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Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. I think we have to keep in mind that the CoronaVirus was purposefully manufactured in China.

Well. They achieved what they wanted. In silencing the Hong Kong Pro Democracy protesters.

But in the process, destroyed their own economy.

Ha ha ha.

And now.

The world economy.

CD. The question is. Do Western governments already know the Chinese deliberately spread the CoronaVirus worldwide?

And just don't want the public to become aware of it.

Otherwise it may start a war with China.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. The New York Times reported yesterday 12.3.20.... that something very odd is going on with the Stockmarket.

That it's not just a sell-off.

That there are 'worrying signs' and 'a series of movements that don't make sense'.

Can you make sense of what's happening?
Chick'sOpinion said…
No. There's something odd going on at Wall Street.

Apparently 'Assets that are normally liquid. Are freezing up. With securities not trading widely'.

The New York Times thinks it bizarre.
Chick'sOpinion said…
What is wrong with Canadian leader, Justin Trudeau?

He continues to be in trouble with indigeqnous people in Canada.

Principally because he chooses oil interests over indigeanous interests.

But claims to do the opposite.

In January he allowed a raid on a indigenous encampment on sacred land so that a Pipline line company called TC Energy could enter.

What gets me about this 'Justin' stuff though.

Is it aint very just. Or wise.

For a start the energy companies Justin Trudeau is backing.... to do this in Canada ...are totally Fossil Fuels.

Has no one told Justin Trudeau that Fossil Fuels are a thing of the past.

Further, his backing of these energy companies and mining is not moving toward reconciliation with the indigenous, that he claimed to support.

I'm of the view. If it's sacred land. It's sacred land.

Thats it.

But sacred land is not compatible with energy strategies. And why should it be?

I think there has to be cooperation on both sides. But Justin Trudeau is proving to be just a hypocrite.

And didn't he have enough unpopularity with the Standing Rock Protests against the Dakoda Access Pipeline in 2016.

When they blockcaded the railway lines in protest too.

It hurt the Canadian economy.

No. I remember Christian predicting that Justin Trudeau is not entirely the 'nice guy' he claims.

I'm startin to see what he meant.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Are the Taliban living up to the bargain they struck with Trump. Under the Accord he signed with them in February?

Under this accord the U.S agreed to withdraw all American and allied forces from Afghanistan within 14 months.

And apparently as part of the Accord, the Taliban agreed to not cooperate with terrorist groups. Particularly ones that target the U.S.

Another thing the Taliban agreed to in this Accord. Was not allow Terrorist organisations to use Afghan territory.
The Accord was open to 'talks' too.

But the daughter of war mongerer, old U.S politician, Dick Cheney, Liz Chaney. Is now claiming that this Accord Trump signed, does not have sufficient content in it. To even verify the Taliban are abiding by the terms.

Well she would say that I suppose. Her father did a needless and unlawful invasion of Iraq. Working togetger with that idiot sidekick Donald Rumsfeld in 2003.

A conflict that never needed to happen.
And why did Cheney do it?
Well he wanted wanted to own things in Iraq. Make money for himself.

And succeeded.

So is U.S politician, Liz Cheney banging the drum for self interest? Probably. Her family do little else.

Well the Accord Trump signed is not a Peace Agreement anyway. For a start because the Taliban did not even agree to acknowledge the current Afghan government.
There was no intention by them in the Accord to improve the rights for women in Afghanistan either.

And the fact is...the attacks in Kabul continue even now.

So unfortunately Liz Chaney may be partly right.
The Accord is Ka-Bull.

And not effective.

There's big holes in it. And the Trump Administration have been trying to hide the holes.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Chick's Opinion about the stock exchange it was weird before but now very strange occurrences. And this health issue wipes the value and spending power of many businesses and other issues.
Sana said…
This Corona Virus or Covid 19 🦠 as its called now, is starting to take a toll on peoples lives here now in Stockholm (Sweden). And I keep thinking, "oh God not again, first the financial crisis 2010 and now a virus 2020"... Don't like that people are panicking - because it doesn't help or that that the media is spreading fear. Trying to stay cool as I have no other choice than to be rational and pray it will all be ok.

Please just educate yourself on the Virus and keep yourself (hands, body parts that are exposed) sanitized)

Pray it will all be over very soon - and that God will let me graduate this time
Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻💯!
T. W. said…
Oh man, you never mess with sacred lands! Trudeau is gonna be sorry he did that.

The seer who Knows about It Next but doesn’t want people to promote his site predicted the Taliban would have problems if they don’t keep their end of the deal.

Moe Othman has been saying for over a year that CEOs know something we don’t because they have either been committing suicide or quitting their jobs out of the blue. I believe Christian said this several years ago too.

Some psychics are saying someone is purposely destroying the US dollar. Tracey Brown said cryptocurrency will be the new normal. She also said anyone who is not tech savvy will be left behind in the new normal. Classrooms will become a thing of yesterday. I posted links yesterday.

Most importantly, children & black people have caught the corona. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I declare no plague comes near us, our loved ones, our possessions, and our dwellings.
T. W. said…
Christian, thank you for the laughs & the healing!
T. W. said…
Today’s Links:

1) Coronavirus: A Cameroon student on how he recovered

[African nationals are saying they are better off staying in China to prevent spread of disease]

2) Missouri Sues Televangelist Jim Bakker For Selling Fake Coronavirus Cure

3) ‘An Eviction Notice’: Chaos After Colleges Tell Students to Stay Away

[Please note that some Universities are switching to online format. Foreign students are prohibited from attending classes online.]
T. W. said…
National Hockey League has cancelled the season.

All college basketball tournaments are cancelled.

Let’s be real. Everything is cancelled or is about to be.
T. W. said…
The situation has gotten worse. Jesus. Please. Help!!!

1) The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors

There are now simply too many patients for each one of them to receive adequate care.

2) Brazilian official who posed for photo with Trump tests positive for coronavirus, reports say

3) Broadway Goes Dark Amid Coronavirus Concerns

4) MLB suspends spring training, delays Opening Day at least two weeks

5) NHL suspending play immediately due to virus

6) What is a pandemic and does it change the approach to coronavirus?
T. W. said…
Numbers 6:22-27

The Priestly Blessing (verses 24-26, NIV)

The Lord bless you
and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace

T. W. said…
Dear God,

In the name of a Jesus Christ of Nazareth I ask that you help Musaka & all students study, learn, and graduate on time. Please help those with few resources prepare. Please prevent more people from becoming sick with influenza, COVID-19, and other dreaded diseases. Please send comfort and aid to babies, children, elderly, homeless, in jail, in prison, in bondage, in healthcare facilities, are missing, and are in peril.

I don’t know what else to ask for. May Your will be done.

T. W. said…
Jason Stratham gossip
Chick'sOpinion said…

Russia and China joined forces about a year and half ago. To destroy the U.S Dollar. Being used as the Gold Standard.

Trump was trying to stop them.

If they succeed it will be not good.
T. W. said…

U-Haul offers free storage to students displaced by coronavirus

Soulja Boy’s soap company triples profits amid coronavirus pandemic

Trigunluver said…
I’m surprised it’s not a plated gold toilet sold at a ridiculous price.
Kristy said…
Thanks for the links and prayers TW!
T. W. said…
Kristy - You are always welcome!

Chick’sOpinion - You speak the truth.
T. W. said…
Trigunluver - Hello! I pray you are well.
Quiet said…
In trumps hotels in the 90's he had every roll of toilet paper in each room pressed and sealed at the end of the roll where you pull down from, a gold sticker about the size of a quarter that looks like a an official seal that read "trump"

I wish we had cell phones with cameras in the early 90's.. It was not worth wasting a kodak film shot from my real camera back then.

They forgot to put the trump gold seal on the earrings for Ivankas memorable jewellery collection for this year.
Trigunluver said…

Thank you for the prayers. I hope all is well on your end as well. :)
Anonymous 843 said…
So many good posts here today!

Love and hugs to everyone!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 843

Yes. Good posts.

Great minds think alike !

Love how it's a nice place to chat about .....stuff.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yoy were a witness to history. Stayin in a Trump Hotel.

All those years ago.
Yes. Imagine the pics we could have got back in the 90's if we had cameras on mobile phones.

Takin phones was so difficult back then.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Dig out your silver spade. Cause I'm sure Christian made a prediction. That Jason 'big head' Statham, the English actor....was cheating.

Or about too.

Poor Rosie Huntley Whitley the wife, and her wooden neck.

But never mind. She has time to develop her 3rd eye.

Perhaps she already has.

And it's seen who he's bonking.

I don't think there's anything worse than laying eyes on who you know your husband/bf, wife, gf is bonking.
Letty said…
Psychic Tracey brown said Ivanka and Jared
Have the VIRUS and that her kids will get it too
And probably got it from Trump
T. W. said…

I’m doing better but I’m still not decent. I’m tired of hurting and such. I need to rest. I will recover.
T. W. said…
Quiet, you should have acquired a roll of TP
T. W. said…
Anonymous 843 - We love you too! 😘
T. W. said…

Your request has been granted:

Cut and Paste.....
T. W. said…
Hi Letty!

Thank you for this. I didn’t have time to watch the video. I was making preparations because someone in a nearby town got Corona.

As for the video, a while back Tracey said Trump wouldn’t do anything about the corona until his own family got sick. She did say they wouldn’t die.

Latest Video:

Trump watch: Ivanka
Chick'sOpinion said…

Lets hope Christian does a post on that.

Thing is ...Ivanka is always travelling. I wonder if she caught it on a plane trip.
T. W. said…

Tracey claims Ivanka caught it from her dad & she will not reveal she is sick.

Tracey says someone in the White House will catch the Corona from “intimate contact” from an affair. The “injured party” will kiss & tell.

My money is on Trump & Hope Hicks...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that.

Yer. I had a look. Yes. Christian's old post from last year predicts English actor, Jason Statham has had another woman on the side. For a long time.

Have Sony found out?

Because Jason Statham has suddenly withdrawn from makin a movie with Kevin Hart called The Man From Toronto.

And his sudden withdrawal is unexplained.
Woody Harrelson is taking his place.

Officially they are trying to claim that Jason Statham wanted the movie to be classified R Rated.

And Sony wants it rated PG-13.

Well. I think they found out Jason Statham likes an R-Rated personal life. And Sony are worried his girlfriend on the side is going to be discovered.

And his happy family man image will get exposed. As b.s.

And the negative press will affect the success of this movie.

And so maybe Sony have demanded him to drop this gf on the side. Pay her to shut up. And retain his 'good' image as an actor.

And he's refused.

But hey. That's just my opinion on why.
Not fact.

But wouldn't surprise me.

Perhaps CD can clarify.

Jason Statham has a big head.
There should be enough room for his big ego and rational common sense.

But no....egos and rational common sense are not very compatible in my view.
T. W. said…

I think Jason Stratham has a boyfriend, not a side chick.
T. W. said…
A while back CDAN gave the reason Stratham was fired. I’m too tired to look for it & I really don’t care.

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