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DOOMSDAY Clocking clicking again.

 Due to us not talking notice of those that know.
But instead listening to the money whores.
The greed bastards....
All about opening up America.
We are about to see the second wave.
If you didn't like the first wave.
You are about to be even more pissed.
What is just around the corner.
Is going to see deaths..
On a scale never seen before.
Who's to blame US.
"It's my right to do as I like.
Not to wear a mask.
To not social distance.
I can do what I wish.
I want my 401k to grow.
Not shrink.
Well, as the stock markets leaps.
I have money for the future.
Don't need money.


Odin said…
CD............that is so scary!! Do you see any european county hit hard by this 2nd wave ? Spain Italy again??? Any safer EU country????
Anonymous said…
Does this apply to just USA and others not getting covid under control? What about countries like New Zealand etc who have managed to contain by going into lock down and closing the borders?
UG said…
Will the second wave affect the UK? Please tell as I’m scared, and Boris wants to force our children back to school.
valerie_323 said…
CD, this gives me the chills....i’ll continue to STAY home and continue to work on my yard....thank you for looking out for us.
Anonymous said…
Will this hit Australia too? My feeling is it will. We have eased restrictions but a lot of people are acting as though the virus has gone in my hometown, Melbourne.
Are we sitting ducks??
Thanks CD..
Sally said…
Sally says

UG I quite agree with you I too live in the UK. Christian please can you give some update for the UK.

Take care everyone xx

Chick'sOpinion said…
This is very worrying.

And still that idiot Trump is on TV today trying desperately to persuade people to use that Anti-Malarial drug he part owns.

That does NOTHING for those infected with Covid 19. Nor does it prevent it.

This is outrageous. What he's doing. And it's criminal in my view.

AND completely contradicts the FDA recommendations too.
Lovely Libra said…
Oh CD — this is not a “Told Ya” I want to see, but I totally believe you and know that you’re right. Same exact thing — SAME EXACT THING - happened with the flu pandemic of 1918.
Odin said…
The most famous Japanese psychic predicting that there will be up to 3rd waves.........

2nd wave is in DECEMBER. Lots of YOUNG PEOPLE DIE very quickly.
Jules said…
historically, 2nd waves are deadlier. Although this prediction is for America I can well imagine we will all be affected.
T. W. said…
Listen to Jules!

Christian, other than water, are there any supplies we need to purchase or is this case by case?

Also, is the power going to go out due to the changes within the sun?

Thank you.
T. W. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…
Did you know people help orgies in cemeteries during the Bubonic Plague?

I guess these things don’t only happen in America...

1400 People Show Up In Central Florida For 'Coronavirus Party'!!

Thousands of people gathered at a block party in Deland, Florida Saturday - to attend a party that was advertised as a "Coronavirus Party." The party, according to local authorities, was held in violation of social distancing orders— and police made multiple arrests and hundreds were injured, MTO Newss has learned[.]
T. W. said…

I’ve been praying to God, praying for all of us & our loved ones.

Last night I had 2 strange dreams. I dismissed them at first but then I remembered my deceased father was in one of the dreams. So maybe he was sending me a message from The Beyond. He was protecting me, my mom, & my sisters. We had to hide. He had his gun. He sat with me to watch tv but I woke up before we turned it on.

Now I’m wondering if the message is to be prepared to shelter in place with supplies but do not worry because GOD will keep us safe.

I will not share the other dream here. But I feel the dream with my dad was a continuation of the first dream.
Psychic Gossip said…
This I agree is unnerving, but it does apply to everyone. Especially those that aren't doing as they should. To many It won't get me bullshitters. Oh yes it will. Until those in power put people first. Not money this will keep geting worse.
In fear of repeating myself.
Cordelia said…
It takes nothing to join the crowd it takes everything to stand alone.
Apple Monkey said…
So so worrying. Please look after yourself and your loved ones. Praying, praying for everyone x
T. W. said…
Friends, please watch this brief video and be blessed:

Pastor said church is NOT opening and stop asking! DON'T @ ME!
Lovely Libra said…
Readers —- I’ve never posted twice in one day, but I feel a moral obligation to do so.

I live in FLORIDA, the state run by Trump’s henchman - I mean Governor - DeSantis.

Today it was announced that the creator of the state’s coronavirus web site —- WAS REMOVED FROM HER JOB FOR REFUSING TO MANUALLY ADJUST THE FIGURE’S TO SUPPORT RE-OPENING.

You don’t have to believe me - it’s hitting main street news and I’ve got to believe this could be happening anywhere/everywhere.
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD for alerting us! I will continue to do safe practices until further notice.

We all want this nightmare to be over. My heart goes out to people who have children and need money and food.

You can only imagine the stressors placed on the frontline workers when the second wave hits -- and as CD has told us, it will and it will be horrible.

I can't even imagine how bad things are going to get. Thanks TW, I think you are right, you've been plugging that people need to stock up on unperishable foods and other necessities. I think it's smart.

Be prepared. The Scout's motto. We all need to be prepared.

I sincerely wish everyone and your loved ones to stay strong and safe during this difficult time in our lives. There is much to be thankful for.

CAP Anonymous
Marie said…
What about Canada? Québec and Ontario are they going to have a deadly 2nd wave? Thank you!
writestuff said…
It's difficult to stay positive and focused but that's what we must do! This is hard for me to follow but it helps if I do something I love (that's safe and not with crowds) when I can.
I'd like to believe our prayers help. Dear Supreme Being and Creator God: Please bless, protect and heal every living being on earth. Please give us strength, Archangel Michael! Thank you for answering our prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Cordelia, I'll be standing alone in a crowd as I'm eating a lot of raw garlic .T.W.: A couple of psychics have suggested having some extra water and food in place just in case. I'll get some extra gallons of water and crackers and nut butter.
Honey badger said…
This is what the song Sympathy for the Devil is about. The Devil is us, friends.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra

1) I’m sorry you live in Florida.

2) What is in the water? Florida Man does outrageous things everyday!

3) I believe you. I saw the news in my Google feed.

4) As the psychic & Truther communities say, THEY want the states to reopen because THEY want our money.

5) Psychic Tracey Brown said every place should have been locked down for 40 days & 40 nights. We all know what happened to the people who laughed at Noah & refused to get on the Ark. Once he shut the doors God let the rain pour. The people banged on the Ark & begged to be let in. If Noah took pity & did so he would have disobeyed God. Those people drowned.
Chocmint33 said…
Thanks for being a responsible psychic CD.

Believe me there are some downright dangerous psychics out there telling their dumb followers that there is no problem out there - that the government is only trying to control us.

One has told her sheep that it is a 'Plandemic' and is encouraging her people to not wear a mask and not to worry. She says just to raise your vibrations and you will be fine.

She even says that because she is not sick, she is going to do what she likes and not stop going to places, without a mask too.

Here are the comments from some of her sheep.

"Yup, I'm not wearing a mask either. There really is no freaking test either!! Because there isn't a virus that they can isolate. Total BS!!"

"I’m waiting for someone to come up to me when I’m out about me not wearing a mask..I CANT wait..the news is nothing but Fear Mongering And people are listening to them...but when cameras are off,or they think they are off they take mask off and are standing and talking and laughing and not social distancing.."

"You're AWESOME for not wearing a mask! Tell your listeners....think back when you would go to a hospital or doctor's office....the hospital is full of hundreds of sick people you ever recall seeing a doctor with a mask on??? There's a reason for that:)"
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous - God bless you! For a few years I’ve “felt” something big was coming but I didn’t know what. Also, Christian posted a dream he had several years ago about Ukraine. He said he didn’t know what it meant. He allowed my sister’s interpretation on his blog. In a nutshell she said a global famine & economic depression would come & it would be so bad white people would gladly work the fields.

Today I saw in my Google news feed Prince Charles was asking furloughed workers to pick fruits & vegetables. As you know, some people don’t intend to look for work because they get more income from the unemployment benefits. That decision will come back to haunt them.
T. W. said…
Marie - Christian said it would be everywhere. Scroll up to read his response in the comments.
T. W. said…
Hi writestuff! I agree. I wish I didn’t have all these allergies because my diet is severely restricted. I have been trying new foods & drinks but I end up itching & breaking out in hives. God is keeping me alive.

If it weren’t for the allergies you best believe I would have been hoarding survival food all these years!
T. W. said…

Yeah, the insanity is real. A psychic who shall not be named has said for years that The Virus is in the air but she stated she refuses to wear a mask because the mask won’t stop it. Okay then. Go play with some doves.

Meanwhile other psychics with higher success rates are begging people to wear masks & practice proper hygiene.
Louis said…
Well here is some good news.

An Irish company, Hibergene, has got approval to supply a coronavirus testing kit. It allows testing within 30 minutes and cheap permitting mass testing as it very cheap (as it doesn't strip out the DNA) as it gives the same 97% accuracy as the more expensive tests being used.

Funded in part by the EU 2020 Horizon project the kits are currently being distributed throughout the EU to prevent a second and third wave (Which May answer your question Odin) and Russia.

The only country that is problem is the US due to FDA requirements.

Even at the darkest hour, there is always hope.
Chocmint33 said…
Yep TW I know the psychic you're talking about. The word white is also in her name.

I don't understand the denial and insanity of some of those psychics. Maybe they are self-deluded, but they are dangerous because they have young followers.

However the virus came about - whether through the wet markets, or accidently or purposely let out of a lab or from some other rogue player, the point is we have a dangerous VIRUS which spreads very quickly. Therefore we must do all the hygiene practices and social distancing, not just for ourselves, but to keep other people safe too.

Thanks heavens for psychics like CD who has our best interests at heart.

Stay safe and healthy TW and everyone on this site.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Honey Badger

Yes. That song, Sympathy For The Devil certainly seems to apply in this situtaion.

I love and loathe that song in equal measure. Really good song. But it tells a story.

Of people who are getting introduced to evil.
And they don't even know it.

Or are around an evil situation. And don't realise.

For those who don't know it, Sympathy For The Devil is a well written song by The Rolling Stones. If you read the lyrics.
Written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richard. It demonstrates to a degree...they had a good education. And understanding of certain things.

They projected a bad boy working class image.

But really. They were educated Grammar School boys.

I think their song of the same year, called Gimme just as appropriate to CD's prediction here.

The lyrics to it...specifically....

'A storm is threatening. My very life today
Oh yeah, if I don't get some shelter,
Ooh yeah I'm gonna fade away'

Listen to it.
It's wild.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Also Gimme Shelter lyrics are

'War, children
It's just a shot away,
just a shot away'

I don't think I'm alone. In seeing that it's very much a possibility that the U.S are going to go to War with China.

'It's jus a shot away'

It will be interesting to see if China is gonna continue to refuse to play ball. And refuse to allow a global investigation into how Covid 19 started in China.

100 countries have already signed a resolution for the upcoming World Health Assembly (WHA) That is going to call for an independent inquiry into the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Whether China wants it or not.

The push for this inquiry is coming from the European Union despite how loudly Trump is vocalising the demand for the inquiry the most.

And Australia is currently engaging in a Trade War with China. Over China's refusal to cooperate in Australia's own inquiry into Covid 19.

But you know, Even Russia, China's usual back up friend, has backed this global inquiry into China's Covid 19.
So China is alone.

And as far as I know, the resolution that's on the table, was presented at the annual meeting of The World Health Organisation on Monday in Geneva.
So it's all well underway.

If Putin is now NOT supporting China in this 'non cooperation'. Then China are very much alone. Among 100 countries that are pressuring them.
And these countries are rapidly losing patience with China.

And it's because these countries all know.
That in one of China's 'lowering their population' stunts.
They let a virus (Covid 19) deliberately get out of control.
And kill 1000's of people globally.
Not just in their own country.

And this can't be allowed to happen again.

The issue is this, the way I see it.
The U.S, like everyone else, want to see an end to the Communist Chinese government.
And it's become more desirable than ever.
Actually essential.

Because of the global havoc and economic devastation China have caused with allowing this Virus to get out of control.

And if the Chinese Communist government is removed. By force. Through an invasin...war. Or otherwise. By many countries.
Then Democratic elections can be held in China. Quite quickly.
And a new normal government begins to rule China.

And many many problems are solved.
The problem with China spying on other countries. Solved.
China plotting world domination will end.

Many problems will be over. Not just the fear of them releasing another bio weapon like a Virus again.

Here in Australia we are having tremendous problems with China spying. Trying to take over island territories and countries near us.

The media try and keep some of it on the down low. Because, for harmony's sake. We have alot of Chinese/Australians living here.
And we don't want racial hatred to develop here.

But the reality is. The reason why the Chinese live in Australia. Is to get away from the oppression of the Communist Chinese government.
They want to live in Australia's democracy.
They Chinese will be estatic if the Communist government there is finally removed.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And if the U.S go to War with China.
They won't be going in alone.

Yeah it will be U.S led. But they will have many allies with them.
Because the U.S will not win alone.

Considering the fact that China expands and modernises it's military at a rapid rate lately.
I don't think any country would consider war with China alone. At this time.

But anyway. The facts are there....The U.S have already run War Game tests. To see if they could win a war with China alone. The results proved no they couldn't.

So...Forget the fight over Tiawan.
The fight is the Chinese mainland. If anywhere.

Perhaps it was meant to be. But the world is now looking globally, at the menace China is capable of.

According CSIS the Center for Strategic And International Studies, 'China has long range anti-ship ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles'

Well thank god the U.S Navy have enormous nuclear powered aircraft carriers at bases in Guam and Okinawa.

But China has even moved capability. Than the U.S. Sorry but it's a fact.

I guess...Much focus right now, quite rightly is on the survival of as many as possible through the Pandemic. But once those people CD predicts, are buried and Covid 19 is either contained. Or we are vaccinated for it.

Everyone will start to are we protected from China's bio warfare in future? That becomes the question.

Fact is. We are not protected.

And the other geopolitical question that is emerging is,

Who's side are you on?

Specifically, countries are currently weighing up who they now see as a partner country.

Is it China. Or the U.S?

Even Germany is very divided in their opinion. With at least half of the Germans polled recently said they see China as a preferred partner to Germany.

Is this the Trump Effect?

Where people around the world have lost respect and faith in the U.S in the way they once had.
Because the U.S is now being run by an incompetent dickhead?

Germans didn't feel this way when Obama was in Office. The Polls on Germans proved that long ago.

Right now, more than ever. The U.S need to get Trump out of Office, permanently . And install someone sensible. That EU leaders can respect and trust.
That Europeans can respect. And trust.

Otherwise, we may see more EU countries, like Germany, where many of them see China as a more reliable partner than the U.S.

I make now secret of the fact. That I'd like to see the end of the 'Asian Century'. For many fair reasons.
But I'd prefer to say. That I'd like to see a new century for China. And Chinese people.
One that is based in democracy and freedom.

And a freedom that we all enjoy. Including the freedom to practice a religion.

As we know, the Chinese Communist government demolish churches if they are built.
That's a fact.

It's one of the lesser cruel things they do.
But if you don't have a something.
What have you got?
When times get tough.
Are psychics/mediums illegal in China too? Jailed.
Like political prisoners?
Wouldn't surprise me.
Lovely Libra said…
TW - thank-you for your condolences; this is NOT a state I’d choose to live in - I’m here for the elderly parents who chose to retire here many years ago.

1 — YOU’RE RIGHT — every whacked out, jacked up, cray-cray crime or incidence that could happen DOES happen - in Florida - it’s amazing — and NOT in a good way

2 — I think it’s lack of education + huge drug problem

3 - Lucky for me, I live in the NW area and am surrounded by lots of military folks and transplants to the state. I’ve been blessed to meet many, many beautiful souls.

Let’s stay safe - peace to all.
T. W. said…

You are correct!

God bless you as well!
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra, you are lovely!
T. W. said…
I wonder if rasPutin knows China accidentally on purpose released the virus?

The current Chinese regime needs to end. I feel sorry for the people.
T. W. said…
This is another reason why we are f**ked:

1) Despite Coronavirus, The Annual “Go Topless Jeep Weekend” In Texas Went On And Many People Got Arrested

Link includes crazy video:

2) Texas’ ‘Go Topless Jeep Weekend’ news report becomes instant classic

Link includes crazy video & photos:
T. W. said…
Better to be quarantined than trapped in a coffin.
Honey badger said…
T.W. I have the same feeling about that song, Sympathy for the Devil. There is important instruction in it for all of us if we are able to hear and understand it. You said once on this site that we have to change ourselves for people to stop dying. Your comment led me to hear the meaning behind the lyrics of Sympathy for the Devil for the first time. I am off to listen to Gimme Shelter now! Musicians are often channeling direct from the great beyond when they write these songs, much like I imagine that CD does when he writes his predictions. If you look at music that way, a good song is a good prediction!
T. W. said…
Hi Honey Badger!

I have to share credit with Chick’sOpinion because she’s the one who mentioned those Rolling Stones songs.

I suspect songwriters know plenty...
Honey badger said…
My apologies. Chick's Opinion, you rock!
T. W. said…
More evidence THEY planned the Virus Crisis

This was a TV Show from 2003

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