The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Friends, if you read his comments not knowing who made them would you think that person has a graduate degree?
I’ve read more sophisticated statements from tweens.
Betty DeVos, the U.S Education Secretary from Michigan is currently using, thieving millions of U.S dollars in the form of CoronaVirus Reief Funds. To funnel into her favoured Private and Religious schools.
You will note Congress blocked this awhile ago.
But Bad Betty continues.
Using the relief money that was intended for public schools and colleges. To go where she wants it.
To the wealthy.
This money she is misappropriating comes from The CoronaVirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. And she directly ordered it to be shared with wealthy private schools.
At the moment, she's nearly depleted 2.5 of the higher education funding set aside for struggling colleges.
Senator Chuck Schumer accused her this week of,
'Exploiting Congressional relief efforts'
Yeah. She's all class Betty.
She went to Calvin University.
I hope when Trump is out of Office.
And she gets tried for doing it.
Calvin University, in Grand Rapids Michigan void her degree she got from there. A degree in Business Economics.
And of course Bad Betty is for the rich.
Her father was a Billionaire Industrialist.
Trump probably knew him..
And I quote:
Unveiling details of “Operation Warp Speed”, a name that references a concept popularised by Star Trek and other science fiction, Trump said: “That means big and it means fast. A massive scientific, industrial and logistical endeavour unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project.”
Four days ago, and I quote:
Dr. Fauci warned Congress that while the federal government is working to help manufacture a vaccine against the new coronavirus, its development "might take some time" to come to market.
Nikki, had to laugh at your comment.
TW, just because someone has a degree does not make them smart. I know plenty of stupid educated people who lack common sense or suck at their professional jobs. You mentioned Trump? I rest my case. LOL
CAP Anonymous
The Trump Show is the most famous reality show on the planet. Be they right or wrong, his comments are always ridiculous.
The statements are ridiculous but some people fall for it because they contain some truth. The best liars know to add some truth to their stories.
I’ll break it down:
1) “When you test, you have a case.”
You have a medical case until it’s solved. But in the context of the corona, we don’t know if the person has or did have the disease. If we did we would not need to test for it. Unless the conspiracy about THEM infecting all humans is true. We know that’s not true. Common sense.
2) “When you test, you find something is wrong with people.”
This is a joke. Unless the stories about all the corona tests being contaminated & showing false positives are true. But this can’t be true because people are testing negative for the virus even though some of them did have it. I forget where in Africa but they sent samples from a goat, a fruit, and something else to the lab to see what would happen. The tests show they all had the corona. The story made international news earlier this week.
Even so, a person can have a medical issue but the tests show no problems. A person can be completely healthy but a medical test can show there is a problem.
3) “If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”
This seems true until you stop to think about it. Christian is telling us Trump either has a communication disorder which causes him not to speak well. Or Trump is incapable of higher order thinking. Or both.
Here’s the problem with Trump’s last statement - The number of corona cases has nothing to do with how many tests are conducted. Smooth talkers often make comments like this & they talk fast so your mind is tricked into believing everything they say is true. You don’t have time to think.
Here’s what Trump might have meant to say - We would have fewer KNOWN & REPORTED cases if we didn’t do the tests.
I’m not gonna wish disease on anyone. Karma is paying visits this year...
An accurate psychic/medium had contact with Babyfart's mother and the orange moron's mother told the medium that Donny was always a liar. Mummy in the here-after was not happy with what he was doing as President.
Karma is paying visits this year to the corrupt assholes who rule the world. Pluto conjunct Jupiter will see to that.
Chick's Opinion - Betty sounds bad to the bone!
I hope sometime in the future the tax systems get fixed up too. This notion that tax cuts allow the rich to employ more people is bullshit. They don't - they keep the money for themselves to become even richer, often hidden in tax havens.
Chocmint33 - - I agree with your observations. Oh! Didn’t his mom say he was stupid? I think she was alive when she said it.
F.D.A. Halts Coronavirus Testing Program Backed by Bill Gates