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Back to work morons.....


Anonymous said…
Instead of making fun of Trump, why don't you advise people what to do? Or reassure them.

Psychic Gossip said…
Have you not been reading the blog?
If you had you'd see thats what I have been doing for 4 years CDX
Anonymous said…
Providing advice and warnings is exactly what CD has done. I have been reading this blog for a long time. It’s been interesting to see what continues to unfold.
T. W. said…
Christian has been warning us for several years. He has given advice. Sometimes we have to read between the lines because if he made certain things plain panic would result.

As for making fun of Trump, oftentimes Christian is using the joke to make a prediction. Those with eyes to see will see.
T. W. said…
Celebrity gossip - No excerpts due to disturbing set.

No Surprise But Woody Allen’s Book Sounds Gross

Woody Allen details relationship with Soon-Yi in new memoir: ‘Couldn’t keep our hands off each other’
T. W. said…

Benny Hinn Holds Healing Service In Full Hazmat Suit


Hinn says he will continue knocking people over to heal their illnesses from the safety of his medical-grade hazmat suit.

"I will continue healing those with enough money--er, I mean, faith--to be healed," Hinn said at the beginning of a healing service in Orange County. "Name and claim your victory! Today is your day! You are healed of coronavirus if you wish to be healed -- just don't get within six feet of me or I will knock you to the floor. And not in the healing kind of way."

Partway through the service, the faith healer's suit ripped open as he walked by his Plexiglas pulpit, causing it to depressurize and exposing the prosperity gospel preacher to potential contamination. Hinn screamed and ran away from the room. "Every man for himself!" he cried as he burst out the doors and leaped into his waiting limousine. "Run away!"
T. W. said…
MAGA - Money, America’s Greatest Asset

Trump pushes for employees to return to work; ‘Our people want to return to work’
Chocmint33 said…
CD has always been giving us warning predictions to help us. For example, he gave a warning of this Covid-19 in February when Babyfart and most were not taking it seriously.

I agree with TW, you have to read between the lines with some of the predictions as some people would panic.

CD didn't do predictions for 2020 as he saw it too dark and now I can see why.

He predicted Covid-19 at the end of 2018 which he wrote in a verse.

Here it is.

North n’ South.

East n’ West….

Mother Nature has had her rest.

Once awakened wont be good.

Anonymous said…
I think that's called "manifesting."
Chick'sOpinion said…
Benny Hinn is the funniest name ever.

Add a Hazmat suit to it.

And it just gets funnier.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Trump is way too focussed on leaving office when the economy is in good shape.

I get that.

But it's also an ego driven desire of his too.

He should stop worrying about that.

I'm quite surprised he is unable to see that the full gravity of the CoronaVirus system. Is a far higher priority at the moment.

He's working hard on getting these economic rescue packages out to businesses.

As well as tryin to contain the contagion.

But seems to me the Democrats have been quite obstructive in a way. By resisting passing approval of it. Specifically ....that it's not enough money.

Can American businesses wait while they squabble?

That's the issue right now.

But while I chat. It's probably been passed.
And on it's way to businesses, mortgage holders etc.

If anyone knows. Please comment.
Louis said…
All I'll say is this.

Unemployment is a lesser risk than death for everybody but a psychopath.
T. W. said…
Benny Hinn was born in Haifa, Israel. His full name is Toufik Benedictus Hinn
T. W. said…

How did Christian caused a man-made virus to manifest, especially when he never called it by name?

I need them kind of superpowers.
T. W. said…
Louis is right.
T. W. said…

The Democrats block it because there aren’t enough protections for the Little People. They know a one-time handout to the masses won’t solve any problems. I posted a link to some of the things they are asking for & I believe they are right to ask for some of them.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that info. So is Trump just focussing on smaller Rescue packages with lesser protections. Because he sees this crisis, as quite temporary?

His immediate proposal of freezing all American Mortgage payments. And putting a stop to any Federal Evictions from unpaid a fantastic idea he's come up with I feel.

Very practical.

But like you said there's problems with it. With parts of rescue plans.

One thing I thought.

A six month freeze on mortgage payments is not nearly long enough for home owners to cope.

Because it assumes the mortgage holders will have got jobs within that time period.

Hope that can happen. But it's over optimistic. In my view.

Mortgage payments have been suspended too. In France, Spain, Italy and the UK.

So far our Australian government is offering protection to our renters in the following way.

At the moment. They are just offering all these renters, who have lost jobs... immediate access to unemployment benefit. At double the usual amount.

And when they apply for that, almost all unemployment benefit receivers, who are renting. Get Rent Assistance with it anyway.

So that WILL keep the wolf from the door for most of them.

Sorry, I meant ....keep the landlord from screaming for rent at the door. On the phone. Via nasty emails from Estate Agents.

The Australian goverment do have a plan to stop evictions. It's just not underway yet.

New Zealand has banned rent rises already.

But I feel it's uncertain times we live in.

But for some.... In times like this, it in a tent in your mum's backyard. Or by a creek in a tent.
Starts to look real good.

Cause it's free.

I have a young friend who does exactly that anyway. She has a superb tent. And lives in it with her bf.
In her dad's backyard.

But thank god I don't have a mortgage right now.
I'd be outa my wits. Worried the bank would repossess the house anyway, after 2 missed mortgage payments.

Cause that immediately takes you into default on the Loan. Usually.

I guess we are gonna see alot of amazing people. Come up with impressive survival solutions through all this anyway.

And after it's all over.
They will have skills and resilience. They never knew they could develop.

They will be alot less trusting of the economy.
And less reliance on food from shops I think.

Australia has seen an unprecedented rise in Australians buying seedlings. And seeds and putting in Veggie gardens. They have also bought out the fruit trees too.

Lucky it's the seedling season.

Well, we are better off than the Dig For Victory gardens everyone dug at the beginning of the World Wars. Because at least there's a ready supply of seeds.

Before World War 1, the Germans were a major supplier of vegetable seeds to the world.

Do you think they continued to share them?


It was just like their current legendary selfishness over sun beds in resorts.

So supplies of seeds were tricky for people desperate to start a garden for food.
We are far luckier.
And Nurseries here in Australia are getting on top of this new high demand. And thankfully guys, North America is the largest supplier of vegetable seeds today.

And North Americans know how to share.
T. W. said…

I thank you for sharing your knowledge of history with us. I also thank you for letting us know how Australia is doing.

Here in North Carolina, Durham’s Sheriff said his office will not be enforcing eviction orders during the current crisis. But what about everyone else?

I wonder if they will charge rent to those of us who live in subsidized housing.

We need to set our differences aside & help those we are able to help. Sometimes the only person we can help is ourself.


Did you hear? Glenn Beck allegedly said old people need to die so ventilators & such can be available for others.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Shocking. Imagine being an old age American. And hearing you may be denied a ventilator because of this prick’s idea.
Of playin God.

Nothing annoys me more than when professionals ... politicians start playing God.

Well the Karma for the shit he’s putting intention to.

Is big.

Hope he’s ready for it.
T. W. said…

A lot of people are showing their true colors now. I had to unsubscribe from a “Christian” minister’s YouTube channel.

I could not find Jesus on the channel or in the comments section.

They forgot YouTube still notifies me when someone replies to one of my comments.

The minister said good riddance. I told him he should have taken the opportunity to reach out to me & minister to me instead of saying bye & he doesn’t need me. I also told him good luck on Judgement Day.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mmmm. Christian YouTube channels sound ruthless. And Godless.

Well. Some of them. By the sounds of it.

And yes. That Minister showed his true colours. When you blocked him.

What a bastard.

He said he didn't need you.

Simply because you could see through his game.

It's very hard when you have high intuition. Or the intelligence to not be conned.

Because others don't see what you can see.

And you don't get the support you should. At the time.

When you point out that someone is lying. Being inauthentic.

Cause so many believe these people.

I'd say Christian has this problem all the time.

He sees it crystal f..cking clear.

Like alot of accurate psychics.
T. W. said…

Thanks for the support!

I will continue to pray for those who are trapped in the darkness.

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