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Yeah Right...


Chick'sOpinion said…
Is his job worse than Rishi Sunak? The UK's Chancellor Of The Exchequer.

That poor guy just came into the job.

And he's had to write a blank cheque for the government. To provide an undetermined amount of money for government to bail out UK busineses. UK self employed people and renters.
And heavens knows what else.

It's just unbelievable the amount of money this is gonna cost the government.

As economist from JP Morgan Chase & Co, Allan Monks said the other day,

'The fiscal consequences will be colossal'.

The level of financial intervention some governments around the world are agreeing to. Has never been done before.

So we are experiencing history.

As an example, my daughter just applied for unemployment benefit in the UK.

With few questions being asked.
That's how they are ensuring those who have lost their jobs...don't go hungry, can afford food, can afford to buy medication they need etc.

She can also apply for housing benefit too because she rents.

She hasn't got the benefit yet. But the simplicity in the initial claim process is the astonishing.

They are doing the same in Australia. People just register their name to claim unemployment benefits. They don't want to see proof of assets or income to determine eligibility.

Not even Separation Certificates from the job people lost.

They don't have time.

To check millions of people's eligibility for benefit relief.


Cause it wasn't like that in the Great Depression of the 1930's. Specifically in the U.S

It's a great example. Of different it was in that economic collapse.

At the beginning of the Great Depression....Eventually the U.S made a small move... Franklin Roosevelt asked a government Social Worker, Harry Hopkins in 1931. To take leadership of the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration.

To provide both direct relief and work relief for the 1000's of unemployed in the state of New York.

The solution was .....government jobs.
Useful projects that did not compete with private industry.

So in effect, during the Great Depression of the 1930's you had to work for the relief money. Or dole as it's often called.


You had to prove eligibility....pass a means test. The good thing about the test though. It was not allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or politics.

Whether the anti discriminatory aspect to it succeeded I don't know.

But by 1933, U.S President Rooselvelt started his famous Great Depression rescue plan for people...called New Deal. It was federal emergency relief.

And it was modelled on the New York State one that commenced in 1931.

So Americans. You have been here before in history.

And let's look at the postives.
You don't have to work for it.

Unlike the Great Depression of the 1930's, relief is not gender biased.

Because the financial relief programs that provided government work in the U.S.
Were for the most part, for men. Because as we those days the man of the household was considered the financial provider.
So he got the government job. The money. For his family.

Not women.

As I researched the U.S government response to the Great Depression.
I wondered if Harry Hopkins, the American who coordinated their relief in the 1930's.... is watching from the spirit world.

And assisting U.S government officials now, making these difficult decisions. Under far worse conditions. In one way.

Because let's remind ourselves. In the Great Depression of the 1930's. They did not have a pandemic to deal with at the same time.

They just had an overwhelming monsterous sized economic collapse.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And as TW mentioned the other day. Congress didn't even read the current U.S Stimulus package Bill. Before they passed it.

They didn't have time.

They passed it. And read it later.

In that regard, the U.S government has acted quickly to this economic collapse.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Is Harry Hopkins, the 1930's U.S Government leader of the economic stimulus work package. For the Great Depression. Helping U.S govt right now?

To save Americans from severe poverty.
I wonder if Roosevelt is assisting from the spirit world too.
Cause God knows, they are both highly experienced.
From their time in leadership during the Great Depression.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I've noticed Sweden are probably making a serious error.

Time will tell.

Their government have chosen a no 'Lock Down' option.

Stockholm is packed. With people just living
normally. Going anywhere they want.

Bars, shopping, everything.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Germans have got testing for Covid 19 down to a fine art in a record amount of time.

But not the UK.

Nope. Way behind.

And we now know officially...what we already knew in Australia.
That a group of Cruise ships who let passengers disembark in Australia. But were allowed to go straight into the community.

Are the reason why Australia ended up being infected with Covid 19.


And Australians were outraged when they were set 'free' in community. With no checks.

Some of the passengers even went shopping before they went home.

Un...bloody .....believable.

I wonder if the cruise ships are gonna be sued over this.

Well we know alot of the American Cruises ships will not recieve the big financial bail outs from Trump. For a start.

Cause as NBC reported a few hours ago...

'Most cruise ships don't pay federal income tax and that's just one of the reasons they are not getting a bailout'

The other reason is the U.S stimulus bail out is only available to busineses that are created and organised in the U.S.


Have significant operations in and majority of it's employees based in the U.S.

It's actually a brand new law in the U.S.

Designed to shut out bussineses who are using tax havens.
Trump has hated so called U.S companies who use Tax havens. From the very beginning.
I don't blame him.

It's wrong.
While the rest of small and big business. And ordinary citizens in the U.S pay every last cent in tax contribute to the total figure available to run the the U.S.

Funny thing. Trump probably has a few busineses of his own that are in Tax havens. Or has sold them since coming to office. To avoid cynicism about it.


Here are the cruise lines who won't get a bail out form the U.S.

Carnival Cruises, which also owns Princess Line. They are based in Panama


You won't get any of U.S tax payers money.

Royal Caribbean. Based in Liberia


You won't get any of U.S tax payers money

Norwegian Cruise Lines.
Based in Bemuda.


Sorry. You wont get U.S tax payers money either.
T. W. said…
That pic made my skin crawl.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Just watched Linda G psychic's post for 1.4.20.
She says with the new U.S government later in the year. Americans are gonna be working again.

And the new government coming in. Is going to offer something very similar to Roosevelt's New Deal of the 1930's.
And she believes it will be good.

She seems to think there's a very positive vibe and lots of permanent improvements happening once Trump is completely gone.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It's interesting, particularly in Australia. And I guess the same in the UK and America to a degree....

All the money that governments have been hoarding. Is having to spent. Right now.

On this crisis.

And the positive thing is. This money is having to be spent on us.

Distributed. To the people.

I just learned my workplace is going to receive the Wage Subsidy from the Australian government.

They have applied for it.

That means all of the people at my workplace will get more money in their pays.

Alot more.

This wage subsidy is pretty much across the board in Australia.

And ....Directly after this crisis. Some governments are gonna claim....

'Oh now we have to have austerity measures to build up economically after that crisis'

But are people gonna put up with that?

The interesting thing is. There will be so many people who choose self-suffiency after this. They won't care what governments impose.
They will choose to never rely on government again.

But the public have definately learned. There is money available.

Lots of it.

And governmenrs clearly hoard alot of it.

T. W. said…
The Germans are efficient. I associate efficiency and precision with Germany.
Chocmint33 said…
TW- that pic makes my skin crawl too. The Covid 19 pics are eerie.

Chick's Opinion - those bloody cruise ships! I hope the owners get charged with criminal negligence.

Honestly, they all knew about the danger of cruise ships and Covid 19 with the Diamond Princess debacle in January. It was well publicised back then the amount of people that got Coronavirus on that ship. Some even died.

But no, they still kept on sailing their fucken cruise ships two months later, with even more infected and dying.

Obviously the holidaying public on those cruise ships were deceived by the owners and management about the safety of those ships. They would have been told, 'Oh our cruise line is safe we have the most hygienic practices.' My arse!

My advice is to stop all the cruise ships around the world. Put all the travellers on Islands to quarantine them and the ill people hospitals. Only let them back into the community once they are given the all-clear medically.

Once all the ships are abandoned, leave them wherever they are for a few months for all the Covid 19 germs to die off. Then sterilize them.

And never use them for holidaying again. Maybe turn them into navel ships or cargo ships and pay the owners for them.

I just think cruise ships are dangerous. I have always been aware of the contagiousness of them as I have a couple of friends who always caught some kind of bug from going cruising.

Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, TW and Chocmint: While I do believe everything will go back to semi-normal again, people should not be so naive to think that all this money that the government is "giving" away in light of the Coronavirus affect on the economy is going to be free.

Nope, the workers will be paying a long, long time for this and the younger generation especially.

At least, so it would seem. Because as we all know, "Nothing is free."

We have to prepare because this scenario will likely happen again, sadly.

I'll be sure to stock up on tissue and toilet paper, and a supply of N99/N95 masks. Everytime I go out in the world, I feel like QUIET does, I come home and want to have someone spray me down with disinfectant. I'm a very clean person to begin with, and I always wash my hands but I've been doing double-duty and my hands are starting to look like an old person's. Red, cracked, wrinkled. Ahhhhhh

Chick's Opinion, I pray that the psychic is correct in her prediction. Can't fathom Trump doing a second term. Please God, no.

Have a good day everyone, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. These cruise ship companies got away with far too much. Too early in the situation.

But for alot of them. As I said ....with their big love of using Tax Havens. Karma is coming to get them.

And like you said.... they should have disembarked the passengers on remote islands. Monitored the infections. Before re-introducing them to Australia.
Or anywhere.
Confined the infection.

Not spread it. Without any quarrantine.

But no. The Australian government allowed them... not only to dock here. But set all the passengers free directly into the community.

I'm like you. I wouldn't go on a Cruise for all the tea in China. Cause I've heard all the stories like you.

Of how friends, family, work colleagues have gone on Cruises.

And an outbreak of gastro infected them all. And they spent the cruise being ill. Or suffering from Sea Sickness.

Stuff that.

If that's a holiday.
I'd rather stay home with my cat.

It's easy to see how Cruises are just floating closed environments for cross infection with a small population.

Australian's obsession with 'goin on a cruise' incessantly, baffled me.

Until I found out why.
It's dirt cheap.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And isn't it a bore. When work colleagues come back from Cruises. And you have to listen to all the boring details of their 'cruise'

Call me intolerant.

But I start to lose the will to live.

Listening to the stories about the food, the people they met. The crap they bought. The places they went.

I need a Cruise-Free Zone.

And now I know they can pick up and spread deadly virises after being on these cruises. That's it for me.

Yes. I think you are right.

Alot of these Cruise ships may never operate as Cruise ships again.

And another thing. That's kept me off Cruises. Is seeing the movie Titanic.

That was it for me.

The Costa Concordia cruise ship going down off the coast of Italy in 2012 too. Backed up my determination to avoid Cruises.

What a disaster that was.

And we find out in the enquiry. That the Italian Captain of the Costa Concordia Cruise Ship that night....was drunk and entertaining a girl he smuggled onto the ship that evening.

And that night he crashed the Cruise ship..... that night. Cause he was drunk... Crashed it onto rocks. Very close to the Italian coast. At Isola del Giglio. In Tuscany.

In fact. If all the passengers could swim well. They could have swam to the rocks easy.

But no. Not many could.

No. What f..cking wanker that Italian Captain was.

He went to jail over that.

Because passengers ended up drowning.

I'd say because too, there was alot of Europeans on that Cruise.
As Australians, we've noted alot of Europeans can't swim.

And the ones that claim they can swim.

Australians have seen it.

And it aint swimming. Or competent swimming in our view.

They are regularly rescued by our Surf Patrol at Australian beaches. Or worse drown in the surf.

My English ex told me he could swim.

And I saw his swimming.

Ummm. That attempt at swimming he did. Wouldn't keep a turtle alive for 3 minutes.

My advice. Don't go on any boat, ship, ferry unless you can swim. Competently.
Cause when the shit goes down. It's all ya got.

27 passengers, and 6 crew died in the Costa Concordia disaster.

And it's not like it happened decades ago.

T. W. said…
Most people go on cruise ships for sex.

A relative of mine went on a family cruise ship & had a great time!

I’m not going due to allergies. Just being in the ocean water can do me in.

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