
Because you see guys like him around, in the Trades etc everyday in Australia.
That's why I fail to see the appeal he has.
It baffles me.
He seems extremely ordinary to me.
He looks like one of those divorced Tradies. Who has a crazy ex wife, and at night he's a stoner.
And drinks like a fish, in front of his barbeque.
With all his divorced mates.
I guess I'm saying he looks like a sterotype to me.
Henry Golding is snooty.
He appears to have gone to Public Scool in the UK for part of his life. So that's why he talks with that snooty accent.
They love him in Malaysia.
I'd love him anywhere.
He's so much more a Bond character than Daniel Craig...the local plumber.