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Feelings from across the pond..

Miley Cyrus
My heart is breaking for the lad, who opened a bar in Peckham, put every penny he had into it and then Boom.
My heart is breaking for the girl, who taught dance to disadvantaged kids in Rome, saved all her pennies to buy a ticket and then Boom.
My heart breaks for the shy boy, who had been supporting himself, as a musician for years, got his big break beginning of February, and then Boom all his gigs have been cancelled.
Aged 33 they're all having to move back to live with their parents - what's the alternative?
And so all the children of the 80's who wanted their own life are now lost. Pained and lost.
And I dont know how to blame the Tory Government - lack of investment over ten years, savage cuts, heartless policies - it's not even that that breaks my heart, what breaks my heart is that the Conservatives are mostly wealthy pubic school boys, without a finger on any kind of pulse, who don't engender any kind of trust - well not in me anyway - so I question their leadership, whilst still doing their bidding.
And since they are a bunch of career politicos I wonder whether we really are getting the right advice? How can we tell any more?. Trump says something on Monday contradicts himself on Tuesday, invents baloney on Wednesday, tweets on Thursday and by Friday we listen to more of his bollox and wish that he had tested positive for the virus. Oh come on we all thought it. Two scientists flank Johnson who stands behind a podium, and dizzy from U-turns leads us to lock down. Quietly the cock who brokered Brexit winces as getting drugs from Europe is now a faff since we are no longer part of the club, whilst his pregnant fiancee sits on the settee in Number 10 polishing the silver, and stroking her belly which holds his umpteenth child. Wearing nothing but white jockeys and a pair of threadbare socks our first minister schtupped his mistress whilst the virus was gestating and the stock markets were getting ready to tank. And tank they did, and are, and will continue to do so until Covid 19 has had her day.
'Utopia for Realists' a book by Rutger Bregman argues for a fare wage for all. America are thinking about a thousand dollars a month for families who are broke, will Boris do that here? Or will he continue to spend trillions on wars, on high Speed train tracks, or hiring beds from private hospitals who, unapologetically are accepting the NHS money whilst Richard Branson skips all the way to the investment bank.
There are those who are saying this is Mother natured pissed. There are those who are saying it's the Goddess up there who has had enough There are those who say pandemics come in 100 year cycles. There are those who say its the fault of the gays, the jews, the blacks the Janes. There are those who blame the old, the infirm the intergenerational families. There are those who just blame and blame and blame.
So now we are all in lock down. The over 70's will be curfewed in their homes for twelve weeks. Grandchildren will be forbidden access to their grandparents. Grandparents languishing from the loss of their grandkids.
And we follow orders lest we are slapped with a thousand pound fine, or get banged up.
And yes we have to protect the old, and the underlying unhealthy, so yes we have to look out for each other and split the pasta and learn to share again. so it is polite that we listen to our leaders isn't it?
But are they getting it right? We wonder, talking and arguing, pondering and complaining and criticising and despairing, but now is not the time to judge Johnson, or heckle Hancock, now is the time to hold them to account. They've squandered our money, spent it fraudulently, leaving us to fight each other for lavatory paper in Tesco's and battle for the last bottle of sanitiser in Sainsbury, and the Americans stand in line to buy yet more guns.
It's late and I'm in the kitchen knowing that I am lucky enough to have a garden to isolate in, worrying about the dawter who is giving up her unaffordable life in London, self isolating for seven days, before she too comes back home to rest and recuperate without having to find any rent which will enable her to ponder on what life holds for her after this debacle.
Idris Elba tells us he's tested positive and he didn't even have any symptoms, and when thems that are in the know say we we should all be tested, mouths agape we hiss there aren't enough tests to go round, or beds, or doctors, or nurses or hope.
For hope springs eternal, and hope is what we need. This insidious disease ain't forever, even if it feels like it is. Watch as the Italians, on their balconies, sing to each other, sending their voices into the viral air. And the Spanish star jump on their balconies whilst a lithe Catalonian demonstrates how to keep fit on the communal green. The Queen isolates herself in Balmoral, whist her immoral son laughs all the way to the Pizza Hut in Woking, and the world keeps turning, and even though we want to shout STOP we want to get off WE CAN'T.
We will weather this, we will help each other out and plant potatoes and tell our children stories of when old people fell ill way back in 2020, when the strange illness called Miley Cyrus by the cockneys (rhyming slang), when Miley struck and the folk in Wales had to deal with it in their flooded homes, and the Scousers cried as they watched their beloved team hang their heads in disappointment. And we will tell the story of Miley how she infected refugees who had no water and food whilst the children of the world watched when the elders stopped breathing.
But before our very eyes the pollution levels fall because nobody is driving their cars., The clouds part and there is blue sky over the mountains and the birds sing. But we can only watch in splendid isolation.
For after the floods and plagues of locusts, after the dust storms and the death of all bees the cinemas closed then the theatres and the musicians practiced their scales in the silence of their own bedrooms. Writers wrote but the libraries were shut whilst the television played endless reruns of 'Yes Minister' and 'Only Fools and horses.'
Things had to change, and the change had to be brutal for us to sit up and listen, learn lessons in sharing whilst we bumped elbows.
This is the end and this is the beginning.
You wrecked us Miley but as you said so eloquently
'If you believe in yourself anything is possible.'


Lovely Libra said…
CD - as your fellow 9/29 Libra, my heart goes out to one and all because...we ARE one.
Cordelia said…


Lovely Libra

Totally agree. Without God's love and grace we are nothing.
Anonymous said…

Wow, CD, that was almost poetic.

Thank you for posting that. Thank you!

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
I read it all. Very moving.

And so many things in it so true.

I'm glad I read that.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Do yous wanna know something cute.

My 86 year old stepdad walked to his local grocery store. And bought the last rice they had. And lots of bars of soap.

For me.

Cause he was worried that my only only supermarket up here in the country. Is gonna run out.

It's the sweetest thing ever.

Small and big acts of kindness are happening everywhere.

This post of CD's mentions this change. How people have had to stop and just focus on survival for their familes and friends.

I'm gonna give half of the soap to my friend who is a single parent.

She needs soap far more than me. With all her kids.

In this situation. We are really stripping it back.
And becoming a community again.
With self reliance too.

Isn't it strange. Most of us wouldn't have attempted this approach.
Without this virus.

This afternoon I'm digging a vegetable garden.
I'm concerned that my local store will be already out of seeds.

But. My stepdad knows how to grow potatos without the seeds.

See working together.

Old and young.
T. W. said…



Get the potato eyes to sprout & plant that after the full moon.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful CD and lovely responses too. Take care everyone 🙏
Sana said…
That was very beautiful, CD

We really are at the threshold of something, 🌅
and a decent act of kindness goes far 🥗
People in my community have stacked up 🥫
whilst other communities in Stockholm are chill 😕
Helping those I can If I can - I'm a single broke student who lives alone what else can we do? 👩🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🏫

Take care of yourself and each other 👩🏻‍🌾🧑🏻‍🌾🧕🏻🤝
And sanitizers can be created in other ways😷
Loads of youtube channels are showing you how 🧴

And lastly, it has come to attention that some people steal or buy things to sell them for a higher profit
Shame on you. 😠😖Shame on You if you do this. This time requires humility, but it seems that Greed has taken over those who think they can profit. If someones do this - report them. We have zero-tolerance for people like that in Sweden.

Be a better person - help those you can 🙏🏻

And Stay calm Stay Safe and watch many Comedies - its good for the immune system ☀️✌🏻

Love you ALL xoxoxo

Sana (Stockholm, Sweden 🇸🇪

Apple Monkey said…
Just beautiful CD.
Please be safe everyone. Xo
CyndiTx123 said…
Many Blessings Cd!!
SP said…
Libra here as well...

I too, feel for those who have worked so hard, but this force is a wake up call for those who have decided to stick there heads in the sand. The warning was there. Our free will is being challenged and our emotions put to the test. I would love so much to say, 'See! I told you so, and you didn't listen'. But is their lesson to learn. I just hope that these people will heed this lesson whether that be financially or in health. I know their will be a golden lining.
T. W. said…
Such beautiful comments. I am glad we are Friends.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Musaka (sana)

Don't worry. People who steal things and sell them for profit. In times of crisis.

Will soon be facing going to jail.

It's called profiteering.

And is highly illegal.

They have been doing it in Australia too.

But slowly slowly they are are being stopped.

For a start, Gumtree, the online 'sell things' website here. Has banned people doing it. They can't advertise their stolen..hoarded stuff there.

Which in a way is a shame.... for the police.

Because when they advertise their stolen hoarded food and goods. They provide the police with their phone number and address.

To go and arrest them.

Profiteering is not an unfamiliar crime to the legal profession. It emerges whenever there's a crisis.

And controlling profiteering was written into law a century ago.

We just jailed in Australia, a low life 27 year old little villain called Matthew Small. Who advertised on Ebay and GumTree I believe.... fake hay bales.

That Australian farmers were desperate to buy for fodder for their animals.

After bushfires in Australia burned 1000's of hectares of farm land. This year. And last year.

He's now in jail for doing that.
I think he faced a total of 24 charges. Of deception.

He made $20,000 au, in selling these non existant hay bales to farmers.

Using a variety of aliases.

He already had outstanding Warrants anyway.
But his charges also included charges for dishonesty.

Plus....he was also convicted of 3 charges of selling fake firewood.

And was fined massively too I believe.

Yes. there's always scum who want to exploit people in distress.

They used to hang them in WW2.

Hate to say it. But time they brought that back. For the moment.

As a deterrant.

It would soon make them re-think their profiteering scam.

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