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TOLD YA A different type of ORANGE..

Awaiting his 3rd wish to come true ..

So while Nick Gordon,
 fakes tears & grief /etc.
For his heartbreak.
He's waiting for his
 3rd wish to come true.
Wish One: 
Bobbi Kistina . DONE
Wish Two: She Dies......DONE
Wish Three: Receive the check ...............

I hope he likes Orange .


T. W. said…
Goat Lucy always collects full payment. Always.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And was he taking enormous amount of drugs. Because of how in debt he is.

In Nov 2016 a Judge ordered that he had to pay more than 36 million in damages. For Bobbi Cristina's wrongful death.

Bobbi Brown showed some balls. And went after this arsehole.

Nick Gordon was also deemed legally responsible for her death.

When that court decision was made. He failed to appear at court. So they made the decision anyway.

It was well known he and Bobbi Cristina were deep into drug addiction at the time of her death.

And plenty of psychics have claimed he drowned her.

It's so obvious ....where he got the idea to do it.

He was a foster kid. To Whitney Houston. And not a very bright one.

How dumb could you be, to think you would get away with murdering your Foster mum's kid. The same way as the Foster mum's death.

And not come under suspicion.

It's just stupid.

I'm not saying he murdered Whitney too.

I dont think he did.

Unless someone else out there has a gut feeling about it.
Anonymous said…
Wow. I did not know this. 36 million in damages? The last I saw of him was when he was on Dr. Phil. No doubt he killed Bobbi. Such a tragedy. I wondered when he was going to get his due. What goes around comes around.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Nick Gordon's 911 Call Reveals He Had 'Black Stuff' Coming Out Of His Mouth!!
T. W. said…
More information from Judiciary Report website:

Nick Gordon Found Dead


Gordon, who dated Bobbi Kristina for years after Houston took him into their home, when his mother put him out due to terrible behavior, was found in a hotel room in a state of cardiac arrest, suffering from a suspected drug overdose. Reports indicate black foam was oozing from his mouth, which often occurs during an opioid overdose. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

In 2012 the legendary, record setting singer Houston died under strange and mysterious circumstances in a hotel bathtub, much like her daughter later would in a tub at her home. Violent and psychopathic Gordon was the common thread present when both women passed in a similar, suspicious manner indicating foul play[.]

Whitney Houston

As I have maintained for years on this site, I am of the belief Gordon killed both women, who were found face down in bathtubs, 3-years apart, with their bodies displaying bruising. When Houston died I wondered out loud on this site why her body was found face down in the bathtub and with bruising and burns from hot water.

No one takes a bath face down or remains in a tub in that state, and with the water scalding hot. How did the body turn itself over in that state. Days after my observation on this site, the top forensic pathologist in America, Cyril Wecht, also wondered out loud in an interview how Houston's body ended up face down in the tub (rather than face up). Gordon also Lied about giving Houston CPR[.]

Fast-forward 3-years and Bobbi Kristina was found in the exact same manner as her mother, face down in the bathtub of her Atlanta, Georgia home, with a trash can between her legs, and garbage in the tub. Once again, how did the body turn itself over to be positioned face down in the tub, as no one takes a bath in that manner.

Bobbi Kristina's body bore the signs of abuse on her mouth, chest and arms, indicating a fight and struggle. This is in the coroner's report. A drug dealer present in the home had reported Gordon had physically abused Bobbi Kristina the morning she was discovered facedown in the tub. The drug dealer fled the house before paramedics arrived, but was later sought by police as a potential witness.

Gordon made an appearance on Bobbi Kristina Brown's reality show "The Houstons: On Our Own." On the show Gordon was seen cheating on Bobbi Kristina and treating her in a less than respectful way. Not long after a series of disturbing social networking posts revealed Gordon was being abusive and threatening to Bobbi Kristina and members of her family.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I guess we'll never know. But it seems clear from all the facts you put here.

He is likely the culprit.

Or he hired professional assassins to do the job.

But it doesn't seem like the murders were done professionally. As she was found face down.

I wish CD would finally solve this this.

It's just so shocking that both mother and daughter have been murdered.

Bobby Brown hired security at the hospital 24/7 when Bobbi Chistina was in a coma.

Cause he knew. That someone definately wanted his daughter dead.
T. W. said…
The article says Gordon did not act alone. I agree.

Michael, Prince, and Whitney are worth more dead than alive.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Perhaps it's merciful that this little 'shitbag' Nick Gordon is dead.

Because clearly he would go on to murder others. If there was a financial advantage to him.
T. W. said…
That guy was a sociopath. His own mother got rid of him when he was a teen. Whitney was foolish to take him in. Bobbie Kristina was foolish to date him.

When you dig a hole for someone else don’t be surprised when you fall into it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting. And its so evident that Whitney Housten and Bobby Brown were high most of their adult lives.

Because they sure as shit missed seeing the evil in this Nick Gordon.

And it would have been painfully obvious at times.

That he was a sociopath.

There are plenty of teen sociopaths. As we know.

They've gotta start somewhere. On their career of their destruction, of other people's lives.

The other problem was. Whitney Housten loved some people way too much. People not worth an ounce of her time. Or money.

She obviously saw Nick Gordon as a victim when she took him in.

And raised him like her own son.

And how did he thank her for that?

By murdering her daughter.

For money.

I wouldn't mind reading Whitney Housten's lesbian lover' Robyn's book. Because she will no doubt discuss.

Her own apprehension about this Nick Gordon in Whitney's life.

What a terrible outcome.
I still find it hard to believe Whitney Housten is dead.

I loved her music as a teen.
To me ..she had everything. She was beautiful ...tall. Had an exceptional singing voice.

And when we heard the rumour in the early 90's that she was dating that 'bad boy' Bobby Brown. People at first didn't believe it.

They really didn't.

People thought. How could someone so nice. And decent. Be dating him?

Well. We didnt know about Whitney's early drug problem. Something she shared with Bobby Brown.

Just goes to show. How good PR and Recording Companies back then...were.

At hiding their perforners big fat drug problem.


From the general public.
T. W. said…
Bobby Brown claims Whitney was doing hard drugs when they met and that she was the one who got him hooked on them. Other sources confirm his claims. I believe Bobby.

I saw Robyn’s interview in The Wendy Williams Show. She came across as classy and I think her book will be good to read.

I’m still waiting for Lisa Marie Presley’s tell-all. Publishers don’t want to touch it because she goes into details and gives names.
T. W. said…
Wendy Williams said on live television Nick took his own life.
T. W. said…
The Dark Streak Continues: Nick Gordon – the Ex of Bobbi Kristina Brown – Dies at 30

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