The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
When they are sued.
We shouldn't be surprised at this. There's not alot of integrity in Hollywood.
I'm waiting for Keanu Reeves to tell what he knows. What he's experienced. In Hollyweird.
That's if he survives that relationship with that genuine Witch he's currently dating.
Is she in his life to stop him revealing all?
Or is she just there to take his wealth. From him.
Or did they?
If it wasn't your idea or concept in the first place. You can't claim to have created it.
Then they claimed to write the horror movie, Hidden.
Then they claimed to have written episodes of Wayward Pines.
They also claim to be writers of the movies...
We All Fall Down,
The Big Toe, Eater,
Saturday Night at Norm's,
The Milkman,
Abraham's Boys
and Vessel
They clearly have no respect for creative people. None whatsoever. Stealong ideas. And passing them off as their own.
They are the sort of people who would claim they both painted Leonardo Da Vinci's, Mona Lisa.
If they could get away with it.
And profit from it.
My baby sister and I were thick as thieves. People thought we were twins. We no longer speak.
She has fraternal twin boys and they are sweet.
They didn’t steal food because they were hungry.
They didn’t steal clothes because they were naked.
They stole other people’s work because they were too lazy or too stoopid to create their own work.
They are gonna pay dearly. There is no honor among thieves.
The Two Tea leaves
That has been all over the news
Has he started the much longed for.... end to this argumentative Woke crap of Identity Politics.
Will he fail as an actor now? Or get success from the millions who cheered on his bravery to speak out?
And have failed.
The Trial is based on allegations that they plagiarised the show, Stranger Things.
That’s the show that’s set in the 1980’s.
These pair, the Twins ... were born in the mid 1980’s.
I find young people’s interest in the 1980’s curious.
What do they love about it?
The lack of technology?
The clothes, the music.?
We certainly didn’t see ourselves as lacking technology.
In fact we thought we were ahead of the game in the 80’s.
There was no internet to miss. Cause it hadn’t been invented.
We couldn’t dream up something like that... that concept.
Life without a thing called Facebook really meant. That you will never see that arsehole’s face or her face........ever again.
Or her/his family and friends.
To me, it seems people are unable to move on these days. They retain even the ability to check in on what their ex is up to.
That never happened in the past.
Once it was over.
It was OVER.
And it was usually like ....
‘see ya later, have a nice life bye’
A Detroit man is suing a bank for calling the police when he went to deposit settlement checks from a race discrimination lawsuit.
He filed a lawsuit on Wednesday after what he calls a "hellish experience" being questioned by police in front of bank customers - while two more Detroit police officers guarded the door outside, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Thomas closed his account at TCF Bank and deposited the checks at another bank - where they cleared in 12 hours.
Bank calls cops on black man trying to cash check from discrimination lawsuit
Sauntore Thomas, 44, claims TCF Bank employees refused to cash or deposit his settlement check on Tuesday at a branch in Livonia, leading cops to respond and a fraud investigation to be launched, the Detroit Free Press reports.
“I didn’t deserve treatment like that when I knew that the check was not fraudulent,” Thomas told the newspaper. “I’m a United States veteran. I have an honorable discharge from the Air Force. They discriminated against me because I’m black. None of this would have happened if I were white.”
Thomas, who had an account at the bank for nearly two years, sued TCF Bank on Wednesday, alleging racial discrimination by the bank for calling police, prompting four cops to respond to the branch, the newspaper reports.
But the check cleared some 12 hours later after Thomas opened a new account at a Chase bank in Detroit. The Air Force vet who previously walked to work then used the funds to buy a 2004 Dodge Durango, the Free Press reports.
“I feel very intimidated because I knew that if I would have gotten loud, they would have had me on the ground for disturbance of the peace,” Thomas said. “But I didn’t get loud … I did nothing.”
Julianne Hough’s fans express concern after she undergoes bizarre ‘energy exorcism’ in Switzerland
Julianne Hough experiencing what resembles an exorcism stuns fans
After Harry and Meghan tied the knot, Markle headed to Piers Morgan (which he has done several times) - to trash his daughter, but claimed that she had called him to check on him after his heart attack. Markle now says that he made the story up.
"Actually, on the Piers show, I lied," Thomas admitted in the Channel 5 documentary. "I said [that] they called me back, and they were really concerned about me, and I said, 'Go on your honeymoon, don't worry about me, I'll be fine.' And that was all a lie."
Big Quantasia Leaks Usher's Medical Records - He DOES Have Herpes!
And while she couldn't prove any of her new allegations, she did offer up receipts for her old ones. Receipts in the form of legal documents.
In the first document, Usher's lawyer confirmed what many suspected - that he was diagnosed with herpes - an incurable virus. Usher's lawyers wrote, that he "does not recall the exact date on which he was first diagnosed."
And it gets worse. Quantasia leaked another document - a settlement agreement, which appears to show that Usher paid Quantasia $110,000 to drop her lawsuit and be quiet.
Quantasia took Usher's money - but has clearly gone back on her promise of "confidentiality" and continues to muddy the singer's name and reputation.
The Program hit its stride during the 1980s.
American society began reaping the rotten fruit of the Sexual Revolution.
President Reagan started his war against black America, uh, I meant the War on Drugs.
President Reagan changed social welfare programs for the purpose of destroying black families and enslaving blacks, uh, I meant to help us get off welfare. Friends, please know that the average American on welfare is an employed white person.
President Reagan started the war against gays, uh, I meant the War “Against” AIDS.
The next phase of The Program, uh, I meant a series of unfortunate events led to mass famine, disease epidemics, political uprisings...
I’m gonna say it. That show Stranger Things is full of THEIR symbols and agendas. Anyone who watches that show is being programmed. The symbols and plots are so obvious. You only have yourself to blame for your Programming. Laugh if you want.
Still don’t believe me? Here’s your chance to prove me wrong.
Stay off television and social media for 40 days. Live your life: go outside, connect with human beings, worship God and/or meditate, avoid all the genetically modified food you can.
Then tell me how you feel and think after the 40 days are over.
You draw a very good contrast. To people who steal food. Because they are hungry and have no money.
And these Hollywood Duffer's Twins, who have stole ideas.
Just because they not creative enough to come up with their own.
As you pointed out very well.
There is no justifiable reason for it.
That man they tried to stop depositing his check sounds smart.
Real smart.
I noted he's a veteran. He knew to stay quiet while they were harassing him. Cause he knew what they intended.
Poor man. It's a shocking experience. If I was in the bank at the time. I would have started filming the incident.
People ! film/video cops if you see them tryin to frame someone. Assault someone.
They went on about the Mafia in America. Being morally corrupt.
The Police in America are not far from their behaviour.
Alot of people would argue that's wrong.
Go ahead. Cause the facts won't support it.
Because when you really study the behaviour of U.S cops. And how they operate.
Nope. They are as corrupt as
And we have other Police Forces around the world to compare to.
Australian Police for a start.
There's no way they could get away with what U.S police do. To the public.
For a start Australian cops rarely shoot unarmed civilians. Just doesn't happen.
Not sayin they wouldn't like to.
But they just cant.
They are heavily monitored by the public, regulations and media.
And they are NOT permitted to handcuff us. While just chatting to us.
Like they do in the U.S
They'd need to justify that. Heavily.
Australians are astounded how U.S cops have the right to handcuff the U.S public while just talking to them at their the street.
AND they handcuff them from the back.
I worked in a jail as some of you may know.
You only handcuff from the back if someone has a history of violence. Or is actually violent.
Handcuffing at the front. Is what's reasonable.
And respectful. If at all required.
And in Australia, Aboriginal deaths in custody are almost at zero.
Pretty amazing when Australian Aboriginals are frequently arrested by our Police because they have drug and alcohol problems.
What I am also saying... if they have an existing medical conditions. And are drunk or high while in custody here. They have been the only reasons for their deaths in custody.... recently.
Not acceptable either.
But at least we know they haven't been murdered. By Australian cops.
I do think the public filming cops behaving out of order or just doing general police work. Has caused cops to pull their heads in here too.
And how they talk to us.
And same in the UK.
It makes them think twice about talkin to us like smart arses. Or intimidating us. Denying us our rights.
If they know. That overnight they are gonna be You Tube stars.
With a a member of the public's solicitor making a complaint to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission or similar.
Or sueing their arses off.
I feel sorry for Usher.
No one should have to experience the entire world knowing you have Herpes.
Poor guy.
Interestingly, I made up a character called Mirabella Huxley. And shazam that character came up in a website about a year later.
What the thieve was trying to do with the character was very incoherent. The website didn't last because the lowlife obviously had no creative talent.
Most of these thieves don't. That's why they steal. Maybe their creativity has been killed off by their drug taking.
My dad told me of this funny incident when he was in a shop with one of his policeman friends Graham. Graham saw a man who my dad vaguely knew and loudly said, 'Gordon Thomas Smith Thief,' shaming him in front of people. Apparently he stole valuable equipment from boats and was previously charged.
That's what you should do if someone steals - name their full name with the word Thief after it.
I fantasize about putting up a website, naming and shaming creative thieves. My own thief site!
Imagine it - Ross C. Duffer Thief & Matthew C. Duffer Thief.
CD when your prediction comes true name these guys like this in huge headings. It will be hilarious.
Do your art anyway. And ask your guardian angel to prevent it from being stolen.
Or apply for a Trademark on it.
Utilising your very creative self is more important. Than the outcome.
And remember...if they do steal an image of your art.
You know It's good.
If you consider it all. Yes. The 80's were abit crazy.
Though I remember everyone being very cyncial in the 80's.
As we grew up in the shadow of the fact that JFK had been murdered.
I think that made us very distrustful of government and institutions in the 1980's.
That they were so corrupt. They'd murder an American President who was attempting to end segregation.
The example of the U.S weighed heavily on attitudes, values and beleifs if I recall.
A white person raising a ruckus is standing up for their rights you know...
You won't have to wait long. The case...trial against the Duffer Twins is going ahead.
They are shitting themselves.
Omg I couldn't believe it...when you mentioned arseholes stole your creative work from marking boxes. At uni in the mid 90's.
That's so bad.
So tge good thing is...hey can't access student's work that way anymore. Not that way.
Because as you know it's all submitted electronically. And even better. When it's submittted gets run through a plagiarism program.
To detect plagiarism. And the existence of YOUR submitted work, is basically registered in the plagiarism database.
I know cause my friend is currently at Uni.
So clearly these Duffer twins are guilty.
But can you explain to us...who don't have film and media experience or what point, do you think these Duffer twins were able to get their hands on other people's work?
There clearly is still vunerability for this kinda theft.
It's actually been going on since the beginning of Hollywood I think.
As I recall reading of it happening back even in the 40's. Over some iconic movie I read about.
Or the book based on it.
By the way, I'm going to read director, Roman Polanski's autobiography. Called Roman By Polanski.
As you know ...he had an extraordinary life.
Makes Quentin Tarantino seem a total bore to me.
Yeah yeah. I know Roman Polanski is also a P.T rapist of women.
But as you probably know he was/is a fantastic director.
I love his movies.
Who is your favourite director?
Think long and hard about becoming a mum.
Because sounds like it's likely you'll have twins.
And be driven mad for the next 20 years by them.
CDAN claims the twins stole their ideas from people who pitched their ideas to them. The twins would turn the pitches down & bad mouth the work.
As far as me giving birth, yes I am still of child bearing age. But I am too tired. I'm finishing my second seminary degree and I am still dealing with health issues. I hit my head AGAIN this week. I also need 2 more surgeries, one of which will permanently prevent me from bearing children. The timing has never been right for the 2 surgeries I need. Partial hysterectomies have a 2 month recovery time.
As you all know I am single. I was advised to get a sperm donor, whether it be from a clinic or a benefactor. I was raised by a single parent. I refuse to do that to a child on purpose.
There was a blind item last year about a plagiarized film. I do not recall the name of it but it was written by a woman and became well known and successful. You might want to ask the regular CDANers if they remember.
You have difficult choices in your life.
Isn't it frustrating when the timing is all wrong in life.
I wouldn't want to repeat my time as a single parent.
The only good thing about the time I spent as a single parent.
Was it was peaceful with no arguing.
But quite difficult.
I thank you for understanding.
God bless single parents.