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Sandringham at Noon....

Coming to a TV near you on Monday.
Set you DVR, VHS, or watch.
It's going to be fun.
If only we had an ear to the door...


Anonymous said…
If Meghan’s on the call from Canada, she’s taping the conversation & will threaten to sell it.


The Original Sarah
T. W. said…
I need to know what time.

Her Majesty the Queen may be white but she knows how to go 'hood on a b!tch. White people like that are dangerous.

I will say it again.

Megatron will be sorry she even met Prince Harriet.
Quiet said…
oh my Lord.. I read the Queen only slept an hour last night. I couldnt imagine at 93. I would be major pissed ! She is going to fix this in a snap, lets hope. Sending her subliminal messages.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Original Sarah

Yes. I think Meghan's been recording as much as she can from the very beginning.

And there's the journal she's been keeping. On everyone.

Well agents can find that too. And dispose of it.

If she even quietly threatens to publish Royal secrets. She's putting her life at risk.

But here's the thing.

Bumping her off nice and early would be too too obvious.

The public will realise it's just like Diana's murder.

I think the Royal Family are gonna wait a long time before they get rid of her.

If that's the path they decide to go down.

When Prince Harry is remarried. And everyone's quite forgotton about Meghan.

The problem is. Meghan is not gonna be comfortable with being quite forgotton.

She's got to be the centre of International news.

I think she's gonna make quite a bit of noise. With threats...books. Once Harry and the Royal family are free of her.

They'll put up with some of it.

But not all of it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Though it seems clear by the pic... Christian has put here. That they are already in the planning stage of having her whacked.

It's probably Plan B. If she refuses to go away and be quiet.

And tell me... where is this Archie kid?

This is bizarre. Does this kid even exist.

They have told so many lies. It's hard to take any news story of them even vaguely seriously.

That's why i rarely read news stories on Meghan and Prince Harry.

It's just diarrhoea from her PR company.

I'm surprised The Daily Mail publishes any of it.

Because they know it's just horsesh..t.

The Daily Mail loves crap.

But when it comes to the Palace they fact check with them first. Before publishing.
Or hold stories back.

But oh, I forgot. Meghan and Harry no longer use the The Palace Media Unit.

They are independent.

To produce faked up stories.


How very 'woke' is that?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well well well. We shouldn't be surprised at this either.

Meghan's former business adviser, Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne has given an interview or rather written an artice on Meghan...for the Daily Mail today.

I read it. And what emerges is Meghan as a ruthless business focussed opportunist.

Who had absolutely no interest in the daily lives of Royals. Their history. Or British culture.

She basically describes Meghan as a Californian business entrepreneur. With her eye on any branding, or endorsement contract she can get.

And another part that didn't surprise me.

Meghan dumped this business partner as soon as she expressed concerns that Meghan may not fit into the rigid lifestyle of a Royal. With their traditions.
And low profile patronage pursuits.

And she further said ..that the claim Meghan made that she didn't know who Prince Harry was before she met him.

Is as this business advisor said 'is a laughable lie.

Meghan confided in this business advisor that she really wanted Prince Harry to propose.

She had the whole game plan figured out folks.

This woman claims Meghan is fiercely ambitious.

And dumps people when she no longer needs them.

Well. Get ready to get dumped, Jessica Mulroney.

But wait...Dear Jessica has secrets ...stories.

If Jessica has any brains at all she'll start bribing Meghan quite soon.

Hope she does.

See the player is gonna get played.

It's already happening anyway.
Chick'sOpinion said…
C'mon. Trevor, Meghans ex.

Spill the beans on what it's like to live with this cow Meghan.

You wonder Prince Harry was way out of his depth with Meghan. She's quite abit older than him.

And he tends to come across quite immature.

That's why people are willing to see him more so as a victim.

Well Meghan would have identified his vunerability and immaturity a mile off.

And thought...

It's a fat duck.
Why not pluck it.

And laugh all the way to the bank.

But get pregnant real quick.

Cause the real money in divorce cases. Are when you've had a kid in the marriage. Or union.

That's a fact.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah Chick's Opinion, I just read that article by her former PR lady and former friend Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne. Notice how everyone is 'former' with Meghan.

Here is the link for those who want to read it.

What amazed me was how they were in the same room recently and she pretended to ignore her. How genuine a person Megs is! We will still be friends she said to her three years ago, yeah right.

Meghan's smile is so fake since she got engaged and married Harry. If you go through past interviews on YouTube before she met Harry, she was a lot more down-to-earth, with no over-the-top smile and seemed more guarded. I would say that is her true character. She did seem determined and ambitious too.

When she got together with Harry it was one big acting performance. Putting on this 'I'm so nice' smiley front.

A person's real character always comes through their actions. Her actions show that she puts her ambitions and achieving things before people. And there is nothing wrong with being ambitious - just don't hurt people in the process.

I'm just amazed the accuracy of CD'S early psychic vibe on her back in 2016. He said she was all about the win, and wanted to be a princess. He saw through her PR. You are an excellent psychic CD.

She would have heard the cash register ring so loudly in 2016 when she met Harry. I bet she really played on Harry when it was Diana's 20th anniversary in 2017, before they got engaged.

She is nothing like Diana. Diana was a genuine humanitarian. Meghan pretends to be. To me a genuine humanitarian doesn't hurt people.
Apple Monkey said…
Oh to be a fly on the wall.CD - you predicted it so well - there is no doubt Meghan is going to make Sarah, Duchess of York look like a Disney princess.
Anonymous said…
Oh oh. Oh yes, I can only imagine what will go on behind closed doors.

I agree, no way they will "off" Meghan. People would blame the monarchy immediately.

If they truly are planning something like that in the future, I don't see it coming to fruition. Eventually Prince Phillip will pass, then someday the queen. By the time William becomes king, I don't see him being the type to go forward with the "beheading" of Meghan.

I wonder if Prince Charles would though.

But going back to the 2018 psychic prediction that I mentioned in one of my other posts, I do think Harry and Meghan will be stripped of their titles and everything that comes with it. I mean, what else can they do? They can't behead them!

Chick's Opinion, I heard that they left baby Archie with Jessica Mulroney. Yup, they dropped off the kid with her. She is supposed to be Meghan's best friend, as you know. Yup, she's dumb. Another human that Meghan uses to uplift her station in life. I've got to read that interview with Meghan's former business adviser. It was also reported that Meghan still has a Hollywood agent who advises her on financial issues, acting gigs and other things. It's actually shocking if there is any truth to this because it tells us that when she married Harry, she didn't do it with a full commitment. She kept one foot in the U.S. and one in the U.K. But none of this should surprise us. Oh, the queen's reprimand is going to be harsh! I think it will send shockwaves throughout the British kingdom!

As far as her ex goes, didn't he recently remarry too? A wealthy woman? He probably is too happy to be concerned with the ex-wife and all her "royal" antics. But it definitely would be interesting if he did say something but perhaps if he did, Meghan might have something on him, and he doesn't want to ruin his marriage or bring attention to their ex-marriage. Who knows. But if I were him, I would not get involved, I wouldn't say a peep. We sometimes just have to sit back and let karma take care of what is meant to be.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
May I add one tidbit to your post Chick's Opinion, related to the business advisor's interview on Meghan?

Do any of you (T.W.?) recall in that Lifetime made for TV movie about Harry and Meghan, how they almost didn't get engaged? Wasn't there something in the movie where Harry and Meghan are discussing their future and she's not sure if she wants to get married or whatever. Harry leaves and heads toward the HRH plane alone to fly back to England.

Next scene, you see or hear Meghan talking to her Mom about her last conversation with Harry. It was her mother who convinced her to get her ass to the airport and accept Harry's proposal or ????

She did, and the rest is history. Harry apparently flew back and forth all the time to see Meghan, which would be considered normal. The guy chases the girl, not the other way around.

T.W., if you watched this movie, you can help me get the story straight (or anyone else out there who has seen the movie?). Thank kew!

CAP Anonymous
Miranda said…
Hold the front page!
Apple Monkey said…
Morning Chicks. I read that interview piece. Meghan is so ruthless. As a person who constantly worries about other people and not the most confident, I do wish I could bottle some of that potion and take to interviews.
One of the broadsheets here, has had thousands of online comments which is unprecedented. The thing is if they agree to a deal tomorrow, will that mean H and M will still go on Oprah and say how backward things are, how unfair they have been treated? Then the leaks will continuously happen along with a book.
Reading through CD’s predictions, they have been so accurate.
CD - do you have any idea how this is going to end?
Cordelia said…
To be or not to be is not a question of compromise. Either you be or you don't be.
T. W. said…
Megatron trademarked the name “Archie Harrison” before she married Princess Harriet.

Doria Ragland works for the bankrupt state of California. How did her net worth increase to at least $900,000 overnight?
T. W. said…
Kanye West fell off his high horse. Literally.

Kanye West Tries To Ride Horse Into Church - Tossed By Horse!! (Video)
T. W. said…
Some of the Danjazone videos mysteriously disappeared. That’s a shame as they were juicy. I couldn’t get a copy before it was deleted.

Here’s the latest one:

Kanye West Tries To Ride Horse Into Church - Tossed By Horse!! (Video)
T. W. said…
Enjoy the memes:

'You're a muggle now, Harry!' Social media mocks after Meghan and Harry as they step down from royal roles... suggesting they might get 'financially independent' working in McDonald's
T. W. said…

MeghaTron’s ex husband left the US when she came to New York for the baby shower.

He said he did not want to be in the same country as her.

Rumor has it MeghaTron is the one who is putting out the racist stories. She has to get sympathy somehow.

Make no mistake.

MeghaTron will reap what she has sown and it will be glorious.

Schadenfraude indeed...
T. W. said…
Prince William says he can't 'put my arm around' brother Harry anymore: 'I'm sad about that'
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

I have not seen the Lifetime movie. I don’t have satellite or cable tv. Lifetime movies are crazy!
T. W. said…
This is the correct DanjaZone link:
Chick'sOpinion said…
Morning all.

Yes. I find it interesting that most of the things that we thought of this whole situation. Are comimg to fruition.

And Christian was totally accurate. From the get-go. And a guide on this whole pantomime Prince Harry and Meghan have led people on.

I actually had some strangers (old people) say to me last year. That Meghan is lovely.

And couldn't possibly unddrstand why I would think that about Meghan.

It's clear to me. Meghan fooled alot of people.
Especially really old people.

But unfortunately for her, not everyone.

It's her lesson too. Dont you think guys.

That she's discovered.... the world is not as gullible and as easy to fool as she thought.

PR company. Or no PR company.

As much as we can. We follow our inner voice and psychic impression on things. Not PR Company crap.

And also we are interested in the impressions of accurate psychics. What they are picking up. About authenticity.

Fakery fun and games. Fiction. And out and out lies.

And we consider it.

No Meghan. Probably Still thinks she's gonna weave her magic PR wand over her future.

Despite all evidence.

It's not fool proof.
Chocmint33 said…
Anonymous 12:11 - that Lifetime telemovie was based on fact and fiction. I watched it. With these movies they bend the truth to appeal to the audience. At the time Meghan was popular and they wanted to paint her as sugar nice. Of course, they would not have portrayed her as the chaser of Harry.
Chick'sOpinion said…

WTF. How did Doria's net worth become so high?

Clearly Meghan has been tranferring money to her mother.

And hiding it in her bank accounts.

I do recall a psychic sayin very early on. That Meghan hides earnings from the Royal Family.


She's very very crafty.
That's for sure

They are going to have to 'up' their game to manage her in future.

But no doubt. Ultimately, once a divore is underway. The Queen will hand over management of Meghan to the sharks with the biggest teeth in England.

The Royal family's lawyers.
Chick'sOpinion said…

WTF. How did Doria's net worth become so high?

Clearly Meghan has been tranferring money to her mother.

And hiding it in her bank accounts.

I do recall a psychic sayin very early on. That Meghan hides earnings from the Royal Family.


She's very very crafty.
That's for sure

They are going to have to 'up' their game to manage her in future.

But no doubt. Ultimately, once a divore is underway. The Queen will hand over management of Meghan to the sharks with the biggest teeth in England.

The Royal family's lawyers.
Chick'sOpinion said…

It would not surprise me if Meghan has been planting these stories that depict her as a victim of racism.

Cause it's an easy stunt to pull. If you want sympathy. And support.

And to deflect people from your own clear faults.

Plus... it's all very politically correct and 'woke' So it fits with the way things are being framed in the media right now.

In fact I would go as far as to say...people faking claims of being victims of racism.

Erode justice for the real incidents of racism.
And the focus they deserve.

And also. It risks destabilizing support for anti racism groups ...campaigns.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I need 9 hours sleep.

Or I get crazy.
T. W. said…
Rumor has it Meghatron stole royal jewelry, including jewelry that belong to Princess Diana.

Here's some videos that will explain some things:

1) Meghan's Friends Claiming This Is Not New - Archie NOT Reason For Vanishing Act

2) Royals Ripped Off While Doria Receives New Car- Business Backfired Big Time


4) Meghan Markle's NUCLEAR OPTION - The TELL ALL INTERVIEW? Playing Card Divination

5) Meghan Markle's DISAPPEARING WEDDING RINGS? Playing Card Divination
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinon - Thank you for telling the unpopular truth.

List of Demands Being Made By Former Duke & Duchess
Apple Monkey said…
The disappearing rings were definitely a sign. Did Meghan want show Harry that she’s unhappy and ultimately boss? She has already changed the original engagement ring.
Anonymous said…
@chick When you call a human being a cow, it is simply a commentary on who you are. Try looking in the mirror at who you are and that should keep you too busy on focus on MM.
Anonymous said…
So MM is a bitch and he is a ginger? Well, well.. isn't that rich. So typical that it is so easy to call her a bitch and no women here objects to it. If she is a bitch, why isn't he a dick? Why a ginger? If you cannot see something wrong with this meme...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Look in ya own mirrors.

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