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T. W. said…
I noticed that too.

1) Glenn Beck says older Americans should return to work: “Even if we all get sick, I would rather die than kill the country”
Beck: “I would rather have my children stay home and all of us who are over 50 go in and keep this economy going”

2) Glenn Beck offers to die to save America from a COVID-19 shutdown
Chick'sOpinion said…
Does anyone remember how Trump revoked the Press passes of alot of the Washington Press corps last year.

That was unbelievable.

He wonders why they hate him. That was an astonishing move.

And after he banned alot of them. He introduced a 'hard Pass'. The highest level of access for a journalist.

And to get a 'hard pass', Journalists now have to be present in the White House for 90 days out of 180 days.


This extreme criteria has prevented most of the press access. Including 6 of the Washington Post's correspondents.

So we are not getting all the news guys.

Cause Journalists can't get it.

And Trump wonders why the Press depict him as a dictator.

Well. Because this kind of stuff is exactly what dictators do.

I guess the U.S journalists should reflect. That after Trump's gone from Office. They are still in one piece.

Able to continue their Press careers regardless.

Because in times past. Critising a despotic leader got you murdered. Putin is even doing it today.
All the time.

But in 1579, Elizabeth the 1st of England went to far more extreme to shut down the Press who criticised her.

She had the Right hand cut off a printer and his publisher.
Who printed news about Elizabeth that enraged her.

Critising her current possibility of marrying.

To a French Catholic.

The Printer...John Stubbs was a highly educated man. But he wrote that the proposed 'French Catholic, Duke Of Alencon... that Eluzabeth was courting. Had STD's, and is a contrary coupling and immoral union that is like the union of a cleanly ox with an ass (donkey)'.

Also. That 'the Queen was way too old at 46 to marry and have children.'

This too much for Queen Elizabeth. She had them arrested for conpiring to excite sedition.

And their hands were cut off in the Market place in Westminster.

Elizabeth 1st was not usually this cruel. But she'd had an excessively bad year with dangerous traitors.
And just lost it in temper.

And ultimately they lost their hands for nothing.

Elizabeth 1st chose not to marry the Duke Of Alencon in the end.

I'm quite sure too. If Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ever had that level of Royal power. They'd be doing similar things to the Press and Publishers.

And possibly the public who made unflattering comments about them.
T. W. said…
Cuomo says Senate's $2 trillion coronavirus bill would be 'terrible' for New York
Chick'sOpinion said…
Sorry wrong date. Elizabeth 1st had their hands cut off in 1583.

But generally she was having alot of trouble with Puritans. Who were continually writing stories complaining about the Church and Bishops.

And the extreme world they wanted.

They were a bit like Christian Republicans today.

Wanting everyone to live 'their' way.
In the way that they thought was wholesome. In relation to God.

Isn't it interesting how bigots never change over the centuries.
Letty said…
If the Democrats don’t start releasing critical damaging
information On Trump they will risk trump getting re-elected

Many astrologers and readers have said trump
Will be re-elected
Chick'sOpinion said…

Garrrd. More years of Trump?

God help us.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So under the present conditions. What level of excessive powers does Trump have ?

In alot of ways ....this present situation would be a dream for him.
Chocmint33 said…
Unfortunately with Babyfart it is all about the money - the Pricetag as Jessie J would sing.

He places that way before people - always has.

Psychic Linda G has predicted he won't get re-elected and so has Jessica Adams who has been pretty accurate thus far.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love that Jessie J song. That song definitely nails what you are talking about.

Haven’t checked out Linda G for a long time.

I forgot about her. Even though she’s quite an accurate psychic. And funny.

And can someone fill me in? Who is this Glenn Beck f..cker anyway?

He sounds like an obnoxious little Grommit.
T. W. said…

Thank you for bringing things to our memory.

As you recall, the Puritans emigrated to the New World. Now you know part of the reason US is the way it is.
T. W. said…
Glenn Beck hosts radio & TV. He was on FOX but he has his own tv channel now, Blaze.

He is also a Mormon. They are NOT Christian. Many of their teachings contradict the Bible.

If you need a good laugh please research the Mormons & their founder Joseph Smith.

Relax. I’m not making fun of religion because they are cults. You will see.

The creators of South Park has a succession Broadway play called “Book of Mormon.” They also did an episode of South Park about it.

The South Park episodes about Mormonism & $cientology are a must to watch. I think you can watch for free at South Park Studios site.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. Cause this Glenn Beck sounds like a right troublemaker.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - Anytime!

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