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T. W. said…
Is California still under lockdown?
T. W. said…
I agree with a Bill Maher’s logic:

Bill Maher Defends Calling COVID-19 'Chinese Virus'


Maher says on HBO's Real Time, "People who would rather die from the virus than call it by the wrong name."

He continued, "Zika is from the Zika forest. Ebola from the Ebola river. Hantavirus from the Hantan river," he began. "There is the West Nile virus and Guinea Worm and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and of course, the Spanish flu. MERS stands for Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, it's plastered all over airports and no one blogs about it. So why should China get a pass?"
Psychic Gossip said…
TW till May 19th at least CDX
T. W. said…
Christian, okay. Can you still go out onto your private beach?
Anonymous said…

With all respect, I think we live in crazy times. There are a lot of ignorant and racist people in the US. If we call it the Chinese flu, too many racist people will take it out on Asians. It unfortunate but that's these are the times we live in.

My follow-up is why does it matter that its NOT called the Chinese flu? What's wrong with coronavirus or SARS2?
Tony said…
Hi Christian
At least until the 19th May!
Here in the UK we have now passed the original 3 week lockdown and it's still continuing and the government are reviewing the situation with the help of scientists and top medical professors. It will be extended here. I was horrified and very saddened to see mass graves being constructed in the Bronx in New York. To be honest I had nightmares after seeing that and my heart goes out to all those poor unfortunate souls and the families and friends who have lost loved ones. Seeing that here on the news made me cry. Please God this will be over soon. I pray every night for those who have lost their lives and pray for this virus to leave our planet the sooner the better. Every day we wake up it's a very big bonus..and a very big blessing. Let's all keep praying, and our faith and spirit will get us through these awful times. God bless you all here in the blog. Love Tony XX♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏
T. W. said…

Please follow the link & tell me what’s wrong with that picture :

Why this screenshot of CNBC’s ‘Mad Money’ host Jim Cramer is ‘everything that is wrong with America’
T. W. said…
Honey badger said…
Did you notice that Bill Maher was visibly more orange than usual, like someone else that we know, when he delivered that rant? Also, was that a Chairman Mao sculpture behind him in his garden? Isn't that like having a black lawn jockey on one's front lawn?
Enigma said…
Hi, Chris
are you still doing readings?
Psychic Gossip said…

Email Readings

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Readings take aprox 3/4 days
(Sunday Day OFF)
T. W. said…
Political correctness is all about manipulating & controlling other people’s thoughts & speech.

Political correctness is a social construct but people are too busy holding protest marches claiming gender and sexuality are social constructs.

Back to your question. Assuming you are serious.

Coronavirus is a class of viruses. See

People were calling it the Wuhan Coronavirus until people got mad at Trump for calling it the Chinese virus.

Can’t call it Wuhan Coronavirus because people are gonna get their feelings hurt.

People need to stop being politically correct & call a spade a spade.
T. W. said…
Bill Maher is a shill who often speaks the truth.

THEY punished him when he spoke the truth about the September 11 attacks on live television. I saw the attacks & I saw Bill Maher’s live speech/rant. Trust & believe 9/11 was orchestrated.
Honey badger said…
When a public figure speaks, that person should speak with sensitivity and compassion. The Chinese virus comments being made have fueled racism. That fire does not need any more fuel.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I agree with you.
And there isn't any doubt that the CoronaVirus will be remembered as originating from China.

Whether that's entirely true or not.
Is a matter for debate I guess.

But all epidemics, like you quoted. Have a starting place.

What matters most. Is that we survive it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And I back that too.
People need to get over it.

This political correctness crap.

It's at a point where political correctness is stopping the truth being told or explored.
Even at university level.

Which is intellectually retarded.
And... the total opposite of what true freedom within society really means.
People died tryin to get that kind of freedom.
That we formally enjoyed.
Until these idiots who try and introduce political correctness into every facet of our lives, got political and social power.

Political correctness was never even OK in Communist Romania in the 1960's. Denying Romanians the basic right to have an alternative veiwpoint.

So repressing conversation, opinion, debate, in 2020, in democracies, is an outrage to me.

All these so called Lefties. Who find oppressive regimes of the past. And present, so offensive.
Or claim to.
With the very little they know about them. Need to examine the fact.

That, their current obsession with political correctness and suppressing whole sections of society's opinion. Is just another form of censorship.
Of shutting down debate.
And effectively controlling society.

That stuff occurs under Communism routinely.
And any other oppressive totalitarian regime.

Perhaps lovers of Left wing political correctness need to go and live under Communism or similar for a year.
It's hardly operating anywhere in the world today.
But a year living in a country where not being allowed to express opinions, would be a good experience.
And wake up call.

Left wingers need to go and live in Communist Cuba, Laos, North Korea, China or Vietnam.
And experience what repression of speech, thoughts and ideas really feels like.

Because Left wingers are currently quite happy to condemn those around them in democracy.
To lose those people their jobs. Over an opinion. Exclude people from a debate.
And condemn people to the same kind of abuse and repression that occurs in Communist countries.

I've no doubt. That Lefties would currently have those who break their politically correct idealology jailed. If they could get away with it.

No. It's time the Left wingers went and learned/experienced, what they are subjecting others to.

Experience being careful who you talk to.
And what you talk about.
And go home and worry that. That tonight the Communist Secret Service is going come and arrest you in the night.
Cause that's what happens under Communism.
Personal opinions are considered a crime, deserving jail time. If they are not alligned with the political beliefs of the regime.
You are considered an enemy of the State.
And they throw you in prison for your opinions.
And have your whole family sacked from their jobs.
Your kids expelled from their university.
To be social outcasts. Forever.

Which is what Political correctness is acheiving right now in our democracies. In real time.

Left Wingers.
Consider this. You don't like controlling societies, countries.
So why are you working so hard to create one in your time and generation?
Within your democracy.
Time your got out of your own imprisoned mind.
Because if you do.
You will set others free.
Under democracy.
Cordelia said…

Thank you for expressing the feelings of so many of us who pray for an end to this

Out of the darkest night into the brightest day.
Anonymous said…
I agree with HRH TW and Bill Mayer.

By the way, for those of you not familiar with Mayer, he dates and is currently dating a black woman.

Maher is not a racist. He just tells it like it is. God bless him. I too am sick of political correctness.

China has brought to the world too many viruses and influenzas. You might say this was the last straw. There will be repercussions.

You think China would be welcoming the western world if we brought them deadly viruses and influenzas?

Thank you TW for posting this.

CAP Anonymous
dshareef222 said…

I appreciate your comments. I see your point on political correctness, but do you also see the opposite of political correctness? Its Donald Trump! He has used it as a weapon to have his supporters go out and do racist crap. It's not about hurting peoples feelings it's about motivating his supporters.

We've had a rise in hate crimes in this country purely because Trump was elected. No offense to anyone here but its has emboldened a lot of white people to be openly racist as and then turn and say there just not being political correct.
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous - You are welcome!
T. W. said…
dshareef222 - Howdy & welcome!

I agree a Trump is racist.

When reporters asked him why he was being racist when he called the virus “the Chinese” virus he stated, “Because it came from China.”

I can’t argue with that logic.

Political correctness is not good. Political correctness is a tool used to influence & control other people’s thoughts & speech.
T. W. said…
One more thought on diseases & political correctness.

Did you know HIV/AIDS was originally called GRID?

What is GRID you ask?

Gay Related Immunodeficiency.

Three guesses why that name didn’t stick.

Chick'sOpinion said…

I never knew that !
T. W. said…

Most Americans don’t know that either.

THEY don’t want us to know.

Ask yourself why.

Funny how every place that had WHO vaccination programs have astronomically high HIV infection rates.

I wonder why that is.

Melinda Gates Warns Vaccine is ‘Ultimate Solution’ to COVID-19: ‘You’ll See Bodies in Streets of Africa’
T. W. said…
I don’t see anyone calling Sir Isaac Newton’s love child out on his bigoted nonsense:

Queen’s Brian May says the coronavirus pandemic is meat eaters’ fault

[According to the article this clown has been a vegan for 3 months.]
Chick'sOpinion said…

From my reading. The WHO is woefully underfunded.

That's why they currently have a poor record in controlling outbreaks of disease. In developing countries.

It requires alot of finance to prevent it.

Is Brian May mad?

I've often wondered.
One thing is certain. He thinks he knows everything.

CD. Has Brian May, of the band Queen... gone over the top in his ego?

Or is he just plain mad?

Can you do a prediction on this quasi-hippy has- been. Who's considered a genius by some.
I realise he is well educated in astro physics.

But now he's claiming Coronavirus is caused by people eating meat.

The only thing I can think of. Is.... he believes that vegans have better immunity.
But that's not necessarily true.

I am vegetarian. And I can tell anybody. Alot of people who are vegetarian live on things like Pasta. When they need to be eating chick peas and a whole range of foods.
They often don't.
As it's not as readily available.
As fast food alternatives.

And don't even start me on vegans. Vegans are having to make even more difficult food decisions.
As they don't eat dairy and eggs.
If not carefully conducted. You can end up nutritionnally poor as a vegan and a vegetarian.
Easy done.

So is Brian May talking out of his arse?
T. W. said…

Brian May is a dingbat & one of THEM. I saw him in concert. Dude is crazy.

He admits to having mental health issues.

Brian May is a Freemason so that means he is one of THEM.

Dude was allowed to play his guitar on the rooftop of Fuckingham Palace & he gets private audience with the Queen. That alone says he is a high-ranking member.

His band mate Roger Taylor is a closet case and I find it strange he is prettier than his sister. If you want a good laugh look at pics of his "daughter" Tiger Lilly Taylor. She was Cara Delevigne's room mate while in boarding school. Neither of those "girls" look like biological females. If those walls could talk...

If you need another laugh Google pics of Roger Taylor's current wife. Look at pics of them when they went to the Oscars a while back. I wonder who's idea it was for her to get breast implants because Roger Taylor likes backsides...

The link I'm providing is from a satire blog but as you know satire is based on reality.

Enjoy the pics & stories on the site!
Chick'sOpinion said…

I have to agree on that. Roger Taylor has always been quite pretty. For a man.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And I am baffled as why they claim Cara Delvigne is pretty.

Agree. She looks more like a bloke. Than a girl.
Or is that the appeal?
Who knows.

But one thing I never allow.

Is the media telling me who is good looking and who isn't.

I draw my own conclusions about that.
Cause as we know. Behind people like Gigi Hadid. Is money
Lots of it.

People Gigi's father are paying huge sums.

Like Gigi's father, to have his daughter Gigi's face in every rag online newspaper. Or magazine in the Western World.

And if jt isn't rich parents paying for the media saturation. Of their faces.

It's a talent agency. Or some paid media agency.

I remember that no one had ever heard of Gigi Hadid. When she started appearing for random stupid reasons in The Daily Mail entertainment section.

These are the facts. Gigi's mother, Yolanda was a fairly unknown Dutch model in the 90's.
Not a Super model of the 90's.
We know who they were. And Yolanda Hadid, with the cosmetically ironed face wasn't one of them.
I assure you.

Gigi Hadid is not super model material either. Not quite. And yet the media claim she is.

So it's quite clear to me, Gigi Hadid's mother Yolanda said to Gigi's father....

'Lets throw millions of your $'s at getting Gigi well known. Have her face appearing in every western newspaper online etc that will take our money. For 2 years.
And create Gigi. And her career, as an international supermodel.
Cause if we don't. She'll never have international success. With competing on an even playing field. With other models who have the right height and look'

And before anyone jumps to the conclusion I'm jealous.
I feel for the models who had the full credentials. To be Supermodels today. But not the money.

And had to compete with Gigi Hadid, Yolanda and Gigi's father's big money.

He's a millionaire.

Is that fair?

And I can assure you. Yolanda is a smart shrewd businesswoman. Who knows the modelling industry very well.
And knows how to conquer it.
With money.
T. W. said…

Did you know Roger Taylor & Freddie Mercury used to be room mates? Now we know how they got Roger to sing them high notes...
T. W. said…
Can someone please explain how that Karlie Kloss entity became a famous fashion model? Please g00gle pics of Karlie. I am not exaggerating when I say Karlie looks like a male entity.
T. W. said…
Yolanda was married to David Foster & I need some more gossip about that. CDAN claims David is a cheater.

As for Gigi Hadid, maybe her fame is because she looks like the girl next door instead of these Glamazon she-he males. Yes. I said it.

Bella Hadid is ugly to me.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Cause Rodger Taylor was being 'rodgered' on a regular basis.

Rodgered in the UK means intercourse.

Perhaps you are right about Gigi. But I feel it has more to do with the millions her father spent on saturation point promotion in the media.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, roger that. ha ha ha! ("roger that" means message received.)

I agree with your assessment about Gigi Hadid. Being on the yacht circuit paid off for her & her sister...

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