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Broke and karma ahead...

Tit & Tat, made a hat.
Named it the MAGA hat.
Made in China, cheap and crap.
Along with the ties, silk and wide.
Seems the virus, did escape.
Was it dropped or was it saved.
Plus I feel if one would look.
There you'd find the Presidents bucks.
From all the backhanders of double dealing.
But, Trump will have a problem too.
When the yen, doth too fall.
So will all the dollars stole.


T. W. said…
Hope y’all didn’t sell your gold, platinum & silver...
T. W. said…
The Real Purpose of the Coronavirus

Corona and the Crown

33 Reasons the Corona Virus is the Kabbalah Virus
T. W. said…
Satan Has Been Released from Prison - Revelation 20:7 Is Happening NOW!
T. W. said…
We’ve talked about Moon Bumps before. I said MrE did a video with screenshots of the company website that showed their list of clients. The website took that information down because MrE spilled their secret. MrE was kicked off Ewe Toob but he’s back with new videos.

Download them while you can.

Here is the infamous Moon Bump video:

Colony Redux 2020
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. Trump is a U.S version of a Wide Boy.
Honey badger said…
He should not go back:
Anonymous said…
I don't know TW, I think some women, such as Amanda Rhigetti, have male hips. My mom is one of those people. She's petite too, whereas I'm taller. Rhigetti looks like she has an athletic body to me. She looks like an athlete. As someone who used to be (ha ha) quite athletic, I can tell you that the body fat is next to nil and your hips will be smaller. Hips on a woman usually mean, well, fat. The images of Rhegetti when she was pregnant look legit, at least to me. She's gained weight all over, especially in her face. Some females have a lot more testosterone. Some women have more estrogen. Some have a lot of both.

However, this does not mean that I disagree with what the Moon Bump video implies. No doubt, there are some famous faces out there who are transgender, men, who pretend to be full-on females, including getting pregnant.

In Rhigetti's case, I'm just not so sure.

All in all, this is fascinating but also a tragedy that people have to pretend to something they are not in the 21st century.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…

MrE is the best transvestigator & there’s a reason he gets kicked off Ewe Toob all the time. You have to download his videos as fast as you can. The Truthful Spirit Blue Herron channel. is good too.

MrE & other legit transvestigators are talking about the hip bones (pelvis). It’s a fact that a biological male’s hip bones are wider at the top while the female’s is wider at the bottom. Also a biological female’s hips are wider than her shoulders.

I want to point out you were not watching a full transvestigation video. Legit transvestigators teach that ALL physical features are to be taken into account but there are some features that are dead giveaways regardless of what the rest of the body reveals:

1) Hip bone width as noted above

2) Visible Adam’s Apple. Male to female must have theirs periodically shaved down. There is no known reason for a biological female to have a visible Adam’s Apple. Even if she’s anorexic.

3) Lower back curve (assuming the person does not have scoliosis).

4) Shoulder blades/upper back curve (assuming no scoliosis).

5) Adonis belt. For a good example, google Simone Biles or Aly Reisman. They have male Adonis belts & other male features.

6) If you need a crash course in what a male to female looks like then look at the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Or look at the US “women’s” soccer team.

7) Female to male is much more difficult to transvestigators but it can be done. T-Rex arms in a “man” are a clue of F2M while really long arms are a clue a she is really a “he” (Nicole Kidman, Anjelica Jolie). Look at Donald Trump’s son. Not Byron or the oldest one. Look at that man’s “wife” too. Look at Donald Trump. He has a woman’s body & Christian confirmed s/he has a micro penis. More like a big cl!t...
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

I had to google Amanda Rigetti. That person looked suspicious to me right off the bat. I wanted to give AMANda the benefit of the doubt. Dude looks like a lady.


Here’s another way to identify celebrity male to female.

Pay attention to her legs while she’s standing. That is the “snip-snip” pose. aMANda ain’t got no sausage & eggs no more.
T. W. said…
Celebrity gossip time!

‘Black Panther’ star Chadwick Boseman sparks concern with dramatic weight loss

Princess Beatrice’s May Wedding Has Officially Been Canceled Because Of Coronavirus
T. W. said…

California governor reveals grant to give $500 cash to 150,000 illegal immigrants

'Megadrought' emerging in the western US might be worse than any in 1,200 years

Tip leads police to 17 bodies at a New Jersey nursing home

[2 of the dearly departed were nurses.]
T. W. said…

Un-Australian Hoarder tries to get a refund on 4800 toilet rolls (Retail Wrap 26)
T. W. said…
Speak of the devil:

Ivanka and Jared - The Image of the Beast
Chick'sOpinion said…
The reality must be. That the U.S economy was not doing quite as well before the Pandemic. As we were led to beleive.

Ordinary Americans ran out of savings real quick. That's fairly obvious.
And 1000's of them lined up rather early for Pantry Food Donations.

And 5.2 million American workers applied for unemployment benefits last week.
I'm going to assume that they can't even apply for unemployment benefits if they have significant savings.

So if that's true, that means.....Most Americans were pretty much living from pay cheque to pay cheque. And unable to save.

Or living beyond their means.
And I'd claim, Australians have probably been doing the same thing. Some living way beyond their means.

Especially the ones who spend $300 au on Cocaine each weekend.

Well spending your entire pay each week, as we all know and not saving. Never has a very desirable outcome.
I was brought up. To save ....alot.. for a rainy.

This is the rainy day.

But were Americans not saving because they just couldn't afford to? That's the big question.

But also... the long queues for unemployment benefits and food Aid in the U.S also proved to me. That Trump's claim that the economy was doing really well before. Can't possibly be true.
If it was. Americans would have plenty of saved cash to tide them over. To buy plenty of food.

But nope.

And while Americans lived from pay cheque to cheque. Unable to save. For God knows how many years.
The fat cat billionaires of America creamed off plenty of profit.
To save.
For themselves.

Joseph Stiglist said something very telling in the Economist recently, He said the following,

'We built an economy with no shock absorbers. We made a system that made it look like we were maximising profits, but had higher risks and lower resiliency '.

Well there you go. America was very very vunerable to this.

They now know, a quarter of renters in San Francisco only paid part of or none of their rent this week. That's shocking.

And here's a is migrants and minorities who are suffering the most in the U.S. Simply because they are the ones who had, prior to this. The most insecure jobs.

As well as saving as much as you can. Becoming a Doomsday Prepper dosen't seem so bad in these times. I never thought I'd live to say that.
Yes. The DoomsDay Preppers. They can be quite paranoid.
But they are well prepared for this kinda catastrophe.

Same with alot of the Off Gridders.
Perhaps we'll see alot of people switch to these alternative lifestyles more after this Pandemic.
It's been a growing lifestyle choice in the U.S. for quite some time now.
Alot just choose intentional communities though.
Like communes I guess. But are just huge farms.
Everyone living seperately.
But farming together.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I've seen that un-Australian hoarder.
What a hide.
Tryin to sell it back to the grocery store.

Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Is Trump, Mitch McConnell. And Jared and Ivanka gonna get away with stealing some of the U.S Relief money for themselves?

We know they want to.
But are they gonna pull it off.
They may be doing it right now?
Cordelia said…
If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apparently Mitch McConnell's wife is from an uber wealthy Taiwanese family.
Her name is Elaine Chao. She's now an American polititian. In charge of U.S Transportation.
Official title, Secretary Of Transportation.

Cause she is. So she can get sweet deals on U.S regulations and legislation, Grants. That directly suit the needs of her father's shipping company.

And she's one ambitious lady. With a very bad temper apparently.

It's quite clear to me...that Elaine Chao's family funded Mitch McConnell's political campaigns. Or any other political pursuits he desired.
Thays old news.

And its also known that James Chao, Elaine Chao's Taiwanese father, gave Mitch McConnell $40 million at one stage.

So with a wife who's family are very very rich. Does Mitch McConnel and his wife need to steal U.S releif money too?

Well here's the thing.
With greedy people, there's no such thing as enough. As we know.

And here's a definate thing. Elaine Chao helped coordinate Grant applications for Mitch McConnell's political allies. $ 78 million of them, for favoured projects.

My view is...Elaine Chao is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

There appears though, to be no evidence that the Cocaine found in 2014 on one her father's cargo ship's by Columbian police. Had anything to do with her family.

No one in her family was charged. But that doesn't mean the Chao's are not involved in drug smuggling. Personally it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

And anyway. The Columbian most Police there. Could have been paid off with hush money.
Lots of it. Supplied by the Chaos.

So no charges were ever laid in that incident. Case droppied.
Who knows.
Drug Smuggling on Cargo ships generally is a huge problem.
They even attach the drugs to the underside of the ship.
Shipping companies have to hire scuba divers to join the crew. To regulary go under and check. Drugs are not hidden attached to the ship.
If they find them.
They can get murdered.
Cause so many in the crew are in on the smuggling.
T. W. said…
Celebrity Gossip

Ellen DeGeneres is blasted by her TV crew for leaving them without pay while she hosts show from home with non-union production staff during lockdown
T. W. said…
Trump Gossip

1) Ivanka Trump, Disregarding Federal Guidelines, Travels to N.J. for Passover

Ms. Trump herself has not followed the federal guidelines advising against discretionary travel, leaving Washington for another one of her family’s homes.

2) Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner don't think the coronavirus rules apply to them
T. W. said…

What is a Wide Boy?
dshareef222 said…
Chick's Opinion

You are spot on about corrupt McConnell and Chao! They do it out in the open too. When your President is Donald Trump the most corrupt person, who is going to look at Mitch McConnell and his wife?

T. W. said…

People can get unemployment benefits regardless of how large their bank account is. They can’t have lost their jobs due to their own misconduct. The extra $600 per month applies only to people who lost their jobs because of the pandemic crisis.

When it comes to food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, & SSI then all your assets are taken into account. If you’ve got over $2,000 in the bank then you ain’t getting dick.

The only exception I can think of is emergency food stamps. Those are pro-rated for the month, so smart people who lost their jobs & need help know to wait to apply for them on the first day of the month.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion hit the nail on the head! This is what she wrote:

But were Americans not saving because they just couldn't afford to? That's the big question.

But also... the long queues for unemployment benefits and food Aid in the U.S also proved to me. That Trump's claim that the economy was doing really well before. Can't possibly be true.
If it was. Americans would have plenty of saved cash to tide them over. To buy plenty of food.
T. W. said…
American farmers are having to let their crops rot in the field as there aren’t enough people to harvest them. The Trump Administration recently decided to purchase the crops from them.

Several farmers said their particular crops are either past harvesting season or will be in the middle of that by the time the government pays for the food. Not only that, who will work the fields?

Meanwhile many people have no choice but to rely on charity for food. Most people in America don’t live near farmland so it’s not like they can drive off & pick crops for money & food.
T. W. said…
All those people who pointed & laughed at me because I live in government housing, walk most places, wore a mask before the pandemic, & believe some conspiracy theories aren’t pointing & laughing now.

I’m not gonna gloat & say they had it coming even if they did. Because I know the Wheel of Fortune can turn on me too.
T. W. said…
Christian, I guess they are people who use their smarts to live by hook or by crook. Sadly that is sometimes necessary.

Cordelia, thank you for brightening my day!

Chick’sOpinion, thank you for telling us about Chao & McConnell. I greatly appreciate your political expertise & analysis. That toilet paper hoarder out to be ashamed. He ought to keep it for the next disaster because another one is coming in a few years.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks TW
I don't have much political expertise. But I read read read.
I try and keep up with what happens in the U.S. as not only have I always admired the U.S.

Australia has always set itself behind the U.S. In everything.
To be frank, the U.S keep us in Australia, rockin in the Free World.

And protected from war.

It's a political fact. We %100 back you guys. In war. And everything.
And have done so since the end of WW2. And are partners with the U.S because of the famous ANZUS Alliance.

And I'm personally very happy that there are 1000's of American soldiers stationed out here on what the American military apparently like to call Lillypads....Military Bases.

They have a network of them now in South East Asia.
But they use countries existing military bases.
Instead of building them.
Makes sense.
It's cheaper for the U.S. And as far as Australia is concerned. You are welcome to share our facilities.
It's the least we can do.

The U.S still maintain huge bases of their own though, in countries in Africa. And North Africa.
As you probably know being a vet.

But the Northern Territory of Australia has seen a particular increase in American soldier population in the base up there.
In particular in Dawin.
Many more American soldiers here. And a very large contingent of U.S Marines.

And Australia recently contributed with the U.S to $ 2 billion worth of upgrades there in The Northern Territory. On aircraft maintenance and a whole range of things. To support the U.S Air Force and Marine activities up there.

So basically U.S soldiers have been successfuly protecting the Asia Pacific region here. With Australian soldiers. And we are very grateful.
In particular, they have been protecting the sea lanes.
They do this as part of the Trans Pacific Partnershipship.

And I need to say. All of these U.S/Australian military activites up in The Northern Territory are because of China's increased military capability.

And... China's maritime claims in the South China sea. And. Their development of Long Range Missiles.
Why is China producing an Aircraft Carrier every 2nd year? Mmmmmm. Good question?
Preparing for war?
Oh and let's not forget, the Chinese Fleet of Aircraft Carriers they now have.

Don't worry Australians.
The U.S Military have got their eye on EVERYTHING the Chinese are doing in our region. And. The Chinese recent attempt to take Papua New Guinea militarily. Was stopped.
Unfortunately though, the Chinese have now got hold of the Port in the Solomon Islands. Off the coast of Australia.
They bought it.

China's obsession with expansion is an unavoidable fact out here.
Australia gets along with China.
But do we trust them?
Not really.

I guess it was a good thing. That under Obama there was thankfully a big shift strategically. In bilateral security.
And this included Australia.
And it's been reported in Australia that it won't be long until the U.S start bringing a few battalions here to Australia, on training rotation.
Cause here's the thing. My parents as kids and my grandparents, like many Australians, almost experienced a total Japanese Take Over of Australia in WW2.
And we need to be constantly vigilent. That a take over attempt can never happen again.
With the U.S Military based here.
That will never happen.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Bit by bit.

The truth is coming out about Ellen Degeneres.
T. W. said…
It’s sad when hard working people make more money staying home:

Congressmen Tim Ryan & Ro Khanna Propose Cash Infusion for Working Americans during COVID-19 Crisis
Chick'sOpinion said…

So how are Americans gonna get medical care. If they are broke?

This is shocking. Getting basic medical care has very little to do with money in Australia.

No. This is gonna get sorted in America after this Pandemic I think.

The new focus is gonna be on universal health I think.

And TW....never feel funny about living in Government housing.

I lived in it....what we call it in Australia, Houso. For a while.

I learned half of what I need to know in life by living in Houso.

And I never needed a TV.

I had reality TV everyday ...out the front.
With fights... accusations of theft.
Some random drug affected girl turning up claiming that someone there was stealing her bf.
Stolen cars there being investgated by the cops.
Couples having big fights.
And destroying their front doors when locked out.

It was a smaller complex.
And SOME of the families were bat shit crazy.

And so funny.

And it's the only place where there was really a community. Of sorts.

So if ...The electricity got shut off because you couldn't afford to pay the bill?

No sweat.

Knock on your neighbor's door and tell your sob story. And next thing you know, an electrical extention cord is fed from your place to theirs.

And Voila! Electricity for the family until they can pay the bill.

I actually did that for the guy next door.
And his kids.

I'm sure goverment housing where you live isn't as crazy. As where I lived for a while.
But you get what I mean.

I remember asking a young girl when I lived there, how she was one Saturday morning.

And she replied,

'Shit. Cause I got locked up last night'

Why? I said,

'Oh for assault and battery at the pub'

Too funny.

For her, being locked up at the police station was a regular annoying experience.

Middle class people in Australia have no clue how working class people in Australia in Houso live.

It's actually far worse than they think.

And nobody works in Houso.
Cause if you get a job. And earn a decent wage.
The Housing Dept can end your lease.
And boot you out.

So no one works.

It's a bad idea.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Typo ! The American Military base in The Northern Territory. Is in Darwin.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And speaking of China and cheap crap.
It won't be long.
Until Trump announces much more severe sanctions against China over the Wuhan Lab fiasco.

It's his greatest excuse to impose sanctions. On the Chinese economy... that's already tanked anyway.

But will Trump remain in Office long enough to impose these sanctions?
Anonymous said…
HRH TW, I am always so dam impressed by the information that you provide here. I mean, it is IMPRESSIVE. I don`t know how you do it. I swear if we lived in the same city I would find a way to hire you because you would be awesome at research and a gazillion other things, I am confident.

I guess I`m a little ignorant (actually a lot) in ``transgender`` bodies let alone distinguishing the differences between the two. Adam apples, I get. That`s obvious. But the rest? Not always, especially if they are clothed.

And Chick`s Opinion, for an Aussie, your knowledge of American politics, etc., is indeed impressive.

All this funding has to be recouped somehow. And that is usually through the hardworking folks who pay taxes. Everyone who receives funding, most will have to repay some (or perhaps) most of the funds they received.

I appreciate everyone who posts here. I learn from all of you. Even those whose opinons may differ, I also appreciate their viewpoints very much.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

Australia should join the US & help us vote out the old guard. Culture wise it is my opinion Australians will fit in. I hope you don’t mind our broken healthcare system...

I’m glad you asked about how Americans will pay for healthcare because of the current crisis. Being on a ventilator costs 6 figures per DAY. Public aid does not cover everything. Even people with private health insurance aren’t 100 percent covered. It’s also not a secret that hospitals charge for services never rendered.

You are right about government & subsidized housing being constant reality tv. It’s not always bad though! People think we live rent free. That’s not true. It’s based on your income but there is a minimum amount that must be paid. Utilities are included depending on where you live.

As for Trump & sanctions. He had them but was pressured into lifting them. I wonder if he’s kicking himself now because time would have shown he was justified in having them.
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

I love & appreciate you too! ��

Mother taught us kids to read when we were very young. This was smart because that meant she didn’t always have to read to us. I was able to read the Bible for myself at a young age. The King James Version is easy to read if you have an elementary school reading comprehension level. Mother also taught us about context clues so I was able to figure out what some of the archaic words meant.

As you know I like learning and I get bored very easily. I’m in a bad way now because I’m still dealing with health issues. My reading comprehension hasn’t fully recovered & I’m still having trouble deciding things. You might have noticed I’ve made a lot of typos this year. I have to medically withdraw from school. At least I have 2 degrees & I'm still alive. Some people would love to be alive right now.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yeah. Agree. Christian is sharp as a psychic.
And he understands well, the Hollywood machine too.
As he lives amongst it.

I've learned so much how they fake everything in Hollywood...from this blog. But also, my mum filled me in ...a bit when I was young. About Hollywood PR bullsh..t.
She loved movies and actors and actreses though.

But the good thing is ...if Christian comes across something or someone genuine in Hollywood.
He will post about it.
I think he finds it refreshing.
And a relief. LoL.

Seems every now and again some Hollywood couples have genuine relationships. And he notices that.

But I guess Christian's blog provides a service in a way. To the Hollywood industry.
If they want to know the truth. About someone...something.
They can take a look.
Book an appointment.

Oh and I've never had any formal education in American politics.

And one thing Ive noticed about Americans is...every American seems to get to study American Politics. Through their schooling.
I think that's very good.
You guys actually know your own politics very well.

So I don't know how the inner workings of the process of American politics works. Like Americans do. I need to sit down and study it. And you serms very different to the way Australian and British politics goes.
And seems quite complicated.

But American politics seems so much more corrupt than here. So it interests me.
And you know, I want American politics to get back
to being far more honest and fair on it's people.

Because it's currently lost alot of respect globally because of Trump as you know.

The good news is though. The U.S and it's politics is going to get it's self respect back.
It's politics is gonna be cleaned out of the majority of these deceitful politicians.
In the next administration.

I only claim this. Because I've been watching alot of the American, Linda G Commanche Psychic. And she is very accurate. Like Christian. I've noticed that over years.

And she is sure.. things are gonna get right on track again in the U.S.
There's alot to look forward to she feels.
Lots of these U.S cronies are gonna be jailed.
The good politicians, who were shunned, wronged by Trump.
Well some of them will have positions in the new administration. The good guys. And gals.
And in particular, women are going to be coming into their power in the next U.S administration apparently.

There's alot to look forward to according to her.
Justice is coming.

Apparently there will be dancing in the streets of America when Trump is gone.
But you don't have to be psychic to know that.
Some American people are already polishing their dancing shoes for that day.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I am concerned too. That Americans are gonna have to pay alot through taxes. To repay the Stimulus money they received.

Well it could never get as bad as it did in Greece.
After the last crash.

The Greek's situation ...what they endured through the austerity measures that were introduced there.
Are worth a read.
But if I recall. They fought back against the measures in the end.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. Why do people think that people who live in Government housing live there for free?

No way. You have to pay.
I guess people in Australia think that it's free...cause unemplyed people or Disability pension people livin alone in Houso, are only paying like $60 a week in rent.
But if I recall you had to pay your own utilities.

Yeah it was wild in Houso. I was only there a short time.
I worked when I lived there too. And one of the reasons I moved is the noise they made at night.
Cause the ones who didn't work made shitloads of noise at night ...too regularly.

Plus if the cops came..for whatever reason, to talk to someone. Their torches shined, flickered past my bedroom window.
And then I'd know they were there.
And then I'd lie awake wondering why they were chatting to someome.
And, what they were talkin about.

No I moved out. It was only temporary in my view.
But some people there were so kind to me. I'll never forget. Gave me curtains for my bare windows etc.

Because as you know. It is a community.
And ...You know I've lived in 2 rich suburbs in my life.
Worst neighbor experiences of my life.
And boring.
And you won't get free curtains off them. Not a snowflake's chance in hell.

No compared to them. I preferred life in living colour. In Houso, to those snobby judgey wankers.

Well, all I can say is...with all this economic downturn. The Middle class woman in Kirribilli.

Might become a hillbilly in Kirribilli.
And I'll laugh my arse off. If I see them lose their houses on TV.
Perhaps they'll have to move into Houso. In Western Sydney. LoL.

Kirribilli TW, is posh North Shore suburb of Sydney.

I was shocked when you said the U.S hospitals often try and charge you for stuff that you didn't get in hospital.

I've never in my life had a hospital bill.
I was in a public hospital for 2 weeks last year.
The only thing I had to pay for was a can of deodorant from the shop.

No. The U.S needs a massive seismic change in how they deliver healthcare.
We watch from Australia astounded at the U.S healthcare system.
It's strange to us.
How it's not free. And all paid for already through a small levy you never even notice in your income.
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with us. I agree with you 100%.

I think one reason America is strange is because it was created by the occult elite. I will not go further because I enjoy living.

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