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Watch for April.....

So as the trial of Impotus begins.
He believes that he & his cronies.
Have this all sealed up.................
But remember, the people that built.
Thought that the Titanic wouldn't sink.
Oh, well............


Quiet said…
i burst our laughing. thank you CD.
Trump in the Dump going down !!
Truth said…
Your still beating a dead horse Christian Dion. I'm so fucking disappointed in you. Well Big Man...what's going to happen with the Corona Virus....what in hell is wrong with you. I know the answer and clearly you don't. Trump will win the 2020 BIG FUCKING news...if they don't take him out. Your a seer of what ? celebrity ? By the way your still on shaky ground living there...why do I bother because part of me knows you have a gift. I told you Trump would win. Your blind sided bloke.....get real....
Anonymous said…
Hahahahaha lmao I fell over laughing so hard at this. Trump in the dump. CD and quiet, kudos to you both. Trumpy dumpty bye bye!
Anonymous said…
I think CD is using humor but Truth yes you're correct, the people are pawns and fear and race to divide. And Trump wins again, playing the game.
T. W. said…
This made me laugh out loud too.

Hi Truth! Some seers are saying Trump will be forced out one way or another (kicked out or assassinated). Some say he will finish this term but will not win the next election. Others are saying he will win the next election but will be forced out then.

I pay attention to the dates the predictions were made. I noticed a long timeframe for these predictions so this confirmed my gut feeling. Human free will is still at play and the outcome of this election is not set in stone. We will make our own future.

Hillary Clinton did win the election. rasPutin and the shadow government placed Donald Trump into office. God allowed this because having Trump in office is necessary for God’s purposes. I have said before that had Hillary taken office “The End” would come sooner than it should have.

I am not saying Trump is or is not close to God. I do know some things will come out in hindsight.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You are either a nutter. A confused skeptic. Or both.

Or you are a Troll bore.

Or spent the night drinkin too many cans.

Are you a full out Trump supporter?

If you are. Good for you.

So now clear off back to... under the little rock you crawled out from under.

You silly tit.

Here's hoping you get the conovirus. You mentioned.

Cause that's what YOU are. A virus.

Perhaps that will get YOU 'real'.

Spending your life saying abusive things on someone else's blog.

Everyone else here is choosing to respond politely to your diarrhoea.

I'm not.

Because generally we don't stand for this kinda stuff usually.
And more importantly. Neither does Christian.

And I'm going to assume your statement towards Christian Dion here, is a personal threat

When you said 'By the way you're still on shaky ground living there'.

Clarify that.

If you dare.

You w...ker.

And get a new name ....Truth doesn't suit you.

Go for Twat.

It's more suitable.
Apple Monkey said…
Truth, there no need to be so rude.
Anonymous said…
Truth; ( parody name ? ) is that you Donald ? That language is rude and inappropriate. This is a personal blog that belongs to CD. How dare you speak like that ? Go and learn some civility and manners you Cyber bully.
Letty said…
I still have my popcorn ready but it’s taking way too long
To bring this jackass down!!!
Apple Monkey said…
HA Chicks, your response was far more articulate than mine. Good work!
See Truth - we love and support Christian. There are plenty of other places for you to visit online with such thoughtless remarks.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love how Americans call people, a Jackass.

It took me a while to figure out. It's not based on a real American animal.

Though it could be applied to a breed of Donkey.

Anyway I love it when Americans say it.

Too funny.
T. W. said…
Truth -

You might love CDAN and Reddit.

Nothing wrong with different opinions. But I agree, you were mean. Perhaps you need time away from the internets? I take time away every now and then.

I hope things get better for you.

With love,

Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Thank you.

I felt something needed to be said.

Because was so over the top. And rude.

And wrong.
Apple Monkey said…
Lol HRH TW I love the fact you are signing off HRH TW. That has made me giggle!

Chicks - well said and I agreed with every word.

We love you Christian!
T. W. said…
I’m glad to be of service Apple Monkey! Laughter is healing.

God bless Christian. He is showing much restraint.

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