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Second thoughts....

Well, Dear oh Dear....
Seems that there are second thoughts about.
1. Most Canadians don't want Meghan there.
2. Lillibet wants Harry back.
3. Lillibet blocks Meghans 1st attempt at work.
4. Lilibet will block 99%.



Anonymous said…
I wonder who she will marry next???
Kitt Med said…
Lil Beth hates to lose. She will get Harry back to KP soon!!!
Kitt Med said…
Lil Beth hates to lose. She will get Harry back to KP soon!!!
Anonymous said…
They are MIA. Must be house hunting. Toronto? Vancouver? Los Angeles?

Meghan talking to her lawyers. Trying to outwit the queen's lawyers.

You see new polls all the time about how Canadians feel about Harry and Meghan. Most like them. Most do not want to pay for their security.

CAP Anonymous
Cordelia said…
Expectation is the root of all unhappiness.
Letty said…
Henry back to London
And Meghan will have the same fate at Diana
Reptilian queen leaves NO lose wild ends
Chick'sOpinion said…
And is it over now

Do you know how

To pick up the pieces

And go home.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Queen always plays the long game with people she doesn't like.

She has all the patience in the world.

I've noticed growing up....that most of these people who went through WW2. And all the pain, suffering agony and suffering to do do with that.

Have extraordinary levels of patience.

I don't think Prince Charles has it.

He's already changing the monarchy before he's on the Throne.

He will make changes. Large ones.

And he won't play the long game.

With anyone.
CyndiTx123 said…
I hope they divorce prior to Megs getting preggo again!!!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Hopelessly reunited with you.

Will Prince Harry separate from this famewh..e this year. I certainly hopes so.

Because I feel while ever he remains with her. His popularity will stay low.

Pychics say she's the one who leaves him.

And he's devastated.

Well. Like alot of adversity. It's often the best thing that ever happened to us.

And Prince Harry is no different to any other human in that regard.

I think she has a hide though... leaving him. After completely screwing up his life. In a very short time.

And causing him to fall out with his family.

Yeah yeah. I know she had a baby for him.

Well sorry...I'm absolutely certain she only had a baby immediately with HIM.

Because it meant her child will be Royal.


She knows the law.

If there's no baby from a union. Or marriage. There's no circumstances to demand legally financial support for the next 18 years.

Notice she didn't have a baby with her ex husband, Trevor.

Why ?

Cause he never had enough money for her. Or international stardom to offer.

Prince Harry gave Meghan Markle, the International stardom she wanted.

Stardom and money that had been eluding her as a B Grade actress. Who was riding way too close to 40.

Prince Harry was her last chance.

And Psychics say Oprah and Ellen are not impressed with Meghan Markle.

Because they see her not as the independent feminist woman she claims to be.

They see her as wholly financially dependent on men.

And for someone with her level of education. She hasn't used her degree. To create an occupation for herself.

Her acting career didn't even provide her with enough money to live until she was in Suits.

To me, she is a person dominated and motivated by fame and money.

And that preoccupation leads you down black holes.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Meghan won't outwit the Queen's lawyers.

They have had plenty of time to prepare a case against her.

Cause they knew this union wouldn't last.

The only way Meghan outwitted them. I agree...

Was getting pregnant in rapid time and having a baby to secure her legal status.

This is why I think Meghan opted for a surrogate.

Because she knew and was told. In her late 30's...the probability of getting pregnant while not remote.

But would take an undetermined long time.

She wanted to get in and out of this Royal marriage as fast as possible I think. With the most amount of money.

And status internationally.

Meghan Markle didn't have time because of her age....for 5 years of IVF uncertainties.
And miscarriages that often go with it.

No. She's a strategist.
In everything she does.
And Prince Harry was a Cake Walk for her.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Who is Meghan Markle's next victim after she divorces Prince Harry?

An unknown billionaire? Or another celebrity?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Why was Meghan Markle working as an escort when she had such a good education paid for by her father?


Did she do escorting when she was at university? To pay bills.

A shocking amount of female students in the UK are working as escorts while at university these days.

This is so wrong.

In the old days as students. We just starved.

Perhaps even that isn't even an option today.

Because rents are ridiculously high ...everywhere.
T. W. said…
I would rather hear about Kim & Kanye.

Speaking of which, the KKKult is losing popularity.

Anonymous said…
16 days of Harry and Meghan MIA.

Are they fighting?

Are they doing yoga and trying to make another baby? (I heard you Cyndi!)

Will they use the same surrogate?

Are they house-hunting?

Meghan is crafty. As Chick's Opinion said, "she's a strategist." She is going to surprise us all at the right moment. Are any of the royals having a birthday coming up? They'll probably announce it then. LOL

Chick's Opinion, I know Meghan won't outwit the queen's esquires! Ha Ha I always thought Oprah was supportive of Meghan, but Ellen, not so sure where she stands.

WAIT a minute!!!! Everyone, I just thought of something. It's TV sweeps month in North America. Most channels put their best shows on during this month -- Oscars, for one. But I was just thinking that perhaps Harry and Meghan have done an interview or two, with Gayle (Oprah's bestie) and perhaps others (maybe even Oprah, herself). Perhaps, that is why they are laying low, at least until the interview(s) have aired. Maybe? Maybe not?

CAP Anonymous
Psychic Gossip said… CDX
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

You are our official Canadian Corespondant!

I'd never heard of these TV Sweeps.... perhaps you are right. Maybe Meghan signed a contract. To not be seen or talk to the press until some interview she's done is aired to the world.

Agree. And also...
is Meghan MIA because she knows going on the down low, missing....increases the price of a pic for the media.

She knows the price of everything. And the value of nothing.
All the strategies. To milk money.

And if they are not house hunting. They are surrogate hunting.

The other one was probably too big of a headache and wouldn't hand over the baby for ages.

So that one will never be used again.

And probably upped the amount of money they wanted at the end.

Keep your eyes out though. For the new moon bump.
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

The Sussex “Royals” refuses to grant Oprah an interview because she refused to help further MeghaTron’s acting career. Oprah has been publicly distancing herself from them.

That’s okay because Oprah’s reputation is going to the trash. Her own fault too. About time.

They granted Ellen DeGenerate an interview to spite Oprah.

Ellen DeGenerate is an Illuminati Gatekeeper and Handler.
T. W. said…
This is Prince William’s and Duchess Kate’s Reaction to Brad Pitt’s Prince Hot Ginge Joke

Jules said…
I watched a youtube video made by According 2taz, called "ULTIMATE SCAM", the link to it is down below. I think Taz has hit the nail on the head regarding Meghan Markle, I think everything she has done has been carefully orchestrated.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Not only that. Oprah refuses to offer Meghan and Prince Harry the amount of money they wanted for the interview.

A ridiculous amount.

Meghan knows the interview is a huge scoop.

So she can name her price.

But unfortunately the universe has a way of making sure extremely greedy people end up with nothing.

Or far less.

Hell. You don’t even have to be outa control with greed for the universe to do that to you.

It’s meant to be a huge wake up call.

Happened to me. When I wanted to sell my big house for an highly inflated price.

I was offered $100,000 below my asking price.

And I stupidly refused it.
I should have taken it.

So the buyer walked away. Forever.

The place sat on the market for another 6 months.

And I ended up selling it for below the market value.

I was furious.

But determined to learn the very hard lesson from that.

Meghan Markle needs to read of my experience. And learn from it.

What I learned from the whole experience was. Don’t ever let greed influence your decisions.

And be happy with reasonable things. Ordinary outcomes.

And you will be happy.
Anonymous said…
Hi Everyone!
T.W., Chick's Opinion, Oprah publically declared that she is supportive of their decision to leave Britain, etc. This was on TV about a week? after Megxit.

And whether or not she really is supportive, she is still a businesswoman with a TV network. To get Harry and Meghan for a sitdown interview, would be the cat's meow for her network. High ratings.

But as Chick's Opinion pointed out, Oprah will not and does not pay for interviews -- ever! Meghan wants the dollars, so Oprah is out.

T.W., Oprah is still a powerhouse. People pay several hundred dollars to go to her talks. Even I refused to pay that sum when she came to town. No way. This woman supposedly supports ALL women, poor, middle class, and rich, but only the upper middle class and beyond can afford to go see her in person. I just found it hypocritical. But you know what, people paid and she had an almost packed house. I can buy dozens of self-help books or watch her on Youtube.

I thought that Meghan and Harry might go for a major American network interview (perhaps there, they will get paid) and that person is Gayle King (Oprah's best friend). But Gayle has been in the news lately over an interview with WNBA star Lisa Leslie on Kobe Bryant's legacy, which wasn't well received in the black community. Since the short clip was aired, Gayle has received countless death threats. Even Oprah had tried to support Gayle by going around to talk on all the morning shows about Gayle and how she is not doing well since the interview aired.

T.W., people are acting like Kobe was Jesus, the messiah. He was a great legendary basketball player. He wasn't perfect. Why are people acting like he was some kind of God? I don't think Michael Jackson had the same kind of reaction when he passed away! Can you explain why people are acting like Kobe was some kind of Elvis or God? Help me, help us to understand.

Meghan's bestie, Jessica Mulroney, has a brand new TV series coming up in March. I think the show is called "I Do, Redo."

Harry and Meghan's recent absence is actually refreshing. I'm kind of over them. At first, it was such a shock for them to leave the palace and their royal roles. Now, I could care less what they do. But knowing Meghan, she can't lay low forever, she has to be in the limelight, so I expect to see her mug in the newspapers and online in the near future.

A part of me is really starting to hate Hollywood and everything associated with it. Why? Because it's all fake. Everyone is fake. It's a business like all other businesses. You step out, it's very hard to get back in, especially if you were on top. So, you can't ever step out too long, otherwise you'll lose your place at the (bargaining) table.

For example, I saw online some people we haven't seen for a few years, such as Kate Hudson. There she was at one of the Oscar parties, she just looked like a "bar fly." She didn't belong anymore. My opinion. There were others. This happens in Hollywood more than we know. Every year, a new crop of actresses and actors win awards, and suddenly they are the bomb. I am sure people snubbed Jacqin, but now he's an "Oscar-winning actor," he is now "somebody," and suddenly he's Mr. Popular.

Even Brad and Leo's days are numbered. And I think they know it. We're getting kind of sick of Leo anyway. Again, my opinion. I like Brad. Don't we all?

It all seems fake and phony to me (Hollywood). There is also a pecking order, which of course, can be found in every business.

CAP Anonymous

Anonymous said…
Can't believe that people act like the queen is someone legitimate. The RF is a horror. MM needs to escape it.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, MM is a horror and the RF, specifically Harry and Archie, needs to escape HER.

Just wait.

CAP Anonymous

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