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Hasn't got the ears........

Billy Barr is a clown.
Thinking that he's dancing around.
All the rules that apply to us.
But, not him..........
Nor either Trump..
But, listen Bill.......
You will find..........
That there's bus.....
Your office bound.


T. W. said…
All governments are corrupt.

I also dislike it when people don’t answer the question put before them.


Me: “What would you like to eat today?”

Them: “I’m tired. I’ve been on my feet at work all day. I had to get up at 5 am and now it’s 7pm. I have to do laundry later today. I don’t know when I’m going to go to bed.”

Me: “What would you like to eat today?”

Them: scream
Quiet said…
Why at the age of almost 70 that this guy hasn't retired in his situation to get out before its too late?

It cant be a criminal offence to retire?

Unless trump is threatening Barr with his pension or something?

What is the logical point of Barr continuing?
He should save himself the future embarrassments. losses and retire.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Bill Barr is a man who has had alot of power in his life.

Over over people's fates. As an attorney. And power over his own destiny.

It's led to an illusion that he can get away with anything.

And he's worked under 2 previous presidents. Ronald Reagan and George H.W Bush.
He should be very wise.

But teaming up with Trump has baffled people who have known Barr a long time.

He's apparently usually smarter than this.

And this is how deep it goes. The crazy side of the Trump administration Barr supports.

Bill Barr has even approved the Trump's administration's Officials refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas.

He's even been party to meetings with those involved in espionage from foreign governments. And the general skullduggery that's been going down with the Trump administration.

Barr even downgraded whistleblower's reports.

Is he mad?

Does he have dementia?

Nancy Pelosi stated it more simply. And said Barr had,

'Gone rogue'

Or has he just decided to be the true right wing conservative that grew up as.

He was raised in New York private schools. And was always known as patriotic.

And if you research his background. He believes in the all encompassing power of the President or Commander in Cheif.

Always has. Even when in High School.

He also had early dreams of joining the CIA.

And he argued these kind of political topics at his silver spoon private school. With his posh little friends.

I personally think.... how Bill Barr changed.

Was he decided that Trump was a person who could deliver Barr's version of America.

Of what it used to be.

And what it could be again.

And as an old man, Barr's thrown his whole weight behind this dream of his.

At the total risk of his professional identity.

Cohen did the same I think.

I may be wrong on this. But Bill Barr is 69 years old.
And I feel he wants to change America before he dies.

Well. It's an up hill bring sweeping changes. When the President is a crook. And when identity politics, gender and an urgent environmental crisis ....dominates U.S politics today.

Not patriotism.

The American economy always appears last thing on most young people's minds.
Even though Millenials have so fewer job opportunities than previous generations ever did.

But what younger generations are not about to approve of. Is Trump's costly needless proposed war with Iran.

And I dont blame them.

Bill Barr is out of step with the change in times.

And let's not rule out the bribes he may have received.

Like Mitch McConnell. Barr's facing retirement.

And alot of old men (and women) develop a 'go on take the money and run' attitude at the end.

Barr doesn't think he may spend his retirement in jail.

But that's part of his illusion. That he can get away with anything.
Chick'sOpinion said…
No wonder Christian has picked up that Bill Barr thinks the rules dont apply to him.

Because in his era, Bill Barr went to all the best schools money could buy. And he's been part of the elite. For a long time.


But today ...Barr claims to have a 40 million fortune.
Well I don't believe that's all Bill Barr has.

He's definately hiding alot more money.


He made 50 million alone, for himself a while back. As an exec and director for some of America's largest companies.

Most of his money is in cash and investments.
Not real estate.
Or so he claims on paper.
He's also got a big federal pension.

Let's look at some of his jobs. When he was executive vice President and Counsel at Verizon. Among other huge financial benefits at Verizon. He also had use of their private jet.

Yes. Bill Barr's life has been nothing but elitist champagne lux. And the glamourous life.

In his spare time he trades big on the stock market.

Even Time Warner, when they combined with AT&T, employed him from 2009 to 2016. To serve on their board.
For that...he got paid $970,000 in cash. And 1 million in equity awards.

Every company he's worked on. He's walked away with millions. Not just his salary.

In 2017 he started working for a law firm called Kirkland & Ellis. Which has a connection to the Trump administration.


The firm pays an estimated 8.4 million in annual rent to lease part of a San Franscisco skyscraper in which Trumps owns a 30% stake.

No... these Republican voters think that the Trump administration represent the average working person in America.

No. They dont.
They just want to the average working person in America to be working.

To make money for them.

And their real 'elite' friends.

I admit. Trump has pissed the elite off plenty of times since 2016.

Because he won't stick to all the elite's rules. All of the time.

Eventually he'll have to I think.
If he wants to remain President.
chris said…
The only thing this guy is raising the bar on is corruption. CD...what is the power Trump holds over these goons? Is it money? Threats from Putin? Are they already corrupt and Trump just brings out that part of their character? It seriously cannot be just tweets they are afraid of...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think there's an element of them wanting to have the prestige of having served in an American government administration.

And Trump made it so easy for some of these goons to get those positions.

Under normal American government admimistrations. These guys wouldn't have been able to even apply for these high government positions.

Ivanka and Jared are the worst but best example of it.

Bill Barr is an exception though.
He's one who does actually have the qualifications and experience.

He once refused Trump's request to become his lawyer.

Barr's comment on that was...

'I'm not putting my head in that meat grinder'

So he knows how problematic Trump is.

Especially with his relationships with the ladies.
T. W. said…
CDAN claims the record company killed Kurt Cobain & framed Courtney Love because Kurt is worth more dead than alive. The blind item alleges Courtney knows she will be killed if she speaks up.

Today's Blind Items - At Length
T. W. said…
I can’t speak for other countries. Here in America people of a certain generation do not believe in retirement. My mom says she will die if she quits working.

Not only that, our social security system is hopelessly in debt. Some older people have no choice but to continue working while they draw their benefits.

This is shameful.

Shame upon our government.
T. W. said…
Hope Hicks lives hiding his left eye. We know what that means.

Hope Hicks Leaves $1M Per Year Job to Return to Work for President Trump
T. W. said…
William Barr just said Trump’s tweets are making it impossible for him to do his job.

Will Barr turn on Trump?
chris said…
Thx Chick'sO. Always love your analysis.

CD -- What do you make of Barr's comments today about Trump making it impossible for him to do his job?
I'm thinking Trump brings in an 18-wheeler, not a bus for this one...
Loving Barr's belligerence though, unless its all a put on.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Yes. I want to know too.
Is Barr gonna turn on Trump?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. We have an epidemic of retirees in Australia. Still working part time too.

Because the cost of living has gone up so much.

They can't afford, they claim, to retire.

So clearly the Australian retirement pension is not enough. For most people.

However. My aged stepdad believes he lives like a king on the Australian retirement pension.

But that's only because he's living in a dump rental on very low rent.

The other reason is...his War Time era version of 'living like a King'. Is rather different to mine.
And everybody else's.

For a start. He thinks buying a selection of biscuits each week. And the more expensive brands of canned food. Is marvellous.

He has no wifi. For internet access. Only a modem for a home phone.

And old phase electricity in the house.

He lives like a virtual doomsday prepper. And he's very happy.

Or is he experiencing something that alot of us are missing these days?

The simple life.


Oh and he supplements his income with regular wins on poker machines.

One things a clear fact in Australia.

You can't seperate certain people from their 1st love.

Poker machines.

I think they call them slot machines in the U.S.

He loves them.
T. W. said…
Please. Can your stepdad tell me his secret to the slot machines? I’ve got student loans to pay.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah and he wins regularly on poker machines. And uses these wins to buy things like cat food. New shoes

I think his secret is this.

When he was younger. He was a professional gambler.

Yes. ..werid I know ...but there's such a thing. At the Horse Racing tracks.

Anyway. He had big wins. Regularly.
And he was very generous with his wins. To other people.

That's my impression. But I didn't know him in that period of his life.

So because of his generosity back then. The universe is giving back to him.

It's not unusable for him to walk up to poker machine and win $70.

I don't advocate anyone to choose gambling to solve life's problems. Not at all.

But I do think that God can help you if you buy the occassional lottery. Or raffle ticket.

Think of it. Thomas Markle won $700,000 on the lottery.

If he can win.

Anybody can.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick'sOpinion.

The Universe owes me plenty of great things then.

I truly believe the lottery is rigged. The numbers I play, whether I choose them or get a random draw, always come out a few days later. No bueno.

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