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Whilst walking Lady Gaga.
I had this awful feeling.
Now, granted I get a lot of those.
But rarely like this.
"1929 Round 2."


Nikki Smith said…
Chocmint33 said…
Yep I can see that happening. Babyfart's lying address to the nation stated that the economy is in the best shape ever.

Bullshit - that is only for the wealthy top 1% of the American population.

When the economy crashes under him and because of him - you can bet that his arse-licking sheep like McConnell will be like rats jumping off a ship.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Wonder what a Stock Market crash is caused by?

Can you give us a hint CD.

Trump talked about the Stock Market alot in his impeachment 'victory' speech.

Taking credit for it being up.

And claiming that had he been impeached it would have crashed.

T. W. said…
Christian, I swear. We must be on the same wavelength. I was talking to my sister about this on Wednesday.

I’m not panicking. We will prepare the best we can and ask God to help us and to help others.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Puerto Ricans are not exactly safe.

They have lots of earthquakes. On a regular basis. But because alot of insurance companies have gone broke there. Alot has not been repaired.

Since Hurricane Maria. In 2017

In Aguadilla, even the Tsunami Warning Alarm hasn't been repaired. Since it was damaged in Hurricane Maria.

So they now have to use Whistles. And listen for them.

Generally insurance claims remain un-settled in Puerto Rico. Since 2017.

Emergency facilities, hospitals, stadiums government Offices...all remain with the damage.

Claims to repair condos even remain unsettled. And not fixed.

The insurance battles in Puerto Rico are not even battles.

They either don't pay out. Or offer a very reduced amount instead of the real value.

So here's my Tsunami warning.

Do not buy property in Puerto Rico.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Minimg and energy drilling is about to start in Southern Utah. Oil gas and coal.

On land that used to be a National Monument. ...specifically Grand Staircase Escalante

Well alot of it is now no longer protected.
Since Trump signed it off protection.

Trump has also signed off for the use of a 1000 acres of an area in Utah called Bears Ears. Another area formally protected.

Well. Trump's rollback of land protection continues.

He claims this is all part of his commitment to the people of Utah.

How is opening up land to be mined. That was protected not that long ago by Barak Obama....a committment to the people of Utah?

Yes it will help the economy there.

But destroy an environment of Utah.

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Jules said…
Thank you, Christian.
Amen TW.

They are really stinking to "their" agenda this time.
T. W. said…
I send my love to everyone here!

Chick’sOpinion, our stock market has been propped up for years for various reasons. We have been overdue for an orchestrated, uh, I meant major stock market crash.

Stock markets don’t mean anything. They are a shell game designed to get money from the masses. I do believe some crashes are “natural” and others are orchestrated by various groups or people.

I will say various sources claim THEY know THEY need to time this correctly. Notice Brexit just happened...

THEY need the global economy to fail so THEY can implement the global currency. This could be a test run.

Notice what China is doing. They have had the social credit system for years. It is similar to the Mark of the Beast.

China and some European countries have already placed rfid chips into their citizens’ bodies. What does that sound like to you?

THEY have to do test runs & test people’s reactions.

THEY wanted to put rfid chips into American citizens while President Reagan was in office. He would not allow it, saying “This sounds like the Mark of the Beast.”

THEY need the Biblically literate generations to die off. I fear my generation could be the last of the Biblically literate. But THEY didn’t count on Millenials wanting to go to church. It is written in the book of Joel - God will pour out His spirit in the final days. The young men and women will prophecy. The old will dream dreams.

Is the Truther Community mostly made of a bunch of young people?

Something to think about.
T. W. said…
I didn’t know this about Utah.

Mitt Romney was the only Republican Senator to vote to impeach Teflon Don.

Mitt Romney is from Utah.

What a coincidence!

The land in Utah is sacred. We need to listen to the Native Americans. They have much wisdom.

MARK my words.

When $h!t hits the fan people will be running to churches and/or they will try to find the Native Americans to teach them how to live off the grid.
Jules said…
ooops meant to write sticking not stinking!!!!!!!
Stef x said…
A lot of people I’ve spoken to in Australia think trump is OK. It’s really weird. I don’t even continue the conversation or mention trump’s derogatory comments about women. But they always say he is doing all these positive things and the media is picking up on the bad? It’s really unfortunate because these people are in high positions in their jobs and not dumb...

I had a bad feeling about there being another Wall Street crash like event occur when Christian said he wasn’t going to to be doing this year’s predictions.. my energy has been so all over the place lately and negative. So it’s weird this is what he’s just said.

I don’t even know how to prepare and I’m in a career that is probably not going to withstand and event like that.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Stef x

Well. If you lose your place in your current career. Due to a stockmarket crash.

See it as the universe's way of getting you change career anyway.

It's not very fair. I know.

But sometimes the weirdest situations cause us to change jobs as you know.

And change partners.

I always say...hindsight is a wonderful thing. But not very useful.

But when we look back...we can see some things were just not meant to be for us.

Anyway. That's how i look at things now I'm older.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Totally agree with you regarding the Stock Market.

Well said.

I always had an uneasy feeling about investing in stocks. I tbought it was because I never wanted to be involved in something I don't fully understand. And never will.

Now I kmow it's more because the Stock Market is artificially manipulated.

By evil people.

Alot of them.

And you only have to watch that movie, The Wolf Of Wall Street with Leonardo Di Caprio. To get a take on what goes on.

Yeah they focus on screwing the 1000's of little investors...mum and dad investors.

And the fact that The Wolf Of Wall Street was based on a true story. And a true person topped it off for me.

Jordan Belfort was the real Wolf Of Wall Street.

But even today there are 1000's of him. Playing with other people's hard earned savings.

My motto.
Never let the mice near the cheese.
T. W. said…
1) Bernie Madoff has terminal kidney disease & will be released from Butner Federal Prison.

2) Tracey Brown did a Wuhan Corona Virus reading. Relevant portion:

A) China allegedly released the virus to stop the Hong Kong protesters because talks broke down. Plus China was losing money.

B) This is China’s karma.

C) The President of China is regretting this.

D) Their economy will suffer. Since American goods are made in China we will suffer economically.

E) No epidemic in America.

F) Do not accept shipments from China.

G) Do not eat Chinese food. If you didn’t know that by now I don’t know what to tell you.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. That reading about the Coronavirus virus by Tracey Brown makes alot of sense.
I mentioned it too on the Prayer Circle we are all doing for CoronaVirus victims.

And yes. Their Chinese economy IS suffering.

Apparently even an iphone factory is completely still.

Is this their Karma? For all the shocking human rights violations they have continued with for decades.

I think so.

As for Bernie Madoff.

The one who stole everyone's money.

The first time I heard his name it made me giggle when you think about what he did.

He Made Off with everyone's money.

I swear God names people appropriately sometimes.

To alert people. There's a problem with this person.
T. W. said…

I laughed at Bernie’s name too.

I won’t tell you my gynecologist’s name.

As for karma.

China has been killing baby girls after they have been born. This was going on before they had the one child policy.

The Chinese men are more susceptible to the coronavirus than the females. Has to do with their dna.

So this Virus was created in a lab to destroy.

This Virus is killing what China values most: their males.
Chick'sOpinion said…

What the Chinese government have done to female babies over the years is unforgivable.

Oh and for a while now. The Chinese have been running a harrasment campaign. Via their media.

It harrasses Chinese women of aged 35 and over.

Who have not married yet. Or choose not to.

It makes fun of them for not marrying.... with hurtful cartoons of them in the online newspapers.
On a regular basis.

In China they actually have a word for women in their late to mid 30's who haven't married.

It translates as 'leftover women'

The Chinese Communist goverment clearly see unmarried women as socially suspect. And a political threat.

There was an aticle about this in The New York Times this week.

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