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The Plague....


T. W. said…
Christian, thank you for confirming certain information during these difficult times. I can’t imagine what you are “seeing.”

There are people who bought out supplies like sanitizer before things got bad so they can resell them at a huge profit now. Amazon is kicking them off their marketplace. Too little, too late.

I hope these people know the US government can confiscate personal property from private citizens during national emergencies.

If these people are in California they are double fkd because the state of California can confiscate property when the governor declares a state of emergency.

1) Does Donald Trump Have the Coronavirus?

2) REPORT: President Trump Likely Has Coronavirus - Faces Hospitalization!

3) He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Amazon cracked down on coronavirus price gouging. Now, while the rest of the world searches, some sellers are holding stockpiles of sanitizer and masks.

4) The Web’s Most Maniacal Bargain Hunters
T. W. said…
Christian, you have another Told Ya!


Well, at least he has a beard.....


Tiffany Haddish Beaks Up w/ Common - Threatening To Spill Tea!!



And yesterday Tiffany went on social media, and blasted someone close to her - whom she says "lied to her." And now many of her fans believe she is talking about her ex, Common.

Tiffany lashed out at someone she calls a "hater," saying, "I learned that you are a lying peace of sh*t & that you never cared about me." She added, "you used me but what you failed to forget about me is I tell IT."

While she didn't mention Common by name - one of Tiffany's fans mentioned Common in the tweet comments, and Tiffany "liked" the comment.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. My worry is how long this pandemic is going to go for.

And for the people who survive. Alot will lose their jobs because of it.

Will the world economy bounce back pretty quick once this CoronaVirus is contained? And people stop dying.

T. W. said…
Okay. Plague doctors didn’t really cure anyone. The outfit & stick you see in the pic really served to protect the doctor. One source I read says that doctors noticed bursting the buboes would help patients. But the Bubonic Plague had already been going on for a long time before this discovery was made.

So if I interpret this correctly, THEY are protecting themselves as they wait for the masses to die. But some of THEM will get sick, even die from the corona.

Here’s some links to learn more information:

1) Inside The Terrifying But Necessary Job Of A Medieval Plague Doctor

2) Why did doctors during the Black Death wear ‘beak masks’?

3) Wonder of the Day #2454 - Why Did Plague Doctors Dress Like Birds?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Although there's not much positive happening in the fall out from this CoronaVirus Pandemic.

I'm caused to wonder this morning... if there's something deeper at play for the world and us because of this Pandemic.

Is it supposed to bring us closer together?
Get closer to God and the Universe?
And also......appreciate the smaller things in life?

Be more with our families and work from home like 1000's are now forced to do at the moment.

Or value more the creativity and social aspects/ friendships we have at work?

Is it supposed to teach us to value our health more. And our jobs we may lose because of the complete economic crash.


Look more closely at how alot of the crap food we eat is not delivering strong general immunity.
And food manufacturers know this.
And don't care.

It's bringing the world together a bit more. I think. Cause everyone is looking at each country's experience of CoronaVirus. With compassion.

Personally I really love how the Italians in lockdown, all stuck at home. Because of the curfew etc. Are singing wonderful songs from their windows, rooftops and balconies.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I do think that after or during this Pandemic. So many families with kids are going to re-evalute their Dual career/work life rut too.

They may suddenly realise they have been in one. For ages.
And were not happy anyway.

And you know, it's easier for the rich in this Pandemic situation. They have 2nd homes, vacation/holiday homes.... in more isolated places.

Since the severe onset of CoronaVirus. They have cleared off and self isolated themselves in them.
1000's of them.
Ordinary income people can't do that.

So it's clear to me. Survival is based on class, assets and income.

The rich can afford to stop work for a month. Maybe 2.

Ordinary or quite poor people can't.

And poor or ordinary people cannot afford to lose their jobs.

They have no back up finances.
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123 said…
So Common isn't into the ladies? I am sad about that, he is hot- happy for whoever he is really dating... for Tif-Tif... Sad that she had to find out that way. SHe needs a good guy for companionship. I wonder how she found out about Common????
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yer. Some of them do actually have bunkers.

Luxury ones.
Cordelia said…
The reduction in air pollution has lifted the smog and blue skies are appearing over China.

We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth. I remember many years ago a priest telling me that it was a great blessing to see other peoples problems as well as your own.

Dear friends stay safe.
CyndiTx123 said…
Hi Cordelia, it's been a while since I have read your comments. Hope all is good witcha & your family too! Many happy blessings and white light surround you during this time and that goes for the rest of us!! God Bless , Amen.
CyndiTx123 said…
I have heard that Post Malone has a special bunker in Utah and has tons of food, guns, etc. I think I heard that from CDAN... so it could be someone else.... His family still lives in another town from me...
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion & Cordelia! Our decisions affect people we will never meet. May we come out of this pandemic stronger & wiser.
T. W. said…
Hi CyndiTx123!

Yes. The Post Malone blond was on CDAN. The Ed Sheehan blind was in Blind Gossip.

The Queen is leaving Buckingham Palace & will stay in one of her castles. I wonder if she has a bunker on the premises...
Chick'sOpinion said…

The British Government have bunkers.

They built them in WW2. Id say they have new ones now.

The ones in the London Underground tube. Are just way too old.

Unless they secretly did them up. And made them modern.

For a situation again. Like a War or a Pandemic.
T. W. said…
Oh for sure!

The government must continue.

The thing about the US is that the government is actually the masses. The politicians work for us & represent our interests, but they work for themselves.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very wise comment.

The Chinese in their cities rarely experience fresh air.

So perhaps having a smog-free period. Will make them more proactive in pressuring the Chinese government to introduce air pollution controls.

That have been in the West for decades.

There's no way you could get away with your factory/manufacturing plant releases the kind of toxins they get away with releasing into the air in China.

They have laws about it. Including about recycling. But they don't enforce the laws.
But the Chinese government is quite happy to jail Chinese over minor crimes.

And for more serious crimes execute and harvest their organs.

The Chinese Communist Government disgust me.
I cannot beleive Communism still runs China.
It's a disgrace.
T. W. said…
I think one of the things Christian is telling us is that healthcare workers will die, just like they did during the Bubonic Plague.

The recent news reports reveal they are getting sick & dying too. They don’t even have protective equipment for themselves.

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