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Hump Day ..


Tony said…
I don't like this it gives me the frights big time!!
T. W. said…
Tony, off topic - Cam Newton has not been picked up by any NFL team. The Panthers organization screwed him big time when they didn’t let him out of his contract sooner.
T. W. said…
Howard Stern: Trump Hates His Own Supporters!!


"The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most. The people who are voting for Trump for the most part -- he wouldn't even let them in a f*cking hotel. He'd be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there's any people who look like you. I'm talking to you in the audience."

He continued, "I don't hate Donald. I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence."
T. W. said…
Trump Walks Off News Conference After Being Challenged By Reporter Over Racist Question

[Link to video -]


"You've said many times that the U.S. is doing better than any other country when it comes to testing. Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day?" CBS White House correspondent named Weijia Jiang asked him

The president responded, "Maybe that's a question you should ask China."

It was clear that. his response angered the reporter, who felt she was being targeted because she is Asian.

"Sir, why are you saying that to me, specifically?" Trump ignored her and tried to move onto to other reporters until he lost his temper and stormed away from the press conference.
T. W. said…
California's main universities not likely to return to campus this fall


Potential exceptions at CSU may include nursing students who need clinical training to be on track to get licensed to work in health care, White said, or students who need access to equipment for their training.

Students who need to continue research in labs will also continue forward under rigorous safety standards. White said students may need to work in shifts, wearing personal protective gear.

Rigorous health and safety requirements will be in place, such as sanitizing and spreading students out. Instead of 15 students per class, it may be five students, he suggested.

Some of CSU's 23 campuses may continue to offer remote learning only.


Universities in at least six states have said they expect to hold classes on campuses in the fall: the University of Alabama; the University of North Carolina System; Texas Tech University; the University of Tennessee; the nine-campus University of Louisiana system; and Morgan State University in Maryland.

The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education last month voted unanimously in favor of a motion supporting the return of students to campuses in the fall

Harvard said last month it will be open for the fall semester, but some or all instruction may continue to be online.
T. W. said…
Tony & all Friends

Karma is collecting payments from the evil.

2020 is “cancelled” for the rest of us but God redeems time.

Please get supplies while you can. Do not let your guards down. Please take this time to relax, work on yourself, strategize, and improve your situations. Most importantly get and stay connected to God.

May we all reap the good we have sown.
T. W. said…
COVID-19 resurges in reopened countries; Wuhan sees first cluster in a month

China ordered all Wuhan residents get tested for COVID-19—that’s ~11 million people.


The World Health Organization on Monday called for continued vigilance as several areas that have eased lockdown restriction began to see a resurgence in COVID-19 cases—and the United States begins unbuttoning as well.

The Chinese city of Wuhan—where the pandemic began last December—saw its first cluster of cases in at least a month. The city began reopening in early April.
Anonymous said…
From my perspective, after watching the reporter question Trump, she was unprofessional. She first asked him those questions with her mask on, while kneeling down, if I'm not mistaken.

Then she rose, the mask now pulled down off her face.

She appeared angry.

She lacked journalistic professionalism and objectivity. This is not the way you act towards a president (I know, I know, he's an ass). She will never be chosen by Trump to ask a question ever again.

"Journalistic objectivity requires that a journalist not be on either side of an argument. The journalist must report only the facts and not a personal attitude toward the facts."

Asian people, especially in North America, are now very sensitive to the Coronavirus and China being blamed for it. People are angry at China.

Regardless, the reporter lost her cool and lacked professionalism. If you want a job as a professional reporter, such as those on ABC news, if you'll notice, all of them are professional and even though they might share a negative viewpoint of their subject matter, they remain objective and professional.

The reporter did not.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
The timing of the Virus Crisis is suspicious:

Blind Item #10 - Wednesday May 13, 2020
T. W. said…

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” - Hebrews 13:3 New International Version

Friends, a letter written by an inmate is included in the article. You have to scroll down. Please read it & consider praying for everyone in confinement. Thank you.



Let Our People Go
A letter from inside Marion Correctional Institution is the voice of those locked in cages and discarded during this pandemic.
T. W. said…
Jesus literally took action. No joke:

Welcome to Mexico ...


So, why the new tunnels ... Nogales mayor Jesus Antonio Pujol Irastorza says many local cases of COVID-19 were discovered in Mexican citizens returning to Mexico after traveling to the U.S.

Arizona has at least 11,300 coronavirus cases and 542 deaths ... so Mexico's taking no chances at the border.
T. W. said…
Trump’s approval rating plummets after Dr. Fauci predicts ‘avoidable suffering and death’ if country reopens too soon

Trump lawyer: 'We're asking for temporary presidential immunity'

The immunity argument is bogus. The US Constitution gives Congress the right to impeach government employees, including the President.
T. W. said…

1) Ellen DeGeneres Is Reportedly Stressing Out About All The “Ellen Is Mean” Rumors

2) Madonna’s Bubble Butt Is Back

[It looks bad!]

3) Madonna, 61, shares racy new belfie after THOSE butt implant rumours... as she reveals she's having 'regenerative treatment' for 'missing cartilage'
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah.. plenty of psychics are picking up on Ellen Degeneras. That all she cares about. Is money money money money.

And oddly. Sees herself as Royal.

Materialism is a drug for her.

And she speaks to people like shit.
T. W. said…
I wish other people would see Ellen for what it is.

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