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Oh, Yeah.......


Chick'sOpinion said…
Although these far right issues have come to light since Trump came to power. They have always been there.

Were they a fringe group?
Or a set of beleifs held by certain families?

All of the above.

But they were always there in the U.S.

Trump being elected. As a hard liner on immigration.

Just brought this problem in the U.S.... into the light.

But as we know, they always existed.

Did they vote for him? Well probably most did. Because for these kind of fringe groups, immigration reform always has a high appeal.

And it seems clear. That Trump's ties to the Alt-Right does not bother those who vote for him.
Even if they are not involved or members of these fringe groups.

I tend to see Steve Bannon as a much more White Supremacist than Trump ever was.
In reality.
Steve Bannon was a balls-out anti Semite for a start.

You will remember Steve Bannon as Trump's former White House Cheif Strategist.

Bannon's own wife admitted that Steve Bannon was an extreme anti semite when she divorced him.
She claimed he refused to send their kids to an exclusive school. Because there were Jewish kids there.

This is how bad this Steve Bannon is.

And Trump would definately reflect now. Hiring him was a big mistake.
A PR nightmare.

The other big mistake was Policy Advisor, Stephen Miller. A very dangerous white supremacist.
It's no exaggeration that Miller is just like Hitler's Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebells

Trump now knows these days I think too. That if he wanted to make a law of a Travel Ban to the U.S of 7 muslim-majority countries.

He certainly didn't need these White Supremacist political nuts in the White House to acheive it.

Especially when he can name other countries who do the same. But don't get the publicity or critised for it.

Australia is quite a hardliner on immigration.

But it doesn't make international headlines.

I think Trump probably regrets his idealogical kinship or perceived ideological kinship with the far right in the U.S.

Not because he necessarily disagrees with them. But because they are majorly problematic.... politically.

He probably also thinks they are nuts.
And as Ivanka, His own daughter has married into a prominent Jewish family, the Kushners. Trump has very divided loyalties anyway.

From his family perspective. He would not support the anti Semite, anti Jewish beliefs, some of these White Supremacist fringe groups believe in anyway.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Trump's been on his revenge sacking rampage since his acquittal of Impeachment.

Of those he sees as who betrayed him.

Those he's sacked... should look on the bright side.

It's better for their political careers in the long run.

That they were sacked by Donald Trump.

In the future it will be a badge of honour.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah Chick's Opinion it will be a badge of honour. I can see Mitch Romney in the future being highly regarded.

Honestly he is the only Republican with an ounce of integrity.

What in the hell is wrong with the Republicans and those Babyfart supporters?

Orange man is a liar; he's corrupt. Doesn't it matter these days to be a decent human being?

I guess it's all about money with this now corrupt political party.

I can now see how Nazi Germany happened and why Hitler had support after watching Orange man from afar. It is obvious now that Babyfart rules his party and is a dictator.

What's worse is that he's a bad example to the world. His message is that you can be corrupt and get away with it, and people will still like you.

But I also have hope that it will end before next year. I read astrologer Jessica Adam's recent website writings, and she said that from July planet Jupiter will be conjunct Pluto.

Pluto is about power and Jupiter is about good fortune, honesty, education and the law.

And when these two planets get together Jupiter always wins out. This means that corrupt politicians and governments are overthrown.

Jessica wrote that Hitler and Mussolini lost their power during this transit. Good politicians came into power too, such as Barrack Obama and Nielson Mandela, when Jupiter was conjunct Pluto.

She's confident Trump's downfall will begin around July and October won't be good for his Presidency.

I have faith in Jessica's astro predictions because she used astrology to predict Brexit, the Royal family scandals, Epstein and Trump's impeachment.

Plus there's CDs predictions and Linda G's which says there is a downfall of his power ahead.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Won't be long and Trump will be gone.
He's riding high currently, on his latest victory.

But honestly. It's very unlikely he will win the next U.S election.

Chick'sOpinion said…
CD What level of chance does Bloomberg have of winning the next U.S election?
Chick'sOpinion said…
How to train your dragon.

Get her to give awards to top KKK Officals.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah maybe the world needed to be outraged by Trump’s corruption. To learn to fight back.

The true fight back only ever happens when people’s backs are up against a wall.

The hope is. His level of corruption may bring in new regulations.

And a bigger commitment to monitoring corruption in the WhiteHouse. It was there long before Trump came along.

In fact I remember reading a psychic sayin when Trump came to office ....he started to discover corruption that had been going on.

In many areas. And that’s why he closed certain departments.

Remember how U.S government workers, politicians, expressed outrage at that.
That’s because their gravy train supply of money was being cut off. Completely with the closures.

I also agree that Trump is siphoning off money too. But in a different way.

By making sure his family businesses get the contracts on certain things.

They are all pointing fingers at the Republican politicians. Claiming they are all corrupt.
Well clearly, a lot of them are.

But a lot of these Democrats are too.

Most of them want a big piece of the pie.

I think Ivanka knows exactly how her and her father are tapping into government funds.

My fear for the U.S is Michael Bloomberg, the possible candidate, will be the same kind of President.

Linda G the psychic you mentioned said ‘no.’

‘If Bloomberg gets in he will be different.’

But her and that Violetta psychic did say that Michael Bloomberg has the money to get Trump out of Office. The clout. The power.

And will not be corrupt in office.

This surprises me.
Because Bloomberg has a history of being dishonest himself.

He was once Mayor Of New York.

But don’t know much about what kind of Mayor he was.

But as for Trump leaving Office. A lot of psychics say he resigns because of health problems.

We know he has health problems.
Because he eats shit.
He eats like we did when we were teenagers.

Most mature people at some point. Wake up to themselves.
And realise. If they continue to eat McDonald’s on a regular basis. And other crap. All that salt. That fat. You are heading for a heart attack. A stroke.
Liver problems. Or gastrointestinal problems.

Which apparently Trump has. Gastro problems.

The only reason I think he is alive today.

Is because he’s never been a drinker. Or a smoker.

And can afford the best healthcare money can buy in America.

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