The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Gotta love America!
Please keep all black people in your prayers. We need divine help.
Black EMT Shot To Death In Her Sleep By Police In A Case Of Mistaken Identity
'Sleeping While Black': Louisville Police Kill Unarmed Black Woman
No excerpts due to disgusting details.
One Of Kanye West’s Former Bodyguards Talked About His “Ridiculous Rules”
Kanye West's Former Bodyguard Dishes About The Artist's 'Ridiculous Rules'
Jay Manuel Announces Book Inspired by ‘America’s Next Top Model,’ Reveals the Real Reason He Left Show (EXCLUSIVE
Jay Manuel Says He Was Afraid To Speak Up While On “America’s Next Top Model”
Chick's Opinion, how silly of me not to check before I post. Kitty Kelley is alive! Family members I know used to buy her books, and I just assumed she had passed away because I hadn't seen any recent books from Kelley for several years now. She's retired, I guess. Too bad, I'm confident she would write a blockbuster on Madame Meghan.
Harry and Meghan:
Rumored that they flew from Canada to L.A. on Tyler Perry's private jet.
Harry's demeanor in his video tweet -- He seems off:
CAP Anonymous
You are always welcome!
I wonder if Kitty Kelly retired for "health" reasons.
As for Prince Harry, I watched the video. Here are my thoughts:
1) MeghaTron should have taught him how to read a teleprompter better than that.
2) I feel bad for Prince Harry because he has learning issues. No shame in that. I think no one taught him how to prepare and give a speech. You look at the notes periodically, not the entire time.
3) I "sense" Prince Harry likes to look people in the eyes when he talks with them. I think he is a people person and genuinely likes interacting with others. No wonder he is miserable in La La Land.
4) I sense Prince Harry has sinus and allergy issues that are not being properly treated.
5) I honestly believe MeghaTron is abusing him.
No worries.
Yes. My mum loved Kitty Kelley books.
I wish she was writing books again.
I read the one she wrote on Oprah at mum's place. Sleeping in a single bed.
How many people have gone home to their parent's home.
And had to sleep in a little single bed?
Immediately you feel like you are suddenly 12.
In any case... I read mum's Kitty Kelly Oprah book cover to cover there.
Mmmmm Oprah has some naughty behaviour in her background. Especially when she wanted a guy.
But nothing ....nowhere near as bad as these other nutty or ego driven celebrities.
I believe her background is why Oprah chose not to run for President.
Because I refuse to believe it's not something she wanted. She definately would have.
She was scared though.... of her sexecapades coming out.
Most people have them. From when they were young.
But not everyone runs for President.
And suddenly your former sex life comes under tough scutiny.
And the public love sex stories.
About Politicians.
Bill Clinton as an example.
The public thrive on that stuff.
Harry is not fake like his actor wife. He's very good speaking authentically to others, the cue card just makes him sound mono.
He looks like he's lost weight. I thought he might have had botox, because normally his face is quite wrinkled around the eyes, but then I realized he's not smiling or laughng like he usually does.
CAP Anonymous
Yeah. Kanye West's former bodyguard, Steve Stanulis has blown the whistle on Kanye's arrogant demanding behaviour.
There is no doubt in this former bodyguard's mind that Kim and Kanye don't ring the Paparazzi and tell them where they are going.
Everywhere they are going.
The bodyguard also said he could not perform his job properly. Because Kanye insists bodyguards walk 10 paces behind him.
And that when he did get close to Kanye to protect him. Kanye would shout at him. Claiming the bodyguard was getting in the shot. Of any pic that was being shot of him.
The bodyguard claims Kanye is a moody temperamental tantrum thrower.
Who expects staff to even know what floor he is going to in a lift. So he doesn't even have to push a button.
Even staff who have only just started working for him.
Sorry but Kanye West and Kim Kardashian would have to be the most narcissistic media couple weve had in a while. It quite disgusts me.
So glad they are no longer really relevant.
And have to ring the Paparazzi. To ensure anyone bothers to take pics of them.
'We flyin the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin champagne
Livin my life
In the fast lane
And I won't change
For the glamorous,
Oh the flossy flossy
The glamorous, glamorous the glamorous life'
It’s all coming out about Tyra the Tyrant. And her behaviour on America’s Top Model.
This Jay is spilling the tea. Like that older guy is revealing the living hell working with Anna Wintour was.
For decades.
Jay should write a book about the whole experience with America’s Top Model.
And everything about Tyra Banks the Tyrant.
And her despotic tyranny over everyone on that show.
A psychic years ago, said Tyra Banks really believes In herself.
Okay, nothing wrong with that. But if believing in yourself includes denying other people their basic rights.
Then it’s not believing in yourself.
It’s being up yourself.
And living on your ego. And is selfishness beyond what’s fair.
Why don’t any of the many models who were churned through that show and spat out ? Ever talk about what happened to them.
There’s something fishy in that in itself
Where they so traumatised by it. They can’t discuss it?
Or were they tied up in legal knots so can’t even give an interview about their basic experience on that show.
No. The more I think about it. And Tyra the Tyrant.
I realise there was a lot of abuse on that show. And clearly not just to the models.
Tyra Banks is as fake as
And hides behind a thinly disguised alter ego. Of assertive sweetness.
Well. I’m not buyin any of it.
She’s the American Naomi Campbell.
And we know about Naomi.
Anything that isn’t nailed down. Will come flyin through the air.
And hit you in head.
As you know. He is an absolute danger to American democracy.
I cannot believe someone like him, with so much history of promoting Nazi Fascist ideology is not jailed.
And wasn’t years ago.
He should be charged with inciting racial hatred now.
If he ends up in jail. For a very long time.
How I’ll laugh.
I might even send him a Christmas card in Jail.
Sayin, ‘ hope you never see the light of day ever again arsehole, Happy Christmas’
As for KimYe, Kim is crazier than Kanye.
About Tyra Banks & Jay Manuel. First off, Tyra is a mind-controlled dingbat. If you have ever seen her old talk show or watched her in interviews you can’t deny it.
Jay wrote a “fiction” book based on his time working with Tyra. He said the story contains some truth that fans of America’s Next Top Model will catch. I posted links a few days ago but you can google “Jay Manuel” “Tyra Banks” & “book” to get more information.
Tyra often talked about how a certain model treated her cruelly. People correctly guess Naomi Campbell was her tormentor. Torment is an understatement. Well, Tyra has a talk show & Naomi appeared in it so she could publicly “apologize.”
#Free Kanye
#Free Prince Harry
But what astounds me. This Stephen Miller was promoting Nazi and Fascist ideology while at Duke University. Years ago.
And got away with it.
I've been aware for some time about this dangerous evil Nazi American politician, Stephen Miller and his background for quite a while.
And my concern about him. Tipped into further alarm.
When the American, Free Range Psychic, Melissa, did a Past Life reading on him a while back.
And yup. He is.... as she strongly suspected, a Nazi re-incarnated.
But it's far worse than that.
He is a reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels.
Adolph Hitler's chief architect of Spin....Nazi propaganda. And the persecution of the Jews. In WW2.
Joseph Goebbels even pressured Hitler into measures that would produce total war. He had a willing participant we know.
But as a leading member of the Nazi Party Joseph Goebbels managed also, to get women conscripted into the labour force. And German men enlisted. And. The huge manufacture of war armaments.
Had Joseph Goebbels lived, according to Hitler's Will, Joseph Goebbels would have succeeded to be Chancellor Of Germany.
Well he did.
But only for 1 day.
And then he died.
So reincarnated as Stephen Miller, Joseph Goebbels is trying to fulfil a lost opportunity and ambition.
Also, if you look at pics of Joseph Goebbels, Stephen Miller has a remarkable passing resemblance in looks to Joseph Goebbels too.
How disturbing.
So let's look closely at today's Stephen Miller.
Over the the years, this menacing monster has been promoting White Nationalist books. Basically Nazi books. He became a key adviser on Immigration for Trump for a start. For his higher political career.
And designed the almost complete elimination of refugees from the U.S. a few years back.
He also designed for Trump, the separation of migrant children from their parents.
Many who know, will recall ....that's exactly what the Nazis did. Once Jews were arrested and deported to concentration camps.
They lost their kids.
And their kids were put in children's concentration camps. Or subjected there to medical experiments. By Nazi doctors.
Most died.
Stephen Miller has also lied about his Electoral fraud.
And he's banned any research that proves refugees have a net positive effect on government revenues. Not the reverse.
He was integral in the firing of Secretary of Homeland Security, Kristjen Neilson. Because she refused to follow his unjust and illegal policies on Immigration.
And this is Trump's Senior Advisor today. Stephen Miller.
On policy.
That's the position he currently holds in U.S government today.
It's astounding I know.
Along with Jeff Sessions. Who Stephen Miller used to work for as an assistant. I sincerely hope the new U.S government administration jails this treacherous, destructive poisinous Nazi nut.
I'm hoping too, Christian will answer my prayers.
And tell us. That Stephen Miller will be jailed in future.
For everyone's safety.
And. For what destructive things he's done in the U.S so far.
Went to Santa Monica High.
He's home grown poison.