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Seems they don't want to be my neighbours!

WTF, what a fall from the top.
To the very bottom.
Please don't buy this BS.
This is just another Megexit posed event.
Over the next few weeks.
We will see more of this...
How do I know it's crap you ask?
Well, apart from being Psychic.
I can smell a PR job, from fifty miles.
She is just dragging HRH lower and lower.
Don't be surprise, Meghan.
If you dark night.
Little grey men, in grey suits.
Collect Archie & Harry.
Leaving you in South LA.


Anonymous said…
But, what they did before- the facilitating of linking the 3 charities together went beyond this getting to experience the process of some food deliveries. Most people actually ENJOY doing charity if they give it a chance. It feels good to focus on positivity instead of the negativity (Covid, etc) we are getting from all sides. The vitriol towards this couple is getting beyond bizarre. ALL of the Royals are PR chumps. IT'S THEIR JOB.
T. W. said…
Is it true they are using doubles for photo opportunities?
Apple Monkey said…
So embarrassing. And they have been papped again this morning.
writestuff said…
I hope you're right about Harry & BeBe getting rescued, Christian. Crikey and I'm not even English.
Chocmint33 said…
That was my thoughts when I saw it in the paper today - did they arrange to have those photos taken? CD answered my question. Ta.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. I can imagine the Palace being rather outraged at this.
Cause they are very very fussy about where they go.
And who they mix with.

So this will be an outrage for them.

But it's interesting. Because the fact is, Harry is now a Commoner.
He sees himself that way.
And we are expected to see him this way too.
And are trying too.

But it appears from what Christian is saying. The Palace, the Royal family...still view Harry as 100% Royal.

And theirs.

And another thing. British Agents would have to be requested by the Queen, to go get him in the night. Or he'd have to ask to be collected. Abducted. Or rescued.
And got out of this lifestyle with Meghan.

Makes me wonder if drug addiction is involved here with Harry and Meghan.
I'm sure Christian mentioned not long ago they were into the sniffy stuff.
The Devils Dandruff.

And if British Agents come and remove Archie.
And keep him in the UK.
What are the Royal family gonna do?
Keep him there.
And raise him instead.

Seems Meghan doesn't realise how quickly an abduction could take place with British agents.
Clearly she hasn't watched enough James Bond movies.

Been in Hollywood her whole. But never watched a British Spy franchise. Even once.
Art imitating life.

And. Normally you need written consent of both parents to take a child out of a country.

But here's the question..
is Archie still travelling on a British passport?
And doesn't even have an American passport yet.
If so. That makes it far easier to get that kid back to the UK.

I'd say Archie holds dual passports.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Why dosen't Harry's feeding the homeless feel like when his mother Diana did kinda a similar thing back in the day?

Well perhaps because what Meghan and Harry are doing is not authentic enough.

Prince Harry would gain so much of the public respect ....if he'd done this sort of thing as a Royal.

And without Meghan.

Cause deep down...we know, in reality she'd rather be sitting around in Ralph Lauren watching Netflix.

Or scanning her insta. Or news stories about herself.

This latest PR is all about image repair.
I agree with Christian.
And I won't be surprised if Meghan has more and more of this PR bull. In the media every week.

And it's not gonna work.

Though, she thinks she's a PR magician.
I know why she thinks that. Cause she landed a Prince. Fooled him.
And fooled his family to a degree.
And the public. Before the wedding...
That she was going to be an amazeballs Princess, mother and Royal.
An asett to the Royal family.

Then she changes her agenda completely and so does Harry.
And still manages to keep her Royal man.
Not many could get away with that stunt with the British Royal family.

Well. It's not always good to get away with shit.
Cause it encourages you to believe you always will.

It's like successful shoplifting.
Woo get it for free.
Save your money.

Then one detectives grab you.

Well. I think Meghan's luck is starting to run out.
But she is the last one to realise this.
Anonymous said…
Notice how she has a real mask, whereas Harry uses a cotton scarf. Humph.

I saw the other day that these two were planning a big birthday bash for Archie in their new California mansion. Celebrities, and Hollywood`s who`s who would have been invited.

This affair was fortunately cancelled due to the COVID-19.

And of course we all know this had nothing to do with little Archie`s first birthday. This all has to do with Mummy, the Meghan of Markle, manipulating her way into the rich and famous. This was a party to introduce Meghan to Hollywood and letting them all know where she lives and that she is available.

People aren`t stupid. But I`m sure beginning to think Harry is.

Perhaps I shouldn`t be so harsh. When you are stressed and undergoing so many changes, and being controlled and manipulated by someone who is supposed to be your mate, I think it`s easy to lose yourself and your compass.

It`s painful to watch these two because we all know it`s going to end badly.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Archie`s so-called birthday party was another Meghan PR stunt.

Just like Megxit was.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
And it's always worth considering.
The Queen paid £32 Million ($45.8 Million) for Meghan's wedding. Not long ago.

Now Meghan no longer fancies being a Royal.
Doesn't live in the UK. And encouraged the Queen's grandson to dump his Royal title.
His brother.
And go and live in a mansion in L.A delivering food to the homeless.
Or frail.

You couldn't make this up if you tried.

Anyway. If anyone conned me into payin £32 Million for their wedding. And they disrespected me that much.

I'd be so furious. I'd be ropable.

The Queen having Archie abducted?
That's mild compared to what the Queen could really do to Meghan.

If it was me. Forget the kid. He's too expensive and costly to raise. I'd try legally forcing Meghan's Yoga-Toned arse. To repay the £32 Million instead. Through the courts.

Every last f...cking penny of it.

Including the costs for the security for the wedding day.

And I'd be demanding the return of all the expensive wedding gifts.
Including all the expensive gifts she got off every aristocratic British/Scottish family from Cornwall to Caithness, who attended that wedding.

And further, I'd ask the court to consider makin Meghan pay my court costs for having to bring it to court.

I've seen some ingratitude in my time.
But this takes the biscuit.
Rich Tea and a Custard Cream.
Cordelia said…
A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
Letty said…
Screw them!!! They are a disgrace

The little grey men will be pushing her off a cliff in the
Hollywood hills!!
CyndiTx123 said…
Love ya CD, but little grey men? Is this when HRH comes and gets Harry and his son Archie and bring them back to the UK ? That is the place they should be .... by his family - who love and cares for Harry and baby Archie.......
Anonymous said…
Dear Gang, I don’t understand Meghan, I truly do not. I cannot, sense her in any way, as a mother to a young infant, a wife, a humanitarian, an actress, a daughter, sister. Yet she presents herself magnificently as a friend to a handful of well, I will call them “posh birds” or ‘girlie girlfriends’, good clothes & makeup, breezy socialising, making dinners & get together look fun & fabulous. Many are working professionals or. tradespeople like designers, wife of politicians. I don’t feel her charity work is grounded, but I was thinking her intention was to she grow in the next few decades into a rounded individual , doing the charity work. I don’t like her behaviour & actions, but I do give her due regard as being as odd as the rest of us, in our own ways. I cannot stand her preaching & motives whilst hugging the more vulnerable / hardshipped in society.
As a woman, Iadmire her physical beauty.
Wrt to Keanu’s current girlfriend, I didn’t & don’t understand why she is described as a witch. I don’t honestly understand.
Please, if it is possible, would you explain what modern day witch is - is it the manner of the beguiling of the male partner? Aren’t the males xperiencing full relationship, with ups & downs? Haven’t these men had so much experience with fakesters, blowup dolls in every hue , size , make & model to filter out honey traps & witches? Please not too many url links in any reply!
I dunno much do I?,
jele6 said…
PR stunt or not, I can't criticize them for delivering food to ill people when I haven't done it this year. I have a feeling that most of the people bitchin about them are staying at home quarantine and not even trying to be of service.
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Jele9 APR stunt is just that a stunt. You don't really believe they did any of what you saw. I wouldn't be surprised if the bags were empty. FAKE FAKE FAKE
Anonymous said…
Why do you always post negative things about them. Leave them alone and let them be. Use your gift in a positive light, not negative one. We need more positive light keepers.
M2 said…
I actually do not think it is safe for Harry to be out and about like this. If he were my son and a Royal I would be very concerned. There are too many people now that are not stable in their thinking and behaviors are out of control too. Like it or not he was born into the Royal Family and if, perhaps, he wants to live a life with a bit of more "normalcy" that would be his choice. But, he does need to be careful.
Anonymous 843 said…
I stand with HRH TW in questioning if that is even the real Harry and Meghan.
T. W. said…
Didn’t Prince Charles send Harry to drug rehab a long time ago? It won’t take much to relapse.

Where is baby doll Archie?

Archie might have an American passport because he is considering an American citizen. BUT. Both parents have to agree to it because he is a minor. I wonder if he has a diplomatic British passport on account if his father. This is assuming the child exists because dolls don’t need passports.

CAP Anonymous - Thank you for pointing out MeghaTron has a real mask but Prince Harry joined the Crips street gang...

Chick’sOpinion - I agree with your plan. Abducting the child might hurt the child in the long run unless MeghaTron was abusing him. She doesn’t care about him anyway. She cares about the money so you are right. Sue her.

Letty - Thank you for making me laugh out loud!
T. W. said…
Anonymous 6:46 pm

I agree, no one is perfect. I understand you wanting to give MeghaTron the benefit of the doubt. But get this. Even people without the gift of second sight saw through her.

As for Keanu’s current girlfriend AG, she is not being described as a witch because of her personality. Christian said she is a witch because she is a practicing witch who practices the Dark Arts. Same as Beyoncé. Not all witches practice the Dark Arts.

A simple definition of witchcraft is this - using natural and/or supernatural means to manipulate and to control another person.

T. W. said…
Christian, thank you for the laughs! Why did Princess Harriett join the Crips street gang?
Chick'sOpinion said…

That is a very meaningful saying.

Funny how much you learn on life's detours.

Well Harry is on one enormous detour.

He never liked being a Royal... that's a fact.

But is he gonna like being a Commoner?

When the reality of it sinks in.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm an essential worker in Australia. And I do far more of this than Meghan and Harry ever will.
At my own risk.
Actually it's not. Because apparently I have no choice. I have to work.
The people I go to see are often afraid too.
That I'm going to give them the virus.
They are already sick as it is.

So 'stayin home in quarrantine'

Ummm. The reality is I don't have the luxury of that.

But I can tell you. I try to get out of as many shifts as I can. Even though my roster is less full than it's been in years.
Why? Cause people are paranoid. And avoiding services.
And I'm afraid of getting Covid 19.
Ive already had a close call. And thank God it turned ou just to a respiratory infection. I caught off a sick man.
I had the Covid 19 Test. Was off work for ages recovering. But at that time in Australia. The test for Covid 19 had a long wait list. And mercifully by the time of the test.
I was actually recovered.

But you know... what drives me nuts at the moment... is when I go into the community.... when I'm working. Other people are often at the house. Relatives. Or neighbours come too near.
And they put me at further risk of picking up the virus.

Meghan and Harry. If it is them delivering food. Which I doubt too. They appear to just hand over the food at the door.
And run.
I go in and I'm even changing dirty sheets.
If one considers that. There's sometimes body fluids on that. And everything.
An infection control nightmare.

But you know..the ones I worry about too. Are the front line workers in Supermarkets. Though yesterday I noticed that big clear perspex shields are now in front of them at the cash registers.

And the fact that 26 Bus Drivers in the UK have died from Coronavirus appalls and saddens me.
Chocmint33 said…
Also there is a saying that charity begins at home. I hope Megs is making sure her 76 year-old Dad, who has a heart condition, is doing okay and is protected from the virus risks.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I was wondering too, if it is actually a cotton scarfe Harry is supposed to be wearing in that pic.

And I was wondering too why the girl 'playing' Meghan is wearing a proper face mask. And he's not.

I can't see it too well. And so many face masks of different brands can be different colours. Maybe it's a blue one.
And maybe the Charity they are delivering food for. Doesn't have enough masks.

Anyway. That's if Meghan and Harry are actually doing this. But it seems clear, Meghan just hired body doubles to do it.
Easy to do in L.A.

It just goes to show.
Meghan and Harry...they are not, in any way willing to risk their personal selves in this Pandemic.

And. Will lie to the public. Pretending to be saviours in a global crisis.

When there are ordinary people doing that in reality. All around the world. Every day and night.
The deception quite sickens me.

CD Is this deception, this time gonna be exposed?Because they even claimed specifically in articles the local Food Aid Charity they delivered for.

Surely charity workers for this L.A Food Aid Service, Project Angel Food, they claim. Are gonna tell the truth.
And blab to the media. That it was all a was a ficticious stunt.

Seems to be rather a risky PR stunt.
And if goes wrong. And is exposed. Harry and Meghan are gonna look really bad.
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Anon The reason they get negative"STUFF" is because t"THEY" are negative people "They" only think of themselves.. Mind you you may like todays post, but its not about them.
T. W. said…

I thank you for your service. Sounds like you & my mom do similar work.

As for people going out, I’m fighting a sinus infection & if it doesn’t clear up by Tuesday morning I have to go to the emergency room because my doctor’s office might not see me. And that’s if they are open.

I’ll be putting myself at risk to get much needed medical care. My local hospital has treated people who have COVID-19. But I don’t want an infection to spread to my brain.

My point is sometimes we break quarantine/stay at home because we have to.
T. W. said…
Oh my God.

I know Christian isn’t trying to be funny but his responses are making me laugh!

I love Libras!
Anonymous said…
Harry joined the Crips Street Gang --- Ha Ha, TW!!!!! Love that.

Yeah, Harry does look like a gangster with the bandana. He looks utterly ridiculous. Princess Diana would be so disappointed, I would think. And the queen? Prince Charles (Dad)? I think both of them are saying a prayer because they feel helpless to watch their royal son make an royal ass out of himself.

Chick's Opinion, I do think that is really them and not hired imposters. Why? Because if you look at all the photos online, you see Miss Meghan take her mask off and I think she may have done this because she knows photographers are there and we all know how she likes to be photographed! **singsongy**

Harry is a royal is a royal is a royal. He can pretend he is no longer but he is. You can't go around looking like a slob looking like you belong to the Crips. Yes, it is a lovely gesture to help and assist those less fortunate, but in this case, they are only doing this because Meghan is trying to manipulate the media. She is trying to be a "good guy" and get attention when in fact, she would much rather, ha ha, as Chick's Opinion so perfectly phrased, Meghan would much rather be sitting at home in her new mansion wearing Ralph Lauren casual wear eating Vegan chips watching Netflix while the nanny sees to little Archie. Where is Archie? Where he always is, not with his mother, but his psuedo mom, the nanny.

Why is it that most of us here can see through Meghan while some cannot?

Chick's Opion, nailed it again. She made so many excellent points. These fake PR stunts are going to backfire. Meghan probably is high on her horse right now, living in a Hollywood mansion amongst the rich and famous in LA. Where she has always dreamed of living and now that dream has come true, but oh Meghan there's gonna be a price paid.

Meghan is all about greed. She is NOT a good person. She doesn't give a dam about the homeless or the less fortunate or the poor, she only cares about herself.

Chick's Opinion, you are a healer. I respect you so much.

If the Coronavirus did not exist, we would probably see Harry and Meghan out in LA all the time. That's what she wants, to be seen, heard, written about, photographed. Without the mask.

I'm really shocked that they are into cocaine. Not.

What next? Orgies? Open marriage? Why are people so stupid and ungrateful?

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…
I agree with Christian.
They are as selfish as
Imagine sittin their having a conversation with your man. As Meghan has.
And nutting out a plan, to pretend to be charity workers in a global crisis. Use body doubles.
To make yourself look like saviours...heros.

It's on the scale of sociopathic.
I understand it's not safe for Harry to be out and about in L.A.
Or Meghan.

But ummmm.

But my feelings is. Don't do it at all.
Or claim you did.
Just make a financial donation to a charity.
Buy Project Angel Food actual food.
And get a pic of Project Angel Food gettin the food you bought.
And put that in the media. that wouldn't depict Harry and Meghan as big enough heros, saviours.
And not enough publicity for Meghan.
Cause it's never enough for her.
And she would have tipped off say TMZ and asked for payment for the pics. Video.

What I find completely puzzling is.
When Prince Harry was with Chelsy Davy the gf. All those years.
Harry did everything possible to stay out of the media. And so did Chelsy. Private to the extreme.
And now .....Meghsn Markle has turned him into a relative famewhore.
How have his core values changed so dramatically?
We change as people. But often our core values don't change that dramically.
Not to that extreme.

Harry has hated the Press since quite young.
And. Used to read every last printed word about himself. To work out which British reporter to despise. And avoid.
Especially the one who revealed he was dyslexic.
He went berserk at that journalist.
I know because that journalist wrote a very good biography on Prince Harry.
And I read it.
Anonymous said…
With all that elite upbrnging, the guardianship of the actual BRF seniors & r 0yal c0urt, the passes, slips of entry into opportunities that us normal folk have little to zero access to, & H4rry ends up simmering with negativity. The scars of the betrayals within h1s parents must run deep. The Sp3ncers & w1nds0rs , like hidden Montagu & Capulets from Shakespeares Romeo & Juliet. It is a loss to BRF & it’s peoples that the Fab Four couldn’t work on the issues together, heal each other within their togetherness in these times. Still, there’s their lifetimes ahead to make of their privilege what they will. Thanks TW for info wrt witches. Everyone keep safe, chin up, show your near & dear one this thing called lovingness. 💚
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

Rumor has it MeghaTron talked Harry into threesomes & orgies. She is using “evidence” to blackmail him.

I dare you to g00gle “Devil’s Triangle” + “sex.”

Tell us what you find out. I need a laugh.
T. W. said…
MeghaTron ain’t checking on Papa Smurf. She’s visiting Dora the explorer...
T. W. said…

We need information about that biography.

MeghaTron has at least one Cluster B Personality Disorder. She knew when to strike Prince Harry & how to gaslight him.

Cluster B personality disorders

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 12:02 pm

You are most welcome!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Quiet said…
Brown eyed harry with the longer torso. She is a flight attendant with curvy hips and thicker hair. Archie will be one years old in 15 days. I cant wait to see a big nothing.

Anyone know Archie's physical address so I can call cps to do a welfare check on this child
Chick'sOpinion said…

The book is called, Prince Harry The Inside Story by Duncan Larcombe

Duncan Larcombe spent 10 years working as Royal Editor for UK's Sun Newspaper.
A trashy but very popular newspaper.

Duncan Larcombe had to be in contact with the Palace Media Unit on weekly basis.

It's worth reading. To get a full idea of how the Royal family work in a kind of partnership with the UK's media.

Not internationally.

Just within the UK.

But knowing this. Makes me know. That Prince Harry is fair game.
And totally unprotected by the palace now.
In terms of the media.
Now he's moved to the U.S.

I wonder if UK newspapermen, editors, jourrnalists are still getting permission first from the Palace, to write about Harry.
And still trying to protect his image in tbe UK.

Regardless of the fact he is no longer technically a Royal.

They used to do this out of respect.
And manners.
And as a matter of course.

But the fact is this. Prince Harry is perfectly aware. That for years...he was actually protected by the UK's media.
With his antics.
They kept some of his secrets.

That appears to have changed. Simply because the UK media don't like Meghan Markle.
And never will.
I can assure you.
Chick'sOpinion said…

These are reasons I doubted it was Meghan and Harry in that video and pics too.
T. W. said…
Quiet - I heard they are staying at the Soho House


You Won't Believe What HARRY Just Said OR Where They've Been Staying!
T. W. said…
When will Esau realize he sold his birthright?
T. W. said…

You’re very observant. The real Harry has blue eyes.
Anonymous said…

It's fascinating that both Megan and Alexandra Grant are
involved in the same 'nonprofit' project in LA:
One by going door to door, and the other by selling $150 prints.

(Perhaps also linked by a fashion house?

Both trapping a good, rich, famous guy, not because they love him,
but because of the attention they get by being attached to them.

Both are not genuinely interested in the charity like real kindhearted people do,
but they both love the attention and PR around them being seen as good people.

Both pretending to be sweet and kind people if you meet them, but behind that mask...
it is all about selfish motives, they don't care about others.

Seemingly charming on the surface, but in reality manipulative, deceitful, fame hungry golddiggers.

@Christian, what do you think about these similarities?

T. W. said…

Thank you! The book is available for download for $9.00 at Amazon. I’m sure Jeff Bozo can use the revenue...
T. W. said…
I thought England was a monarchy...

Meghan and Harry tell four British tabloids they can expect 'zero engagement'


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are cutting off all dealings with four of the United Kingdom's biggest tabloid newspapers after years of strained relations.

The newspapers — the Daily Mail, the Sun, the Mirror and the Express — were notified of the new policy in a letter sent on Sunday on behalf of Meghan and Harry and shared with CNN by a source close to the couple. The couple's new approach also applies to the Sunday and online editions of those publications.

In the letter, the couple say they believe a free press "is a cornerstone to any democracy" but add that "there is a real human cost" to the way the tabloids go about their business.
T. W. said…
Why isn't Doria wearing a mask?

West Coast celebs defy stay-at-home and mandatory face mask orders
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well there you go.

Prince Harry ending his relationship with some of the most popular newspapers in the UK.

It's a bad move for him to say to say that publicly

And...As for him severing his relationship with them anyway. He never had a up close and personal relationship with them as such.

In the first place.
All his life, he has had the Palace Media unit to do that.

And the British Press have always been quite nice about Harry. Mainly because he was the most popular of the two Princes. Formally a man of the people, fun and very warm.
And. The son of the most popular Princess they've ever had, Diana.

Prince Harry has always been a polar opposite to Prince William's stern humourless personality. Because Willian thinks non stop about his future responsibility as a King.
So fun antics isn't on his agenda.
He's not free to do that.

But as for Prince Harry....since Meghan has been in his life. Prince Harry's personality has completely altered. And the British Press have noticed.

Prince Harry is a very lucky man in my view.
Because I believe.....when he ends his relationship with Meghan.
The British Press will forgive him.

Embrace his new wife/girlfriend.
And all will be forgiven.

Because the British Press know alot of Harrys difficult behaviours right now are caused by Meghans dominating influence.

So many psychics have claimed, she has to dominate people and her environment. Control most things.

And. Because the British Press don't like her.
She's the one who ordered Harry to sue them.
And cut off any media stories to them.
And Harry has willingly gone along with it.
Because he beleives to some extent the British Media and international Press were responsible for his mother's death.

Well Meghan needs to learn.
The only people who control the UK media.
Is the Queen or the current Prime Mimister.
Cutting them off will not control them in any way.

In fact...Cutting them off will just encourage the British press to write more negative stories.
....About Meghan.
Until she is so far out of Harry's life and the UK it no longer matters.
Anonymous said…
QUIET, ha ha, enjoyed reading your post.

HRH TW and Chick's Opinion, I had to laugh, this was a response to one of the articles online regarding Harry and Meghan cutting off the newspapers, and I think this person summed it up well:

"Why are palace courtiers stunned? Meghan has been disregarding royal protocols and offending the queen since her engagement. What I'm stunned about his how easily Meghan wormed her way into the Windsors and married Hawwy. I suppose it has something to do with Hawwy dropping position in succession, but he still is a member of the Windsors and financially benefitting from that by various wealth, perks and privileges. My comments get deleted, yet they allowed Meghan to marry into the Windsors. You can't make this stuff up. I expect Meghan has plenty more surprises in store for the Windsors when she divorces Hawwy."

And yes, "cutting them off" will only draw more (negative) attention and many more articles will be written about them, and they will not be in a positive light.

They do seem to have a lot of supporters still. That Disney "movie" that Meghan narrated, the only reason she got that role is because:

1) She was familiar with African elephant sanctuaries (thanks to royal hubby), and

2) Seemed like she was a good fit at the time (former actress) so the Disney prez said YES, let her narrate, plus at that time she still was "Duchess of Sussex," and they used that title in the Disney film.

Good for her. Now, if you are listening Meghan, this is what you should do. You have a genuine gift for design, fashion. You could make millions off your own clothing label. You've got the touch, the smarts, the connections, and you could be very successful. Far more than the dream of winning an Oscar or a primetime role in a Grade A movie.

My opinion, of course.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
TW, I googled "Devil's Triangle, sex."

Okay, now that I know what that is, I did not see anything regarding Harry and Meghan and a connection to that.

I did see, however, a connection to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Also, Chick's Opinion stating that Harry has always been protected by the palace -- well, it's true, he has been in so many ways and I do not think he appreciated just how much. I don't think he appreciates anything that he had or the lifestyle that he was afforded. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Harry is learning some real life lessons and he'll be a better man for it. He needs to learn these lessons. When he goes back home, he will look at things very differently -- with gratefulness and appreciation.

I mean none of us appreciated all the perks living at home until we moved out. Then we started to appreciate what we once had and everything that our folks did for us. Harry took things for granted. His wife certainly did not appreciate anything the Windsors did for her or the opportunities offered.

She had a dream royal princess wedding -- paid for by the queen herself. A million dollar wardrobe paid in full by Prince Charles. And look what she did to show her appreciation for all that.

These two are so self-absorbed, selfish and ungrateful. It's like they've run away from home. Rebelling. They both are similar in that way. The universe is gentle at first, but when someone doesn't get the message or the lesson, the universe comes along with a sledge hammer...

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
I’m shocked & saddened these 2 idiots did not use their royal status for better. Both know the price of things but not the value. I am no one of standing, I am frustrated at my own limitation of resource, strength & effect towards creating a better place for more. Many many more. I cannot nor do not think I can save the world, stop sorrows & suffering. Yet, if I was given the opportunity to lead Commonwealth & support to bring the 4 countries making Britain into betterness, I would. .I’ve learnt so much. It took humility, making mistakes, bowing my head & going within, with the flow on many occasions against my own wants. Yet I know the grounding from my family, life experiences, have brought me to a place I can feel compassion. These 2 definitely agreed in their soul plans to rock out & hold a mirror up for all of us to review our prejudices, bias, what we take as normal, for granted. I have stopped feeling ‘Happy Ever Afters ‘ are important for every situation, tho I pray even now, for such things. A flaw in my character. Yet it keeps my humanity , care & compassion alive each & every day, for others & myself.
I’m so sorry to post this hot hotchpotch comment. Just, it got me worked up when I look at H&M articles today & overhear uK tv news on it. The MSM is powerful, ugly & beautiful, no doubt, Ungrateful pair of cretins disguised as philanthropic humanitarian do gooders. Ungrateful Meghan, posturing Harry. Now I’m going to get on with my life & ignore EVERYTHING about them, tho I’ve learnt somethings about myself thru them.As for MSM - not to be followed , without discernment. No this is not ‘The Good, The Bad, The Ugly’. This is iconoclastic mayhem.
Keep staying well everyone, including CD & everyone’s kith & kin. Perhaps the Covid19 effect of making me think deeper, at play here. I can say resident people in Britain are NOT accurately reflected in MSM & are generally kind, caring, community minded, shy/reserved, adaptable, emotional, spiritual & hopeful people.We wouldn’t have NHS, social benefit system & more if we weren’t, along with many countries in the world. I’m 2nd gen immigrant & I can not complain of fascism in Britain, yes rascist individuals - & groups when leadership is mediocre, NOT the whole country. I do not appreciate H&M’s fans using rascism card against all of Britain,

May your God bless us & everyone with grace. Sorry if this isn’t a graceful posting to you.
Anonymous said…
Just in case some of you may not understand my view on Britain’s Commonwealth, I don’t feel wrong about any Commonwealth as I believe fully not in new world order (as per controlled & controlling) but Federations with common goals & objectives for betterment of the human condition & in relation to all on Mother Earth & beyond. I am from Commonwealth & I know my fellow brethren’s would accept benevolent help & support thru resources like practical aid, share in economic prosperity based on respectful stewardship of resources. I’m aStar Trekker!! Don’t beam me up let’s beam love & light right where we are & forgive when we didn’t in the past.
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

Devil’s Triangle is a three some composed of 2 men & 1 woman. Rumor has it MeghaTron got a Harry to participate in this sort of activity so he could “explore” himself. She is allegedly controlling him with evidence of the activities.
T. W. said…

Star Trek is definitely better than Star Wars!
T. W. said…
Serena Williams jokes she's never heard of Meghan Markle as she refuses to comment on her BFF's move to LA in video chat with Naomi Campbell
Chick'sOpinion said…

I don't beleive in 'happily ever afters' anymore either.

Most marriages end within 8 years these days.
And in the Royal Family it's the same.

While I don't think Kate and Prince William will ever divorce.

But most in the Royal family will.

The Royal family is basing their family structure around the old beleif. That when senior Royals and minor Royals marry. It's for life.
Like it was in the 1950's.

But it hasn't been that stable in the Royal Family for decades.
There's been quite alot of recent divorces in the Royal family lately too.

They have to modernise their attitudes.
And I don't doubt everyone in the Royal family... including the Queen, is expectibg Harry's divorce.
Maybe not this year.
But they know it's coming.
Anonymous said…
HRH TW, I dunno about that, but if it's true, Harry is sinking further and further to an all-time low. I just don't feel he'd go for 2 guys and a girl thing, unless he was coked up to his eyeballs.

I don't think he drinks anymore, since he met Meghan. I recall something I read where he stopped drinking after he met her. If he did, that's a good thing. But if he's substituting coke for alcohol, that's much worse.

CAP Anonymous

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