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Ok I have said this before

As countries and States, begin to re open.
We already seeing the infection rates rise.
I know, the powers that be say.
"It's important to restart the economy"
Well, I do see their point.
But, if we do...
Then, people start dying on mass again.
Because the poor people.
Who do the work.
Will be dead.
Then where will "THEY".
Get their ever increasing wealth from


Serendipity said…
The world reopens this summer?
See you in September or October. Heck, maybe November
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Very well stated, CD! Could not agree more.
T. W. said…

I read Florida already has thousands of new corona cases appear after they ended their lockdown.

The lockdown in North Carolina was partially lifted last Friday or Saturday. Governor Roy Cooper said they trusted people would wear masks & practice social distancing and good hygiene. The man has a law degree but he doesn’t understand human nature. If people weren’t doing these things during the lockdown then why would they start now?

I went out of town with relatives for good reason Saturday. I had a medical appointment today. As you remember, I complained about people not wearing masks, coughing, sneezing, touching things, & standing close to me during our state’s lockdown. Guess what. It was worse after the lockdown was partially lifted!

Friends, please get your supplies while you can. Toilet paper is available online but you must act fast. Food, medicine, hygiene products, and emergency supplies need to be purchased. Mark my words. The Virus Crisis will come back.
T. W. said…
Still think THEY don’t exist?

1) Tom Hanks Gives NWO Speech to Wright Univ Grads from Prison lol

[His speech is jibberish unless you are “in the know” and can decipher]

2) “Illuminati” by Lil Pump: Yeah, This Is What the Music Industry Has Sunken To

In “Illuminati” Lil Pump and Anuel AA brag about cars and girls as they’re being initiated into the Illuminati. We’ll look at the occult and satanic symbolism in this incredibly blatant video.

[If you aren’t one of THEM or “in the know” then this article gives you a crash course as the author discusses the video & lyrics.]
Kristy said…
This has been my exact thoughts the whole time as ignorant people keep pushing to open up prematurely. Such a shame.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. New Zealand are opening their cafes, cinemas etc this week. They have had a low rate of infection.
Because like Australia, they closed their borders very early.
And took extreme isolation measures early.
But is it safe for New Zealand? To return to normal life.
clearly no.

And another reason....why New Zealand need to be wary.
Australia and New Zealand are now coming into winter.
So people will gather in warmed enclosed environments.
Places viruses love.

Australian media media announced yesty this...

'Four weeks till a drink'

It referred to the fact that Pubs in some Australian States will be opening in 4 weeks.

More warm enclosed spaces.

Well for some, it will define the expression, dying for a drink.
T. W. said…
They’ll get government bailouts while The Masses get calls & letters from creditors.

The Beckhams accused of swindling British taxpayers with luxe Miami pad

Posh And Becks Accused Of Deceiving British Taxpayers With Their Purchase Of A Miami Penthouse
T. W. said…
... In L.A., Miami
T. W. said…
More sad news:

T. W. said…
In today’s 2 part episode of “What is Wrong With People?”

PART 1 - America

... With Push-Ups & Squats Outside Courthouse!!

Part 2 - China

Reminder After Viral Video
Johanna said…
My recent thoughts about this experience..."As I have shared on other sites, I am hopeful that this will be the end of the pervasive apathy that had taken hold of so many in recent years. I do believe that folks have been compelled to give thought to what really matters in life and that the era of excessive consumption, preoccupation with image and status will be recognized for their finite value. I sincerely hope empty, vacuous lifestyles will lose their allure and this will usher in a renewed era of kindness, caring and deep connection - out of the ashes the phoenix will rise."

Thanks for all that you do for us, CD...and may we have another video of your darling mother. Does she live here now. She's sheer fun!

~ Johanna ~
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm hoping for this kind of change to happen too

Or will people just go back to the way they were. Focussing on mass consumerism.
And all that crap.
About materialism.

Well some will go instantly back to it.
Cause they don't know how to be any other way .
And they believe their lives are not only better for them that way.
They think that others admire them.
And that's meaningful.
Well alot of us, who are spiritually aware don't admire them.
Actually we feel sorry for them.

The thing is for me...How many of these celebrities want to live in tune with nature. Connected?

Very few of them.

I remember reading about an old hollywood A Lister Robert Redford. Who refused very early, to live in Hollywood. Or any glamourous suburb, in a mansion.

He chose to live in the mountains. Connected to nature. And be involved in environmentalism. When not making movies.

I believe he and his wife and kids lived in Sundance, Utah. In semi-wilderness.
That he bought eventually, the canyon around him. To save it from development. And he actually built his first house there, himself.
Learned construction.
I think he made it all pay for itself by running it as a rustic ski resort for a while.

And then started the Sundance Film Festival there annually.
But that's the thing. Robert Redford has integrity.
Something so many of these celebrities just don't appear to have.

Leonardo DiCaprio is going down a similar path to Robert Redford. DiCaprio is no saint I admit.
But he's better than most.
He donates a huge part of his wealth to his foundation. That negotiates U.N climate change issues, protects reefs and corals. And tigers.
He also pays to spread public awareness about climate change.
He's had a bit of educaton on Climate Science. And has studied the oceans...since about the 1990's.
And like Actor, Mark Ruffalo, he's quite the Climate campaigner.
And is very serious about it.

How many of these celebrities care about the environment or poverty to this degree.
Not many
All Ellen Degeneres cares about, is what house she is buying next. To renovate and flip.
Katy Perry bought Russell brand a $200,000 ticket to space. Yes space.
So did Ashton Kutcher.

Paris Hilton spent $325,000 on a villa for her dogs.
Kelly Rowland bought Beyonce's daughter, Blue Ivy, a $5,200 Swarovski-crystal studded big baby bath tub.

I mean these people just live pointless, aimless meaningless lives.

Will the Pandemic change them?
Well I think the change will be more how the public view them.
And their lives... and ability to spend spend spend.
The fact is...Their financial success depends entirely on how much appeal they have for us.

It's not enough to be a Hollywood star these days. That's over.
No one watches the Oscars anymore. Or the Golden Globes. Because people are thinking. 'OK you got an award because you're good at pretending to be someone else'.
'Is that saving the planet, mankind?'
Sana said…
People are still quarantining in Sweden. Even though the weather is fine and all, people still stick to the restriction for the safety of everyone's health. Some restaurants even got shut down because they failed to live up to the requirements for public health. I'm home chillin', just relieved that I'm able to avoid those madly expensive subway cards.

And as for the people who are worried about the economy - understandable, but it's not worth the millions of lives/health that will be lost. And the billionaires that worry more for their wealth - if it's diminishing - then rightly so. To hell with all of them; Gates, Bezos and all those worshipping the devil for the sake of money. Their time is nearing

Hope you're all ok Love Sana xoxoxo
Cordelia said…
Profit before people.
T. W. said…
@Serendipity - I think 2020 got cancelled. We might want to hide out until next summer.

@Cordelia - That is the American way!

@Johanna - Amen!

@Chick’sOpinion - DiCaprio gives money to the UN out of guilt. He might be getting a tax break too. He flies around in environmentally unfriendly private jets, just like that hypocrite Al Gore. He sails around in environmentally unfriendly yachts. In other words he’s playing a shell game: “Don’t pay attention to my actions, look at all the money I donate to worthy causes!”

@Sanaa/Musaka - Amen!
T. W. said…
New York State Coronavirus Update: Governor Andrew Cuomo Says State Will Begin Reopening On Friday, Including Drive-Ins
T. W. said…
‘It looked like the Fourth of July’: Florida beach reopens for a day


Naples councilman Gary Price pushed for the shutdown after a friend texted him a photo of sunbathers packing the beach on Saturday amid the coronavirus crisis, WFLA reported.

“It was just packed,” Price told the station after driving over to take a look for himself. “I mean, there were clearly way too many people for the area.”

Naples city manager Charles Chapman issued an emergency order, closing the beaches from 12:01 a.m. Sunday until further notice.
T. W. said…
Anti-lockdown protesters carry weapons into North Carolina sandwich shop
The demonstration took place during the first full day of a phased-in reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic.


One photo shows a protester carrying what appears to be an AT4 rocket launcher and two pistols in holsters on his waist. Another shows a protester holding a large weapon over his shoulder as he appears to take a selfie. Two of the demonstrators who appear in the photos are wearing masks.

Photos of armed demonstrators at North Carolina Subway draw national attention


Another person, who is wearing a scarf face covering, carries a pump-action shotgun. In another photo, a man is sitting with a shotgun propped on a Subway bench while he has a sandwich in his hand. He is wearing a face covering.

And a fourth photo shows a man taking a selfie outside the shop while holding a .50-caliber wooden prop machine gun.

Read more here:

See more pics here:
Chick'sOpinion said…
To end lockdown or not. How and when. Seems a big issue in the U.S.

It's not in Australia. Not really.
Yes there is debate. But it isn't a big deal.

Australians are just going with the flow. And accepting it.
And it's easy for Australians in more regional areas. To just go out and do things and not be noticed I guess.
We have a big country.
And a much lower population than other countries.
And most Australians have a big yard to do things in. Gardens to care for.

You only have to watch on Tik Tok the crazy things Australians are doing in their back yards, properties.

I am sick of lockdown though generally.
But I was never a person to go to the pubs. And Clubs that Australians eat out at, gamble in. And see shows at.

I only go if my stepfather wants to go.
But it's not possible cause Clubs in Australia are currently closed.

What I miss is going to the movies.
My car is getting a new Gear box next week and I have to travel to a bigger town to get it fixed. All day.

What the hell am I going to do all day while it gets fitted.... in that town? With everything closed?
Normally I'd go to the cinema.

No. Most people in Australia are not that concerned with lockdown ending. They are more concerned about things like the Job Keeper payment eligibility for businesses. $1500 au per fortnight for each employee. Earning $700 au per week usually.

The business has to be down in revenue by 30% though I heard.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - we wise Australians have gone with the flow. But I think the shopping centres need to be controlled a bit more. The amount of people that turned up at the major Westfield shopping centres on the weekend was huge and there wasn't much social distancing from what I saw on television.

The one good thing about online shopping is you don't have to go to those places.

About the Cinemas being closed - I was thinking if only there were still Drive-Ins - that would have been excellent for social distancing as you just stay in your car. Bring back the Drive-Ins!

We had a great Drive-In in our area - but it was closed down in the 1980s when those big shopping centre people bought the land and built a big shopping centre.

I assume most of the Drive-Ins in Australia had a similar fate. The shopping centre big shots went on a land-banking spree to buy as much land as possible to keep their competitors away from the areas where they wanted to dominate with their mega Shopping outlets.

I guess the Drive-In owners couldn't resist the millions they were offered by these shopping giants.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Erm mer gerd. You completely reminded me about Drive-ins. And the fact there is one 20 mins drive from my place.

And it's still going.
How did I forget about it? I have to drive past it's entrance regularly to go to work.
After I read your post. I rang hopes I could go see some latest movies there.
But unfortunately they had a recorded message.

'This Drive-In is currently closed until further notice due to covid 19.'

How disppointinng. As soon as I read your post. I envisioned myself going there Friday night in my car, I call the Silver Chariot.

The funny thing is. I used to go to that country Drive-In as an adolescent kid. With my aunt and uncle and their kids. In their station wagon car.
I had to sit through movies my aunt and uncle loved. While my young cousins slept under blankets at the back of the car.
That's how I saw alot of the iconic movies of the 1970's too.
Back them they didn't bother checking the ages of kids. They didn't care.
Cause so many parents then, dressed their kids in pyjamas. And they all went to the Drive-In at night, when it suited them.
And you could buy take-away food there.
Crap. That I loved.

I'd say it was the same in the U.S.

And also, agree...developers got their hands on the land of the Drive-Ins.
One I remember too.... is now a suburb.

Well Westfield Shopping Malls as a corporation have built up alot of Karma. Bad Karma.

You know alot of the Top Brass of the Westfield Corporation died in the World Trade Tower ...9/11 too.

Anyway Westfield brought a new kind of shopping experience to Australia, the world.

Did we need it? Not really.

And unfortunately they decimated the local shops and business trade in every town/city they built a mall in.

But unfortunately for Westfield, I think the era of Shopping Malls is almost over. Or any other shopping mall. Because through this Pandemic, online shopping has increased in a big way.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - it's amazing the Drive-In being closed for COVID 19 reasons. Of all places they would be the safest with social distancing. They probably thought that people would crowd in cars or something. Silly - all they needed were rules for the amount of people in cars. A lost opportunity for the movie business.

Yeah the Drive-Ins from the 70s bring back memories. The Panel Vans had work-outs at those places, especially the back.

As a kid in those days, my teenage sister took me to the Drive-In where she met up with a friend who happened to go in a Panel Van.

Innocent me who knew nothing about what goes on in the back, was told by my sister not to turn my head around. Of course I couldn't understand as I thought the noise in the back was just two teenagers playing games. No wonder they were called passion vans!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Who could forget the Australian Panel Van cars that all the young guys owned?

Wow what an era.

And how they had the sides of them professionally painted. It was full out art.

With their surfboards in the back. Removed at night. For going out.

And their girlfriends were often pretty.

And where I lived the girls used to dress in 70's hippy chic.

And have shell jewelery.

Back then they kinda dressed in Hot Tuna beach wear. And 'Stevie Nicks' hippy stuff style.

Your sister probably dressed like that.

And everyone knew that if they went with their bf to the Drive wasn't to watch the movie.

Not really.

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