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The answer to everything....


T. W. said…
I take it we are not out of the woods.
T. W. said…
They should send the vagina scented candles to them. Paltrow swears her feminine fragrance drives people wild.

Wild with fear...

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Vagina-Scented Candle Sells Out in Minutes

Gwyneth Paltrow made a boatload of money when her entire inventory of vagina-scented candles sold out within minutes on her Goop website.

Paltrow, who is known for selling bizarre items on Goop, packaged the candles in jars with B&W labels that read, "This Smells Like My Vagina."

The actress describes her vaginal odor as "a funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected scent."


Paltrow says the candles are made with "a mixture of cedar, geranium, citrusy bergamot, Damask Rose and ambrette seed that puts owners and their guests in the mind state of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth."
Chick'sOpinion said…
I'm scared of these Vagina scented candles.

The thought of them makes me want to cross my legs.
Chick'sOpinion said…
If Trump had an intellectual side.

He'd have read U.S Secretary for Defence, Robert McNamara's 11 Lessons for War.

Robert McNamara was part of the decision to bomb Japan. Twice.

He also averted the Cuban Missile crisis.
And was a Veteran. And held Office under U.S Presidents, John F Kennedy. And Lyndon B Johnson.

His 11 Lessons are..

#1 Empathsize with your empathy

#2 Rationality will not save us

#3 There's something beyond one's self

#4 Maximise efficiency (make war cheap)

#5 Proportionality should be a guideline in War (his meaning: Was it really necessary to drop 2 atomoc bombs on Japan)

#6 Get the data. (Commision studies on everything. From demographics of buyers. To accidents)

#7 Belief and seeing are both often wrong

#8 Be prepared to examine your reasoning

#9 In order to do good. You may have to to engage in evil

#10 Never say never

#11 You can't change human nature.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Lets recall 2003. And what that evil little weasal, U.S politician, Donald Rumsfeld said back then.

During the War in Iraq.

And bear in mind, that some people tell the story of their values, beliefs and current actions.
In their more casual statements.

He said the following..... about war in Iraq and the rampant lawlessness in Bagdad after U.S troops captured the capital,

'Its untidy...and freedom's untidy. And free people are free to make mistakes and commit crime and do bad things'

You know, probably the only gain from the invasion of Iraq, was the removal of that henious dangerous dictator, Sadam Hussain.

That had to happen at some stage.

People were finally free of him.

And his far more dangerous brother, Uday.

There are young girl's that have never been found. Because Sadam Hussain's brother, Uday abducted raped and murdered them.

Is the current conflict in Iraq or Iran going to acheive more than just the removal of dangerous dictators?


And then there's the money....

Politician, Dick Chaney made a mountain of money out of the Invasion Of Iraq back in 2003.

I wonder who stands to make money from this latest conflict.

It will come out later I guess.

Iran are definitely in real trouble. Financial trouble.

Because they are not permitted to sell their main export. Oil.

And have been reduced to continue to try selling it to corrupt regimes. And disobeying heavy global sancions on them.

And that gets them in deeper trouble.

With almost everyone.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - IT GETS WORSE:

1) A German company has been making perfume like this for over 10 years. They manufacture Vulva Original. They even have a video.


2) Vice wrote a funny article about this. I promise it is funny:

The Scent of a Woman's Vagina

3) The reviews must be seen to be believed!

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