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Not a Drag Queen...

This is Lizzo ..............
No not a Drag Queen.
An American Rapper.
Claims to be a writer too.
But that's up for debate.
She a hit last year?
But, the real issue is...
That fame has gone to her head.
(along with the pink dye)
Seems she is a Nasty Bitch (her word).
To everyone around her.
Including her songwriter/s.
Oh Well.
Another one to bite the dust.


T. W. said…
She needs to stop wearing thongs to family events.

Now we know what that song “Juice” was really about...
CyndiTx123 said…
another one to bite the dust... like in passing away ?? I have read that her team are suing her for writing rights to her songs that she said she wrote..... bad karma Lizzo........ She does think her poopee... doesn't stink.... needs to be knocked down a few notches, I pray "bite the dust" doesn't mean death.
Chick'sOpinion said…
She's definately an obnoxious loud mouth. I saw her being interviewed on radio.

Farrrrrr....kkkk. it was just shocking.

So as her song lyrics go, Truth Hurts.

Lizzo. Your ego is as big as your big fat arse.

Another truth is. I like her music. But was disappointed to see her dressed in complete lingerie for her music video.

Dear singers.

Please know that all we need you to do to sing to us. Is wear a nice dress. Or a suit. Or nice pants and shirt.

We don't want a burlesque show.

And see 'what you had for breakfast'.

Your crotch. The hair comin outa ya vagina.

And men ..tight versions of pants showing your groceries.

Is a no no too.

I'm wondering after this, if Lizzo is a closet Queen.

But how can she be if she is female?

Perhaps she's not.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Yes. Fat girls in thongs. Is not everyone's cup of tea.

And if I had kids at a family event. And Lizzo showed us in the audience her giant A Hole.

I wouldn't be happy.

It's disrepectful
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of Kings and Queens.

Singer Sam Smith bought a very expensive house in Hampstead, UK last September.

I wonder who lives there?





He's a total nutter. With his non bianary crap.

Well here's some nutter butter.

The only UK pop star to be able to pull off dressing in drag. Well kind of drag. Was Boy George.

Sam Smith has no style whether he dresses as a man, a woman or in between.

But the good news is. Boy George also lives in Hampstead. In his Adams Family type Victorian mansion.

So hopefully Sam Smith will befriend Boy George.
And Boy George will come around. And teach Sam Smith the basic concepts of camp style.

I love Sam Smith's music. But to like him as an artist.

I need him to stick to a basic Marks and Spencer suit. Or similar.

Cause he has no fashion sense. And his attempts at camping it up are cringey.

And look like he's out on day time release from an Intermediate Stay Mental health Unit.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I think what Christian is saying is. If Lizzo's songwriter refuses to write anymore songs for her specifically.

The magic/success of her songs will end.

I've always believed that some songwriters and singers are fated to come together perfectly.

To bring a particular kind of song and voice/sound to the world.

And that's why we are so deeply affected by some music. In many ways.

Even if it's just for fun.

Seems Lizzo doesn't respect this process.

I think Christian is saying.

Lizzo's music won't succeed in future.

And people will just forget about her.

Clearly she's so arrogant she can't see this coming.

One thing I've learned about life is...

Success in any form. Is not necessarily permanent.
chris said…
I have been impressed with her complete body confidence, given I am self-conscious AF. Really hate to hear she is a beotch. Especially since her music is so upbeat and happy. What is see is a young woman who came into real money real fast and has spent most of it on her outrageously expensive designer outfits and a few hundred thongs -- doesn't look sustainable unless she is a music hit machine.
Anonymous said…
Chick's opinion just made my day about Sam Smith, who lives there, she, he,them...
T. W. said…
Hi Chris and Anonymous!
T. W. said…

I agree with your comments.

I’m still laughing about that Sam Smith video you shared with us. I wonder. How does he/she/they sleep?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah...Sam Smith doesn't even seem to know that changing the pro nouns (is that what they are?) Of his name. ie. How we refer to him. To them, they, their.

Has made him the laughing stock of the music industry. And the public.

I've often wondered if he's on drugs.

CD. Is Sam Smith on drugs?

Illegal ones.

Or is he just nuts?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. Does Sam Smith sleep in different bedrooms in his Hampstead Mansion. Every night?

Cause I think on different days, he needs a macho room. With play station and Star Wars figures everywhere.

And other nights. He needs a pink feminine room.

With Perfumes. Wallpaper and a Velvet upholstered headboard on the bed.

He's probably even got a Gender Neutral bedroom in his mansion.

And one with a Tee Pee in it.

His friends are probably as nutty as him.

He'd have to be the craziest singer in the UK they have got.
Anonymous said…
When Sam Smith came on to the scene and it appeared that he was going to have an enormous career ahead of him. I recall he had recemtly ended a relationship and was heartbroken, then all this attention and fame happened.

And as quickly as he rose to fame, he crashed and burned.

It's really sad to see this happen to people. It has to be drugs.

Another that came onto the scene and was on every dam award show and magazine was "The Weekend." Bella Hadid's sister's druggie beau.

He too seemed to disappear and now all of sudden he's back on Saturday Night Live next weekend (no pun intended, LOL).

Lizzo. Like Chris I too was impressed by her "body confidence," because let's face it, most of us wouldn't dare to wear a thong or even go out in public in the scantily clad outfits Miss Lizzo wears. I personally do not wear thongs, I find them uncomfortable. They look sexy, but I prefer good old fashioned bikini underwear that just covers the assets and doesn't ride up.

The media is pouring love all over Lizzo and some are saying she is someone not to be celebrated due to her "obese" body. Can she sing or not? Is she talented or not? Isn't that the bottom line?

She's okay, but not great, in my humble opinion. I am distracted by her tank-size ass and gallon-sized breasts everytime she sings. Can't imagine what her family must think.

I think she will disappear soon just like a lot of them. Most "obese" singers do not live long. The stress of travel and concerts and constant pressures from the record companies to produce, taxes the heart and ages them way before their years.

Music people from my grandparents and parents' era, most had multiple decades long careers and they didn't have to bend over and twerk or have background dancers to get applause or continue their career. These people could really sing.

Did we ever see Taylor Swift twerk? I could be wrong but I don't think she ever had to. She can sing, and write. Talented. Classy. (Yes, I'm a Swifty.)

True talented singers do NOT have to twerk or show areas of their body to the world. I'm really getting sick of it. Mind you, I love love love Ariana Grande. But the girl can sing!

Chick's Opinion, you really should have your own blog. Seriously. I think I can think of another nutter singer in Britain. She's from way back but was enormously talented but went off the rails. I loved her song, "Nothing Compares to You." I have to Google to find her name. Sinéad O'Connor.

Drugs and alcohol destroy careers, relationships, and beautiful brains. Bloody sad. I think Sinéad almost died herself. I think "The Weekend" is another possibility. I often think if Elvis hadn't done drugs he'd probably still be around today. I love Elvis. Elvis was truly the "king." Michael Jackson was "the king of pop." Celine Dion is probably today's most talented female artist. Talented singers are becoming a "dying breed," literally and figuretively.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. Gone are the days when people just got up and sang.
If you think about it. A lot of these back up dancers supporting the singer, who is dressed in costume.

Is just like the old Hollywood musicals.

And how I hated them as a kid. My mum and grandma loved them.

Well. They are back with a vengeance I feel.
In the music industry.

Singing, dancing, stage sets. It’s like the same but different.

Yes. I prefer a singer to just get up and sing a really good song too.

Clearly, like some psychics need props like crystal balls. Some singers need back up dancers and lots going while they sing.

Not knocking the crystal balls, future fanatics.

I just think music needs to get back to its raw form.

And dickheads who want to sing with an auto tuned voice should be banned from the industry.

Here’s an auto turned voice,

Yoooo caaaannntttt singggg ifff yooooo neeeddd autooo tooooning.

Well. Sinead O’Connor is one chick who really could sing I agree.

But, yes, she was driven batshit crazy too early in life because of her abusive mother. And her Catholic upbringing.

Poor cow.

Well Lizzo will learn. The music industry is very ruthless.

And like you say, although Lizzo’s confidence is impressive ...

when her music doesn’t succeed.
She will disappear like the rest of them.

I hope for her sake she hasn’t made a lot of enemies in the industry already with her confidence. That could be perceived as arrogance.

I didn’t know Sam Smith went thru a breakup just prior to fame.

I think fame makes all people abit crazy.

And I don’t think Sam Smith is very strong. And that may be part of the problem with him.

Also, Yes Taylor Swift never resorts to highly sexualised behaviour when she’s performing.
I get the feeling she would find it demeaning.

Agree. I thought about getting my own blog.

But really, I just love contributing with others, to Christian’s Blog.

At least I know when I comment on his info... predictions, it’s the truth.

Despite how extreme with PR , Hollywood goes to.
To stop us learning the truth about these celebrities.

Well, Christian blows that PR b.s outa the water.

The Hollywood industry probably reads Christian’s predictions. Because it’s probably the only bit of authentic truth they can lay their hands on Hollywood.

Cause let’s face it. The movie industry is skin deep. Sorry Botox deep.

And they all have their acrylic nails out for each other.

Vying for big parts in movies. And so are wanting to know about their rivals’ demise.

Or personal lives in reality.

Reality. Can they spell that?

I don’t think so.
T. W. said…
Taylor Swift has performed in body suits that look like lingerie. She also did a music video where she was crawling on the floor looking up cheerleader’s skirts.

Classy indeed.
T. W. said…
A blind item on CDAN appears to claim Sam Smith is spreading a nasty std.
Anonymous said…
LOL T.W.!!!! I just love you!!!! Taylor did not spill out all over. She can wear "lingerie" clothing and it looks pretty. I'm confident the cheerleaders were all wearing panties or perhaps thongs! LOL

Chick's Opinion, I saw Sinéad O'Connor on a Dr. Phil show a year or two ago. Yeah, her Mom messed her up. Incredibly sad and tragic upbringing, no wonder she went off the rails once fame showed up. Most young people cannot handle fame.

Swifty was lucky, she had her parents to keep her in line and I believe her Mom or perhaps it was her Dad, managed her. No one took advantage of Taylor without their consent!

Yeah, Sam Smith does not seem strong, especially now. I do think he is a sensitive nice chap who like a lot of young people in the industry get swept away by all the pressures and resort to drugs and other addictions, and lose their footing.

Today, it's a revolving door for musical artists. One out, in comes the new. I think it is getting tougher and tougher to have a musical career today. Because most are not that talented. Period. So if they take a year off, they aren't really missed.

Miley Cyrus has been laying low. I think she had some throat issues (surgery?) so she was forced to stay home. Probably the best thing that could have ever happened to her. Now her Dad can have the spotlight.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think at least half the population has herpes.

So if Sam Smith has it. At least he's just part of what used to be called 'common man'.

But wait...he's non binary. So he can't even be slotted into this catogory.

he's not non binary. He's barmy. CyndiTx123 mentioned...Lizzo is apparently being sued by her songwriters.

And she's claiming she wrote her songs. Not them.

I guess she decided to do this. When she found out...that the people who ultimately make the real money from songs.

Are those who wrote the songs.

And she wants the cash.

So she's lying that she wrote them???

TW. You can elaborate here... the real legal lowdown on the rules on music publishing rights.

All I know about it. Is it's pretty clear.

Does Lizzo have the talent for writing her catchy songs?

So far. All ive seen is her talent for exhibitionism.

Yes. It's a talent I guess guys. Lady GaGa has this talent too.

But she can also write music. There's no doubt about that.

Some psychic I read at least a year ago. Said Lady GaGa is getting ripped off financially. Over and over. By music managment.
And she has no clue.

Cause she's way too trusting.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Is Lizzo lying that she wrote her songs?

Not the songwriters, who are suing her.

Claiming they actually wrote them.


Is Lizzo another Black singer being ripped off?

By the music industry.

As they have been right through the decades.

Singers are always pinching ideas I guess.

Look at that old English male Trans singer from the 80's called Marilyn.

In the 1990's, Marilyn Manson ripped off the idea to call himself Marilyn from him.


I'm certain of it. Especially with Marilyn Manson's quasi Drag act outfits to match.

And Marilyn Manson thought people wouldn't notice to rip off...because Marilyn...the 80's Trans singer only had moderate success. In the UK.

Well I noticed.

And Marilyn, the 80's singer, may have been only moderately successful with his music success.
But Marilyn, the 80's singer was uber famous in the UK.

Famous for his looks. Style. And wit.

And prodigious talent for clever exhibitionism.

The only reason he wasn't more successful. Is he got addicted to cocaine.
And it was too early in the world for openly Trans singers.
Especially if they were quite sexual.

And thats the sad thing. Talent wasted.

But Trans singers like him, and 80's UK singer, Pete Burns and his band, Dead Or Alive. Were trailblazers and pioneers for the gay/trans community in the UK.

Do any of them get acknowledged for it?


Just forgotton.

But they had excessive creative style.

Tons of it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And would the 90's English band, Garbage, have been able to get away with their song about a 21 year old Trans guy, called Cherry Lips.

If brave English Trans performers did not prepare the public in the 80's. For the subject.

They endured shocking abuse and insults in the 1980's. Even from the music industry. And other performers.

No. I think the Trans community today. Think they invented the breakthrough of the general acceptance of Trans people as an issue.

Well they didn't pioneer it. Not a bit.

Cause England was camping it up big time in the early 80's.

With their Gay Clubs. Like Blitz etc. And Heaven.
And their music.

Just the lyrics to Garbage's song, Cherry Lips.... nails the conflicted situation Trans people find themselves in, in the world.

''You're such a delicate boy

In the hysterical realm

Of an emotional landslide

In physical terms'
CyndiTx123 said…
I love u guys! T.W., Chick's O'pinion, Cap Anonymous, Chris. I needed some giggle and I am very funny about my appearance, so good for Izzo for flaunting it out there, but agree- please calm it down for the cameras...... It's a bit much with the juice type thong.... hahahahaa T.w. I am still cracking up! Thanks Chick O'pinion for explaining what CD is telling us. I love Sinead O. I have her songs on my play list... Emperor's New Clothes, Last day of our Acquaintance....I have more- her voice is sooo rich. Sad that she couldn't shake the sad upbringing she had- how it isnt' her fault .... more to say on that subject.
I also feel that Sam Smith is a little mixedup lately... I get the messed up vibes from his pics... I do hope he gets the help he needs. That's all for now... Pete B is in town Dallas to support Biden..... somethings that make you go hmmmm.... Is Pete gonna be Biden's vp?? I so wanted Stacey Abrams.....
Big Hugs and Love.. Voting tomorrow after work in the big state of texas... Please lord please turn us blue again!!!!!
T. W. said…
1) I do not believe Taylor Swift is classy

2) I do not believe Tay-Tay is a heterosexual female. Ask Karlie Kloss...

3) That Sinead interview in Dr. Phil-bad was beyond disturbing.

4) Miley Virus needs inpatient psychiatric care.

5) The real people in the music industry who make money are those who own the publishing rights and the recording masters. Smart songwriters do not give up their publishing rights. Performers make their money from touring, endorsements, & from selling merchandise.

7) Outside of the context of gossip I don’t want to know about people’s sex lives.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Apparently Miley Cyrus is to headline a Bushfire Relief concert here in Australia in March. That’s very charitable of her.
It will make a lot of money.

I wonder if she’s had a stint in Rehab and that’s why she’s off the radar atm.

Yes. People forget, or don’t know. Singer, Sinead O’Connor was a very young single mother of 1. About 19. When she suddenly became globally famous.

I think the dad of her child and her lived together for awhile. In Ireland. But they used to have huge fights.

Like most young parents. Under stress.

But they were under an unusual level of stress. With fame.

And Piers Morgan... the famous editor of The UK Daily Mail hated her. Back then.
In the same ferocious way he hates Meghan Markle.

His conflict with Sinead O’Connor was legendary.

I always knew it would be the end of Meghan Markle once Piers Morgan took a dislike to her.

Because unlike Sinead O’Connor, Meghan Markle ... as a Royal can’t fight back.

Well now she’s not Royal. She can have a go back.

Sinead O’Connor called Piers Morgan everything under the sun, in insults back. If I recall. It was funny.

I think. Being a young mum. And the media watching her every move. Was too much too ..... for Sinead O’Connor.

But as I remember... she burst onto the world’s stage. With her shaved hair or at least she shaved her hair soon after becoming famous.

I thought she did it because of a ‘Britney Spears’ kinda meltdown.


She became very erratic.

And kinda got worse as the years went on.

She has severe mental health problems.

And I recall last year Christian posted a concern that she may die soon.

I sincerely hope not.
T. W. said…
1) Sinead tried to tell people about THEM

2) I need to know more about the feud between Sinead & Piers

3) If I grew up the way Sinead did I would be messed up too. Some people need to get high all day. I hope I am making sense.

4) Looks like Biden got the people’s vote but we don’t know how the delegates will vote . I really want Bernie & Elizabeth to run together. The nicest thing I can say about Biden is that he is senile...

5) Miley Virus knows all about eradicating bushes...
T. W. said…
I agree with Lizzo:

Lizzo Accuses TikTok of Censorship by Removing Her Bathing Suit Videos

Tik Tok has people eating cereals out of other people’s MOUTHS
T. W. said…
Christian has another Told Ya!

Lizzo is Back On the Market; Calls Sexual Harassment Lawsuit ‘Unbelievable’ and ‘Outrageous’ (Video)

Three Dancers Sue Lizzo for Sexual Harassment, Creating Hostile Work Environment

Lizzo DROPPED From Super Bowl Halftime Consideration Amid Body-Shaming Allegations
T. W. said…
More on Lizzo:

Lizzo Hires Top Defense Attorney Over Lawsuit Claims She Fat Shamed Back-Up Dancers And Forced Them To Eat Bananas Covered In The Vaginal Fluids Of Sex Workers

Lizzo Is Acting Like She Is OJ Simpson On Trial For Murder By Banana

"If The Glove Banana Does Not Fit You Must Acquit"

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