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"Happy" Presidents Day...


T. W. said…
Will they be golfing together?

Will they invite George Zimmerman as guest of honor?

Will they be having a neck tie party?
Anonymous said…
Hello everyone, it's a statutory holiday in North America. I don't know about the rest of the world. Anyway, here is the dialogue (verbatim) I promised between the ET reporter and Princess Diana's psychic:

Re: Entertainment Tonight TV Show and Princess Diana's Personal Psychic, Simone Simmons

ET Reporter: I visited the woman who claims to speak to Diana from the grave.

So what would Diana think of Harry and Meghan stepping down from the royal family?

Psychic: Diana said that the marriage will not last and the visions I had are really horrible. Diana was compassionate, loving, caring and empathetic. All the qualities that Meghan hasn't got.

I don't think any of us are too surprised by the psychic's comments. You know, whenever I have seen Meghan "handling" Archie or even giving him a kiss, it seems odd and uncomfortable to me. When you see Princess Kate with her children, she seems like a natural, caring mother.

I don't see that with Meghan. I think Harry will be the caring, doting Dad.

I am not saying this because I don't like Meghan, I notice things like this and her "handling" of her baby just seems off for a mother.

Kate is a mother like Princess Diana was. Loving, maternal. Doting.

I don't see those qualities in Meghan. I think, for example, when she does bend down to a small child, I think it's because she knows there are countless photographers, cinematographers on her and she goes into "actress" mode. Fake.

Kate strikes me as someone loving and caring, and she doesn't do it for the cameras.

I wonder what the psychic meant when she said the visions she had "are really horrible."

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

CAP Anonymous
CyndiTx123 said…
When I wAs speaking to patients all day yesterday, I like to brighten their mood and I always wish everyone a happy something... Yesterday was President's Day... My co-worker kept smirking at me for telling everyone that...I wasn't saying it for trump but our former Presidents that were good to our country. (I even got some giggles from patients when I said that too.) Gee I hope they don;t think I am Trump supporter... ugh heaven forbid....
T. W. said…
Hi CyndiTx123!

In my opinion, people tend to get upset about nothing and don’t become outraged at real injustice and such.

God bless you for brightening people’s day! 😇😇😇
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree. People get offended by trivial crap today.

Amd amazingly put so much energy into nonsense.

For examplle, a less than perfect coffee. From a coffee shop.

Get a life.

I agree. While they are carrying on about identity politics. And crap like unisex toilets.

Real shit is going on. I do believe TW ...Woke orthodoxy. And the whinging and complaining that goes with it.

Is becoming more and more deeply unpopular.

People are so tired of it. And especially the hypocrisy that's usually involved in it.

You can only censure the speech of a population for so long.

And then the back lash begins.

And lets thank Meghan Markle for something.

Her hypocritical public Woke politics. Opened international debate about how hypocritical those who profess this perfection of thought. And actions.
Actually are.

And how little we actually care about such crap.
She's made it deeply unpopular.
And veiwed as stupid.

And then actor, Lawrence Fox put the final nail in the coffin. Of woke politics being taken seriously.

Because he loathes it. And had the balls to address what most people were feeling. About our speech being censured etc.

And our media full of irrelevant crap.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Thank you for posting what Lady Diana's psychic had to say. On E.T.

Yes. It makes you wonder what 'scenes' visions Diana is witnessing going on with Meghan and Harry.

I'd say it's their fights.

No one likes to see a couple fighting.

Especially when it gets stupid.

And I agree. Kate, Duchess of Cambridge appears to be really authentically maternal. And nurturing.
And loving being a mum.

I don't see these qualities in Meghan either.

She's too focussed on materialism. And a career.

I don't think there's room in her life. For making motherhood a priority.

She wants to be an International star.

It's just not really compatible.

Makes you wonder why she bothered.

Oh I know. Her divorce will be worth a huge sum. Because there's a baby from this union.

No baby. Usually means low divorce settlement figure. Or none at all.

It isn't a capital crime to not want to be a mother.

But I think it's unfair to bring a child into the world. And not make them a priority in your life.

Psychics say Doria is going to be the one who supplies the maternal nurturing Archie needs.

Not Meghan.

Why am I not surprised by that prediction?
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion!
T. W. said…
Happy Black History Month. Unfortunately some people want us to be history 😥

A 12-year-old was given a black doll with beads forming a noose around its neck at a Mardi Gras parade


When a person gets called up to a float at a Mardi Gras parade, it's usually a sign they're about to get something special -- what seasoned paradegoers might call a "good throw."

But what one young girl at the Krewe of Nereids parade Sunday in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, got instead was something disturbing.


At one point during the parade, Fairconeture said a white man called her 12-year-old daughter up to a black float decorated with New Orleans Saints jerseys. The man said he had something for the girl, and handed her an item. Without looking too closely at what she had been handed, she started to run back across the road when the man called out to her again.

"That's you," Fairconeture said he told her daughter.

The young girl looked down at the item. It was a stuffed black doll dressed in a red and white gown and an apron -- also known as a Mammy doll, a caricature that perpetuates offensive stereotypes about African Americans.

Beads hung around the doll's neck in the shape of a noose.

"She hung it from her finger and she felt degraded. She felt attacked. She didn't even want to stay at the parade. She was ready to go," Fairconeture told CNN.

The incident left Fairconeture speechless. And when she asked her daughter whether she was OK, all the girl could say was, "Why me, Mom? Why me?"
Anonymous said…
Hi Chick's Opinion, thank you, my pleasure for posting that info (finally).

I hear ya on Meghan. She does want to be an international star, wants an Oscar, wants the fame and fortune, but most of all, I think she wants POWER.

She wants to be the "queen" or like a Jackie Kennedy Onassis.

The psychic's "horrible visions" sound perfectly awful. I do hope Harry leaves the marriage sooner than later.

Can't imagine what a blow it must have been to Meghan that they can't use "royal" or "Sussex Royal."

I wonder what her creative little dark mind will come up with next?

Have a great day everyone!

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

MeghaTron needs to call me. I’ll gladly help her in exchange for payment. I’m serious!
Anonymous said…
T.W., Ha Ha, love you! You make me laugh so hard sometimes.

I'm sure you could come up with something to help her!!!

Isn't funny that Harry and Meghan start their "free life" on April 1?

They've got a busy month ahead (unless Meghan decides not to join Harry in the final royal activities as Christian has already told us).

CAP Anonymous

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