The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Did the cops blast The Purge siren?
1) Louisiana police apologize for using siren from 'The Purge' to signal coronavirus curfew
Cops said they didn't know the alarm was used in the dystopian movie franchise.
2) Purge Corona Announcement
3) The Annual Purge Announcement
No, You Don't Need To Disinfect Your Groceries. But Here's How To Shop Safely
A word about frozen food
Some of you have asked if freezing food kills the virus. The answer is no. Refrigerating or freezing would actually help the virus survive longer — that's why research labs freeze virus samples to preserve them, as Graham notes. But if you're worried about handling a frozen dinner, just remember to wash your hands and throw away the packaging after you've removed the food, Rasmussen says.
Thanks for the links CD. I wipe the grocery packaging with a disinfectant wipe if I can't dispose it straight away, even bottles of milk. I wash my fruit in white vinegar too just in case. I was told a few years ago that white vinegar removes insecticides off fruit and vegetables.
But thanks CD for this site and your excellent and helpful predictions. :)
Be careful when using disinfecting wipes on food packages. You should not use them on cardboard, paper or plastic. They are porous so the chemicals get into the food.
I use baby wipes or soap & water (Dawn) when I can’t open the package & put the food elsewhere. I wash down bottles with cool tap water & dawn dish soap.
As for canned & jarred food, use room temp water & a little dish soap. Do NOT place the jars & cans upside down. Do NOT use running water. You will break the seal.
Be sure to dry them. Hard & cans should be cleaned & dried regardless of a disease outbreak. Anywhere there is food there are critters. And their droppings...
Just to be social. And have a bit of fun during this endless lockdown.
They bring out their camping chairs, tables and booze.
Kids are even playing hopscotch again.
And not far from my place. There's a craze.
For kids drawing rainbows in chalk on fences and street paths.
I had to laugh. One old lady I had to visit for my job. Was surprised the local kids had done this to the fence and path at her place.
The kids had wrote in wobbly writing with a rainbow,
'Stay Positive'
When I left, one of the kids was out the front. And asked if the old lady was alright. I said 'yes'
He then procceeded to tell me about the boardgame, Monopoly Empire. Which according to him is a higher level of old monopoly.
The things you learn.
Seems to me, alot of the kids in lockdown are playing alot of board games.
Going around in cars spotting and counting teddy bears in windows with their parents.
To amuse these bored kids.
I would have joined the Teddy Bears-in-the window craze. But unfortunately I dont have any stuffed toys.
I've grown out of it.
No doubt. Australians will start spending their stimulus money on drugs too.
Terrible isn't.
Well I guess Drug Dealers shop for things.
And spend. So the money will go back in to the economy.
The reason I think Drugs should be legalized.
Is so drug dealers HAVE to pay tax.
Like everyone else.
It pisses me off that I have to psy tax and they don't.
And I have to pay an accountant each year. To do my tax.
Plus. Most drug dealers in Australia are even raking in Welfare benefits as an income too.
Called The Rodeo Song... by Gary Lee And The Showdown.
The Chorus lyrics are,
'Why 'know you piss me off
You f...cking jerk
Get on my nerves'
If you want a laugh. And brighten your mood.
Listen to this song.
I am subjected to a country radio station where I live.
Had I not, HAD to listen to country music because they are obsessed in country music in rural Australia.
I would have never heard it.
I couldn't believe my ears hearing it early one morning.
The language.
And Gary Lee and The Showdown are from an equally strange place, in Canada.
It's called Medicine Hat.
In Alberta.
For the sake of the aim of stopping the spread of the virus. So many new things have become suddenly illegal.
At least where I live.
In reminds me of what I read..... about what the introduction of Prohibition was like for Americans. So long ago.
Suddenly, in 1920, the American government, as many know, made alcohol and the drinking of it..illegal.
And from what I've read. In January 1920, across America, 1,500 Federal Agents were unleashed into America. To enforce the 18th Amendment. This new law.
In what proved to be a 13 year war. On alcohol and people drinking it.
What interested as soon as Prohibition happened, crime soared. Presumably the crimes were also for being arrested for drinking, making it. And because under the American Volstead Act. It outlawed the Production, Sale and transport of 'intoxicating liquors'.
But more specifically it created something far worse.
What is known today in America as Mobsters.
Mobsters had been a loose rather disorganised version of organised crime. Until Prohibition happened.
In fact, with Prohibition. Mobsters like Al Capone for instance....began to make $100 million per year selling illegal booze. To willing Americans.
What we're going through now. Has proved to me ...just how quickly. And easily the government can control a population. And what you do.
By passing a law.
Or utilising old ones.
But Prohibition occuring in 1920 produced something else even more sinister.
Possibly unintended.
These newly rich Mobsters during Prohibition began to be employed by corrupt politicians.
To intimidate opposition candidates....funneling the votes quite easily to their Politician boss.
In return, the corrupt American politicians turned a blind eye to the newly rich mobster's side lines. In illegal prostitution rings.
And illegal gambling too.
Not just the sale and distribution of booze.
Yes. Controlling the public produces other problems.
I hear that the theft of chickens became a problem in the 1st stages of the Australian lockdown for CoronaVirus and their food hoarding.
See, in outcomes of oppressive rules.
It's hard to figure out which is the chicken or the egg.
I’m going to respectfully disagree.
I do not believe bad things, immoral things, & evil things should be legalized so the government can collect tax money.
That kind of thinking tells me money is more important than health & safety.
Trust & believe drug dealers pay sales taxes when they purchase things. Even if an American state does not collect personal income tax revenue they have a high sales tax. Some towns & cities have a municipal tax too.
Cause it pisses me off.
F...ken jerks.
Gets on my nerves.
In Australia we use Morning Fresh for doing the dishes by hand which is a liquid soap. I'll probably use that for cleaning milk bottles and other bottled stuff.
Dawn dish soap comes in liquid & foam.
You are welcome!
You can use Dawn dish soap to clean wildlife animals, the exterior of your car, etc.
It contains sodium hydroxide (lye). Lye soap kills germs.