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Finale in March.... Yeah Right Ho

So it has been announced that H&M.
Will, make their final "Royal" Appearances.
In March...... 
Well, don't hold your breath.
No, doubt Ging will turn up.
But. Megexit, won't if she gets another offer.


Chocmint33 said…
It's amazing how in the space of just 2 years this once quite popular couple is now seen in a cynical light.

I wonder how they will go being non-royals in the next 12 months?

This saga certainly makes the Fergie/Diana stuff look like a Disney show.
T. W. said…
Britain can keep her.
T. W. said…
The Democrat Debate is on NBC right now & it is actually good!
Chick'sOpinion said…
They've done hardly any Royal Engagements as it is.

She clearly hated the life...of quiet duty to the Crown.

She's bailed on everything.

Makes you wonder. What on earth did Meghan Markle think Royal life was going to consist of?

One psychic I read. Said Meghan went into it believing it consisted of going to endless parties. And having access to limitless amounts of money.

How naive could you be? Seriously.

The only thing near parties, the Royal family go to. Are ones where they are meeting foreign dignatories.

And the foreign dignatories are usually there in the UK or elsewhere. On serious official business.
Not living it up.

Sometimes I wonder how Meghan Markle got her degree. And. I'm certain she studied politics at university.

Plus she worked at the Embassy in Buenos Aires for awhile.

And yet..... Her choices seem to indicate she's a bit thick.

And has no understanding of how international affairs operate.

Or...the basics on how monarchies conduct themselves.

You would only have to have a small grasp of. Or education in history to know those basics.

And she seems to think rules don't apply to her.

Was she raised to do exactly as she likes?

And was oppositional defiant.

It seriously makes me wonder.

Because she certainly doesn't seem to respect people who do follow rules, regulations.
And traditions either.

I find her very odd.
Cordelia said…
You need to know which side your bread is buttered.
Jules said…
Even if she was free I honestly don't think she will dare turn up, I think she fears the reaction of the British public.
Chick'sOpinion said…

So, to what extent do the British public dislike this Meghan Markle generally?
Apple Monkey said…
Jules you are right.
Choc can you believe it? Such a short space of time.
Chicks Me again was incredibly naive don’t you think? One only had to see the types of engagements William, Harry and Kate have done in the past.
Absolutely Cordelia
TW - you must rest xoxoxo
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - did you watch on channel 9 a couple of weeks ago her father Thomas's documentary? If you didn't it's on 9s Nine Now website.

Honestly I can see why and how she ended up the way she is.

She was spoilt, pampered and worshipped by her dad. And what did he get back for it - 0.

It reminds me of the line in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where the Ooompa Loompas sing about Veruca Salt.

Who do you blame when your kid is a brat?
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat
Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who`s to blame
The mother and the father

T. W. said…
Apple Monkey - You are right.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Love how you call Chocmint33, Choc

Chocmint33 You are now officially Choc !
Chick'sOpinion said…
Just to let you guy's know. I'm sure I made a nose like Meghan Markle's at primary school with plasticine.

Does anyone remember that stuff?

Well. Im sure the Queen banning the trademarks wiped off Meghan's painted-on smile.

If I was the Queen I'd definately be asking Meghan to repay the 32 million the Queen paid for her wedding.

It's normal for the groom's family to pay for the booze at the Wedding. But 32 million for everything??

And then her and Prince Harry stick 2 fingers up at the Queen.

Wrong wrong wrong.

Will Archie ever be really welcome in the Royal family after this? I very much doubt it.

Particularly how his mother is NOT an aristocrat.

I think, in a big way.... Meghan has ruined it for Archie. And anymore kids she pretends to have with Harry.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I read somewhere that Meghan only wanted to go to the big parties, where the celebrities and VIPs would attend. She wasn't interested in going to small towns to meet the locals and others.

Probably thought the royal life would be jetsetting the globe in the queen's private plane, attending parties all over the world wearing designer gowns and jewels.

Jules makes a very good point. The Brits do not like her now and I think she dares not to step out in public because people are going to see her as a fraud, not to mention, she "took" their favorite prince away.

She also knows the "family" doesn't particularly like her either, so I can't see her doing it. If she does, she is very courageous (and has bigger you-know-whats than Princess Charlotte).

I'm not sure if Meghan graduated with a degree or a diploma. What I can tell you is the university she attended has a long list of famous actors and actresses who also attended the theatre program(s). For example, Warren Beatty. Old, but very famous.

Gotta go. TGIF.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
From Wikipedia:

Raised as a Protestant, she nonetheless attended Immaculate Heart High School, an all-girl Catholic private school in Los Angeles. Markle was then admitted to Northwestern University, where she joined Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and participated in community service and charity projects. She also served an internship at the American embassy in Buenos Aires, and studied for one semester in Madrid. She earned her bachelor's degree from Northwestern's School of Communication in 2003, with a double major in theater and international studies.,_Duchess_of_Sussex
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - interesting Meghan thinking she would go to endless parties. Which psychic was that?

Here's a link to an English channeller/energy worker Amanda who mentioned Meghan as a party girl.

She gave the reading just before their wedding in 2018. Amanda doesn't like to say negative things about people but ruthless and finding happiness at other people's expense is what she picked up about Meghan back then. She has proven accurate. A good reading.

I like the name Choc. Cool Apple Monkey!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting. And for someone who did International Studies at Uni. Which is a hard subject by the way.

I can't understand why Meghan Markle would pass up an opportunity to be a Royal.

While she can't make decisions as a Royal. She can definitely be privy to a huge amount of International events, politics and changes. In a Royal role.

And meet alot of the people involved in international affaires.

Was that not enough for her?

Being part of it. But not running the show.

It's truly bizarre to me. That despite the hostility from the family. She couldnt bide her time. And carve out a career for herelf in an understated way.

But I guess being understated aint her style.

And that's her Achilles heel.
Apple Monkey said…
Ha Chicks - it’s just quicker to abbreviate. You asked how disliked Meghan is here in the U.K.? Not many people have a good word to say about her. Harry’s popularity has definitely gone down, but Meghan is seen to be a trouble maker. People have a lot of respect for the Queen - she’s 93 and doesn’t need this s.i! at this point in her life.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Choc. I just watched the 9 Thomas Markle interveiw.
It's sad hey.
He'll never see his daughter again.

And I guess he needs to give up.
But no parent 'gives up' on their child.

Or rarely do.
T. W. said…
I think MeghaTron is mentally ill.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Can't remember which psychic it was.

Maybe it was Northy Witch tarot reader
Kirsty Lewis tarot, Amanda ellis, yes ...maybe... the UK Amanda
Or Tarot by Andie

I don't know.

I read and listen to alot of predictions.

If there's a general consensus. I tend to believe they are probably right.

But I distinctly remember one sayin, yeah. Meghan is all about partying.

I'll check out the one you put a link to.

I cannot beleive how Prince Harry has gone from the most popular Prince in the UK and even in Commonwealth countries like Australia.

And is now ....the least less that 5 years.

Apple Monkey...I got the impression Meghan was quite disliked in the UK ....from reading the Press. But wasn't sure if it was just journalists disliked her.

Thanks for that. Now we know it's generally true.

Will Prince Harry ever recover his image in the UK?

Good question.
Perhaps with a new wife.
Apple Monkey said…
Glad you like Choc, Choc :) You are right I forgot to say, that Meghan was so pampered and you could see how much she changed from a sweet 12 year old to a 18 year old at graduation.
The Thomas Markle doc was very sad. I also feel sad for Archie, not being able to see his uncle and aunt and cousins and other members of the family.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - In all honesty when Meghan Markle first got engaged to Prince Harry she was genuinely welcomed with open arms by the masses (sheeple) in the UK. Those that could see right through her were in the minority. However, little by little, due entirely by her outrageous spending and the couples hypocritical preaching her popularity began to fade and more and more people began to wise up to her. The turning point for the nation (the masses) happened following the interview she gave in the African documentary. even then some genuinely felt sorry for her and supported the couple's desire for privacy, however, following Megxit it's true to say the woman is now vilified by the masses as they can now see straight through her. Prince Harry is being viewed as either an idiot, a victim or a perpetrator. The couple, in general, is seen as a money-grabbing laughing stock who are disrespecting the Queen.

It is abundantly clear to me Meghan Markle did NOT give up on Royal life .. it was never part of her plan ... all of what she is doing today has been carefully orchestrated and planned, the woman had exit strategies set in place BEFORE she even walked down the aisle. It's all very sinister.

I have posted this video before, and I urge everyone to have a look at this video its called, ULTIMATE SCAM by according to Taz

T. W. said…
I remember Tax’s video.
T. W. said…
MeghaTron did say her p*$$y is pricey:
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. I watched that video by According2Taz.

Very interesting.

Funny how Meghan kept her Hollywood team. When she married into the Royal family. And retained her right to her company Frim Fram Inc.

She moved this company out of California. To Delaware...for Tax purposes. It's incorporated in Delaware. Because it's a popular place for the rich to put their businesses apparently.

There are tax reasons why Delaware is popular but I dont know the specifics.

Yes. Meghan knows how to make all the business moves. And if she doesn't, she gets advice.

She probably talks to her business manager more often than I do to my Hair Stylist.

Meghan didn't marry in my view. She conducted a business plan.

And fell flat on her face. When she learned the obvious. That you cannot personally make money from a Royal insignia or title.

Legally the only person entitled to do that is the reigning monarch. As most people know.

Well in light of that. Meghan just switches to business plan B, or C, or D.

And she never moved her clothes from Canada to the UK when she married. She put them into storage in Canada. Thats very telling too.

Clearly it's true Meghan Markle was never seriously going to stay the distance as a Royal. It was just something she was doing to get it on her C.V. Make a killing in cash.
For a period of time in her life.

And then leg it.

It's amazing how many lies Meghan has told that, that According2Taz illustrated quite clearly in that video.

And Jules. Glad to hear that most people in the UK have woken up ....that Meghan is not even remotely who she claimed to be.

Another thing...Outrageously ....Even in Oct 2018. Meghan set up two foundations both with names ' Arch'.
And she was, at that time, if actually physically pregnant, only 8 weeks ingestation with Archie.
When she did this.

Who the monetises and commodifies their child at 8 ingestation. Early pregnancy.

It's just sick.

What really aggravates me. Is how she has been meticulously copying Lady Diana's key clothing that Lady Diana was photographed internationally in.
In the 80's and the 90's.

That is the lowest level of public manipulation I've ever seen.

So people view her as Diana, the Princess of Wales.

It's especially galling...for someone who is claiming in the courts right now. That she is a victim of media abuse.

Yet she is doing everything possible to use the media to manipulate the public's way of thinking about her.
Even down right lying.

Is that not abuse?

Well takes one to know one, an abuser I mean.

Clearly the suing the media was another money making business idea that she convinced Prince Harry to do.

Hope they f...cking lose.

It will teach Prince Harry a big lesson. He clearly needs.

Don't be led by the nose by dumb b...ches. who are way older than you.

And who are motivated purely by money.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Did she actually say that?

Well. For Prince's like he's bought a dangerous pet.

And dangerous pets are usually expensive too.

Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - The couple have already lost one of the court cases, it was Harry's, and apparently, Meghan tried to get out of the court case against the mail on line but the paper would not back down.

Are you aware that there are reports circulating around that Markus Anderson is now living with Meghan Markle? He is apparently the third person in that marriage.

Harry Living With Markus & Meghan - His Link To Kink

I also forget to mention in my above post the British public's love affair with Meghan and Harry began to sour very quickly over the 'Archie' fiasco, although the nation understood their need for privacy they were upset by the lack of information and the inconsistencies in the information that was given about their 'son'. A lot of people felt the couple were being petty. The lack of information on Archie also made a lot of people question if he was real, and of course, you only have to study her pregnancy photos to clearly see she was most definitely faking that pregnancy. I think the nail in the coffin regarding Archie for a lot of people was the photoshopped image they released of Archies so-called Christening. It's shockingly bad. The fall out with the Cambridges had many people siding with William and Kate. Don't forget Frogmore, which had many people questioning the couple's integrity.

Apple Monkey said…
Chicks, Jules summed it perfectly. Meghan was seen as different and everyone here was so happy for Harry having found love. I think now people are also so shocked how things have happened in such a short space of time. Although Thomas Markle was seen to have betrayed Meghan when he first colluded with the paps, most people can’t believe H and M did not call, text or phone when he was so ill.
If they do divorce tomorrow, I think Harry would be welcomed back but his behaviour will not be forgotten. William’s popularity has definitely increased as he has gone through a lot but remains loyal to the Queen.

Jules - what is the deal with Markus? Is he Meghan’s Pimp?
Chocmint33 said…
Jules thanks for that Ultimate Scam YouTube link by Taz.

Amazing how she said that Meghan didn't show charity photos of herself until 2016 when she was dating Harry.

I remember CD said at that time, in 2016, that Meghan is going to do lots of PR such as showing herself doing good deeds etc to make her look like a good marriage prospect for Harry.

Well it certainly worked. CD saw through her insincerity right from the beginning and so did we as result of this site.
Jules said…
Apple Monkey - There are many rumours circulating around pertaining to Markus and Meghan, for instance, the pair were rumoured to be in a relationship before Meghan met Prince Harry. One thing is for sure they are very, very close. There are also rumours floating around that Prince Harry is very jealous of Markus.

There are also rumours floating around that it was Markus that introduced Meghan to Prince Harry and it was with Markus's help that Meghan put together the 'plan' to manipulate and 'get' Prince Harry, in fact, many now believe that Meghan and Markus are in 'this' together, meaning they plotted and carefully orchestrated the entire Royal Family scam and that he is helping her build her business 'empire'.

Many people believe Markus Anderson to be a very murky character. Here are a few tarot readings and videos on Markus and Meghan and Soho House.

Here is an interesting reading on Meghan and Markus relationship
Meghan Markle relationship with Markus Anderson - Daily Empress

THE SOHO Foundation According 2taz

Meghan Markle - All Roads Lead to Soho House - Murky Meg

Vibrational reading on Marcus Anderson( So ho house) -TAROT By Andie
Apple Monkey said…
Thank you so much Jules. I will look at the links. I know Markus was at the New York baby shower where she appeared without her numb and his links to Soho but that’s all.

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