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A Picture is worth a million LIES..



T. W. said…
I’m glad I wasn’t eating when I saw this.
T. W. said…
Christian, you have a Told Ya:

1) Pentagon officially releases UFO videos

2) The Pentagon Has Released Tom DeLonge’s UFO Videos
T. W. said…
Kim Jong Un’s uncle emerges as possible successor in North Korea
T. W. said…

1) Victoria Beckham Slammed In Britain For Furloughing Employees Using Taxpayer Cash Despite The Fact Her Family Is Worth $500 Million

2) Oprah Winfrey Slammed On Twitter Again And Trends #1 Due To Angry Comments

3) Woman Stabbed By Floyd Mayweather’s Daughter Iyanna Mayweather Has Become Suicidal
T. W. said…
Georgia men drink disinfectants in attempts to stop coronavirus


Two people in Georgia drank liquid cleaning products over the weekend in misguided attempts to ward off COVID-19, according to the Georgia Poison Center. Both men had histories of psychiatric problems and are expected to recover.

The poison center’s director, Gaylord Lopez, said he did not know if the men guzzled the chemicals because they heard about President Donald Trump’s statements during a Thursday White House briefing, when the president wondered aloud if coronavirus could be treated by injecting a disinfectant into the human body. Since the pandemic began, at least two other Georgians have fallen ill from similar attempts to clean their inner organs with household chemicals, even before Trump’s remarks.

2 Georgia Men Drink Disinfectant to Combat Coronavirus
Letty said…
That belongs in a target shooting range
T. W. said…
Speaking of shit, Amber Heard’s friend claims he was in New York City when he placed a call to 911 to report Amber was being beaten. He says NY transferred him to Los Angeles 911.

That is not how 911 works. You are routed to the nearest 911 call center when you call. My local 911 transferred me to another call center in my county when I called for an ambulance. New York City & Los Angeles are nowhere near each other.

Christian did predict Amber would be exposed as a liar.

You can read the article in its convoluted entirety here:

A 911 Call From The Night Of Johnny Depp And Amber Heard’s Alleged Fight Has Been Released
T. W. said…
Brooklyn Teacher Who Was Turned Away From ER Twice Dies of COVID-19

I’m gonna say it. She was a black female. Draw your own conclusions.
T. W. said…
Talk about Number 2...

1) Pence tours clinic without a mask despite policy

Vice President Pence, who leads the White House's coronavirus task force, did not wear a mask while touring the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota despite being informed of that wearing a mask is part of the clinic's policy.

2) Pence defends not wearing face mask during Mayo Clinic visit

3) Vice President Mike Pence tours Mayo Clinic without coronavirus mask even though he was told to wear one
Anonymous said…
What on earth was Pence doing not wearing a mask at his Mayo Clinic visit??
Chick'sOpinion said…
Pence believes God will protect him on tours of clinics.

Personally I'd need that in writing. Before I walked into clinics without a mask.

He has a history of being nutty.
So this doesn't surprise me.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. I smell something very fishy about Amber Heard's 911 call.

It was a set up by the sounds of it. And the friend was part of the set up.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

Pence is a head case. God provides masks for protection. God had the Mayo Clinic’s team contact Pence’s team to tell them Pence must wear a mask. By his own admission Pence believes the rules do not apply to him.

I don’t know the God he worships. Jesus Christ stated, “Render unto Caesar what is Ceasar’s.” Yes, Jesus was talking about paying taxes. However you can say this statement can mean follow the rules provided you don’t go against God.

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