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Global Prayer Circle...

Please add yours in the comments.
Hi No need for a time...
Just add your prayer thoughts in the comments.
This Prayer Circle.
Sends Prayers out 24/7...


Ane said…
Hi Everyone,

Although I have been a follower this is my first time posting.Would anyone like to set up a global prayer time? I think the more of us unitied in prayer the stronger our healing energy will be.
Love and Blessing for everyone
Anonymous said…
Not one to pray, personally, but I'd like to express gratitude and deep appreciation to the health care workers, grocery store workers, and all of those who are putting their lives on the line to help others, even if it is just by means of a small gesture, in these dark times.
Anonymous said…
I suggest 8 pm EDT.
Honey badger said…
If you don't pray, then meditate, send positive thoughts, reiki energy, or simply imagine that those with the virus are being healed and will be healed. Radiate compassion.
T. W. said…
Father God,

I thank You for sparing life. I thank You for giving humans strength and power to help others during this time.

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all COVID-19 viruses to die at the root and seed right now. I command COVID-19 to never return.

Father, I ask that you please send ministering angels to help humanity. Help us receive the supernatural help You provide.

Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers as You see fit.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father,

Please bless the pharmacists, the nurse practitioners, the good doctors (not all of them are), the grocery store workers, and people who work for a-holes. We know you’ve got a plan. Thank you for good health, a home, and job.
T. W. said…
Hi Ane! Don’t be a stranger. The more the merrier here!

God bless you and keep you.
Hans said…
please get us look after all of us, and help us beat this.
Cordelia said…
Heavenly Father
Thank you for the many blessings we all receive daily from you for all that is seen and unseen. Please in the divine mercy of Christ consign this pandemic to the depths of hell never to return.
Anonymous said…
God the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful...
Please God , we seek refuge from evils, and diseases.
Please God, help your helpless children everywhere, help your children in Syria and free them from dictatorship

God gives us blessing... please God help your poor children all over the world
Please God, accept our prayers...
Please God bring love, peace and health on earth
Ane said…
Hi Everyone

Would these time work for a prayer, meditation, reiki, shaman healing,etc., global group meeting?

This Sunday March 29th
6pm EDT
3pm PDT
10pm London
9am Sydney (next day )

We could also pick another date & time

Wednesday April 1st
3pm EDT
12pm PDT
7pm London
6am Sydney (next day)

You could light up a candle, sage, use drums, binaural beat music. Anything which will help us share our inner healing light and love. United we are stronger, and we can heal all living beings including our beautiful planet heal. Please share the info with anyone.

TW- thanks for sharing that prayer.
Ane said…
At Anonymous,
The reason I am suggesting the prayer/meditation time be a little earlier is because in the UK it will already be midnight.
Ane said…
Hi TW,

Thanks for welcoming me, and for always sharing so much info.
Letty said…
God and Arch Angel Michael and all angels
Please help this world
Please heal and protect humanity
Please destroy this virus as soon as possible and
Surround the planet with love light and healing

I Know the angels are here on earth during this
Difficult time
we need to continue to pray and
Surround the planet with light and love

We will get through this together
Anonymous said…
Please listen to our prayers..who is going to take care of all those who is working from front and taking care of all those suffering from this virus..what is the point of life.. everything is so meaningless pointless but still some people are busy making deal... why God why...I am angry I am sad I am lost...At this point everything is in your hand... all of us on your mercy...Please God save us!
T. W. said…
Ane, you are most welcome!

All Friends, I thank you for sharing your beautiful prayers! I thank my God for all of you!

As for a set prayer time I will see what everyone else says. I don’t keep a regular schedule due to health reasons. I will see what you all agree to.

We will get through this and we will be stronger for it!

With love,

HRH T. W. 🥰
Anonymous said…
Now if we could all pray for oppression and racism... to end.
Seraphimgirl said…
Thank you God, in Jesus’ name, that your highest and most powerful healing energies of Divine Love, fill our beautiful Earth and all her people, dissolving all illness, discord, hatred, greed and disease. We thank You always for Your Divine Blessings, in Jesus’ name. ��
Unknown said…
I pray that we get out of this situation as soon as possible.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think I got the time right you specified for Australian eastern time (eastern side) to pray. Meditate.

So I will commence my prayer. Quite soon. This morning.

Much love and appreciation to you for even specifying times for a group meditation and prayer for us all over here.

Gracious thanks
Anonymous said…
sending positive thoughts..
Lord..thank you for protecting life and keeping us strong. Please watch over are caretakers and the country's medical guardians. Please, please encourage our citizens to vote in a more caring and truthful administration. Amen
Talkgirl12 said…
Lord thank you for sending so many lovely angels to us in our hour of need. These beautiful angels are warping their long white wings around us to help, protect but most of all they are with us as we walk through this valley of tears and heart break. But remember in time we will again walk in the sun, laugh, dance but be forever changed for the better.
Take care everyone we will get through this together.
CyndiTx123 said…
Prayers for all during this crisis we are going thru!! Pray that our PResident understands that this is very serious epidemic we are in and understand he is trying to make things work out for the working people, but please Lord help him and all presidents/rulers of other countries be wise and make good choices for their countrymen/women etc. people. Pray for the healing , strength for all that is suffering. May you grant us peace compassion, and love to all. Surround us with bright light & keep believing with faith that all will be well. Amen!
Kristy said…
Thank you God for protecting us and healing those that are sick. We thank you for covering us with your love and hand during this time.
Chocmint33 said…
Dear God, Universe and Guardians Angels, please stop the spread of Covid-19. Please protect the elderly, those with fragile immune systems, health care workers, cleaners and grocery shop workers. Help the scientists find a cure and a vaccination. Please give strength to those who have lost loved ones, and for those who are not used to hardship. Please give energy and protection to the doctors and psychological healing to all those directly affected. Thank you with love. Amen.
writestuff said…
To the Supreme Being and Creator God, Please assist us in this time of trouble and anxiety. Ease our burdens. Strengthen our faith. Increase our trust and confidence in Your compassionate care. Give us the courage we need, Dear Lord, to face the difficulties before us, knowing that with Your help, miracles happen and lives are restored.
We pray for a share in Your healing graces, and ask that You surround the entire world with Your comforting goodness, for health in mind and body, and for hearts filled with hope and peace. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Jesus I come before you in this time of uncertainty and turmoil, God I ask that you please stop this nasty thing dead in it’s tracks and that we can get back to our normal lives. I pray and ask that you be with the families and friends of those whom we lost.. I pray that you’ll protect us all especially the elderly, people who don’t have very strong immune systems, people in the healthcare field, cleaners and retail and grocery workers. Help our president who is such a not so nice person to understand that this isn’t a joke and he needs to take it more seriously. Thank you lord, in Jesus name I pray amen.
CyndiTx123 said…
Welcome Ane to CD's World of friends of everywhere, high and low and some inbetween! :) :) :)
Glad to have you here-Much love & Happy !
Tony said…
Hi everyone. I'm working on my mail deliveries and a lot of colleagues have gone off on sick leave from work and as you can imagine these are very worrying times. But the NHS we have here in the UK are priceless, just like the doctors and the nursing staff are in all parts of the world, in these very difficult and dangerous times. I too, want to not only give my thanks, but my prayers to those in the medical profession who are our angels in need. May our dear God protect and bless them and their families and their friends. We also give our sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to them for putting their own lives on hold and at risk for own own lives. May God bless them all and protect them all. And may we all come through this and never take anything for granted, and give thanks to God for getting us and those angels in the hospitals and surgeries through everyday we approach, and may we all come through all of this and bless all those who were there for us all. God bless. Amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Anonymous said…
Hi All,
Wishing our prayers are robust & resilient, effective & efficacious, towards wellbeing of all of humanity. The dark hearts & light hearts to receive Grace, pure love, relief & ascension.

My niece has been awarded her medical degree & will be joining frontline work for health services. She’s lovely, she’s robust in health, she’ll grown resilience & compassion. She’s one of many , yes they get worried & anxiousness & stumbling too, working out how & what to do as they put on their masks & gloves, wash their hands & say ‘Next ...hello Mr/Ms Human being’ as they try to do their best.

Let’s keep praying for divine goodness & Grace to be surrounding them & us all. Her parents are both NHS medics. Compassion for them & the greater health systems family, all patients, relations, near & dear ones, loved ones, lonely ones, lost ones, too , Compassion for us all contributing sensibly, safely & sagely.
Anonymous said…
Such Beautifull prayers, thoughts & wishes. 💜❤️💚💛💙
Lh, London
Lovely Libra said…
May the light of God surround and protect us
May the love of God heal and embrace us
Thank-you, Dear Lord for all of the lessons...and all of the blessings
Show us the way to loving and helping each other
Thank-you, Dear Lord
Lovely Libra said…
May the light of God surround and protect us
May the love of God heal and embrace us
Thank-you, Dear Lord for all of the lessons...and all of the blessings
Show us the way to loving and helping each other
Thank-you, Dear Lord
Apple Monkey said…
Dearest God,

I know I ask a lot of you. Please bless Cd who has united us all. Please bless our community.
Please bless all the doctors, nurses, medical staff in Italy, in the US, worldwide. Here in the U.K. bless our amazing NHS - hope all of them hear our prayers and allow them rest when they need it and have plenty of support around them. Please bless all of the souls who are ill. Please let them recover. Please look after all the personnel who are helping us during this time - the admin staff, support staff, the post men and women, the shop workers, delivery drivers. Please look after the elderly particularly those who do not have enough support - please make them have enough food and warm shelter.
Please let us have more tests, and keep us calm during these stormy times.
Thank you God xo
T. W. said…
Dear Lord,

I thank you for Christian, Tony, LH, and all our Friends.

I ask that you please provide extra protection to infants, children, the elderly, the homeless, people with medical conditions, people with emotional conditions, people with psychiatric conditions, people in healthcare facilities including long term care, front line workers, truckers, mail & package carriers, home care workers & those whom they care for, people in group homes, people in prisons, people in jails, people who are all alone, people who are without hope, and people who are missing but still alive.

Please protect all animal and plant life.

Please help us feel You and enjoy Your presence.

Please help all life become what You intended us to be and help us live & behave the way You intended is to live and behave.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
kat said…
Thinking of everyone who needs healing and prayer during this time and God grant us the serenity to accept and soldier on. It will take a while to recover, but I believe in the power of the people to hold each other up. Where I and others falter and fail, let God bring in light and healing, guidance and strength. Much love to you all.
Sana said…
Dear God
Hear my Prayer
Watch over the Helpless
and please give strength to those in need Especially the
Medical Personel, Nurses, Surgeons, Doctors
Guide us in your light towards healing, serenity and goodness
During this Great Awakening


Mother of an Angel said…
Psalm 91

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Jules said…
I pray that the self-isolation halts the spread of this virus and stops it in its tracks. I pray those who are responsible for unleashing this virus are prevented from releasing a mutant strain of it later on. I pray for the families of the victims of this virus who lost their lives, I pray they find comfort and peace. Most of all, however, I pray that the spirit of goodwill to one another continues and grows and blossoms.

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