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Won't last 5 years.......

Stephen Miller, "Hitler" Fan.
Wed Vice President Pence's 
press secretary, 
Ms Katie Waldman...........
At  President's Trump International Hotel.
Lets hope they got a deal.
This is all PR.
Just like Mike Pence.
Who married a woman.
Looks like Miller took a leaf from that book.
Mind you, where as Mrs Pence.
Gets the joke.. Ha Ha Ha..
Katie doesn't..............
She thinks it for real......
Maybe her family own Gas companies....


T. W. said…
Miller does look evil.

I had a long dream last night. I dreamt Mike Pence made racist comments to me. I wanted to yell at him & put him in his place but I was too angry to speak.

I also dreamt I was on a date with Michael Jackson. Of course it was all about him, that was the date from Hell. He even took me to watch a documentary about himself. Wow.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So the Gay Joseph Goebbels marries.

T. W. said…
Tracey Brown’s William Barr reading (scroll to 17 minute mark)


If Barr doesn’t leave on his own then he will be forced out due to an orchestrated scandal.
T. W. said…
I hope everyone had a nice Valentines weekend & I pray all the singles who want a mate receive the one God sends to us.

With love,

HRH T. W. 😘
T. W. said…

Inside Coronavirus Hospital:
T. W. said…
... Queen's Orders!!!

Queen BANS Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from using lucrative 'Sussex Royal' brand that they hoped to use to build new lives because 'they simply cannot sell themselves as Royals'
Anonymous said…
Hey T.W., you beat me to it! Yes, I see that the queen's lawyers have finally filed regarding the use of "Sussex Royal" The queen did the right thing. They can't have it both ways. You are either in or you are out, and if you choose to be out, you can't have a "Sussex Royal" brand.

Just makes sense. Welcome to the real world, Harry and Meghan.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mmmmmm. I thought it was a strange that the Queen took so long in banning SussexRoyal as a brand.
Which lends evidence to the fact. That the Queen probably has some dementia.

Usually she'd shut that shit right down very quickly.

I agree with the Journalist of the article too... all about it in the UK Daily Mail.
How could Prince Harry claim to not know that you can't turn the Royal insignia or Title into a commercial enterprise.

He's grown up knowing this.

It's baffling.

Or is it?

I suspect strongly he had nothing to so with the applying for Trademarks for the 'brand' SussexRoyal.
Almost completely oblivious.

As its clear Meghan is running the show. And he lets her.

And she's running it into the ground.

And she's the one who instructed stupid uninformed American lawyers to apply for these 100's of Trademarks in the UK. In the name 'brand' Sussexx Royal.

I also totally agree with that journalist.
If they are NOT doing Royal Official Duties anymore. Then they shouldn't get the right to style themselves as Duke and Duchess.

But I also believe they should no longer be HRH. Either.

I mean His/Her Royal Highness.

It's not fair on other hardworking Royals. Who have to live by very strict rules for the privilege of being Royal.

Meghan isn't following any of the monarchy's rules or traditions.
Never has really.

The exploitation of the Royal Family by Meghan Markle has become quite appalling to me.

Especially since the Queen paid 32 million for her wedding.

She's not very grateful.
And either is Harry.
T. W. said…

Thank you! I thought that guy looked familiar!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Why was Harry Styles wearing his grandma's cream dressing gown at the Brits Music Awards 2020 yesterday?

He looked f..cken ridiculous.

And even perforned in this peculiar outfit. On stage.

I've been sayin for ages. Harry Syles's style of dressing is getting more and more kooky as time goes on.

And it's not funny.

In the way that Elton John's wacky stage costumes were.

No. Harry Styles is dead serious.

And that's the worrying part about it.

He thinks he looks great.

No. You look like a twat.

CD can you give us a hint as to why Harry Styles is dressing regulary like an idiot. In fancy dress costume.

Out in public. On purpose.

I used to like him.

But I'm going off him. You can't take him serious anymore. As a singer or an actor.

Which is a shame. Because he was one of the best entertainer performers the UK had.

Now he's turned his celebrity into a personal freak show.

Harry Styles, you have no style.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm eagerly awaiting the scandal they are going to dish up about Barr.

Very deserving.
Cordelia said…

There's a hat for every head 🙂♥️
Chick'sOpinion said…

Is that dream you had. A way of spirit telling you Michael Jackson was actually quite self involved?
In real life.

I had a dream 2 weeks ago that Prince Harry had a gf in Africa.

I don't think it was Chelsy Davy

It was someone entirely new. And blonde.
Chick'sOpinion said…
As we ponder the less pleasant things in life.

A far worse thing is evolving in Syria right now.

In Idlib Province in Syria, 1000's of Syrians are having to flee.

Because the Syrian government and Russian troops are trying to take control of Idlib province. In Syria.
By force.

And the Syrians are fleeing because of bombardment.

The problem is. They could flee to Turkey. Which borders Syria.

But unfortunately Turkey closed it's border to them a long time ago.

So a huge refugee crisis is amassing.

You know, the Syrian War has now been going for 9 years.

9 long years.

The Russians have not lost any of their enthusiasm in helping help the corrupt Syrian regime control and harm it's people. Through oppression.

The U.N can only do so much in providing camps for these fleeing Syrians refugees. And right now it's woefully inadequate.

The only hope for these Syrians at the moment. Is Turkey opens it's borders. And saves them.

Somehow I doubt they'll do it
T. W. said…
Hi Cap Anonymous & Chick’sOpinion!

Here in America, we cannot trademark common words.

MeghaTron & Harriet could take the queen to court. They will win the battle but lose the war. There are plenty of brands that use the word “Royal.” I don’t see the Queen sending those companies cease & desist letters.

The Queen could ban them from using the word “Sussex” but again, Sussex is a town and plenty of companies are named after towns, cities, states, etc.

So is the Queen demented?

Yes & no.

This is a power play. MeghaTron & Harriet would win a court battle but in the meantime they would not be able to use the term Sussex Royal.

They can still beat the Queen at her own game.

1) Trademark Success Royale (Trademarked by T. W.) Oh wait. I beat them to it!

2) Donate items that have already been branded as Sussex Royal.

If they pay off my student loans & give me some more financial compensation they can have my “Success Royale.@
T. W. said…
Thank you Cordelia! 😊☺️☺️
T. W. said…

I have no idea what that dream meant. It was in 4 parts & I did not share the entirety. The Mike Pence part was first. Part of me thinks my gut feeling about Pete Buttigieg being racist was being confirmed in the dream. I will post a link to an article below.

As for Princess Harry, of course his marriage to MeghaTron is fake. MeghaTron even moved her real lover into their Canadian home. Dana Zone (Ashley) put out a Ewe Toob video about it. The pics are interesting. I still believe Harry likes men so he could swing both ways like Prince Charles.


Why South Bend residents are warning America about Pete Buttigieg


When residents of this city’s impoverished West Side reflect on Pete Buttigieg’s two terms as mayor, a few things come to mind:

A spike in violent crime, development that largely ignored the African American community and how their only well-lit street is the one that leads to the University of Notre Dame.

So how, they wonder, can Buttigieg possibly be trusted to run the country?

“If he’s the next president, I fear for our country. He couldn’t run our city. How can he run the United States?” said Michelle Burger, 42, a stay-at-home mom who lives in South Bend’s impoverished and predominantly black West Side.

“Look at all the crime — he didn’t do anything about it. Look at our quality of life. If he becomes president, the United States will become one big South Bend — a giant sinkhole. We’ll be in a new depression.”

Another West Side resident, Cornish Miller, 62, said of Buttigieg, “Rating him 1 to 10, I’d give him a 2.”

“Buttigieg talked about all the improvements he made, but he hardly made a dent,” said Miller, who works for a military supply company.

“The West Side is the most neglected part of town. The street I live on is the only street around here that has lights. That’s because we’re a gateway to Notre Dame.”


But some in South Bend describe Buttigieg’s mayoralty as a nightmare during which FBI data show that violent crimes surged from 622 in 2012, his first year, to 1,088 in 2018, the latest for which statistics are available.

“We had a record number of homicides during his time as mayor, and it didn’t seem like he was feeling the people’s psychological, emotional and spiritual needs,” said the Rev. Sylvester Williams Jr. of the Interfaith Christian Union.

“It seemed like he was focused on creating a progressive city, that he was above tending to those basic needs.”

One of Buttigieg’s fiercest critics, Councilman Henry Davis Jr., said Buttigieg was “inept” as mayor and “always had one foot out the door.”


Shortly after taking office, Buttigieg fired the city’s first black police chief, Darryl Boykins, over allegations that Boykins secretly recorded the phone calls of high-ranking white cops suspected of using racist language against him and others.

From 2012 to 2018, the number of black cops fell by almost half — from 29 to 15, compared to more than 200 whites — and in June, the city was rocked when a white police sergeant shot and killed 54-year-old Eric Logan, who was black, while responding to a report of someone breaking into cars.

[More examples of Buttigieg’s ineptitude are given in the article.]
T. W. said…
I haven’t heard anything about Syria in a long time. I do know there is a prophecy that Damascus would be utterly destroyed in what some people call “the end times.”

Keep your eyes open!
Lovely Libra said…
While each of us is free to have our individual opinions, mine is that I think Harry Styles is incredibly brave to be himself and dress as he pleases. What he wears has no bearing on his incredible talent...sing Harry ... sing — and wear whatever you like because you are free to be yourself.
T. W. said…
Libras are lovely. They like me too.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Im starting to wonder then. If Pete Buttigeig couldn't run a piss up in a brewery.

As we say in Australia.

About incompetent people.

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