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Dear Judge Please don't let him out...

OR ELSE......


Chick'sOpinion said…
Omg. They are not seriously considering letting this monster R.Kelly outa jail.

Dear God guys. Let's say a prayer for this to not happen.

TW. Prayer required ....urgently.

Women need protection . Strong protection from this guy.

He's gonna go after victims.

Who put him in jail.
Nelly said…
I just read your past predictions on Boris and saw the one you talked about the full moon.....Will Boris survive Corona virus?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And so clearly from what Christian is saying here. R.Kelly is gonna abscond to another country.

And go on the run.

Surely he has a 'No Fly Ban'

Or is he going to grease someones palm?

And pay someone to fly him by light aircraft to a country nearby the U.S.

I can't think of any countries he could possibly go hide in ....near the U.S.

American people? Where do U.S fugitives run to.... usually?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of violent men. My male cat has been on another killing spree lately.

Equal to the that of Ted Bundy. No, he's the Golden State Killer in reality.

On the account of his Golden orange and yellow fur.

The other night he brought back into my bedroom. A beatiful bird.

And killed it.... softly.
I never heard it flapping to survive much.
In the morning all that was left was some wings and a rib cage.

He reminds me of Brad Pitt's line in that 2012 movie, Killing Them Softly.

Where he says in a sick way ...

'I like to kill them softly, from a distance. Not close enough for feelings. Don't want to think about them'.

What interested me about that movie. Is that before that line. They are watching on TV, in a bar...Obama's famous One Nation speech.
You hear most of it.

The U.S could do with that speech being aired again. Regardless of who's currently in power.
It's very good.

We've heard no particularly moving speeches from Trump. To the U.S.
Not really.
Perhaps his speech on March 11.. But in his typical style.... he used that to criticise Europe as well as announce Travel restrictions and a cargo ban. ..claiming in the speech...

'The European Union failed to take precautions and restrict travel from China and other hot spots. As a result, a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travellers from Europe'.

In this situation Trump could have made speeches that would unite the country. Move everyone in the U.S towards total cooperation and fortitude.
And patience.
And bring a strength from the nation. In Obama's words from that iconic speech 'out of many we are one'

But no. Trump used it to blame the U.S's direct allies.
As though blame is important. When people are dying. All over the world.

He could have united the world and the U.S...the way Queen attempted to do the other day in the UK.

But Trump. Nope.

He's still on his reality TV Show
In a time of major crisis in the country.
Anonymous said…
Too vague CD.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Another famous line Brad Pitt says in Killing Them

'America's not a country it's just a business'

Well I for one. Have never believed that cynicism in it's entirety.
Because I've grown up watching from afar, America helping other countries.

All the time.

When there's a war. They are there.
Even if it's just food aid. Medicine.

Okay sometines they take for themselves.
As part of it.
But really...They rarely get anything in return.

But since WW2. The Post War period....The U.S have been at the forefront.

And Australia and will never forget how they saved us from the Japanese, in the War In The Pacific, in WW2.

And I'll include New Zealand troops in that.
Saved. Because of U.S Troops.

They saved 1000's of Australians and New Zealanders thank god, in New Guinea when the Japanese almost took over completely.
And defended our coasts.

Also, the U.S occupied successfully micronesia and the Papuan Islands. And held them for us. And protected Australian soldiers stationed there.

And in all of this, Americans died doing it.

POW's who fell into Japanese hands died a terrible death.

The U.S Navy destroyed the Japanese Fleet for us too.

No mean feat.

We are still justifiably beholden, if that's the right word. To the U.S as an ally.

Through the ANZUS Treaty.

It was agreed to, as a way of gratitude to the U.S.
If they get in any kind of conflict.
We back them 100 per cent.

When I hear young Australians critise America. I wince. And get annoyed.

Because if it wasn't for the Americans.
We would have been occupied, murdered and taken over by the Japanese in WW2.

Thats a cold hard fact.

Australia put up a good fight themselves. But it wasnt enough. The Japanese military had been planning take over for years.
The British couldn't help us that much. They had their hands full.

But America saved the day.

So is America just a business, not a country?

Certainly not.

Not if you look at it historically.
T. W. said…
Jailbird gonna fly the coop, never to be seen or heard from again.
T. W. said…
Think about all the things “The Simpsons” predicted:

#SpiritCooking As Explained By The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror V
T. W. said…

A potential coronavirus vaccine funded by Bill Gates is set to begin testing in people, with the first patient expected to get it today
T. W. said…
Jesus, please help!!!

1) Grocery workers are beginning to die of coronavirus

2) Trump administration advises Americans to avoid food shopping | Grocery store workers begin dying from COVID-19

3) Two workers at the same Walmart store die of coronavirus
T. W. said…
Maggot of the Month candidate:

Cashier sprayed in eyes with Lysol by customer mad about purchase limit, police say


Leicester, Massachusetts

The woman then sprayed the cashier in the eyes with the Lysol, requiring a response from EMS, police said. She then completed her purchase and left in what is believed to have been an Uber.

Anyone with information is asked to call police.
T. W. said…
Need a laugh?

1) Corona - Be GONE AH The blood is upon ya!

2) Tony Britts Twice As Fit - BBC Breakfast Fitness
Nikki Smith said…
Or else?! 😳😳
Anonymous said…
Oh CD, I'm not up on what's going on with him, but I too hope no judge lets his ass out.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…

Email provider got hacked, data of 600,000 users now sold on the dark web
Italian email provider confirms security breach.
T. W. said…
Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients
T. W. said…
Why some people of color say they won't wear homemade masks


Bandanas, particularly in certain colors, are often associated with gang affiliation and violence, said Cyntoria Johnson, an assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia State University.

The Bloods and Crips street gangs of California have used colorful bandanas or rags as a system of identification, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPD also describes the "uniform of Hispanic gangs" as including "a bandana tied around the forehead similar to a sweatband."


"To date, neither federal nor Georgia state officials are addressing the racial disparities in access to healthcare, access to the internet and the ability to work from home. Black Americans are suffering disproportionately from this pandemic," Young said.


Black and Latino workers also are "much less likely" to be able to work from home, according to a report from Economic Policy Institute.
The federal mask guidelines failed to capture this reality, said ReNika Moore, director of the ACLU's Racial Justice Program.
"For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandana in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way," Moore said.
T. W. said…
'It's the worst possible timing': Royal watchers criticise Prince Harry and Meghan for unveiling details of the Archewell charitable foundation as news emerged Boris Johnson was battling coronavirus in intensive care
T. W. said…
People in England are burning 5G cell towers.

The Truther Community has been warning about 5G for several years.

I provided a link before. It’s so important I will do it again. The article contains images of the documents & contains a link if you want to download the documents for research purposes...

Government Files About “Remote Mind Control”

A journalist who requested documents using the Freedom of Information Act received additional files on “remote mind control” and the effects of “psycho-electric weapons”.


Along with standard documents such as emails, intelligence briefings, and bulletins, the journalist received a bizarre filed named “EM effects on human”.

One document describes the effects of “psycho-electric weapons” including “forced memory blanking”, “forced rigor-mortis” and even “forced o----m”.

Another document explains biomagnetic fields and brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, etc.) two concepts that are extremely important in MKULTRA and Monarch mind control.

The final document describes how shady organizations can conduct “remote mind control” operations through mobile phone networks, trucks disguised as communication vehicles and “Black” helicopters.


Could these documents explain the mysterious Cuban “sonic attacks” where 24 government officials suffered “hearing loss, dizziness, sleep and vision problems, tinnitus, headaches, fatigue and brain damage”? Nearly all of these symptoms can be found in the first document.
T. W. said…
Father God,

I thank You for being a God of justice and mercy. I thank You for keeping people who need to be incarcerated inside the prisons and jails.

I thank You for keeping R. Kelly in prison.

I thank You for helping those who need to be released from jails & prisons gain their freedom.

I also thank You for bringing swift justice in the world at this time.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - There are a lot of places to hide out but I will not list them for safety reasons. Smart people legally obtain second & third passports.


1) Countries Without Extradition 2020

2) Extradition law in the United States

3) The Best Countries for Your Escape Plan
Chick'sOpinion said…

I agree

Maggot Of The Month

Woman who sprayed cashier in the eyes with Lysol in Walmart in Massachusetts.

Nomimation accepted.

By the way.. this Maggot hasn't been caught yet. But there is a pic of her in many newspapers online today.

So this Maggot will be caught soon.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. I was wondering what options R.Kelly's helpers are coming up with.

To keep him outa jail.

But here's the question. Are the authorities one step ahead on him?

Time will tell.
T. W. said…

I doubt it.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

I hope that woman gets caught. I’ve had Lysol cleaner in my eyes before. It burns like the flames of Hell.

As for R. Kelly, a judge refused to let him out.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Someone saw clear sense.

And realised he's a clear absconding risk.

And a monumental danger to women.

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