Breakdown ahead.......
April 02 2017
April 02 2017
For those of you who don't know who this is.
Her name is Katie Price,
shes a reality Star in the UK.
Think Brit Kim Kardashian, I know not pretty.
Well, I just saw these pics of her..
Looks to me as thought she's about to hit the deck.
It won't be pretty either..............
Once down, she'll see the result of her Karma.
Due to all the crap that she has done to others.
And needs to grow up.
Can someone please hide the dogs.
They are not safe with her around.
The surgeon who performed her face lift while she was awake and talking into a camera needs to have their medical license taken away.
Seriously, I agree with Musaka. I also agree with Teflon Don Trump. Greta Thunberg is an annoying brat who needs to do age appropriate stuff and go to school.
Christian is correct as well. The truth is often annoying and inconvenient.
Please pray for all abuse victims and survivors.
Please pray for Programming victims.
In Jesus’ name I pray they all receive freedom, recovery, and healing. Amen.
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