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TOLD YA.. He's a monster...

Can't wait...

Famous for something.
Reality star, Jeff Lewis.
Who looks like a child molester.
Is running out of his long overdue.
15 minutes of 'FAME".


T. W. said…
Jeff Lewis does look nasty. Yuck. I can feel that perverted energy.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I used to watch his show. He’s a total control freak.

And when I learned he was about to become a parent. I thought well this could go one way or another.

Because control freaks to his level. Make very bad parents.

Abusive ones.

He can be really funny.

But I do think he’s nuts.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I’d really love it if his staff from his show... finally told the real story.
Of working in his house or for his decorating company.

We saw a lot of it on the show. The nastiness.
And I have to admit. He is funny.

In a peculiar way.

The bit that shocked me though was. How nobody was allowed to do a poo in his house.
They had to leave his house. To do a poo.
Even his P.A who worked there.
Was not allowed to use his toilet for that.
She could urinate.
But not the other.

I’m not kidding guys.
This is what level control freak he is.

I get that he’s a clean freak.
But that is ridiculous.
And insulting to people.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Machine Gun Kelly is a rapper and actor.

I don’t think Jeff Lewis is in a relationship with him.
They are just neighbours.

But the reality is , I think, this guy, Jeff Lewis, just can’t get along with anyone.

Not even neighbours.

I wondered when I watched his show years ago. If there was actually an explanation for his odd self involved behaviour.
Selfishness and Inflexibility. And continuous problems he has with other people.

I wondered if he is in fact Autistic.

If not, he’s just an arsehole.
Anonymous said…
Even his eyes are "crooked."

I don't know this guy, I've never seen his shows.

I haven't even seen La La Land. Didn't the lead actress win an Oscar?

They hand those things out like Halloween candy. 😏

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
RE: Harry and Meghan

Ok dahlinks, about their book. The biography, "Finding Freedom."

It's being released in August, apparently.

They will probably make millions. Enough to keep Meghan happy in Manolo Blahnik and Chanel.

More later as it comes available.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. La La Land won alot of awards.

Why, is the serious question.

Perhaps that year there wasn't much talent in movies.

So out of a bunch of not very good movies.

It was the only one that warrented awards.
T. W. said…
89th Academy Awards
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - a lot of good films & talent that year. The nomination processed is rigged. However there have been a few cases where all the films eligible for nomination were absolute trash. I just did post a link to the 89th Academy Awards.
T. W. said…
New tell-all Harry and Meghan biography Finding Freedom promises 'unknown details' of couple's time together
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, yeah, that could be the case (not much talent in movies that year).

Ryan did not win an Oscar for La La. It reminded me of Reese and Phoenix. Reese won, but not Phoenix. And he should have.

But he got his due with "The Joker." He was amazing in that role. And I loved how he honored his brother in his acceptance speech and celebrated with his "date," his proud Mom.


CAP Anonymous
writestuff said…
Will his daughter be all right?
Anonymous said…
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Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

And you made a good comparison the other day with Diana's situation and the Al-Fayed's...Dodi Al-Fayed. And Jackie Kennedy and her choice of Aristotle Onasiss.

Apparently Jackie Kennedy had big Legal problems with her Step daughter, Christina Onasiss, when old Aristotle Onasiss died. Problems ....Over his Will.

And then Christina Onasiss died young.

Strange how things work out.
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous - You can have them!
T. W. said…
Jackie & her sister we’re raised to be gold diggers. The sister was dating Onassis. I think they invited Jackie to vacation with them because she was depressed. Jackie put the moves on Onassis (to be fair there was mutual interest) & asked her sister to step aside because she deserved to be happy. The sister obliged.
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha TW! Big HUG to you!

Chick's Opinion, thank you. From what I have read, Jackie Kennedy married Onassis because he was rich and she could protect her and the children. After her husband's assassination, who could blame her?

Onassis married Jackie, also not for love.

What a pair.

Yes, the daughter hated Jackie. I can't say I don't blame her. Daughters have a way of sniffing people out when it comes to mates taking advantage of their parent(s).

But I still like Jackie Kennedy. I think she was an extraordinary woman.

Onassis, in many ways, was an extraordinary man.

Extraordinary people are always so dam interestingly flawed.

Aren't we all.

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous


Agree. Women, like Jackie Kennedy and her sister, in those days, from that upper social structure. Were raised to be Golddiggers.

It's so good. That most modern mothers today, raise their daughters to dig their own gold.

Yeah I admire Jackie Kennedy too.
Not just for what she went through. But because she had an interesting life before marrying JFK.
She worked as a journalist in Paris prior to that marriage to JFK.

Yeah even if I had a sister, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't allow her to take my bf. Because 'she deserved to be happy'
l'd tell her to get a prescription for anti depressants. And keep her mits off my man.

But anyway.
The story of Aristotle Onassis's daughter, Christina dying young. From drugs. Is another sad Onassis event. At least it was for the little girl she left behind. I think she's called Athina. The Greek word for Athens.

I feel Jackie Kennedy was probably a great support for Aristotle Onassis. Because far earlier, in 1973 his only son, Alexander, aged 24. Died in a Plane crash.
As Jackie had been through the horror of loss and fear for her own children's lives. And lost one of her and JFK's babies too.
I believe she really helped Aristotle through this tragedy of Aristotle's.
She certainly accompanied Aristotle to the hospital where Alexander died eventually. Neurosurgeons were flown in. But there was no hope.

But really... Aristotle Onassis never recovered properly from this loss of his only son...and died himself not long after I believe.

Alexander Onassis his son, was a new commercial airlines Pilot at the time and was instructing another Pilot.
When it went horribly wrong.
Aristotle Onassis was always against Alexander becoming a Pilot.
Anyway, the loss of Alexander, then Aristotle himself...left Christina (the sister) and Jackie Kennedy as you know. To inherit the Onassis fortune.

But it's today, that Athina, Aristotle Onassis's grandaughter is the only living heir.

I agree with you. Aristotle Onassis was an extraordinary man.
And larely self made. He created his shipping empire when really young. While his dad was in jail. In Turkey or somewhere.

And an interesting thing. Prince Ranier, husband of Grace Kelly. Hated Aristotle Onasiss.
And did not want him in Monaco. Ever.
And tried to have him booted out.
Cause as many may not know. You can't live in Monaco unless the current Prince of Monaco says you can.
Even today.
For a start, you need to have alot of provable wealth to be able to reside there. To get permission.

In any case...The conflict was over Aristotle Onassis attempting to turn Prince Ranier's Monaco into a Tax Haven, a Gambling centre and Yacht harbour.
For the global elite.
Prince Ranier was against it.
He'd just come to power. And felt he was being controlled by Onassis and his sister, Antoinette.

Personally I find the old Oligarchs interesting.
No doubt the ones of today. Will have interesting stories in future.
People will write books about them.
T. W. said…
Thank you CAP Anonymous, hug received!

Chick'sOpinion - Seems like you confirmed a blind item about Athina Onassis. As you know, Enty says all of his blinds are figments of his imagination that may or may not be based on true events. This is a cleverly worded disclaimer. Because you have to use your imagination to communicate, even when what you are saying is 100% true.

Back to the blind item. It claims Athina Onassis is ruthless and heartless. She uses the shipping routes to traffic drugs and humans. I've seen pictures of her and she does look evil to me.

I used the word "claim" because I don't think that blind item ever got revealed but she is the only person who fits the blind item.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Athina Onassis has very little to do with company she inherited. Because it's controlled by a group of directors.

They are arseholes. Because they even tried to claim in court that Athina wasn't entitled to inherit her grandfather's company. Despite her being the only Onassis left standing to do so.

They didn't succeed in that.
You see they were running it as like a Trust for a very long time. Because she was a minor when she inherited ownership of it.
As she was a little girl when her mother, Christina Onassis died of a drugs overdose.

So Athina was sent to live with her French father. His surnane was Roussel.
At age 18, the Directors of Aristotle's Onassis shipping company fully expected Athina to take over her role as President of what is called the Onassis Foundation. And another company.
But surprisingly she announced she didn't want to take over as President.

These evil directors of the Onassis company even tried to claim Athina was not qualified to run the company.

They are probaby up to no good I agree.

While she was alive, Athina's mother, Christina never trusted Athina's father. She strongly suspected he was just a gold digger.
So thank god, before she died unexpectedly she had set up a group of administrators to control and manage Athina's fortune until she came of age. This move stopped Athina's father getting at the money.
With it being approved first by the administrators.

I don't know if they are the same guys who tried to actually stop Athina inheriting the wealth. And controlling it though.

Athina mainly grew up in France with her French father. And hated all things Greek.
She has changed that attitude since. But she's far more interested in riding in competitive esquestrian events. Than managing her grandfather's company.

The Greeks are furious with her. Because she had no interest in Greek culture. Though has apparently since learned the language.
But I beleive she sold the Onassis owned island, Skorpios.
Which shocked the Greeks.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion! When I was a kid, Athina was called “Poor Little Rich Girl.” There was even a made for TV movie about her & the scandal with the business empire. I don’t recall all the set but everything you said rings true. I thank you for sharing this.

Man, what would we do with a private Greek island? Maybe build a bunker to hide in during pandemics & such. We know what Epstein did with his private island...

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