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As seen in La La Land..

 So I am delighted to live in a place called Hermosa Beach.
As featured in the Oscar movie..

It is a beautiful place, I am lucky.
We are on shutdown.
So the beaches are closed.
As are the shops.
To stop the spread of the Corona virus.
But, you wouldn't know it.
All day I have seen lots & lots of people.
Some locals mostly visitors.
However I have seen less than 50 masks.
WTF, is wrong with people.
So here's the prediction.
In 2/3 weeks.
Numbers of people infected.
ALSO IN THE 100s.. 


Anonymous said…
As my father would say people have no discipline today. The want what they want when they want it.

God forbid these people contract the virus and spread it their families and others.

The money from the government is not getting to those people who really need it.

No wonder some of these people are going crazy. And some of them ARE crazy to begin with.

You got the Nazi and the rednecks. I can't believe this type of mentality still exists today, but it does. And of course, these types of people ignore the laws and make up their own.

I think it was TW who said something like: "The wrong people are dying from Coronavirus."

How true, TW, how very true.

CAP Anonymous

Chocmint33 said…
One word for them - COVIDIOTS.

Where I live, in Brisbane, Queensland the Government has relaxed some of the lockdown rules.

Since Saturday people are now allowed to shop for non-essentials, go to the parks for recreation, have picnics with house-hold members or another person, go motor bike and jet ski riding, and drives as long as you are no more than 50km from your house.

The trouble is all the shops were crowded, as well as the parks and beaches when I saw it on the local news. I didn't see any social distancing.

People just go crazy once restrictions are lifted. I'm still staying home and will wear a mask when I do have to go out and will stay away from the crowds.

Apple Monkey said…
Wow CD - it looks amazing. Do you need anyone to visit you because I would volunteer! Joking. But in all seriousness I shake my head seeing people not adhering to the safety advice and selfishly putting other people’s health in jeopardy. CD - I hope you look after yourself. Thanks for your predictions as always.xo
Chick'sOpinion said…
So they are truly in La La Land.

Off topic....I thought the movie, La La Land was a tremendous disapointment.

They made it so simple.

Too simple.

I thought as I watched it. Have they made this movie to suit people with developmental delay?

So it's not too challenging.

Well. All I can hope for is. They do a remake of it in future.

With an actual interesting story.
And interesting things happening in it.

I even thought the costumes for the movie were far too simple.

And a bore.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Stay hunkered down. And don't even go out and buy milk.

Get a delivery.
Kristy said…
I live right next to Hermosa. We're neighbors and now I'm not leaving the house anytime soon.
Hannibal Haze said…
Dissolve your fears, David Icke is speaking the truth. Love will set us free.
T. W. said…
Christian, Hermosa Beach looks so beautiful! I wish I could go to the ocean. One day all my allergies will be gone.

I am pray you and all the Friends & our loved ones remain safe and healthy.
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous - You have a good memory! I did say that and I'm glad you could read between the lines.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - I have not seen La La Land & your review made me laugh! God bless you.
T. W. said…
No need to worry. It's all part of THE PROGRAM...

Don't believe me? No problem!

Don't trust my sources? No problem!

Will you believe it if you heard it directly from THEM?


1) SOURCE - HighImpactVLogs Youtube Channel

DOCUMENTED PROOF C.A.R.E.S Stimulus Act Introduced a Year BEFORE Outbreak!!

2) SOURCE - Associated Press

Trump signs $2.2 trillion stimulus package (HR 748)

3) SOURCE - United States Government

Transcript - Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H.R.748, The CARES Act

4) SOURCE: World Health Organization (Documents when they first noticed the problem, etc.)

Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

5) SOURCE - United States Government

Proof HR 748 was introduced a YEAR and TWO months BEFORE anyone heard of Wuhan Corona Virus Outbreak

H.R.748 - CARES Act

6) SOURCE - United States Government

Track the bill as it passed through Congress

H.R.748 - CARES Act
Marissa said…
CD, will lockdown end May 15th or they're going to extend it longer?
Psychic Gossip said…
Please God extended seems like Germany is about to restore shutdown CDX
T. W. said…
Christian & Unknown - Thank you! NBC News says Italy is easing the lockdown little by little. North Carolina’s lockdown has been extended to May 8. Who knows what will happen after that. People are still getting sick & dying because of the corona in my state.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I’m surprised you haven’t seen the movie, La La Land.
Knowing how much you enjoy musicals.

But one thing I will say. I think the actors in that movie. Did the best they could.
With a script that stinks.
And a story even I could have made up.
On a Sunday afternoon with a cup of tea.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Those poor Italians. What a nightmare they endured.
And then went hungry.
And became vulnerable to the Mafia. Feeding them with ‘loans’
CyndiTx123 said…
I agree with Apple Monkey, Invite us over so we can visit and hang out with you and Lady Gaga and meet '"peanut" too!! I promise we will pick up after our selves and wear our masks too!! :;) :)

I agree! in the DFW area, I go into a store wear my mask, a lot of other people are not.. That makes me boil...... At our eye clinic, I tell everyone, you will turned away if you come in w/o your mask..... You have to wear a mask prior to coming in and during and when you leave... You can't bring any one with you to your appt, they stay in their car... we take temps, etc., We are not seeing minors or 80 yrs or above at this time..... I am happy that my clinic is doing this.
Just praying that my family or any one near and dear to me ...doesn't get infected.....
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - Yeah, I don’t go to movie theaters. Last thing I saw in the theater was “The Intruder.” I liked it. I have dvds & several streaming services but I don’t really watch anything. All the services are free except Amazon Prime.

CyndiTx123 - I got my new eyeglasses but they need to be adjusted. No one is doing adjustments. I need my glasses to see. With my old pair I see 20/25 at best.
Jules said…
This is a MUST watch for everyone.

PlanDemic, a film about the global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, health & freedom.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!
Jules said…
HRH TW - would you believe that facebook have removed that video.
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

I believe you. The government's organizations have much power and is not afraid to use it. All for the public good of course.
Anonymous said…
HB? I’m your northern neighbor. Coffee or tea?

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