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HAlf a told ya . RM to get her freedom..

Won't make it to Autumn.....

This is Rebecca Mostow.
She's a Hollywood advisor.
Who worked for Prince, The Beckhams ..
(Meghan Markle
thinks the Beckham's like her.. ha ha NOT) 
So Meghan, has hired her to be the PR Guru.
Who, to be tasked with, sorting out.
The mess that is them in LA.
While I wish her well.........
She won't last past the "FALL".


Anonymous said…

Hi CD, a mature youtuber calling herself Celt News says H has gone into emergency (mental health) hospital care . It seems to tally with your recent post of ‘where are they’ ie not at Tyler’s mansion. Is there truth behind her claim. Grateful to know as felt concern for him.Thank you. Keep well safe.
Anonymous said…
That Celt news Youtube was so informative. Thanks for sharing that, Anonymous.

There must be truth to it otherwise CD would not post it.

I'm not concerned as much as I normally would be because the queen has her spies watching over him, right? So Harry will be okay.

It will be ok, everything is going to be AOK for Harry (And Archekins).

Meghan, not so much.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Now baby we got bad blood.

The Royal Family are definately keeping their true feelings about this book on the down low.

In reality...they will be furious.
Chocmint33 said…
What a ridiculous title for a book. Finding Freedom - she already had her freedom until she traded it in for the great wealth and fame of the royal family.

Mind you, she was only there as a royal duchess for no more than 20 months when she did a runner to Canada with Harry. Of course going to Canada was a deception as she had plans to go to Los Angeles all along.

That PR lady had an impossible task. It's like trying to paint a falling-down house in pretty colours.

I hope Harry and Archie escape the mayhem and go back home to London.

T. W. said…
The American tabloids are claiming Harry was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

I hope not, especially if he went to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Just another programming facility.
T. W. said…
Meghan Markle’s old CV boasts of her multiple skills, reveals her height and weight
Quiet said…
Still no baby gate around that pool? Just that cheap black nylon temp fence they installed so the local hikers cant see in their yard and pool with no baby gate.

Isn't it state law that you must have a baby gate around a pool in California?

Someone/Locals please call CPS on this fraud mother. Rules are rules especially if she has a 13 month old running around by the pool.

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