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Thought for Sunday....


Cordelia said…
Know the rules well so you can break them efficiently.
T. W. said…
Cordelia & Christian -

Thank you and God bless you!

Please keep these public service announcements coming.

I feel a lot of “dark energy.” I sense a lot of people are hopeless & at their wits end.

We can easily fight this with love and compassion. One of us can beat a thousand of them.

Friends, do not give in to the darkness!

Ask Jesus for help. He helps everyone who believes he can help them. I am serious.

With love,

T. W. said…
More than 1,100 former prosecutors and other DOJ officials call on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign


DOJ Alumni Statement on the Events Surrounding the Sentencing of Roger Stone


(CNN) More than 1,110 former Justice Department officials who served in Republican as well as Democratic administrations posted a statement Sunday calling on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign.

"Mr. Barr's actions in doing the President's personal bidding unfortunately speak louder than his words. Those actions, and the damage they have done to the Department of Justice's reputation for integrity and the rule of law, require Mr. Barr to resign. But because we have little expectation he will do so, it falls to the Department's career officials to take appropriate action to uphold their oaths of office and defend nonpartisan, apolitical justice," the officials wrote in a statement.
Chick'sOpinion said…
This is considered sociology viewpoint. Or Sociological viewpoint.

And a good one.

Let's quote Margherita Rendel on this subject.

'Law, order and authority must be upheld', is the cry of those who would repress the demands which threaten their own position'

But really it's a human interpretation of what's been going on foe a long time.

Denying people basic rights. By passing laws.

The most self expanding time in any education I've had. Was taking a subject at uni called Sociology. For 6 months.

Makes me wonder what you can learn doing it as a whole degree. Sociology is definitely a useful

For want of a better word.

For a start. I was asked in a Sociology assignment, to consider that 'teenagerhood'. Is just a social construct. Developed in the 1950's.

There was no label for it prior to then.

And certainly not in the 18th century.
You actually went from a child to man by starting to wear long trousers.

Would it be better if teenagerhood was just banned as a label. And you were given far more responsibility. Far earlier.

With no 'get out' clause. Because you a teenager.

Would young people become far more responsible?
Cause we can safely say today they often are not.

Does being a 'teenager' in the eyes of society really help you.
Or hinder you.

Food for sociological thought hey.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of the Holocaust. And fools with rules.

Let's take a look at what emerged this week about the squeaky clean image of the Swiss. And Switzerland.
And their Defence Minister, Kaspar Villiger.

I want to say straight up.
I don't believe Switzerland deserved their 'good guy' image anyway.

Because for a start... even before World War 2 kicked off. The Swiss had a policy from 1933 to 1944, of turning desparate Jewish refugees back at the Swiss border....and during WW2.
Denying them asylum.

They would only let people cross if they could prove they were under threat because of political activity.
Race, religion or ethicity didn't come into it.
Too bad. You died.

And so these poor people were captured instead by the Nazis.
In fact. most of the refugees who did get asylum in Switzerland were interned...the Swiss interned 300,000 of them.

Bear in mind, Switzerland borders Germany.

So in effect. The Swiss could have saved millions of Jews. In World War 2. And not just Jews.
Had they kept their border open.

Eventually Switzerland claimed 'our life boat is full'

Yeah. All class huh.

And they did it with precision timing. Just like a Swiss watch.
They mobilised, guarded their borders within 3 days. To keep desperate people OUT.

Anyway. They have a company in Switzerland called Crypto AG.

It's been around since the post war period.

And it's now come out that Crypto AG was controlled by the CIA. For all those decades. To spy on foreign governments.

The Swiss company, Crypto AG sold flawed encryption technology. And they were rigged so they could crack the codes and intercept 1000's of messages.

The Germans bought these Encryption devices and used them extensively. To spy. Since the end of WW2.

Why is this an outrage?

Well. The dear little Swiss pride themselves on being a neutral country in war. Pretty much always have been.
They did not get involved in both the 1st or 2nd World War.
They came out of WW2 just fine. And smelling and looking economically sweet.

While every one of the countries around them were devastrated.

So I'm rather amused that the Swiss find themselves at the centre of a spying scandal.

Especially when the only thing I like about their history is the fact is that they gave asylum...refuge... to Allied Prisoners Of War who escaped. With the assistance of the Resistance into Switzerland.

So does neutrality and cooperation go hand in hand.


If you are a neutral country. You don't do that shit. And help other countries spy on eachother.
And cause problems.

Plus, another dirty secret. Switzerland sell plenty of weapons. To other countries.

Also during World War 2. The Swiss were providing a place for the Nazis to stash looted stolen European Art and Gold.

No wonder Switzerland became a place after the War to run and store money. For every con artist, big time drug dealer and tax evader in the world.

I've been to Switzerland. Twice. Nice place.
It should be.
They have harboured the corrupt rich since World War 2.
And their money.

The level of luxury and standard of living you see in Switzerland is rarely seen anywhere else.

It's no surprise to me too. That the royal with the lowest ethical conduct, Prince Andrew lives there part of the year.

Course he does.
T. W. said…
Yeah, Switzerland had money after WW2 because they had Jewish gold and art. A lot of Jewish things are sold in antique shops & fine China stores here in America. Some owners don’t know what they are selling. If you make the mistake of telling them they will say, “Oh, that was put out by mistake.” They know they can get big bucks by selling the items via certain channels.

As for Australian farmers, if they let their land lie fallow for 365 days the land will heal.
Anonymous 843 said…
Chick’s Opinion,

The Swiss have very dirty hands. Thank you for giving attention to this. God knows; they did not come to the aid of His chosen people but instead helped hide the loot of their murderers.

Thank you for your recent post about ALL the Japanese efforts to invade and conquer Australia during WWII. I like history but was unaware of all of this.

A long but good read about WWII...The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L Shirer, an American journalist stationed in Germany before and during WWII so his was a contemporary take and a bit different from that of the usual historian. No affiliation yada, yada, etc.

Were you grooving at the benefit concert?! 😂
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 843


No I didn't go to the Fire Fight Concert in Sydney.

'Tell them all I said hi'.

Because Sydney is too far from my place now.

I noticed Actor, Russell Crowe gave a speech about climate change. At the concert.

Perhaps he's learning far more about climate change since he's been living with the widow of environmentalist and crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin.
He name's Terri I think.

And is American

She's very involved in saving wildlife.

Russell's wild.
Perhaps he's another at risk species she wants to save. He's got a shocking temper. So it may be tricky.

Her time with the crocodiles will come in handy.

Overall the Concert appears to have raised alot of money. And I heard they have to spend a lot of the money on Fire Equipment. For the trucks etc.

Thank god for that. Cause i want bushfires in my district put out earlier.

You kmow. I couldn't think of anything more scary. Than to be in Nazi Germany as a foreigner journalist before the WW2. And during it.
That William Shirer had balls.

It was bad enough for Nancy Wake.... Australian/New Zealand heroic French Resistance worker.

She was a journalist in France before becoming a spy for the British. She saw shocking scenes in Austria towards the Jews. By the Nazis.
Of them tortuing a young pregnant woman in the street.

She vowed to become a Resistance worker in France as soon as she could. After seeing that.
She killed lots of Nazis. And saved alot of people.

Her only regret was...that she ' didn't kill more'

She says that in her autobiography The White Mouse.

Which I found rather amusing in the last chapter.

Im lije you. I have enjoyed resding about WW2 over the years.

It helps me understand my mother and grandma....grandfather who served.

And that entire generation. Who experienced WW2 in some way.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 843

Sorry if some of my posts are abit too long.

But I guess I maintain. That you can't learn anything on 'snack sized' information.

Modern media is trying to claim.
That. Half the story will do these days.

But it couldn't be further from the truth.

Do they want us to stop learning the deeper details?

Cause as we know. The devil is in the detail.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And yes ... did you see that movie from a few years back called Woman In Gold ? About that Gustave Klimt painting. That the Nazis stole off a wealthy Austrain Jewish family when they annexed Austria in WW2.

And the Austrian government did everything they could to stop it being returned to the family. After the War.

It was a painting of their relative ffs. What an evil selfish thing to do.

Well we know why the Austrian government wanted to keep it.

It was worth millions.
T. W. said…

I have not seen the movie.

Thank you for sharing this information with us!

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