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One does hope... they don't blame the Nanny..

Let's hope and pray.
That now KP is pregnant.
She or her other.
Don't mix upthe  baby formula....
& the Devils Dandruff.


T. W. said…
We need to pray for all children, including the unborn.

Will the mixup be accidental? I’m serious. These “people” have to make payments to Goat Lucy.
T. W. said…
WOW!! Madonna Madame Xpiration Date Makes it all About her
T. W. said…
Here is some comedy for you. Please consider subscribing to his channels.

This man is living life with only 5 seasonings
T. W. said…
Isis tells terrorists not to travel to Europe cuz of Dat Rona
T. W. said…
Prepping : 101 for Beginners
T. W. said…
WTF ! Elites Display Their PLAN and an Open Call for 1940s Internment Camps! (Mirrored)
T. W. said…
How New Yorkers Are Coping With Coronavirus | NYT News
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
Please watch & share this video!

Pentagon Presentation Shows Vaccine Designed for Human Brain Modification - 2012

Aerosol spraying (chemtrails) are mentioned as a method of dispersal...

Also notice they are targeting “religious fundamentalists.” If Jesus is fake then why are THEY targeting Christians???
Chick'sOpinion said…

So this may explain why Orlando Bloom is a bit unstable.

With relationships.

And gettin different chicks up the duff.

We know that the very beautiful Miranda Kerr, his former wife, cheated on him and that's why his marriage to her ended.

But why did she cheat?

Did she find out about the cocaine addiction.


And went nuclear about it.

Wouldn't surprise me. Cause Miranda Kerr is a well known health fanatic.

In fact she was studying to be a nutritionist long before she got discovered to be a Victoria's Secret Model.

And I'm certain.... Cocaine is a forbidden food as far as nutritionists are concerned.

Miranda Kerr likes bisexuality and healthy bank accounts too.

Which is why she eventually married Evan Spiegel. The guy who invented Snap chat.

I wonder if Orlando's Cocaine habit was affecting Miranda Kerr's bank account too.

Well fact is. They do ALL the blood tests when you book in as pregnant with the hospital.

So if Katy Perry has even less than a micro gram of cocaine in her body when they do the bloods. The hospital will know immediately she's an habitual Cocaine user.

I feel a big headline coming.

'Katy Perry's child removed due to drug addiction'.

If it can happen to Amanda Bynes before her child is even born. It can happen to Katy.

Personally I thought Katy Perry had more brains. Than to do Cocaine.

Obviously not.
writestuff said…
Wish someone in KP's family would hold an intervention before it's too late - but since they're probably all on her payroll... I remember reading a blind item about them and drugs last year. Hope baby's okay.
CyndiTx123 said…
That's really sad if Katie Perry is doing coke after she has her baby or even during her pregnancy... She needs to get a grip on her life and the life she is carrying.... prayers that all is gonna be good for this unborn baby, katie and orlando.

T. W. said…

Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection

Anosmia, the loss of sense of smell, and ageusia, an accompanying diminished sense of taste, have emerged as peculiar telltale signs of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and possible markers of infection.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I'm probably not alone. In thinking that being a nanny to famous People. Or anyone.

Is rather dangerous.

We know that Mel B's nanny was a ruthless opportunist. And she cut through the Red Tape and decided that having regular sex with Mel B. And her then odious 'famous person faker' husband. Of the faked name Bellefonte.

Was a fast path to safety. Job security.
For a nanny.

And an opportunity to sue them later on.

But let's face it. Most nannys are not like Mel B's.

They usually just young inexperienced girls... just lookin for a job. And some travel destination adventure.

They are far from home ...usually. And far from their parents.

And are in fact, siting ducks for every kind of exploitation you can imagine.

I wouldn't recommend anyone sending their daughter off overseas to be a nanny. Or Au Pair as they call them in Europe and the UK.

Sorry I've heard too many stories.

Seen too many sad foreign nannys....pushing kids on swings in London parks.

Some struggle so much with the language they can't even express properly what's happening to them in those houses.

And are way too fearful to anyway. Because the au pair visas they entered on. Are based on that. That they enter the country as a 17 year old Au Pair. For a determined amount of time.

On an Au Pair visa. And if they cease to be a an Au Pair. They have to leave the country.
Or at least that's how it used to be done.
Some have met bf's and don't want to leave.

And then we have the worst example of an experience of nannying. Or Au Pairing. Ever seen.

It's worth a mention.

French Nanny, Sophie Lionnet came to London some time before 2017. To work as a Nanny in the suburb of Wimbledon in London.

Sophie Lionnet was found mudered in 2017, actually drowned in the bath then burned in the backyard. By the woman who hired her as a nanny, Sabrina Kouider. And her stupid sometime boyfriend, Ouissem Medouni.

21 year old Sophie had been repeatedly tortured and starved before Sabrina murdered her. Starved also...Over a long period of time.

Sophie had begged her parents on a pay phone to pay for her flight home. Because Sabrina Kouider was not paying her. And Sabrina Kouider had confiscated her mobile phone.
Also, she wasn't allowing Sophie food.

Sophie Lionnet's parents claimed to her that they couldn't afford to pay for her cheap short flight back to France.

So Sophie remained in that nightmare situation. With Sabrina Kouider.

The local fish and chip shop owner used to occasionally give Sophie food to survive. But she was extremely emaciated by the time she was found dead.

I have this negative opinion about sending young girls to be nannys in far away places. Because, when my kids went to school in London. I had the misfortune of knowing well, some of the middle class mums at the school.
Who had nannys.

I cannot repeat here. Some of the most mean, nasty stuff these supposedly sane mums would come out with ....about their nannys.
Most of it paranoid bull shit.

They say Stoners suffer severe paranoia.
Well have have nothing on Middle Class English mums.
Stoners are sane by comparison.

And alot of the nonsense they dreamed up was based on jealousy.
Of these young nannies.
Because alot of the nannys were. Well, young.
And beautiful.

Katy Perry's Nanny should run. The moment she discovers their drug use.

Because next thing you know. Knowing what selfish ruthless arseholes Cocaine users become.

She will be up on child endangerment charges.
Not them.

As an innocent. Without her parents at her side. To protect her. Get her a lawyer.

On charges Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom should be facing.

It's a personal choice I know. But I would say no to any daughter who has the 'dream' of working as a nanny overseas.

Cause in alot of cases. It's a nightmare.
And then there's the husband who sexually harasses the nanny.
Or rapes her.


Get your precious daughter a part time job at the local grocery store.
Far safer.
T. W. said…
1) Medical personnel are supposed to contact Social Services if a woman tests positive for drugs, but I think that’s only if the child has been born. The pro-abortion crowd made sure an unborn CHILD is considered a lump of tissue instead of human life.

2) writestuff - I agree.

3) Blind Items claim Angelina Jolie slept with the nannies too & that she trafficked underage kids so they could have sex with her kids. I don’t know if all this is true but I believe it.

4) I remember that au pair case. It still saddens me. I wonder why parents who can afford a nanny hire young women with no experience instead of middle age or older women who do. Oh. That’s right. The young girls are easier to manipulate.

5) There is a university in England that trains girls to be nannies. There is one university in the US that does as well. I think it is in Kentucky.
T. W. said…
I have Amazon Prime & I can tell you for a fact that the shipping delays started in February.

1) Amazon is banning its warehouses from stocking nonessential items during the coronavirus pandemic

The online retail giant is placing restrictions on the types of merchandise it will carry in its warehouses through April 5.

2) Amazon Prime delivery delays are now as long as a month

The e-commerce giant is prioritizing household staples and other high-demand items during the coronavirus outbreak.
T. W. said…
Friends, please take care of your older family, friends, & relatives.

The Death Panels have been in effect.

I told you China built those hospitals to warehouse the sick, not to treat them. Even China’s official photographs of these hospitals show no one is hooked up to any medical equipment of any kind.

I told you China ran crematoriums 24 hours a day.

The Obama Care plan has death panels built in. I warned people about that and got called a conspiracy theorist.

Let me tell you. If you read it you will see it. As you know, my dad died last year. He died of a urinary tract infection while in hospital.


Any honest medical professional will tell you morphine is given to hasten death, especially in the elderly.

Please pray for this nightmare to end!


Israeli doctor in Italy: We no longer help those over 60


Israeli medical doctor Gai Peleg told Israeli television that in northern Italy the orders are not to allow those over 60 access to respiratory machines.


As his department receives coronavirus patients who are terminally ill the focus is to allow patients to meet loved ones and communicate with them during their last moments despite the quarantine regulations. Other reports claim that, as the numbers of dead increases, some families find themselves unable to secure a proper burial for their loved ones.

Peleg said that, from what he sees and hears in the hospital, the instructions are not to offer access to artificial respiratory machines to patients over 60 as such machines are limited in number.
T. W. said…
I told you some people are spreading this on purpose.

I pray this particular person is lying. If he isn’t then may God give him what he deserves:

Man Infected w/ Coronavirus Goes Shopping On Live!! ('If I Got It You'll Get It Too')


The man told viewers, "They say it's highly contagious, and I'm not o be in public. Obviously I'm in Walmart."

The man continued, "Cause I gotta eat too, and y; all gotta deal with it. If I got it y'all gonna get it too. F*ck all y'all. That's how I feel about it."

And he didn't just go to Walmart either. The man claims that he went to a diner, and to Sams Club, and to other local shops - all in the Charlotte area.

MTO News reached out to police in Charlotte. So far, we have not received a response.

[Charlotte, North Carolina]

T. W. said…
I was told the man in the video I posted was arrested for making a hoax.
T. W. said…
Man arrested after claiming to have COVID-19 during Facebook Live inside North Carolina Walmart
Chick'sOpinion said…

You got it.

They always hire really young girls as nannys pairs.

Because they are far easier to manipulate.

You know...if they hired me.

And pulled that kinda shit on me.

It would be the last shit they ever pulled on anyone.

I don't start drama.

But I definately finish it.
T. W. said…


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