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Twit Twins.....


T. W. said…
This is stupid:

WWE pro wrestling deemed ‘essential business’ in Florida

Florida Has Declared WWE An “Essential Business”
T. W. said…
THEY are itching to take over Africa.

Melinda Gates Warns Vaccine is ‘Ultimate Solution’ to COVID-19: ‘You’ll See Bodies in Streets of Africa’
T. W. said…
How could she not know she named her kid “genital fissure”?

Amy Schumer Really Named Her Son “Gene Attell” But Changed It

Amy Schumer changes son’s name, thought it sounded like ‘genital’
T. W. said…
If you need a laugh:

33 Times Sophia Petrillo Roasted "The Golden Girls"
Chick'sOpinion said…

Pro wrestling ?? WTF
Chick'sOpinion said…
Pro wrestling....When Australian guys got fined for visiting a Thai massage Parlour during lockdown. Got fined for goin there.

In Florida. They could have claimed they were wrestling.
Nikki Smith said…
Vince McMahon is friends with Trump, that's why.
Chocmint33 said…
He's is so deluded about his so-called brilliance. He defended himself about his management of the COVID 19 situation.

He managed it very badly. Remember on February 26 he disregarded the seriousness of if and CD wrote about the repercussions of his actions and how it would be bad in the US as a result?

Sadly that came true. Honestly this orange man hasn't a clue, and its offensive how he's defending himself. Why doesn't he put the energy into speaking about those hit with the illness and giving some sympathy and more help.

No, his mind is more on getting the country out of lockdown and starting business again ASAP. With Babyfart it's about the money honey, nothing else and of course his massive ego.
T. W. said…
Anyone else notice that Microsoft released a Satanic video on Goid Friday?

Microsoft deletes HoloLens commercial featuring controversial artist Marina Abramović after public backlash
T. W. said…
Bill Gates can kick bricks

BillieBob Gates won't talk about his Trip on the Lolita Xpress
Chick'sOpinion said…
And this morning I read that this idiot Trump shut down all the funding to WHO, the World Health Organization.


Because they oppose his travel bans from China.

I can understand why he wants a travel ban from China to stay in place.

But to shut down the funding. At this time.

No they need to get this idiot out of Office as soon as possible.

This is getting scary.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Trump is currently trying to stop Americans casting their votes by mail?

Pretty sure that is the shit he and his cronies are up to at the moment.

In the Wisconsin election last week. The Absentee Ballot extension (Postal Vote) was blocked.
By republicans. So people who were not brave enough or well enough to go in person to vote. Didn't get to vote at all.
They missed out.

And that was the plan.

To prevent this miscarriage of democratic right, Wisconsin's Governer tried to delay the election. Till after isolation lock down. So everyone could vote and participate. And more Electoral workers would be available.

Didn't work. All his efforts were over ruled.

The Republicans did all they could to disrupt the election in Wisconsin. And succeeded.

So the block on absentee (Postal Vote) voting went ahead. No extension to it to be available to Wisconsin citizens.
So many people who wanted to vote couldn't.

Because the Republicans managed to get the United States Supreme Court to reverse an order to extend absentee ballot voting availability.

So for alot of people in Wisconsin..... the stay-at-homes..too sick or too old to do anything but an absentee postal vote. They were denied.
Plus polling stations were reduced to hardly any.

Given all the monkey business that goes on now in U.S elections. It's my veiw that it's high time the U.S made voting compulsory. As it is in Australia.
I rarely claim something Australians do. Do better.
But having experienced compulsory voting all my life.
I know it works far better.
And keeps this kinda manipulation out of elections.

Compulsory voting would simplify alot of things in the U.S too. And make it that much harder for alot of these politicians...leaders to interfere this way... with the democratic process of elections.

Every aspect of the ability to vote in Australia has to be made fully. And easily available for Australians to vote.
Because the Australian government have to.
Because as I've mentioned before. Australians are fined by the government if they don't vote.

I'm allowed to do a silent Elector postal vote every Year. In Australian local and National elections.
Cause I have a crazy ex bf.
The Silent Elector postal vote like the absentee Vote, stops women having to turn up to vote. And be at risk when they do that.
At risk to violent men.
Next year I'll do it electronically.

Also, a silent elector vote status means your name and address NEVER appear on your local electoral roll.
Which is a public record. So your address remains secret. But not to government.

But back to Trump. And the truth about Trump. Today, The New York Times discovered Trump has just applied for an absentee ballot (Postal Vote) in his newly adopted State.
For himself.

Clealy, so he can vote safely from his lounge room.
Without the risk of getting CoronaVirus.
And not have to turn up in person to vote.

However this month, as we can see, in Wisconsin. His Republican cronies actively prevented stay-at-home, elderly,sick or currently scared-of-CoronaVirus crowds Wisconsin residents.
The same democratic right.
To vote. By Post.
It's an absolute disgrace.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion has won the Internets today!
T. W. said…

I think Christian’s post is referring to this:

A day after claiming 'total' power, Trump caves in


(CNN) - It was a statement that should have stopped every American cold: "The president of the United States calls the shots. [The states] can't do anything without the approval of the president of the United States."

There was more: "When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that's the way it's got to be. ... It's total. The governors know that."
T. W. said…
The US Supreme Court overstepped it’s authority when they prevented people in Wisconsin from exercising their legal right to vote by mail.

Eric Leigh-Pink & Tracey Brown recently predicted the Midwestern & Southern states will get slammed by the corona.

Don’t forget THEIR motto:

“Never let a crisis go to waste.”
Chick'sOpinion said…

No doubt the statement 'the President of the United States calls the shots' did turn alot of Americans cold'

It's like some kind of edict out of Nazi Germany.

Well...he won't be callin the shots in future.

Cause he will be gone.

I have been watching alot of Linda G Comanche Psychic's videos lately.

But one thing I've noticed...most psychics agree on one thing.

Trump will soon be gone.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Absolutely. The U.S Supreme Court way overstepped their authority on this.

Another thing. Linda G psychic also assures. Alot of these U.S judges that Trump appointed.

Will be booted out as soon as Trump is out of Office.

Halle a fu...ckin llujah.
T. W. said…

Thank you for this!

While America needs federal judges appointed like yesterday, perhaps God is allowing the delay because He knows anyone Trump appoints will get booted whether that judge deserves it or not.

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