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Anonymous said…
Yup, he looked like a fool.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I had a dream last night.
It was about old Hollywood actress, American, Jane Fonda.

But the dream was very specific in some ways.

It was about activism I think. Which she's always been consistent at. But in dream she was young again, with her baby in her lap. At somewhere called Senetor House.
Is the baby in her lap, Greta Thunberg? Or new life.

I did a qick research in the morning to see if Jane Fonda had ever owed a house called Seneter House. But google took me a Jane Fonda article instead.

It appears Jane Fonda was arrested last year. And she had to wait to be arrested in a place called the Hart Senate Office building.

I learned from reading, she's actually been arrested 4 times recently.... promoting the New Green Deal. The New Green Deal is a proposed package of U.S legislation to address climate change and economic inequality.

Well I learned...Jane Fonda is very involved in the Climate Movement.
But no ones noticing. Because Greta Thunberg has taken leadership of that. And Jane is an old lady.
I guess that's why.

Anyway the 2019 article claimed that 2 years ago the Democratic Party had a short agenda on Climate Change and the New Green Deal. But now, activists have pressured every major Presidential candidate to outline their plans to fullfill it.

This is a big change in direction. And focus for the democrats.

The problem has been though, since then, Trump and his Republicans declared war on the New Green Deal. Trump did a massacre of it. By ending environmental protections and regulations that aimed to reduce the causes of climate change.

In particular, greenhouse gasses.

In fact, he has since expanded natural gas production..
Basically anything that Obama put in place to control greenhouse gasses.

No ....the sooner the U.S can get rid of Trump. The sooner they can move to green energy. And the jobs that accompany it.
Cause not only does this idiot reject the science around the control of a deadly virus.

He also rejects the basic mainstream science on climate change. Or doesn't care.


While he's been in office he has done a huge dismantling of U.S environmental regulations. Than is being reported I think.

87 of them in regard to oil and gas, the protection of animals, clear air and water issues.
Alot of those regulations had been in American law since the 1970's. Nixon introduced alot of them.

They were there in use, until this dickhead came along. With his mates, who are all former lobbyists for oil and gas interests.
And decimated those protections.

No... I'm wondering if I dreamed about the actress/activist, Jane Fonda because she's about to die.
Wouldn't surprise me. She's very old.
But hopefully her death. And the Climate change activism she's been involved in recently ...about Climate Change. Gets media attention.

But if we consider it.
Jane Fonda has been a political activist all her life.
Most famously in anti-Vietnam war activism.
In 1970 she led a protest at the University of Maryland. That day she also took the protest to Fort Meade, a military barracks in Maryland.
Where she tried to distribute anti war leaflets to poor soldiers doomed to fight in Vietnam.
She got arrested over that.
She also went to Fort Lewis, Fort Hood.
And Fort Bragg.
She has since apologised to anyone who felt insulted by her activism, that participated in the Vietnam War.
Pacifism was her original intention. That's certain.
The HBO show on her 'Jane Fonda In Five Acts' doesn't even come close to even covering Jane Fonda's entire life. But it's a good show.
She was also an activist in the Black Panthers.
It's a wonder she wasn't assassinated over that.
She was also a big activist for Native American Indians.
Chick'sOpinion said…
If you want to see Jane Fonda as an actress at her finest, watch her in the movie, Klute.

I believe she won an Oscar for it.

Well deserved.
I loved that movie.

She came from Hollywood Royalty, that's true .. being Henry Fonda's daughter. But I think she carved her own identity. A more worthwhile one.
Plus she has talked alot about how being in Hollywood and her mother's early suicide when she was young, caused her eating disorder.

Personally I'm so tired of seeing these starved looking actresses in Hollywood movies today.

You can tell they have been forced to starve themselves. And these days, Hollywood expects actresses to be so much thinner than before.
Scarily thin.

I also like how Jane Fonda spoke out about women's issues. After she admitted she had been forced into threesomes with women by her French husband, Roger Vadim in the 1960's. And 1970's.

Some will know, the creep, Roger Vadim, was married previously to French actress, Brigitte Bardot.
He probably did the same to her.
She had so many suicide attempts. With pills etc.

What was the appeal of Frenchman, Roger Vadim?
It mystifies me.
He had the most beautiful women in the world.
And yet he was a not very good looking, chain smoking french producer/director with a big nose and a receding hairline.
And not faithfull.

He even lived with the beautiful french actress Catherine Deneuve.

Was it that he made erotic type films in that era?
And they starred in them?
But these women at the time could have any man in the world at that time with their fame.

Who knows.
Some women are attracted to bizarre men.
For bizarre reasons.
That we know.

Roger Vadim's films are now largely forgotten.
But film students still study them.
They are considered Art House I think.

And he had the audacity to write a book about all his beautiful ex's, called Bardot, Deneuve & Fonda: My Life With The Most Beautiful Women In The World.

And made money off it.
Did he mention in the book that he forced them into threesomes?
I would have sued him over that.
And the book.

Being forced into threesomes has become a modern problem again today for women.
The huge escalation of access to porn on the net And the watching of it.
Has made women vulnerable again.
To age old sexploitation.
That the women's movement worked so hard to end.
Makes me sad.

And young women are agreeing to it under pressure, so they don't lose their relationship.
I'd tell the guy to off.
Quiet said…
As soon as I saw the pic I immediately thought of all the muslim women i see in grocery stores or pharmacies once a week and it just astonishes me that even at this date of April 29th they do not wear face masks in public. Cant they see other humans wearing them ?

Just stupidity not wearing a mask but covering your hair. No offence to anyone muslim but please get an updated education of social/physical behavior in grocery stores and pharmacies when they are busy and cover your mouth with all that fabric you women have.
T. W. said…
Here in America Jane Fonda is known as “Hanoi Jane.” That is not a compliment.

From Wikipedia:

Fonda was photographed seated on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun; the photo outraged a number of Americans,[69] and earned her the nickname "Hanoi Jane". In her 2005 autobiography, she wrote that she was manipulated into sitting on the battery; she had been horrified at the implications of the pictures.
T. W. said…
One psychic said a secret about Mike Pence will COME OUT & he will be disgraced.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Jane Fonda's little known 1973 famous statement on the U.S government during the Vietnam War. She said,

'My father, Henry Fonda fought in WW2 to stop someone exterminating an entire people. I don't think we should repudiate against all that our father's fought for and against. Repudiating the democratic ideals our country was founded on.
What business do we have have as a nation exterminating so many of the Vietnamese people.
The government are trying to keep us hating the Vietnanese people, who we have no reason to hate.
Are we trying to exterminate an entire people? What have we become as a nation if we try and exterminate them and call the men heros who do it'

Wise words.
Psychic Gossip said…
TW never knew he was in as the actress said to the bishop cdx
Anonymous said…
Maybe once he comes out, he'll start making better choices generally.
T. W. said…
Christian - Well then!
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - That’s not why servicemen & some Americans who lived during the Vietnam War dislike Jane Fonda. Majority of Americans agree we had no business being over there or we should have left much sooner than we did. My high school US History teacher taught Vietnam was a French colony, France was losing the colony & asked America for help. As you know France & US have always helped each other in battle. If it weren’t for France we would most likely be speaking the Queen’s English.

There are two reasons we call Fonda “Hanoi Jane.” The first reason has neither been proven nor disproven. The second reason has to do with treason.

1) There water rumors American prisoners of war gave Fonda messages to smuggle out but she turned them over to their North Vietnamese captors.

SOURCE - My memory.

2) In 1972, Fonda went on to tour North Vietnam in a controversial trip would come to be the most famous — or infamous — part of her activist career, and led to her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” While in Vietnam, Fonda appeared on 10 radio programs to speak out against the U.S. military’s policy in Vietnam and beg pilots to cease bombing non-military targets. It was during that trip that a photograph was taken of her seated on an anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi, making it look like she would shoot down American planes.


Since then, Fonda has apologized repeatedly for the “Hanoi Jane” photo, and clarified that her actions during the Vietnam War were in protest of the U.S. government and not against soldiers. She addressed the photo in her 2005 memoir My Life So Far:

Here is my best, honest recollection of what took place. Someone (I don’t remember who) leads me toward the gun, and I sit down, still laughing, still applauding. It all has nothing to do with where I am sitting. I hardly even think about where I am sitting. The cameras flash. I get up, and as I start to walk back to the car with the translator, the implication of what has just happened hits me. Oh, my God. It’s going to look like I was trying to shoot down U.S. planes! I plead with him, “You have to be sure those photographs are not published. Please, you can’t let them be published.” I am assured it will be taken care of. I don’t know what else to do. It is possible that the Vietnamese had it all planned. I will never know. If they did, can I really blame them? The buck stops here. If I was used, I allowed it to happen. It was my mistake, and I have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it. (Primary source of quote: Fonda’s 2005 memoir My Life So Far)


The Complicated Story Behind Jane Fonda's 'Hanoi Jane' Nickname -
T. W. said…
Answered prayers?

Governor Set to Close All Beaches and State Parks in California

The order was set to go into effect Friday, May 1, 2020, and there was no indication how long it would be in effect.
T. W. said…
Florida To Begin Reopening Businesses Monday With Restrictions
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes I know about that pic Jane Fonda ended up in. That made her look really bad.
I’d say her only excuse for that was that at the time she was quite young.
I do believe she set up too.

Did you know she arrested at Cleveland airport in 1970. On basically harassment. Of her. They tried to accuse her of drug smuggling.
Not true at all.
I think it’s clear Nixon wanted to shut down all her activism.
I think she wasted her talent being an actress.
She would have made a better politician.
T. W. said…
Jane Fonda gets arrested a lot. Few Americans pay attention to her. Myself included.
Anonymous said…
I feel that Jane Fonda is an extraordinary woman. She has had an incredible career. Oscar winner. And, is still working today. I think she's also been doing Youtube workouts during the Coronavirus.

I haven't seen all her movies but my fave is "Golden Pond."

I could really relate to that movie. I made my father watch it.

I'm not sure if he got it. Ha Ha

Like a lot of women, a fairly recent People article written on her, she said she started out as a "people pleaser" and eventually learned to say "NO," and do what makes her happy.

She took risks, made mistakes, earned a living, lived and loved. I respect her.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
I liked “Stanley & Iris.” As you know mom loves Robert DeNiro so we had to watch it over & over.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

My mother loved that Jane Fonda movie On Golden Pond. I think I have seen it.
But my favourite movie of hers is Klute.
She plays a sex worker.
For a 70’s movie it’s quite scary.

She said she struggled with deciding to play a sex worker in that movie, at the time ....because it didn’t seem to fit her feminist beliefs.
But she said she asked advice off a feminist friend.
And the friend said ‘do the movie, because in this role you can play it deep, sex workers are harassed by stalkers etc, the script is really good’
So she did it.
And won an Oscar.

I find it interesting you said that she has gone on record saying she started out a people-pleaser in life and learned to say No.
I think that happened earlier than we think.
I watched Jane Fonda being interviewed with her French ex husband, Roger Vadim by an American TV host, seems like it’s decades ago. She looks real young.
And in the interview, you can see Jane Fonda is really uncomfortable with the sexist shit Roger Vadim is saying in the interview.

You know that moment, when wives give a husband a look that can either kill them stone dead. Or a fed up ‘what the are you talking about?’ look.
That was her face.
I could see she was really angry with him in that interview.
So glad she divorced him.
I respect her as a person and an actress enormously too.
Hope when she passes they highlight her contribution.

And she made a movie called Comes A Horseman.
That was a very feminist movie too when I look back.
Because in it she runs a ranch alone and resists all attempts by men who claim she needs help to run the ranch. A women can’t run it.
If they put those kind of statements in movies today the public would go ballistic.
How times change.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I never saw Stanley And Iris.

Robert De Niro seems to have an odd pairing in that movie. I can’t imagine him in a movie with Jane Fonda.
You mum clearly loved him in it.

Why is Robert De Niro making such bad films though today?

Clearly it’s all about the money for him these days.
He needs it.
He’s always divorcing I guess.
Anonymous said…
Pence not wearing a mask, probably because he's been "vaccinated," compliments of the Chinese president.

Still, he should have worn a mask because he just looked foolish given all the media and medical warnings about not wearing a mask especially in a group of people.

Chick's Opinion, I haven't seen Stanley and Iris or Klute. I haven't seen Comes a Horseman. I do have some movie channels that play old movies, I just don't seem to watch them that often.

When Jane passes, I am confident she will be celebrated in various media of the Hollywood circuit. She's one of the few remaining "stars" left in Hollywood.

I've seen images of Jane and her ex-husband, Roger Vadim. He looks like an accountant. Perhaps that interview was the final nail in the coffin for their marriage.

Robert Deniro, all the actors talk or refer to him like he's some god or idol in Hollywood. I've seen some of his movies, not all. I like him in comedies, he cracks me up. I liked "The Intern," "The Fockers," he was funny in those movies, but definitely not Oscar-worthy roles.

Most movies are crap, my opinion. I really try to watch the Oscar-awarded or Oscar-nominated movies, especially those awarded/nominated for Best Picture. They do not disappoint.

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes I liked the movie The Intern.

Robert De Niro was scarily real in that movie he did called, Taxi Driver. And I guess his 1978 movie, Coming Home was really good. A very different movie. Jane Fonda was in that movie too.

Well. If you ever see Jane Fonda in an old movie, definately choose Klute. As it won an Oscar.
That hairstyle she wore in that movie started a style apparently.

I agree. Alot of the movies today are very forgettable. Except the ones that win Oscars.
But even some of them bore me.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - I don’t know why DeNiro makes bad films now but my guess is when a person reaches a certain age & must work for money they will take any job they can get.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “No $hit Sherlock”

China lied about origin of coronavirus, leaked intelligence report says

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