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If Trump thinks this last week was bad.
Just, wait till this one starts.
He's going to need more than a bottle of bleach.
Or, a couple of hundred sunbeds.
To clean away the muck, that's about to stick.


Chocmint33 said…
The King of the Orange Dickheads.

Ignorant Babyfart should realise that doctors invented antibiotics in the early 1900s to fight internal bacteria for various diseases.

No Dettol was ever required Dumbass!

However, antibiotics cannot fight viruses such as COVID 19. Viruses are complex and it is not as simple as killing the germs once COVID is inside the body.
Letty said…
Can’t wait
Maybe we need to inject him with some bleach
To disinfect him!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very funny.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. To what extent does Trump have dementia?
Cordelia said…
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
Miranda said…
Throwing his toys out of the pram.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Is this the book that last gonna tip the Queen over the edge?
The British Sun newspaper is reporting that Meghan and Harry are working on a book... together.

It’s called, Thoroughly Modern Royals:The Real World Of Meghan And Harry.

It’s supposed to be a revealing book about their time as royals.
God I can hear the Royal family screaming about this even as far away as Australia.

And who is helping them write this tell-all book?
None other than that nauseating young sucky arse crawler Royal Editor. At Harpers Bazzar magazine, called Omid Scobie
He is a personal friend of Meghan’s and makes the most implausible claims that she’s wonderful.
And virtuous.

C’mon Omid, leave it out. Do you seriously think the public is buying that rubbish?

Anyway. The other one helping to write this book is U.S journalist Carolyn Durand. Apparently she has been covering stories on the Royals for 15 yeas.

Well if she helps write this book. I can guarantee the Palace Media Unit will refuse to communicate with her ever again.

So CD.... is this the book that causes Megan to disappear?
Or have an ‘accident’ ?
It wouldn’t surprise me.
Cause this, like many......
Is a step too far for the Royal family.
Anonymous said…
So guys, last night on the TV show "Saturday Night Live," they mentioned Harry.

The two guys that do the "news" on the show, Colin Jost and Michael Che, said:

"Whipped Strawberry Milk is Harry's drag name."

They also showed Harry in a long red-haired wig.

More negative attention.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Another thing. The Princess of Wales, Diana’s 1992 book she wrote with Andrew Morton.
Was one of these revealing books about time as a Royal.

And the Royal Family went berserk about that.

It’s a good book. I’ve read it. And I absolutely believe she participated in the writing of that book.

But let’s consider.
By 1997 she was dead.
T. W. said…

Let me see if I understand. MeghaTron & Harriet don’t want to be royals anymore. So they make money by writing about the royal life.

Okay then.

As for the Illuminati Program Saturday Night Live, there is always some truth behind THEIR comedy skits. THEY are telling us something.
T. W. said…
Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning


Why did Elton John dub Lady Di “England’s Rose”? Was it because she was beautiful or because the rose has a deep occult meaning? This article explores the numerous occult symbols used in the memorials to Diana’s memory. To occultists, Diana wasn’t simply a princess, she represents the Sacred Feminine.
T. W. said…
Christian, I heard people are flocking to Florida beaches.

Hawaii to Visitors: We’ll Pay You to Leave

Visitors who break Hawaii’s 14-day quarantine rule may get an unwelcome gift: A free flight home.
T. W. said…
Trump says briefings ‘not worth the effort’ amid fallout from disinfectant comments

The president remained behind closed doors after advisers reportedly warned him that the briefings were hurting his campaign
T. W. said…
Psychic Tracey Brown said North Korea will not make an announcement until a successor has been chosen. Expect an announcement in either 3 days or 3 weeks.

Kim Jong Un in 'vegetative state', Japanese media claims; China medical experts dispatched to North Korea
T. W. said…
It’s always about money:

San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted the restrictions.

A cautionary tale about the dangers of reopening too soon.


Alex Navarro, the assistant director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan, which detailed historical accounts of the 1918-19 flu pandemic in 43 cities, told NBC News in a phone interview that officials often acted quickly at the time but restrictions were eased to varying degrees.

"There was a lot of pressure in pretty much all of these American cities to reopen," said Navarro, whose research was done in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "When they removed those restrictions too soon, then many cities saw a resurgence in cases."
Chick'sOpinion said…

The expression English rose is a common term in England. And is commonly used to describe a very English looking girl.
At least it used to be.
It's an old fashioned term.
Probably the younger people don't use it anymore.

The Rose in England comes from the Tudor rose of the Lancaster family.
But it was adopted as a national emblem of England.
And it became a symbol of peace and unity in the period of Civil War in England between the Lancaster and the York families.
I believe the York family had a White Rose as a symbol.

Although Princess Diana didn't have the dark hair of a typical 'English rose'. I thought it was highly appropriate when Elton John's lyricist re-wrote the words to Elton John's song, Candle In the Wind, for Diana's funeral. To perform it at the funeral.

The song, (originally about Marilyn Monroe) was changed to to 'Goodbye England's Rose'

It was very moving to hear him sing that.
Almost too much for me.
Too much for alot of people.

Because the Princess Of Wales, Diana, was England's rose.

And the British Royal family will never be able to change that.

I lived in London when she died. Most people who could and wanted to attend the procession of Diana's funeral.... through London that day. Did so.
I didnt, because I didn't have anyone to babysit my kids for that whole day. And really, the crowds were too dangerous for very small children.
My English husband definately wasn't keen on me taking them.

But I can assure you. On the day of her funeral, London stopped.
Like the day we learned she died. The whole city stopped. Went oddly silent.

That NEVER happens.

It may surprise English people...but older Australians adored Diana, the Princess Of Wales.
And still talk about her today.

Her dying at 36 immortalised her forever I think.
But I guess dying young immortalises many people in our hearts.

Which is meant to happen I think.
Chick'sOpinion said…

It's sad that they have even been laughing at Prince Harry being P..y whipped on TV in the U.S.

How bad is that?

It doesn't get any worse.
I think the Royal family would tolerate it from British TV. British comics.
But not the U.S.

A few comics used to have fun laughing about Prince Charles when he was younger.
And he took it in good humour...most of the time.
But there's a line they didn't cross.

Spike Milligan was one who could just about get away with it. As Prince Charles always admired him.

But when old, comic, Spike Milligan accepted an award at the British Comedy Awards years ago, the comic Spike Milligan made an outrageous comment about Prince Charles and his congratulatory letter. That was read out to Spike on stage.

Spike Milligan's reply to Prince Chales' congratulaion was, in front of the audience,,

'The grovelling little bastard'

Apparently Prince Charles was furious.

It wasn't the first time...
I read a Spike Milligan biography.
And it was claimed that Prince Charles arrived for one of Spike Milligan's performances. And was being seated...when Spike Milligan came onstage. And looked into the audience..

And said of Prince Charles,

'Where is the little bastard?'

Despite being a life long fan of Spike Milligan from even a teenager and a personal friend in a way.
Prince Charles never spoke to him again.
Well...they were never as friendly.
Prince Charles admired Spike Milligan so much he used to invite him to Highgrove House.

So the U.S show, Saturday Night Live ought to consider. That after that insult to Prince Harry the other night.
Which inferred he was P..ywhipped.
He most certainly ....will never appear on their show if invited.

The British have the best sense of humour globally.
But the Royal family do have their limits.
As to decency.
T. W. said…
We learned about War of the Roses in high school but I don’t remember anything about it.

When a person becomes immortal they become a god. According to the article I shared a link to that was the primary goal of the assassination.

There really was a cult devoted to goddess Diana & the location of the French tunnel was where people were sacrificed. They gained immortality & godhood provides they were sacrificed at that location.

No where in the article does the author claim Princess Diana was a willing participant. All indications were she wanted nothing to do with the occult elite & Their rituals.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Diana wouldn't have even anything to do with aristocracy and Royal family's activity of Hunting.

So it wouldn't surprise me if she said no to weird rituals as well.

That would have disturbed her no end.

They were probably really worried she'd reveal info on any weird secret rituals.

She wrote a book about the Royal family as we know...with Andrew Morton.

That would have scared the Royal family as it is.
T. W. said…
Prince Charles shouldn't have placed that Spike person on a pedestal. I think there's a quote about people being disappointed when they meet their idols. I hope Cordelia can find it.

As for Prince Harry on Saturday Night Live, he should not stoop to their level. Even if he were still an active royal he needs to avoid them.

America loves to tear down the high and mighty. Even when they have done nothing to deserve it. Prince Harry is gonna find out real quick what it's like to be one of the sheeple.

As for Princess Diana, the poor woman was born into the occult elite but she was the sacrificial lamb. Again, I do not believe she was a willing participant. David Icke wrote about some of it in his book "The Biggest Secret." Diana allegedly told people about the Queen shape shifting. There's also a story about the "virginity check" and the time Diana was told her only purpose was to produce heirs because Camilla is Prince Charles' woman.

Some people never have a chance in this life.
Cordelia said…

Never idealize others,they will never live up to your expectations.


T. W. said…
Thank you Cordelia!
Anonymous said…
Harry and Meghan brought this on by themselves. Both of them have left their families, and not in a good way. As one of the TV Sharks tweeted: “In Harry and Meghan’s attempt to break from the limelight, they’ve succeeded in making themselves more newsworthy than ever before. The greatest publicity stunt ever.” (Barbara Corcoran)

If the roles were reversed, and Meghan was the royal princess and Harry the commoner, wouldn't there be more articles written about how Harry is a narcisstic abuser, isolating Meghan from her family, taking advantage of her royal status and millions, blah blah blah?

Absolutely. In this case, it's a woman taking advantage of a man. It's Harry in a controlling and abusive relationship.

And people are taking notice. Including Saturday Night Live.

One word that describes Meghan's behavior towards Harry: EMASCULATION

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous - Evil spirits hate human beings & they want us to alter our genitalia & sexuality. They want us to be Transformers & Decipticons.

Please note I am not talking about people who have genetic abnormalities.

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