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Meghan & Harry Latest? Divorce plans already drawn..UPDATE

Megan  Markle.
Turned Prince Harry..
Into a reality star..

Not what he planned..

Next she found him reality star.
David Foster.
As his new daddy..

Where Oh where...
are the A list actors.
When you need them…
Ooops.. not on your reality show..
Not what they signed up for.

They are still in England waiting to have tea with the queen?..

Or just denying any involvement....
With the two of them..


No A list couches to surf…

Only helping to hawk mansions that haven't sold..

These two really are a a pair of Pillocks.
The divorce plans are imminent..
How will it go?

Harry will survive.
Back to tea with the Queen...
His Granny...

On the same fast trajectory down.
Think Tara Reid & Lindsay Lohan.

 Stay tuned...
I'll be right back on this one...


Chick'sOpinion said…
So like most couples who are about to divorce.

They cleatly must not be living together anymore.

And are faking it.

For the moment.
Anonymous said…

Gosh, gosh, gosh - & here’s me thinking H&M we’re getting on romantically when I watched her making big brown soppy eyes at H & Into camera in the Archie 1st birthday video.

Lady Colin Campbell’s book on H&M out in a months time.

I don’t think anyone could have shared the fact that Lady Diana was is unhappy that H&M got close & personal on their very first date than CD. That did open my eyes to MM’s wily ways. I’m interested to find out if Lady CC uncovers this from her own sources,

Goodness knows how British people overall will respond on mainstream airing of divorce papers being served. I feel Brits are overall very compassionate, MSM may be a different matter.

Thanks CD, sad but probably inevitable news.
LH, London
Chocmint33 said…
This is an interesting synchronicity - last night my phone was on YouTube and a Joseph Maggi tarot reading automatically popped up. I haven't heard his stuff for ages.

Anyways, he was going on about the Royal family not sending Harry and Meg a happy 2nd anniversary wedding greeting. Then he said it's because they are about to announce a separation and soon-to-be divorce. Here's the link

I didn't think it was going to happen so soon. Then I wondered if psychics like CD are going to make a similar prediction. So here we are.

I love how you called them Pillocks CD. It brought back memories of Steptoe & Son. I remember Harold and the old man used to call each other that. Funny show. Poms are definitely the best at comedy.

I have a question CD - Did Meghan deliberately make herself fat during her so-called pregnancy to make it look real?

You see what makes me doubt the surrogacy is Meghan did look very bloated in the face when Archie was born. If she did make herself look fat by gorging on food it explains a lot.

Also CD if there was a surrogacy, will it be publicly exposed? Thanks. :)
T. W. said…

So that’s why Tyler Perry is allowing them to stay rent free! He can’t sell his palace. He can put it back on the market & advertise the fact that real life royalty lived in the home.

Man, this is better than The Trump Show.

Thank you Christian!

Will they find the items MeghaTron stole from the royals?
T. W. said…
Christian, is it true Harry is in Nottingham Cottage?

Where is the real Baby Archie?
T. W. said…
You can take prednisone pills (corticosteroids) and gain water weight to look pregnant. It makes you hungry & gain fat too. Unless you’re like me, then you lose weight on it.

It’s been proven MeghaTron wore Moon Bumps. She’s had worse malfunctions than Bee Yawn Say. I will give links in the next post.

Mr E did a video about how transgender elites have children. He had screenshots from the official Moon Bump website, proving they claim members of royalty use their products.

Ewe T00b booted Mr E but a man named Ed H archived some of the videos on Bitchute & Ewe T00b.

Mr E has a new channel as well - Slave New World.

I’ve said countless times MeghaTron is a biological male.

CDAN has said for years that MeghaTron’s clients, uh, ex-boyfriends report she told them she can’t get pregnant.

Blind Gossip said a surrogate was definitely used.

Blind Gossip claims Harry’s sperm was not used because of an unfortunate accident to the nuts. I did some digging. Some people claim he was getting teased about a bracelet MeghaTron gave him. So being stoopid, he tied it around his nut sack & unintentionally fell asleep that way. I do not know if this is true. But if it is true it would explain how MeghaTron talked him into Devil’s Triangle threesomes. That’s men, 1 girl. Ask David Bowie & Mick Jagger about it...

Joseph Magi claims MeghaTron talked Harry into “exploring” his sexuality. The explorations were recorded & are being used as blackmail.

Joseph Magi claims Harry has some kind of deformity that prevents him from impregnating women. Mind you, he said this months before the Blind Gossip blind item.

Blind Gossip claims Prince Andrew’s sperm & MeghaTron’s egg were used to create a child. This is not possible if MeghaTron is a biological male.

Tarot by Andie claims MeghaTron is a biological male.

Joseph Magi claim MeghaTron is a biological male.

Stay tuned for links...
T. W. said…

1) The Infamous Moon Bump Client List Video (Well, one of the videos. Scroll to the 3:25 mark if you are impatient.)

Beyonce's Glorious Baby Bump, Bumps Us Again! By MrE

2) The Internet is convinced Meghan Markle is not 8 months pregnant (Look at the shoes!!!)

3) Tarot by Andie Moon Bump

4) Pics of MeghaTron Brow Ridge Augmentation - Before & After

5) MeghaTron catching his/her falling Moon Bump

6) Prince Harry Rushing MeghaTron into Car Due to Moon Bump Malfunction

7) Slave New World Channel

8) Ed H Channel - contains old Mr E videos

9) Ed H on Bitchute
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very good question.

Did Meghan Markle deliberately make herself look fat after Archie was so called, 'born'.

But I think she got it round the wrong way a way. With the whole post baby thing

Because she accumulated no visible extra fat or the usual fluid build up that women get while they are pregnant. Anywhere.

Then suddenly she appeared with what I feel were fillers in her face. To make her face look bloated.
When she and Harry finally presented baby Archie to the world. At the Palace.

Maybe CD... can clarify how Meghan managed to present a slightly bloated face. Long after that baby was born. Easy say 2 weeks after he was claimed to be born by her.

Also, Katherine McPhee, friend of Meghan's and the younger woman who Christian has already predicted is an 18 Carat Gold digger, married to old David Forster.

Has made a giant blunder that will infuriate Meghan.
David Forster as you know guys, was married to Yalonda previously.

Anyway well Katherine McPhee his younger wife, the gold digger, went to school with Meghan Markle. And is as I said, friends with her.

But made a giant error the other day.

And inadvertently revealed that Meghan is actually 42.
Not in her late 30's as she claims.

Because Katherine McPhee accidentally mentioned....'no Meghan was in High school by then'.

Giant reveal.
Because according to Katherine's estimation of her schooling time with Meghan.
It places Katherine McPhee, the gold digger, far younger than Meghan.

Funny how they are both shameless gold diggers.
And very good friends.

They say great minds think alike.
But clearly...they need to think more carefully about how old they are.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I have never believed Meghan wasn't in her 40's.

Because I was felt she looked too old to be in her mid to late 30's.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm gonna spend a morning on Bitchute.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Steptoe And Son was an old excellent show. Agree.

Their accents was the funniest thing about it for me.

Apparently that area of London accent isn't as strong as it used to be.
Nowhere near as extreme.
Maybe it's because people in London mix far more with other areas these days.

Anyone who's studied linguistics could tell us why the East London accent has faded somewhat.
Chocmint33 said…
TW - thanks for the link for the switcheroo blind item.

The item really sums it up perfectly. What's your opinion - do you think she changed her mind after they married or was it her plan all along?

I think she was blinded by the fantasy of marrying a prince and didn't look at the cold hard realities of if. Once she married and the blinkers came off, she didn't want to be part of the restrictions of royal life.

In order to trap him into marriage of course she agreed to go to Africa and do all the things he wanted to do even though she didn't really want to do them. Her goal at that time was to hook him and she told him everything he wanted to hear in order to achieve it.

Here is the link to it again for anyone who wants to read it. Very interesting.

Quiet said…
i figured she is staying in empty houses that cant be sold. First Vancouver Nov to March, then Mel Gibson's house was mentioned to buy, and finally settles in Tyler's empty house probably rent free.

Rachel the Real Estate promoter.

I am surprised she hasn't hosted an open house for Tyler's house for sale yet? probably scared some potential buyer would see there is no baby room or no hint of Archie on premises considering she has not put a baby gate around Tyler's pool, only a cheap removable screen fence so local hikers cant see in backyard where there is no baby gate around the pool.
T. W. said…
You all are always welcome!
T. W. said…
Quiet made some good points.
Anonymous said…
QUIET, don't forget that Meghan and Harry were planning to have a one-year birthday celebration at the Sussex compound. It was cancelled due to the Coronavirus.

Meghan was planning to invite the "neighborhood" and other celebrities.

Of course we all know this was just another PR stunt to get attention and manipulate, and had nothing to do with little Archekins.

Yesterday on the news, they talked about how Harry is obtaining a California driver's license, Healthcare, and God forbid, a bank account.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Rachel the Real Estate promoter.

That's funny.

Now you have mentioned it. Meghan could spend years living in mansions they are having trouble selling.

Advertsing them. For the owners...

Claiming 'Meghan lived here'

Geez. Harry must think Meghan is a littl genius. With the financial survival and living ideas she comes up with.

But it would be easy for him to be impressed by her street smarts.

Cause he's never needed any.

And has none.

And her can't cope anyway with basic decisions. Cause he's ready for the nut house.

And as she's a former part time hooker.

Her resume would be rather impressive. On how to cut deals.

She is proving quite a hustler.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous

Good point.

She didn't manage to make money and PR off Archie's birthday.

Love how TW calls him Archiekins.

So cute.

No ....Harry would hate his child's birthday being monetized. Paraded in front of the world.

But then again...cocaine ain't free.

And livin in L.A is costly.

So the money's gotta come from somewhere.

From what Christian is saying before in posts....

It seems Californication doesn't appeal to Harry one bit.

Due to that insight. I expect to see Harry back in the UK sooner than later.

He probably hates the beer in L.A too.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah Chick's Opinion the accents have probably changed because the East End of London has more immigrants since the show was made in the 70s. Plus I assume it would be more trendy now bringing in the arty types.

The name of their fictional street Oil Drum Lane was hilarious. As poor as they were, there was a since of community around their junk yard despite the fights between Harold and the old man.

Love the Pommie comedies from that era. George and Mildred, The Liver Birds and Some Mothers Do Have Them. Remember Love Thy Neighbour? That is so un-PC now? It could never be made these days.
T. W. said…
I can’t take any credit.

CAP Anonymous called the baby “Archiekins.”
Anonymous said…

I know both Quiet and TW had said for the longest time that there's no way that baby came out of Meghan's body.

Chick's Opinion post is also giving us lots to think about.

I was looking at some "old" People and Hello magazines just the other day that had a gazillion photos of Harry and Meghan, and of Meghan being pregnant.

Her makeupu artist changed her makeup during her "pregnancy." Gave her more of a "glow." It's a fake glow.

As Chick's Opinion stated, Meghan did gain weight AFTER the birth and definitely got that backwards. It makes so much sense what Chick's O is saying.

After the birth, she oddly gained a lot of weight -- all over. Who gains weight in the last few weeks or month of pregnancy? I don't know anyone.

The photos in these top magazines show Meghan never gaining an ounce in her face and body, only her stomach are changed. Her breasts did not seem to grow, her ankles did not swell and certainly never stopped her from wearing 3 to 4 inch Aquazzura heels.

She was often photographed with her hands cupping her belly. She was criticized for this. Some of the photos of her pregnant belly did look odd. It's not a typical pregnant belly -- the shape is too perfect, or should I say imperfect? Flat but rounded.

Christian, could you please tell us if in fact, Madame Markle, was pregnant or was she faking it her whole term? And if she wasn't faking her pregnancy, why did she become so heavy after Archikins was born?

It's just so bizarre. Princess Kate, thin as she is, always gained weight during her pregnancies and also had a healthy, natural glow. No makeup required.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Cap Anonymous

Oops. Yes. So cute.

I'm gonna call him Archiekins now. Every time I think of him.

It's like Bunnykins.

Apparently the Spanish add a part word, onto things. Too... Like Kins.

To make things cuter.
But I don't know what it is.

Well. Let's hope Harry doesn't go full nuts.

Because he really needs to be sane and capable.
To stop Meghan continously trying to make money from Archie.
From pics of him.
Clothes he wears
Food he eats.
Prams he rides in.

You name it. Meghan will flog it. For a fee.

Thing soon as Prince William becomes King.
King William or as he is now, Prince William, will become the ultimate legal guardian of Archie.
Just as CD pointed out the Queen is today.
So William, if he wants.... will be able to control Meghan's access to Archie.
And. Or....Stop her exploiting Archie for financial gain.

And we know, Meghan hasn't proved too popular with Prince William.
In fact, I think Prince William loathes and despises alot of people. Who get on his nerves.
Not just Meghan.

Prince William is not a person who can hide who he loathes in his expression. Or face.
He's an open book to me.

Anyway. I wonder if Meghan has learned yet. That her brother-in-law will quite soon have more control over Archie than her and Hooray Harry. In future.

She needs to wake up to that fact pretty fast.
It wouldn't surprise me if she knows now. And is tryin to make as much cash as she can.
Until William stops her.

CD How big of a part of the Royal family will Archie be in future?
Completely in?
Or excluded entirely?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And let's not forget the true intention and motivation of Meghan Markle.

Christian revealed a while ago that Meghan was a secret Scientologist. And that's why she moved her and Harry more closer to where the Scientologist Church (cult) is.


She has plans to get Harry to join the Scientologist Church (cult)

For his money.

Yes. She's a remarkable little congregationalist. Isn't she.

How nefarious this woman is astounds me.
When you look at the facts.
Not the PR bull shit she manipulates the media with.
Chocmint33 said…
Ooops 'sense of community', not 'since'. I hate typos!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Don't worry. I make 1000 typos a year here.

And I was good at English at school.

You wouldn't know it. I'm a trainwreck when I'm busy.

And you know, I actually nearly wet myself laughing once at home alone... watching an episode of that UK show, Some Mother's Do Ave Em.

It was just Frank Spencer's (Michael Crawford)
face. Expressions. Not just the problems he'd get himself into in that show.

You know, Michael Crawford based that character, Frank Spencer, on a real person.
Who used to pester him and his mum in the UK. When she and him went to clean the inside and outside area of an old cinema when he was kid.

He based the clothes on the guy too.
He said the 'Frank Spencer' man was quite mad. And asked them every week, 1000's of bizarre questions about the movies that were showing.

I love the fact that Frank Spencer lived!
In reality.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And Australia got to see alot of that UK show Love Thy Neighbor.

But the UK didn't.

Because UK people went berserk about it apparently And complained it was racist.

So it was swiftly removed off TV there after awhile.

I wonder if they did the same with that old English show, Mind Your Language.

That show was hilarious.

The British do comedy like no one else.
T. W. said…

The blind item about Prince Harry suffering permanent damage to the nuts & Prince Andrew being the biological father of Archie was revealed to be the Annual April’s Fool Blind Item. It was published one day early.

See this & other reveals here:

The Second Baby

Main Page
Chick'sOpinion said…

I've never thought about Prince Harry's nuts.

But I am now.

Perhaps they are seedless tangerines.
T. W. said…

Thank you for being a bright spot in my day!

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