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Sunday Psalm....


Chick'sOpinion said…
I have learned that Royal Albert Hall in London faces closing.
It's due to new seating arrangements coming.

And specifically, the new seating arrangments that are definately coming because of Covid 19. They mean alot of busineses will not be able to pack in customers anymore.

Seated right next to each other. As they used to.

Is this the end of them packing us in like sardines?

I hope so.

Especially in the commercial airlines.

There isn't anything more unacceptable in my view. Than a long haul flight.

Where strangers are so close to you for 21 hours. Their elbows keep bumping you.
And. They have to climb over you to get in the aisle to visit the toilet.

Commercial airlines have been permitted to pack us in so unacceptably close like that since the beginning of travel aviation.

And. Had permission and support of governments, to charge us tickets.... that virtually loot our bank accounts. To get a seat in business class. Where there is far more acceptable levels of room for us, our bodies and feet.

This change had to come. To the airline industry.

It's a change the airline industry would not have given us willingly. Because they don't care
It's been forced on them.

And notice, the airlines have suffered hugely through this Pandemic crisis.

Is this their Karma? For doing this to customers for decades.

Looks like it to me.

And just as an example of unacceptable.
Australia to Europe is a 21 hour flight.
Some people, who can afford it. Break the flight into 2.

And after 10 hours. They get off, when the plane refuels at Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok or Dubai. Sleep there overnight.
And pick up the final 11 hours, on another flight to Europe.

They do this. Because it's so unhealthy to be crammed in amongst people for 21 hours.
And the inability to sleep sitting up like that makes you crazy too.

I'll be sad if Royal Albert Hall closes. It's an Italianate Historical treasure of a building in Kensington in London.
Opened by Queen Victoria in 1871.

But seating needs to change.


Not everyone will agree with it.
I agree with it.
For transport.

Anonymous said…
Funny how we all have the same dream. :)
Love your blog CD. All the best to you. rch
T. W. said…
Racist films himself wearing SWASTIKA mask at grocery store in 'protest over lockdown' just days after man wore a KKK hood to shop in same California town
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous rch

My dream is that Kentucky Senator, Mitch McConnell and his Chinese spy wife, Elaine Chao get jailed.

Elaine Chao came to the U.S as a migrant in 1961. The thing is, if she now holds American citizenship and an American passport. Which I think she does. Can the U.S cancel it.
If she is proved to be a spy for China?

Or if she's proved the embezzler of U.S government funding that she is.
She's been taking bribes in her position of U.S Minister for Transportation.
And giving government contracts to those who give her money.
Big money.
That's what she's been doing. And Mitch McConnell is fully involved in it.

Yes. Elaine Chao has been very busy.

In Australia, we can ....and do, cancel the passports of these kinds of migrants.
At any age.
Also, we cancel their Australian Citizenship. And deport them.

So my dream is seeing Elaine Chao being rowed away from the U.S. To China, or Tiawan (a Chinese Territory) In one of those Chinese Dragon Boats.

She originates from Tiawan. But she's a slave to the Chinese Communist goverment. And her Chinese born Billionaire father.

The other one I dream of. Is seeing Bill Barr jailed.

In all my years, I've never seen or heard of a more more corrupt government high ranking lawyer, in all my life.

What that lawyer, Cohen did pales into insignificance compared to this deviant and totally without morals, Bill Barr.

And yet, Cohen is the one in jail.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Why isn't merchandise or objects bearing the emblem of a nazi swastika illegal in the U.S ?

It's illegal in the EU.

Has been pretty much since the end of WW2.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Bill Barr. You are gonna burn in the fires of hell. At Gas Mark 7.

For American Hell. That would be 450 F.
Anonymous said…
So true, Chick's Opinion, flying was so expensive nowdays, we are packed like sardines on commercial flights, unless of course you travel First Class. I personally hate flying, but I do like the fact that you can get on a flying bus and reach your destination in a few hours or with a day.

Perhaps Coronavirus is not just karma for the airlines industry, but perhaps for us all in some way.

We've taken advantage of Mother Nature and the earth, and each other for far too long.

All the seating in airplanes, concert halls (like the Royal Albert), auditoriums, arenas, and other venues will have to change their seating.

And you all know who will pay for that, we will.

If anyone thought the cost of flights, concerts, theatre, plays, and so forth were expensive before the Coronavirus, just wait until next year. Everybody will be charging an arm and a leg to make up for their losses but also for all the added expense of having to make changes in order to be back in business and to satisfy all new laws and regulations.

Schools? They too will probably have to reduce the number of students in each classroom. That's why I think online classes are here to stay. I think EVERYTHING is going to change.

One more thing about the airline industry: What they do is they would research everywhere and anywhere to find out specific dates of concerts, shows, events, openings, you name it. And then they would RAISE THE PRICES of flights surrounding those times and dates. Annoying, isnt' it?


Sometimes, I wish we could all go back to living like the Waltons, you know that old tv drama based on a true story. Simpler times, rural living, people were different. You didn't need much, and everyone seemed to get by without cell phones, LOL.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
U.S. Code § 2381.Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

SOURCE - Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute
T. W. said…
I assume swastikas are not banned because we have freedom OF speech and expression here.

We do not have freedom FROM speech and expression here. That's why laws against hate speech are problematic.

Also, swastikas existed before Germany/Bavaria existed.

A swastika is a cross, plain and simple.

You will see swastikas in Tibet. You will see swastikas in America if you visit Hopi Indian territory.

Symbols mean what you want them to mean, which is why the occult elite/THEY love them.

To quote Vigilant Citizen "Symbols rule the world."
T. W. said…
This might be a repeat comment, I think I closed out before the comment was sent.

Swastikas are not banned because:

1) We have freedom OF speech in America, not freedom FROM speech. There are laws against hate speech but good luck enforcing them.

2) Swastikas have been used for thousands of years. They existed before Hitler did.

3) Swastikas are sacred symbols in Tibet, Nepal, & Hopi Tribal land (America) because the swastika is a cross. Imagine banning a cross...

4) Symbols mean what you want them to mean. That is why the occult elite use them. THEY take pre-existing symbols and twist them for THEIR own purposes. The masses see it and think nothing of it. A member of the occult elite or one of their victims sees the symbol then they know the hidden meaning.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Very good point.
Is the devastation on the Airlines the result of Mother nature. Setting the balance.
For all the aviation fuel spread in the air.
By planes? Continuously for decades.

I wouldn't be surprised.

And it's interesting you that said 'sometimes I wish we could all return to The Waltons era'. An era of just farming and the simple life again.

I feel the same way.
And have done so for a very long time.
It's why I moved to the country a while back. Moving to the country was an eye opener for me in many ways.

But as I have mentioned on this blog before.
Americans are moving to agriculture based coopertive types of living in 1000's.
It's a recent growing trend.

There are some arguments as to why intentional communities are growing rapidly in the U.S.

And it's worth a look on the net. To see how and why they are doing it.

We're getting ourselves back to the garden.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I didn't know the airlines researched concert dates. To fix flight prices.

How ruthless is that?
Chick'sOpinion said…

So the U.S Code on Treason may be appropriate for Elaine Chao.

And get her a prison term. And a fine.
Well let's hope the new U.S goverment can find where that thieving little Germ, Elaine Chao is hiding her bribery money.

They should start looking in Switzerland or China.

As for the banning on Swastikas. Although it is currently not banned in Australia. There are current moves by our government to create a National ban on it.
Everywhere. In everything.
The Australian Jewish community are leading the crusade for this right now.

I feel disappointed that they have to do this.
Because it should have been banned immediately after WW2.
And I was under the impression it was already banned. Surprised it isn't. But I guess when the few fringe loony neo fascists in Australia ever demonstate. You never see a Swastika flag. They go for the Southern Cross flag.
But that's another story.

But I get a sense Australia didn't feel the need to banned the Swastika back in the WW2 era.
Because directly after WW2. Showing, using or creating that flag, anywhere in Australia would have been unthinkable.
People were feircely patriotic back then.
People just wouldn't have done that back then.
It was bad enough if you were German.

A fair number of Germans immigrated to Australia after WW2. And they were subjected to alot of abuse. By Australians.
Thankfully that stopped.

Interestingly, Canada has no legislation restricting the Swastika flag.
But they do have a section of a Criminal Code that allows them to intervene if the flag is used to communicate hatred.

Countries that have banned the Nazi Swastika flag etc....

The Czech Republic haven't. But they have a Criminal Code that bans any movements which restrict human rights. Nazism and Communism are 2 of these movements.

Cyprus. Yes kind of Banned. But they are more part of the U.N convention that prosecutes anyone who waves a flag, or idea in public which insults another person's race.

Estonia. The Nazi Swastika is banned there.

Finland. Not specifically banned but they have a section in their War Crimes Criminal Codes that controls it.

France. Highly illegal in France. In fact not only is it illegal to display the Swastika. Like in the UK.... its illegal even to own, use or display Nazi Uniforms or insignias. Unless a film for entertainment purposes is being made.

Germany. Banned in every way.

Hungary. Banned under their Use of Symbols of Prohibition Criminal Code. That includes the insignia of the SS too. And the five pointed star.

Latvia. Banned

Lithuania. Banned

Poland Banned

Russia.Banned. if breached. There's a fine of 100,000 Roubles

Ukraine. Banned. And punishable by imprisonment.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - They fly the Dixie Darling Flag in Australia?

Well, the good thing about not banning swastikas & such is that we can easily identify the bigots. You can’t go onto federal property displaying swastikas, Dixie Darlings, upside down crosses, etc. This does not impede people’s free speech rights. People are still free to display these things inside their homes & on their private property. But if your car has a swastika bumper sticker you can’t drive onto federal property with it displayed. Federal parks might be an exception. I’m not sure.
T. W. said…
Prince Harry ought to stay out of France. We all know he likes to dress as a Nazi officer. I don’t know why he married a woman with African & Jewish ancestry. Hitler has concentration camps in Africa & those people went through worse torture than the Jews.

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