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T. W. said…
I see he has the corona...

Dr. Drew has valid points about the Coronavirus media coverage.


Dr. Drew Slams News Media for Coronavirus Fear-Mongering; ‘The Press Needs to Shut Up’
T. W. said…
No more cocaine:

Katy Perry, 35, is Pregnant With Her First Child

Pop Singer Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom Are Expecting A Baby
T. W. said…
Trump floats his own coronavirus hunches on 'Hannity'
T. W. said…
Christian, rumor has it Trump is replacing Pence with Nikki Haley.

Also, I dreamt black people did not catch COVID-19.

Any insight you can safely share is appreciated.

Here’s some Weinstein gossip:

Harvey Weinstein Will ‘Likely’ Remain in Hospital Until Sentencing

Meanwhile, Weinstein is getting the VIP treatment on the hospital's prison ward. There are no guards posted outside his room, and he has free run of the ward.

Recently, photos surfaced showing Weinstein in a media room watching television while relaxing on a sofa. His wheelchair was next to him. A source said Weinstein is ambulatory and he pushes his wheelchair like a walker.
T. W. said…
... Files Police Report
T. W. said…
Tracey Brown is live. Go here now!
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha, T.W. (I see he has the Corona.)

I am a really kind-hearted person. I cannot feel sorry for Weinstein after all that he has done. Just like Bill Cosby (which was a real shocker), they both deserve to rot in jail.

Cosby will more than likely survive jail, Weinstein will not. That's my prediction! (I hope you don't mind, CD.) :-)

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

You must be young! Bill Cosby made a lot of drug & rape jokes in the 70’s. He joked about drugging & raping women.

I will give a summary & my thoughts on the Tracey Brown video next. Stay tuned!
T. W. said…
Earlier I provided a link to today’s video from Tracey Brown. I will summarize & share my thoughts. If you watch the video please do not skip around. She shares good info before & after the reading. You can also ask questions if you participate in the live chat.

America - PLEASE vote in November!!!

* * * * * * *

1) Pre-Reading - She shares COVID-19 precautions. She advised baby wipes over hand sanitizer. I see her point. Sanitizer might make you more susceptible because your pores are open & they don’t kill viruses. Baby wipes are soap & water. Watch the video for more advice.

2) Reading was about if Biden will choose Barack Obama for his Vice President. Buckle down, this gets interesting!

3) Two women want the VP position. Tracey thinks they are Elizabeth Warren & the black lady from South Carolina. I think Stacey Adams?

4) Biden should not choose Buttigieg as he is too risky.

5) Biden should not choose Kamala Harris. Tracey Brown said Biden will lose the black female vote if he does this.

6) About Elizabeth Warren. She did her job, which was to expose Bernie, his lies, & lack of real plans. Tracey thought Warren dropped out too soon. Warren will reap what she has sown. She has sown good things and will end up in a position in the federal government. This is good because she will be competent to do the job & will actually do it!

7) Tracey claims Biden did not rig the votes but Russia meddled because they want Bernie to run against Trump.

8) Biden MUST get the Democratic nomination for three reasons: (a) Trump is scared of him (b) Russia can’t meddle with him (c) Trump knows he can’t beat Biden.

9) Biden SHOULD choose Barack as VP. They will clean up the government and get the economy back on track.

10) He must not ask Obama too soon. Obama will decline if he does. Tracey said this is Trump’s own doing as he “talked him up.” In other words, Trump kept talking about Obama, which basically conjured him up.

11) Tracey said Obama has been quiet. Too quiet. Remember, Barack is a Leo, same birthday (different year) as MeghaTron. Do you think he would turn down the chance to be in power at the White House for the third time? Tracey pointed out Obama likes to be the first to do something. He could be the first US President who later became a Vice President.

12) If Obama accepts, white people will be outraged. Tracey said this and I agree. She also said people would debate whether or not this is legal. It is legal.

* * * * * * *


Biden Obama Ticket -
T. W. said…
I think Stacey Abrams is the other woman.
T. W. said…
1) Can Lysol and Clorox products kill the novel coronavirus? The answer is ... complicated

2) Here's a list of disinfectants you can use against coronavirus
Anonymous said…
Matt Gaetz,

You can be doing the utmost to protect your constituents; those who voted for you. Especially your elderly constituents and this is what you choose to do.
Anonymous said…

I always knew I wanted Elizabeth Warren. I never felt Bernie. I can sense he's a spitfire. But I don't feel the confidence with him as I did with Elizabeth Warren. I just "knew" I wanted her. A lot of powerful women and women in general will be behind Elizabeth, me including.
T. W. said…
Anonymous, I like Elizabeth too. Something about Bernie never sat right with me.
T. W. said…
Rep. Matt Gaetz defends wearing gas mask, says Congress at risk for coronavirus
Anonymous said…
TW you are funny, we need to laugh more.
Chick'sOpinion said…

No. Barak Obama needs to come back.

And you kmow ...he's more experienced this time.

Oh and about Orlando Bloom knocking up all these chicks.

Clearly the relationship with Katy Perry will not last.

So what's he gonna do?

Knock up another chick. A third time.

He's becoming like a mobile sperm donor.

Another thing. I'm always amazed at Katy Perry.

Because she has the worst singing voice EVER!!

How did she succeed?

Okay, she's mewsical, as they say.

But she sings like when 2 cats are doing it.
Anonymous said…
T.W., I had no idea that Bill Cosby made jokes about that. That is sick. Nope, I'm a grown woman, I used to watch the Cosby show growing up!

I always thought he had a squeaky clean father image, just like on the TV show.

Since when is rape considered to be funny?

I do recall Bill Cosby came to town and one of my mother's best friends went with her husband to see the show.

They ended up leaving early. !!!!! They walked out, disgusted.

They did not like his jokes. My Mom did not tell me what the jokes were, just that they were obviously bad enough for them to leave.

This was back in 1998, '99 or 2000.

Now this all makes sense. He probably was joking about some unfunny shit. I'm amazed more people didn't talk about his show's content. I don't get off on dirty talk especially jokes about abuse towards women (or any other human or animals for that matter).

I know Eddie Murphy has some "dirty" talk in his comedy routines, but for some reason Eddie (who I love by the way) doesn't come across sicko or weird like Cosby. Perhaps the difference is, Eddie loves women. Cosby, as we discovered, did not.

P.S. Did you hear that Weinstein is now at Rikers? Woohoo!

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Watched the Wendy Williams with Corey Feldman interview....

I was shocked how often the Pedos have tried to murder him.

I think Wendy Williams genuinely did cry in that interview.

She seemed choked up and not able to speak at one stage.

Hmmmm. If Corey is blackmailing certain perpertrators. He needs the money....with the amount of personal security he needs for himself and his family.

Whether Corey Feldman is blackmailing etc....if he does get this myTruthDoc movie of his out.

It will maybe be a big step forward in exposing certain pedos in Hollywood he's focussing on.

I'm certainly hoping that's the outcome.

Though from this interview and what Christian predicted a while ago. It seems he's a dead man walking.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Orlando. Baby you're a firework.

.....In an ejaculation way.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Has anyone noticed the first lyric to Katy Perry's song, Firework? It starts off with...

'Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again'

I've felt like many things in life.
But never a plastic bag, funnily enough.

A squashed lettuce leaf by friday after work maybe. But nope ....not a plastic bag.

And Katy Perry had a hand in writing that song, Firework.
Well it shows.

I think the song is supposed to be a motivating anthem. In that sense I guess it succeeds.

If you are a plastic bag.

CD. Do tell us.

Is Katy Perry's relationship gonna last with Orlando Bloom ? (who always has his bloomers off)
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous! My mom told me about Cosby. She refused to watch the Cosby Show because of it. The “jokes” must be really bad because I have never heard or seen them repeated.

Eddie Murphy prefers mannish looking women and transgenders.
T. W. said…
Lol Chick’sOpinion!
T. W. said…
I think Katy Perry is strange.

As for Corey Feldman, he should have just held a press conference. The public would be more inclined to fund his security.

Make no mistake.

THEY are all involved. A lot of those pedos were victimized when they were children.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think you are right. Why didn't Corey Feldman just hold a Press conference?
And get the public's back.

The public will back him. If they know why 100 percent security is required for him and his kids. And his wife.

Did you see he even has to have his ex wives guarded from these Hollywood Pedos hench men.
That would cost a fortune 24/7.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I love Eddie Murphy.

Is he the funniest American there is?

Not sure. But I always found him hilarious.
And cute.

As for Bill Cosby.... his downfall started when he drugged and raped the wrong girl back in 1982, in Lake Tahoe.

I say the wrong girl. Because Janice Dickinson, the young model back then he raped.... is strong.
Very strong.

And she had the balls to stand up to many men. In her life. It's no surprise to me that she formed a good friendship with doomed American model, Gia Carangi.

Anyway. I've discussed here before. How American Janice Dickinson, the ex model revealed for the 1st time a few years back. That Bill Cosby is a rapist.

And that she heard for years the rumours after he drugged and raped her. That he drugged and raped many many others.

He'd lure them to him. With faked offers.

Janice Dickinson was the 1st one to go public about it.

And she needs recognition for it.

It's due to her bold bravery that put Bill Cosby in jail.

Once she went public. The other victims came forward.

Thank god for brave women.

I like American Author, Maya Angelou's comment on this kinda thing.....

She said,

'Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women'
Anonymous said…
I did not like Elizabeth, Bernie or Biden for a potential president.

I liked Pete, but even he came up short.

Obama again? Yassss. But sadly he can't, he's already served two terms.

But Michelle can. Yes she can! Michelle would win. By a landslide.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, I understand what you are saying about the "plastic bag," but perhaps once you read this it might change your mind or perspective:

Have a great weekend everyone!

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Yeah, T.W., Katy Perry is strange these days. I honestly don't know what happened to her. Did her divorce affect her in a negative way? She was once on top of the world and now, American Idol. She is great on that show, but sometimes she goes a little far to the left.

I think she will be a great Mom. And I do believe she is a genuinely good person. And to me, that's all that matters.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - If your life was threatened would you leave the house everyday, go out in public everyday & beg, uh, I meant ask for money everyday?

Janice Dickinson spilled a lot of tea about THEY. Her last name is unfortunate...

CAP Anonymous - I agree, Michael Obama could win. As for Katy Perry, her real name is Kate Hudson. She started out as a Christian artist. She is on record saying she sold her soul (life) to Satan. Now we know how she gets the Devil’s dandruff...

There was a Christian artist on American Idol this week. Katy told the girl that she wouldn’t last long in Hollywood & that THEY would put a stop to her career as a Christian artist.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I forgot about that moving plastic bag scene in that movie American Beauty.

Jeezzzz. That was a good movie. Apparently a Sam Mendes movie.

My friend and I ended up so crazy about the theme music to that movie,

It's called American Dream by Jakatta.

I go nuts when I play it in the car. It's even better when I play it in the car driving home at night.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. Why would Corey Feldman be going out hustling for money? When his life is at risk.

There are many holes in his story.

I don't doubt he was molested as a young boy in Hollywood.

What I doubt, he's handled the exposing of these perpertrators.

I wonder what Corey Haim thinks of how Corey Feldman is handling it all.

He'd probably think...whatever it takes to get the truth out. About the evil in Hollywood.

It's worth it.

But will Corey Feldman get the entire truth out?

All the way through production. He gets told 'no you can't say that, No you can't include their name' and on and on it goes.

Here's a contrast...

If you steal money from a bank you work in. Every detail about you will come out at court.

And you will go to jail.

But Pedos, who molested kids in the 1990's in Hollywood. Are protected protected protected. In the media. Every step of the way.

That animal.... no sorry that's insulting animals. That monster, Bryan Singer, the Hollywood Director, who is now a known pedophile.

Has been totally helped in keeping his name outa the media. And the story of his crimes.
There's soooo many.

He's up there with Epstein, in terms of how many children and young men he has violated, drugged and raped.

And when do you see articles about his ongoing court appearances, victims?

His sexual misconduct was so bad the University Of California faculty members, students and Alumni signed a petition, 4,000 of them.

Demanding the School take him off one of it's Programs. Specifically, The Bryan Singer Division Of Cinema And Media Studies.

They did this. Eventually.

But only after a young man by the name of Cesar Sanchez-Guzman filed a lawsuit alleging Bryan Singer drugged and raped him when he was 17.

And for anyone who doesn't know. Bryan Singer was the director of the movies, The Usual Suspects, Valkyrie, Superman Returns and 4 of the X Men Movies.

Movie Studios have thrown money...millions, at this sadistic sex offender for 20 years.

I know that 20th Century Fox fired him eventually.
But not till very late in the game...of Bryan Singer drugging young male actors...most under 18. And forcing them to participate in orgies.

Yes. That's what Bryan Singer specialises in. Orgies. Besides being a director.

You know, if Hollywood ever had any integrity in the first place.

It would be showing an obvious the #metoo era.

But it still isn't showing integrity.
And ethical decisions.

Its a cess pool.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

The Los Angeles police department is considered one of if not the most corrupt police department in the United States.

Corey Feldman can get the truth out with a press conference.

While I am sorry he and others were abused, I still believe Corey is one of THEM.

Especially since he keeps throwing up the 666 hand sign.

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